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7th IJCAI 1981: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Patrick J. Hayes:
Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI '81, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 24-28, 1981. William Kaufmann 1981 - David L. Waltz:
Toward a Detailed Model of Processing for Language Describing the Physical World. 1-6 - Douglas Wong:
Language Comprehension in a Problem Solver. 7-12 - Michael Lebowitz:
Cancelled Due To Lack Of Interest. 13-15 - Natlie Dehn:
Story Generation After TALE-SPIN. 16-18 - Rachel Reichman:
Modeling Informal Debates. 19-24 - Robert Wilensky:
A Knowledge-Based Approach to Language Processing: A Progress Report. 25-30 - Philip R. Cohen:
The Need for Referent Identification as a Planned Action. 31-36 - Michael C. Dyer:
Integration, Unification, Reconstruction, Modification: An Eternal Parsing Braid. 37-42 - Margaret King:
Design Characteristics of a Machine Translation System. 43-46 - C. J. Yang:
High Level Memory Structures and Text Coherence in Translation. 47-48 - Heinz Marburger, Bernd Neumann, Hans-Joachim Novak:
Natural Language Dialogue about Moving Objects in an Automatically Analyzed Traffic Scene. 49-51 - Yigal Arens:
Using Language and Context in the Analysis of Text. 52-57 - Rod McGuire, Lawrence Birnbaum, Margot Flowers:
Opportunistic Processing in Arguments. 58-60 - Eric Mays, Sitaram Lanka, Aravind K. Joshi, Bonnie L. Webber:
Natural Language Interaction With Dynamic Knowledge Bases: Monitoring as Response. 61-63 - Daniel Kayser, Daniel Coulon:
Variable-Depth Natural Language Understanding. 64-66 - Gerald DeJong:
Generalizations Based on Explanations. 67-69 - Steven L. Small:
Viewing Word Expert Parsing as Linguistic Theory. 70-76 - Norihiro Abe, Itsuya Soga, Saburo Tsuji:
A Plot Understanding System on Reference to Both Image and Language. 77-84 - Jerry R. Hobbs:
Metaphor Interpretation as Selective Inferencing. 85-91 - Mallory Selfridge:
A Computer Model of Child Language Acquisition. 92-96 - John R. Anderson:
A Theory of Language Acquisition Based on General Learning Principles. 97-103 - Claude Sammut:
Concept Learning by Experiment. 104-105 - V. Sembugamoorthy:
Analogy-Based Acquisition of Utterances Relating to Temporal Aspects. 106-108 - S. Oakey, R. C. Cawthorn:
Inductive Learning of Pronunciation Rules by hypothesis Testing and Correction. 109-114 - Christopher Riesbeck:
Failure-Driven Reminding for Incremental Learning. 115-120 - Pat Langley, Gary L. Bradshaw, Herbert A. Simon:
BACON.5: The Discovery of Conservation Laws. 121-126 - Tom M. Mitchell, Paul E. Utgoff, Bernard Nudel, Ranan B. Banerji:
Learning Problem-Solving Heuristics Through Practice. 127-134 - David Wilczynski:
Knowledge Acquisition in the Consul System. 135-140 - Regine Loisel, Yves Kodratoff:
Learning (Complex) Structural Descriptions from Examples. 141-143 - Leonard P. Wesley:
Learning Racquetball by Constrained Example Generation. 144-146 - Jaime G. Carbonell:
A Computational Model of Analogical Problem Solving. 147-152 - Fritz Wysotzki, Werner Kolbe, Joachim Selbig:
Concept Learning by Structured Examples - An Algebraic Approach. 153-158 - Alan H. Bond, David H. Mott:
Learning of Sensory-Motor Schemas in a Mobile Robot. 159-161 - Edwina L. Rissland, Elliot Soloway:
