Player-owned farm: Difference between revisions

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mNo edit summary
Line 301: Line 301:
| 20
| 20
| 600
| 600
| 10 [[Oak plank|oak]]
| 10 [[Oak plank|oak]] or better
| 75 [[Steel nails|steel]] or better
| 75 [[Steel nails|steel]] or better
| 17
| 17
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| 40
| 40
| 1,350
| 1,350
| 15 [[Teak plank|teak]]
| 15 [[Teak plank|teak]] or better
| 150 [[Mithril nails|mithril]] or better
| 150 [[Mithril nails|mithril]] or better
| 35
| 35
Line 321: Line 321:
| 60
| 60
| 2,800
| 2,800
| 20 [[Mahogany plank|mahogany]]
| 20 [[Mahogany plank|mahogany]] or better
| 225 [[Rune nails|rune]]
| 225 [[Rune nails|rune]]
| 49
| 49
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==Update history==
==Update history==
* {{UL|type=patch|update=January_Patch_Week_-_This_Week_In_RuneScape|date=20 January 2025}}
** Higher-level Planks can now be used to build Grapevine Frames and Farm Paddocks.

* {{UL|type=patch|update=Update:Community Hitlist and Necromancy Embargo - This Week In RuneScape|date=22 January 2024}}
* {{UL|type=patch|update=Update:Community Hitlist and Necromancy Embargo - This Week In RuneScape|date=22 January 2024}}
** Player Owned Farm name and trait re-rollers can no longer re-roll the current trait/name in the selected slot, and will reopen the roll menu if the player hasn't run out of rerollers.
** Player Owned Farm name and trait re-rollers can no longer re-roll the current trait/name in the selected slot, and will reopen the roll menu if the player hasn't run out of rerollers.

Revision as of 19:12, 21 January 2025

This article has a quick guide.
Quick guides provide a brief summary of the steps needed for completion.

The player-owned farm (often abbreviated as POF) is an activity released on 3 September 2018. It allows players to manage their own livestock at Manor Farm north of East Ardougne, similar to managing their own house and port. It was developed by Mods Raven, Rowley, Chaose, and James H.[1][2]

Players can start maintaining their livestock by speaking to Granny Potterington at the farm north of Ardougne, requiring level 17 Farming and level 20 Construction. As with farming patches, players can only see their own livestock (crops) and not other players', so the player-owned farm is not instanced.

It is possible to obtain Brains, the Farming pet, from the player-owned farm.

The player-owned farm features most of the Farming achievements, and four seasonal music tracks at the farm (which are required for the completionist cape). These seasonal music tracks are only available during the respective real-world season in the northern hemisphere or can be unlocked by using the seasonaliser to change the season at the farm.


Players must complete the tutorial before being able to use Manor Farm to raise livestock.


Completing the tutorial allows players to purchase deeds for livestock pens. To purchase deeds, players must interact with Granny Potterington and upon selecting the Farmers' Market option the deeds, as well as other products for sale, are displayed and available for purchase. The purchasing currency is beans.

After having purchased a deed the player can then build an animal pen at the animal pen hotspot using Construction materials. Pens are of sizes small, medium, and large. A player can have a maximum of two of each size pen. Once a pen has been built players then place baby livestock in the pens where the animals grow and breed. Players assess, diagnose, and treat ill animals, stock feeding troughs, and clean the animal's pens.

The types of livestock that players can raise are: rabbits, chickens, chinchompas, sheep, spiders, zygomites, cows, yaks, and dragons. Animals have a "checked" and "unchecked" state. Unchecked animals can be banked and stack in the player's bank. Once an animal is checked it will no longer stack in the bank and will have unique stats and traits. The animal will also have a flavour text, but this does not affect any gameplay mechanics. Checked animals are not tradeable on the Grand Exchange, but it is possible to trade them directly with other players.

An animal's stats include its health and happiness levels and its weight, speed, and attractiveness which are measured in grams, gallopers, and beauty marks, respectively. Animals have names; there are up to 30 possible names for each gender of each different type of animal. Names can be changed using an animal name re-roller. Animals advance through the growth stages of egg, child, adolescent, adult, and elder, although some animals do not have the egg stage.[1] Players must care for the animals by providing them appropriate food. Farming experience is gained for each stage advanced at the time of checking. Animals may be sold at any stage of their development.

Selling adolescent animals always yields the most beans, but the most experience and produce are gained from growing an animal to elder.

On the map, farm animals are shown as yellow dots in their pen, as with any other NPC, and muck is shown as red dots, like items, but eggs (chicken, spider, or dragon) are not shown on the map.


Different livestock can be obtained via combat (common and Rellekkan rabbits, spiders, Fremennik yaks, and dragons), Hunter (Piscatorian rabbits and chinchompas), Summoning (spirit yaks), Farming (zygomites), or the Farmers' Market (tutorial rabbits, chicken, sheep, and cows). Unchecked and checked animal babies and eggs can be traded with other players, but only the unchecked ones can be bought from the Grand Exchange.

The warning when checking an animal may be turned off; however, it cannot be turned back on once done.

An unchecked animal can either be received directly, appear in the player's backpack, or be obtained as a drop.

Temporary skill boosts will not allow the player to add an animal with a higher skill level requirement to a pen.

The cheapest food to feed rabbits, sheep, cows, chinchompas and yaks is woad leaf purchasable from Wyson the gardener in Falador Park.

Animal Farming Level Standard breeds Unchecked
G.E. Price
Source Obtain method Breeding exclusives
Inventory Drop Normal (with G.E. Price) Shiny
17 Farming Common brown rabbit 3,553 Common brown rabbit (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Common brown rabbit (unchecked) Obtained during the tutorial and from killing rabbits. Green checkmark N/A Jackalope
Rellekkan cream rabbit 7,419 Rellekkan cream rabbit (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Rellekkan cream rabbit (unchecked) Killing bunnies in the Fremennik Province near the swaying tree.
Piscatorian cottontail rabbit 7,290 Piscatorian cottontail rabbit (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Piscatorian cottontail rabbit (unchecked) Hunting white rabbits in Piscatoris Hunter area.
Chickens 28 Farming Common white hen 8,141 Common white hen (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Common white hen (unchecked) Purchasing chicken eggs from the Farmers' Market. 50/50 chance at male/female. N/A Lizard chicken
Rooster 964 Rooster (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Rooster (unchecked)
Sheep 35 Farming White ewe 5,264 White ewe (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of White ewe (unchecked) Purchased from the Farmers' Market. N/A Golden ewe / Golden ram
White ram 5,075 White ram (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of White ram (unchecked)
Cows 49 Farming Kandarin cow 10,309 Kandarin cow (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Kandarin cow (unchecked) Purchased from the Farmers' Market. N/A Harlequin cow
Bull 7,151 Bull (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Bull (unchecked)
Chinchompas 54 Farming Grey chinchompa 104,534 Grey chinchompa (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Grey chinchompa (unchecked) Hunting chinchompas.[Chance 1][b 1] Green checkmark N/A Golden chinchompa
Carnivorous chinchompa 93,187 Carnivorous chinchompa (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Carnivorous chinchompa (unchecked) Hunting carnivorous chinchompas.[Chance 1][b 1]
Cobalt chinchompa 91,012 Cobalt chinchompa (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Cobalt chinchompa (unchecked) Hunting cobalt skillchompas.[Chance 1][b 1]
Viridian chinchompa 93,361 Viridian chinchompa (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Viridian chinchompa (unchecked) Hunting viridian skillchompas.[Chance 1][b 1]
Azure chinchompa 136,308 Azure chinchompa (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Azure chinchompa (unchecked) Hunting azure skillchompas.[Chance 1][b 1]
Crimson chinchompa 95,078 Crimson chinchompa (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Crimson chinchompa (unchecked) Hunting crimson skillchompas.[Chance 1][b 1]
Crystal chinchompa 89,312 Crystal chinchompa (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Crystal chinchompa (unchecked) Hunting crystal skillchompas.[Chance 1][b 1]
Spiders 64 Farming Spirit spider 88,195 Spider egg (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Spider egg (unchecked) Spiders around Gielinor may drop a spider egg when killed. Upon checking it will become a spirit spider. Green checkmark Araxyte spider (not exclusive)
Araxyte spider 2,717,063 Araxyte spider egg (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Araxyte spider egg (unchecked) Obtained as a very rare drop from killing Araxxi if at least tier-1 spider perk is active at the farm.
Yaks 71 Farming Fremennik yak 200,684 Fremennik yak (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Fremennik yak (unchecked) Killing yaks on Neitiznot.[Chance 2] Green checkmark N/A Sacred yak
Spirit yak 103,758 Spirit yak (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Spirit yak (unchecked) Making pack yak pouches.[Chance 3][b 2] Green checkmark
Zygomites 81 Farming Gloomshroom zygomite 179,793 Gloomshroom zygomite (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Gloomshroom zygomite (unchecked) Harvesting morchella, bittercap, and Arc Mushroom cluster, harvesting Mort Myre fungus[Chance 4], as well as Zygomite Carestyling. Green checkmark Magical zygomite
Dragons 92 Farming Green dragon 323,011 Green dragon egg (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Green dragon egg (unchecked) Killing green dragons.[b 3][Chance 5] Green checkmark N/A Royal dragon
Blue dragon 293,406 Blue dragon egg (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Blue dragon egg (unchecked) Killing blue dragons.[b 3][Chance 5]
Red dragon 260,054 Red dragon egg (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Red dragon egg (unchecked) Killing red dragons.[b 3][Chance 5]
Black dragon 207,217 Black dragon egg (unchecked).png: RS3 Inventory image of Black dragon egg (unchecked) Killing black dragons[Chance 5][b 3] (King Black Dragon[Chance 5] and Queen Black Dragon[Chance 6] included) and from Wilderness Flash Event rewards.[3]
  1. ^ a b c d e f g Protean traps do not work.
  2. ^ If the inventory is full, the animal will replace a pack yak pouch.
  3. ^ a b c d Dragons in a player-owned dungeon also work.
  1. ^ a b c d e f g 1/1,500 per trap.
  2. ^ 1/3,000.
  3. ^ 1/5,000.
  4. ^ 1/50 per harvest (or amount harvested/50 if using patch bombs or Farming cape perk triggers) from player planted patches, 1/4,000 on named Arc islands and from Mort Myre rotting logs, 1/400 on uncharted islands.
  5. ^ a b c d e 1/2,000.
  6. ^ 1/200.