Constrained Example Generation: A Testbed for Studying Issues in Learning. 162-164 - John R. Anderson:
Tuning of Search of the Problem Space for Geometry Proofs. 165-170 - Perry W. Thorndyke, Dave McArtbur, Stephanie J. Cammarata:
AUTOPILOT: A Distributed Planner for Air Fleet Control. 171-177 - Göran Hagert, Sten-Åke Tärnlund:
Deductive Modeling of Human Cognition. 178-183 - Wendy G. Lehnert, John B. Black, Brian J. Reiser:
Summarizing Narratives. 184-189 - Jerry R. Hobbs, Michael Agar:
Text Plans and World Plans in Natural Discourse. 190-196 - Aaron Sloman, Monica Croucher:
Why Robots Will Have Emotions. 197-202 - Candace L. Sidner, David J. Israel:
Recognizing Intended Meaning and Speakers' Plans. 203-208 - Brian J. Reiser:
Character Tracking and the Understanding of Narratives. 209-211 - Sarah E. Goldin, Philip Klahr:
Learning And Abstraction In Simulation. 212-214 - Paul E. Johnson, William B. Thompson:
Strolling Down The Garden Path: Error Prone Tasks in Expert Problem Solving. 215-217 - Brian V. Funt:
Multi-Processor Rotation and Comparison of Objects. 218-220 - James F. Allen:
An Interval-Based Representation of Temporal Knowledge. 221-226 - Janet L. Kolodner:
Organization and Retrieval in a Conceptual Memory for Events or CON 54, Where Are You? 227-233 - Michael C. Dyer:
\RESTAURANT Revisited or "Lunch with BORIS". 234-236 - Harald Trost, Ingeborg Steinacker:
The Role of Roles: Some Aspects of Real World Knowledge Representation. 237-239 - Hector J. Levesque:
The Interaction with Incomplete Knowledge Bases: A Formal Treatment. 240-245 - L. Thorne McCarty, N. S. Sridharan:
The Representation of an Evolving System of Legal Concepts: II. Prototypes and Deformations. 246-253 - Alexander Borgida:
On the Definition of Specialization Hierarchies for Procedures. 254-256 - Scott E. Fahlman, David S. Touretzky, Walter van Roggen:
Cancellation in a Parallel Semantic Network. 257-263 - Zsuzsanna Markusz:
Knowledge Representation of Design in Many-Sorted Logic. 264-269 - Raymond Reiter, Giovanni Criscuolo:
On Interacting Defaults. 270-276 - James L. Weiner, Martha Palmer:
The Design Of A System For Designing Knowledge Representation Systems. 277-282 - Robert Neches:
HPM: A Computational Formalism for Heuristic Procedure Modification. 283-288 - Lynette Hirschman, Guy Story:
Representing Implicit And Explicit Time Relations In Narrative. 289-295 - Paul J. Kline:
The Superiority of Relative Criteria in Partial Matching and Generalization. 296-303 - Mary Angela Papalaskaris, Lenhart K. Schubert:
PARTS INFERENCE: Closed and Semi-Closed Partitioning Graphs. 304-309 - Malik Ghallab:
Decision Trees For Optimizing Pattern - Matching Algorithms in Production Systems. 310-312 - Mark S. Fox:
Reasoning With Incomplete Knowledge in a Resource-Limited Environment: Integrating Reasoning and Knowledge Acquisition. 313-318 - Thomas D. Garvey, John D. Lowrance, Martin A. Fischler:
An Inference Technique for Integrating Knowledge from Disparate Sources. 319-325 - Kenneth D. Forbus:
Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Processes. 326-330 - Stanley J. Rosenschein:
Plan Synthesis: A Logical Perspective. 331-337 - Raimund Seidel:
A New Method for Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems. 338-342 - Tom M. Mitchell, Louis I. Steinberg, Reid G. Smith, Pat Schooley, Howard Jacobs, Van E. Kelly:
Representations for Reasoning about Digital Circuits. 343-344 - Dennis F. Kibler, Paul Morris:
Don't Be Stupid. 345-347 - Michael Lebowitz:
The Nature of Generalization in Understanding. 348-353 - Richard H. Granger:
Directing And Re-Directing Inference Pursuit: Extra-Textual Influences on Text Interpretation. 354-361 - Richard E. Cullingford, Myron W. Krueger, Mallory Selfridge, Marie A. Bienkowski:
Towards Automating Explanations. 362-367 - Donald P. McKay, Stuart C. Shapiro:
Using Active Connection Graphs for Reasoning with Recursive Rules. 368-374 - William Mark:
Representation and Inference in the Consul System. 375-381 - Andrew Eaas:
Reasoning about Deduction with Unknown Constants. 382-384 - Aravind K. Joshi, Scott Weinstein:
Control of Inference: Role of Some Aspects of Discourse Structure-Centering. 385-387 - Gregory B. Taylor, Stephen B. Whitehill:
A Belief Representation for Understanding Deception. 388-393 - Virginia Teller, Hartvig Dahl:
The Framework for a Model of Psychoanalytic Inference. 394-400 - Gian Piero Zarri:
Building the Inference Component of an Historical Information Retrieval System. 401-408 - Lee D. Erman, Philip London, Stephen Fickas:
The Design and an Example Use of Hearsay-III. 409-415 - Philip J. Hayes:
Anaphora for Limited Domain Systems. 416-422 - Anatole Gershman:
Figuring Out What the User Wants: Steps Toward an Automatic Yellow Pages Assistant. 423-425 - Teiji Furugori:
Computing a Map from Michi-Annai-Bun or Written Descriptions. 426-428 - G. Goerx:
GLP: A General Linguistic Processor. 429-431 - Philip J. Hayes, Jaime G. Carbonell:
Multi-Strategy Construction-Specific Parsing for Flexible Data Base Query and Update. 432-439 - Leonardo Lesmo, Daniela Magnani, Pietro Torasso:
A Deterministic Analyzer for the Interpretation of Natural Language Commands. 440-442 - Branimir Boguraev, Karen Sparck Jones:
A General Semantic Analyser for Data Base Access. 443-445 - Ehud Y. Shapiro:
An Algorithm that Infers Theories from Facts. 446-451 - David J. Israel, Ronald J. Brachman:
Distinctions and Confusions: A Catalogue Raisonne. 452-459 - Ryszard S. Michalski, Robert E. Stepp:
An Application of AI Techniques to Structuring Objects into an Optimal Conceptual Hierarchy. 460-465 - Alan Borning, Alan Bundy:
Using Matching in Algebraic Equation Solving. 466-471 - Robert Veroff, Lawrence J. Henschen:
Application of Automatic Transformations to Program Verification. 472-479 - Norbert Eisinger:
Subsumption And Connection Graphs. 480-486 - Leonard Friedman:
Extended Plausible Inference. 487-495 - Kurt Konolige:
A Metalanguage Representation of Relational Databases for Deductive Question-Answering Systems. 496-503 - Giuseppe Attardi, Maria Simi:
Consistency and Completeness of OMEGA, a Logic for Knowledge Representation. 504-510 - Karl-Hans Bläsius, Norbert Eisinger, Jörg H. Siekmann, Gert Smolka, Alexander Herold, Christoph Walther:
The Markgraf Karl Refutation Procedure. 511-518 - Dennis de Champeaux, Jos de Bruin:
Symbolic Evaluation of LISP Functions with Side Effects for Verification. 519-524 - Lawrence J. Henschen, Shamim A. Naqvi:
An Improved Filter for Literal Indexing in Resolution Systems. 525-529 - Martin Davis:
Obvious Logical Inferences. 530-531 - Jörg H. Siekmann, Peter Szabó:
Universal Unification and Regular Equational ACFM Theories. 532-538 - Vincent J. Digricoli:
The Efficacy of RUE Resolution Experimental Results and Heuristic Theory. 539-547 - Pierre Lescanne:
Decomposition Ordering as a Tool to Prove the Termination of Rewriting Systems. 548-550 - Alan Bundy, Bernard Silver:
Homogenization: Preparing Equations for Change of Unknown. 551-553 - Judea Pearl:
Heuristic Search Theory: Survey of Recent Results. 554-562 - Michael P. Georgeff:
Search Methods Using Heuristic Strategies. 563-568 - Laveen N. Kanal, Vipin Kumar:
Branch & Bound Formulation for Sequential and Parallel Game Tree Searching: Preliminary Results. 569-571 - László Méro:
Some Remarks on Heuristic Search Algorithms. 572-574 - William A. Kornfeld:
The Use of Parallelism to Implement a Heuristic Search. 575-580 - Hans J. Berliner:
An Examination of Brute Force Intelligence. 581-587 - Cynthia A. Brown, Paul Walton Purdom Jr.:
How to Search Efficiently. 588-594 - Katsushi Ikeuchi:
Recognition of 3-D Objects Using the Extended Gaussian Image. IJCAI 1981: 595-600 - Masaki Oshima, Yoshiaki Shirai:
Object Recognition Using Three-Dimensional Information. IJCAI 1981: 601-606 - Dana H. Ballard, Daniel Sabbah:
On Shapes. IJCAI 1981: 607-612 - David G. Lowe, Thomas O. Binford:
The Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Structure from Image Curves. IJCAI 1981: 613-618 - Rodney A. Brooks:
Model-Based Three Dimensional Interpretations of Two Dimensional Images. IJCAI 1981: 619-624 - Alan K. Mackworth, William S. Havens:
Structuring Domain Knowledge For Visual Perception. IJCAI 1981: 625-627 - Terry E. Weymouth:
Experiments In Knowledge-Driven Interpretation of Natural Scenes. IJCAI 1981: 628-630 - H. Harlyn Baker, Thomas O. Binford:
Depth from Edge and Intensity Based Stereo. IJCAI 1981: 631-636 - Robert C. Bolles, Martin A. Fischler:
A RANSAC-Based Approach to Model Fitting and Its Application to Finding Cylinders in Range Data. IJCAI 1981: 637-643 - Frank Claser:
Computing Optic Flow. IJCAI 1981: 644-647 - Bryant W. York, Allen R. Hanson, Edward M. Riseman:
3D Object Representation and Matching with B-Splines and Surface Patches. IJCAI 1981: 648-651 - E. North Coleman Jr., Ramesh C. Jain:
Shape from Shading for Surfaces with Texture and Specularity. IJCAI 1981: 652-657 - Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Olivier D. Faugeras:
Triangulation of 3-D Objects. IJCAI 1981: 658-660 - Hans-Hellmut Nagel, Bernd Neumann:
On 3D Reconstruction from Two Perspective Views. IJCAI 1981: 661-663 - Joseph O'Rourke:
Polyhedra of Minimal Area as 3D Object Models. IJCAI 1981: 664-666 - Donald B. Gennery:
A Feature-Based Scene Matcher. IJCAI 1981: 667-673 - Bruce D. Lucas, Takeo Kanade:
An Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision. IJCAI 1981: 674-679 - Zdenek Zdráhal:
A Structural Method of Scene Analysis. IJCAI 1981: 680-682 - Geoffrey E. Hinton:
A Parallel Computation that Assigns Canonical Object-Based Frames of Reference. IJCAI 1981: 683-685 - Jon A. Webb, Jake K. Aggarwal:
Structure from Motion of Rigid and Jointed Objects. IJCAI 1981: 686-691 - Leonie Dreschler, Hans-Hellmut Nagel:
Volumetric Model and 3D-Trajectory of a Moving Car Derived from Monocular TV-Frame Sequence of a Street Scene. IJCAI 1981: 692-697 - K. Prazdny:
A Simple Method for Recovering a Relative Depth Map in the Case of a Translating Sensor. IJCAI 1981: 698-699 - Daryl T. Lawton:
Optic Flow Field Structure And Processing Image Motion. IJCAI 1981: 700-703 - Michael F. Peering, Carter Collins:
Real-Time Natural Scene Analysis for a Blind Prosthesis. IJCAI 1981: 704-709 - Saburo Tsuji, Hidetoshi Nakano:
Knowledge-Based Identification of Artery Branches in Cine-Angiograms. IJCAI 1981: 710-715 - Masahiko Yachida:
Determining Velocity Map By 3-D Iterative Estimation. IJCAI 1981: 716-718 - Bernd Radig:
Inferential Region Extraction in TV-Sequences. IJCAI 1981: 719-721 - Daniel Sabbah:
Design Of A Highly Parallel Visual Recognition System. IJCAI 1981: 722-727 - Fumiaki Tomita:
Hierarchical Description of Textures. IJCAI 1981: 728-733 - Kenneth R. Sloan Jr.:
Dynamically Quantized Pyramids. IJCAI 1981: 734-736 - Joseph O'Rourke:
Dynamically Quantized Spaces for Focusing the Hough Transform. IJCAI 1981: 737-739 - Oscar Firschein, Martin A. Fischler:
Perceptual Problems in Analyzing Industrial Radiographs. IJCAI 1981: 740-745 - Tu-ichi Ohta, Kiyoshi Maenobu, Toshiyuki Sakai:
Obtaining Surface Orientation from Texels under Perspective Projection. IJCAI 1981: 746-751 - P. J. MacVicar-Whelan, Thomas O. Binford:
Intensity Discontinuity Location to SubPixel Precision. IJCAI 1981: 752-754 - Peter G. Selfridge, Kenneth R. Sloan Jr.:
Reasoning About Images: Application to Aerial Image Understanding. IJCAI 1981: 755-757 - Richard S. Rosenberg, Peter F. Rowat:
Spatial Problems for a Simulated Robot. IJCAI 1981: 758-765 - Yannick Descotte, Jean-Claude Latombe:
GARI: A Problem Solver That Plans How to Machine Mechanical Parts. IJCAI 1981: 766-772 - Vladimír Marík:
Algorithms of the Complex Tactile Information Processing. IJCAI 1981: 773-774 - Haruhiko Asada, Takeo Kanade:
Design Concept of Direct-Drive Manipulators Using Rare-Earth DC Torque Motors. IJCAI 1981: 775-778 - Jun'ichi Iijima, Yutaka Kanayama, Shin'ichi Yuta:
A Locomotion Control System for Mobile Robots. IJCAI 1981: 779-784 - Hans P. Moravec:
Rover Visual Obstacle Avoidance. IJCAI 1981: 785-790 - Kenneth J. Overton, Thomas Williams:
Tactile Sensation for Robots. IJCAI 1981: 791-795 - Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, F. Germain:
A New Approach to the Problem of Acquiring Randomly Oriented Workpieces Out of a Bin. IJCAI 1981: 796-802 - Robert A. Freitas Jr., Timothy J. Healy, James E. Long:
Advanced Automaton For Space Missions. IJCAI 1981: 803-808 - David McArthur, Henry Sowizral:
An Object-Oriented Language for Constructing Simulations. IJCAI 1981: 809-814 - William R. Swartout:
Explaining and Justifying Expert Consulting Programs. IJCAI 1981: 815-823 - John P. McDermott, Barbara Steele:
Extending a Knowledge-Based System to Deal with Ad Hoc Constraints. IJCAI 1981: 824-828 - William J. Clancey, Reed Letsinger:
NEOMYCIN: Reconfiguring a Rule-Based Expert System for Application to Teaching. IJCAI 1981: 829-836 - Mitsuru Ishizuka, King-sun Fu, James T. P. Yao:
Inexact Inference for Rule-Based Damage Assessment of Existing Structures. IJCAI 1981: 837-842 - James S. Bennett, Clifford R. Hollander:
DART: An Expert System for Computer Fault Diagnosis. IJCAI 1981: 843-845 - Randall Davis, Howard Austin, Ingrid Carlbom, Bud Frawley, Paul Pruchnik, Rich Sneiderman, J. A. Gilreath:
The DIPMETER ADVISOR: Interpretation of Geologic Signals. IJCAI 1981: 846-849 - Werner Horn, Walter Buchstaller, Robert Trappl:
Knowledge Structure Definition for an Expert System in Primary Medical Care. IJCAI 1981: 850-852 - Sholom M. Weiss, Casimir A. Kulikowski, Robert S. Galen:
Developing Microprocessor Based Expert Models for Instrument Interpretation. IJCAI 1981: 853-855 - Peter Friedland:
Acquisition of Procedural Knowledge from Domain Experts. IJCAI 1981: 856-861 - Roger T. Hartley:
How Expert Should an Expert System Be? IJCAI 1981: 862-867 - Jeffrey A. Barnett:
Computational Methods for a Mathematical Theory of Evidence. IJCAI 1981: 868-875 - Edward H. Shortliffe, A. Carlisle Scott, Miriam B. Bischoff, A. Bruce Campbell, William van Melle, Charlotte D. Jacobs:
ONCOCIN: An Expert System for Oncology Protocol Management. IJCAI 1981: 876-881 - Derek H. Sleeman:
A Rule-Based Task Generation System. IJCAI 1981: 882-887 - Harry C. Reinstein, Janice S. Aikins:
Application Design: Issues in Expert System Architecture. IJCAI 1981: 888-892 - Ramesh S. Patil, Peter Szolovits, William B. Schwartz:
Causal Understanding of Patient Illness in Medical Diagnosis. IJCAI 1981: 893-899 - John K. Tsotsos:
Temporal Event Recognition: An Application to Left Ventricular Performance. IJCAI 1981: 900-907 - John K. Kastmer, Sholom M. Weiss:
A Precedence Scheme for Selection and Explanation of Therapies. IJCAI 1981: 908-909 - Teruo Koyama, Shigekoto Kaihara, Tadatoshi Minamikawa, Toshiaki Kurokawa:
Time-Oriented Features for Medical Consultation Systems. IJCAI 1981: 910-912 - Ira P. Goldstein, Daniel G. Bobrow:
Layered Networks as a Tool for Software Development. IJCAI 1981: 913-919 - Richard C. Waters:
A Knowledge-Based Program Editor. IJCAI 1981: 920-926 - David R. Barstow:
Overview of a Display-Oriented Editor for INTERLISP. IJCAI 1981: 927-929 - Michael Deering, Joseph Faletti, Robert Wilensky:
PEARL - A Package for Efficient Access to Representations in LISP. IJCAI 1981: 930-932 - Kenneth M. Kahn:
UNIFORM: A Language Based upon Unification which Unifies (Much of) LISP, PROLOG, and ACT I. IJCAI 1981: 933-939 - Peter Szolovits, William A. Martin:
Brand X: LISP Suport for Semantic Networks. IJCAI 1981: 940-946 - Alain Colmerauer, Henry Kanoui, Michel Van Caneghem:
Last Steps Towards an Ultimate PROLOG. IJCAI 1981: 947-948 - Shigeo Sugimoto, Koichi Tabata, Kiyoshi Agusa, Yutaka Ohno:
Concurrent LISP on a Multi-Micro-Processor System. IJCAI 1981: 949-954 - Chuck Rieger, Randall H. Trigg, Bob Bane:
ZMOB: A New Conputing Engine for AI. IJCAI 1981: 955-960 - David Elliot Shaw:
NON-VON: A Parallel Machine Architecture for Knowledge-Based Information Processing. IJCAI 1981: 961-963 - Joachim H. Laubsch, Marc Eisenstadt:
Domain Specific Debugging Aids for Novice Programmers. IJCAI 1981: 964-969 - Sylvia Weir:
LOGO as an Information Prosthetic for Communication and Control. IJCAI 1981: 970-974 - Elliot Soloway:
Beverly Park Woolf, Eric Rubin, Paul Barth: Meno-II: An Intelligent Tutoring System for Novice Programmers. IJCAI 1981: 975-977 - Frank Zdybel, Norton Greenfeld, Martin D. Yonke, Jeff Gibbons:
An Information Presentation System. IJCAI 1981: 978-984 - Chuck Rieger, Richard J. Wood, Elizabeth Allen:
Large Human-Machine Information Spaces. IJCAI 1981: 985-991 - Daniel Goossens:
The Conceptual Calculus For Automatic Program Understanding. IJCAI 1981: 992-997 - Richard H. Brown:
Automatic Synthesis of Numerical Computer Programs. IJCAI 1981: 998-1003 - F.-Y. Villemin:
PAPE: An On-Line System for Inferring Procedures from Sets of Their Traces. IJCAI 1981: 1004-1006 - Richard E. Korf:
Inversion of Applicative Programs. IJCAI 1981: 1007-1009 - Koichi Furukawa:
Use of Data Representation Mapping in Automatic Generation of Data Base Access Procedures. IJCAI 1981: 1010-1015 - Claude Kirchner, Hélène Kirchner, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud:
Algebraic Manipulations as a Unification and Matching Strategy for Linear Equations in Signed Binary Trees. IJCAI 1981: 1016-1023 - David A. McAllester:
Algebraic Approximations. IJCAI 1981: 1024-1026 - Douglas R. Smith:
A Design for an Automatic Programming System. IJCAI 1981: 1027-1029 - Shmuel Katz, Ruth Zimmerman:
An Advisory System for Developing Data Representations. IJCAI 1981: 1030-1036 - Ulrich Bartels, Walter G. Olthoff, Peter Raulefs:
APE: An Expert System for Automatic Programming from Abstract Specifications of Data Types and Algorithms. IJCAI 1981: 1037-1043 - Charles Rich:
A Formal Representation for Plans in the Programmers Apprentice. IJCAI 1981: 1044-1052 - Robert J. Bechtel:
STAMMER2: A Rule-Based Application. IJCAI 1981: 1053 - Michael J. A. Berry:
A Set of APL Functions to Play New Eleusis. IJCAI 1981: 1054 - B. Chandrasekaran, Sanjay Mittal, Jack W. Smith:
MDX and Related Medical Decision-Making Systems. IJCAI 1981: 1055 - Alain Colmerauer, Henry Kanoui, Michel Van Caneghem:
Demonstrating PROLOG on APPLE II. IJCAI 1981: 1056 - Michael G. Dyer, Thomas C. Wolf, Martin Korsin:
BORIS - An In-Dept Understander of Narratives. IJCAI 1981: 1057 - Mark S. Fox:
Factory Modelling, Simulation, and Scheduling in the Intelligent Management System. IJCAI 1981: 1058 - Michael Lebowitz:
IPP Program Description. IJCAI 1981: 1059 - Henry Lieberman:
Tinker: Example-Based Programming for Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI 1981: 1060 - David B. McDonald:
Compound: A Program that Understands Noun Compounds. IJCAI 1981: 1061 - David B. McDonald:
MUMBLE: A Flexible System for Language Production. IJCAI 1981: 1062 - Gordon S. Novak:
Physics Problem Solving: ISAAC-II. IJCAI 1981: 1063 - Ehud Y. Shapiro:
The Model Inference System. IJCAI 1981: 1064 - John K. Dixon, Susan A. Bouchard, William G. Kennedy, James R. Slagle:
MARK I Robot. IJCAI 1981: 1065 - Walton A. Perkins:
KEYSIGHT: Computer Vision Inspection of Valve Spring Assemblies on Engine Heads. IJCAI 1981: 1066 - Steven Rubin:
Knowledge Sources In Vision. IJCAI 1981: 1067 - Dana H. Ballard:
Parameter Networks: Towards a Theory of Low-Level Vision. IJCAI 1981: 1068-1078 - Eugene Charniak:
Six Topics in Search of a Parser: An Overview of AI Language Research. IJCAI 1981: 1079-1087 - Geoffrey E. Hinton:
Shape Representation in Parallel Systems. IJCAI 1981: 1088-1096 - Donald A. Norman:
A Psychologist Views Human Processing: Human Errors and Other Phenomena Suggest Processing Mechanisms. IJCAI 1981: 1097-1101 - Steven W. Zucker:
Computer Vision and Human Perception: An Essay on the Discovery of Constraints. IJCAI 1981: 1102

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