Growth stages

Most animals have four growth stages: child, adolescent, adult, and elder. The exceptions to this are chickens, spiders, and dragons, which start out as eggs and therefore have five stages. Each stage takes a certain length of time and will advance if the animal is in the pen, even if the player is logged out. Animals will not advance growth stages while in the inventory or bank.

New animals may be born when the player is away from the farm or is not logged in. The first stage is either "child" or "egg". The animals won't start growing until the first time the player visits their farm (or log back in on the farm) after the animal was born, when receiving the message: The animals in your breeding pen have given birth to a healthy child. After their first visit, the animals can grow through all the growth stages without a need to return to the farm again.

Animals do not need to be fed to grow.

Animal Time per stage
Egg to child Child to adolescent Adolescent to adult Adult to elder Total time to elder
Rabbits N/A 12 minutes 21 minutes 27 minutes 60 minutes (1h)
Chickens 25 minutes 38 minutes 76 minutes (1h 16m) 113 minutes (1h 53m) 250 minutes (4h 10m)
Chinchompas N/A 504 minutes (8h 24m) 882 minutes (14h 42m) 1,134 minutes (18h 54m) 2,520 minutes (42h)
Sheep N/A 24 minutes 42 minutes 54 minutes 120 minutes (2h)
Spiders 151 minutes (2h 31m) 227 minutes (3h 47m) 454 minutes (7h 34m) 680 minutes (11h 20m) 1,512 minutes (25h 12m)
Zygomites N/A 1,008 minutes (16h 48m) 1,764 minutes (29h 24m) 2,268 minutes (37h 48m) 5,040 minutes (84h = 3.5 days)
Cows N/A 72 minutes (1h 12m) 126 minutes (2h 6m) 162 minutes (2h 42m) 360 minutes (6h)
Yaks N/A 806 minutes (13h 26m) 1,412 minutes (23h 32m) 1,814 minutes (30h 14m) 4,032 minutes (67h 12m)
Dragons 1,008 minutes (16h 48m) 1,512 minutes (25h 12m) 3,024 minutes (50h 24m) 4,536 minutes (75h 36m) 10,080 minutes (168h = 1 week)


There are two pens of each size in the farm and one breeding pen. Players cannot have different animal types in the same pen or put animals in an incorrect-sized pen.

A farm deed must be purchased from the Farmers' Market before construction.

Required construction level may be boosted or assisted.

Pen size Animals Construction Level Construction Experience Planks Nails Farming Level
(deed I)
Farming Level
(deed II)
Max animals
(of same type)
Small Rabbits, chickens, or chinchompas 20 600 10 oak or better 75 steel or better 17 28 6
Medium Sheep, spider, or zygomites 40 1,350 15 teak or better 150 mithril or better 35 64 4
Large Cows, yaks, or dragons 60 2,800 20 mahogany or better 225 rune 49 71 3
Breeding Any N/A N/A N/A N/A 17 N/A 4

When the player can't obtain the required materials by themselves, they can alternatively purchase pen construction kits with beans. As these are fairly expensive, it is only recommended to do so as a lower level ironman.


Once an animal reaches the elder growth level, the player will receive fewer beans for selling them. However, elder animals may be added to a pen with a farm totem (bought from Farmers' Market) to gain a perk that affects gameplay outside of the area. Possible perks include a chance to gain a clue scroll from harvesting, increased damage to all spiders including Araxxor/Araxxi, and a chance to save skillchompas. There are a total of 12 animal perks: one per gender for cows, chickens, and sheep, and one each for the other animal types.[4]

By adding an elder animal to a pen equipped with a farm totem, players receive a Tier 1 perk. By putting the same species of animal in the second pen that is also equipped with a farm totem, players instead receive the Tier 2 perk. Animals that have male/female perks that differ but occupy the same pen (equipped with a farm totem) will receive both the male and female version of the perk. Completing the animal breeding log for a category of animal grants Tier 1 of their perk passively.

Pen size Level Animal Perk Skill Tier 1 (and Tier 2) effects
Small 17 RuneScape inventory image of Rabbit (player-owned farm) Like Rabbits Farming Breeding success increased by 7% (10%).
28 RuneScape inventory image of Chicken (player-owned farm) Headless Chicken Fletching A 3% (5%) chance to halve feathers used (minimum 1) when fletching arrows, darts, or bolts.
28 RuneScape inventory image of Chicken (player-owned farm) As the Rooster Crows Combat A 7% (10%) drop chance increase to receive ghostly essence while fighting enemies that drop it, for a number of kills after hearing a rooster's crow.
54 RuneScape inventory image of Chinchompa (player-owned farm) If Chins Could Skill Skills A 3% (5%) chance to not lose a skillchompa when using them.
Medium 35 RuneScape inventory image of Sheep (player-owned farm) Have Ewe (Many Wool) Farming Gain 2 (3) pieces of wool on successful shearing.
35 RuneScape inventory image of Sheep (player-owned farm) Randomly Accessed Memories Farming Gain memory strands from Farming activities at 50% (75%) of the rate from Divination.
64 RuneScape inventory image of Spider (player-owned farm) NopeNopeNope Combat Increases damage against all spiders by 2% (3%) (including Araxxor/Araxxi).
81 RuneScape inventory image of Zygomite (player-owned farm) Uncapped Potential Farming A 7% (10%) chance to yield an additional mushroom when gathering them from patches, clusters, or bloomed logs.
Large 49 RuneScape inventory image of Cow (player-owned farm) Milky, Milky Cooking All Cooking XP earned from churning is at 2x (4x) normal.
49 RuneScape inventory image of Cow (player-owned farm) Bully for You Farming A 1-in-5 (1-in-3) chance to save 50% of unprocessed compost that would be consumed when a compost bin creates finished compost.
71 RuneScape inventory image of Yak (player-owned farm) Nigel's Gift Farming A 1/50 (1/40) chance to find a clue scroll either when checking health in, or harvesting the last crop from any patch.
92 RuneScape inventory image of Dragon (player-owned farm) Dragon Ultra Combo Farming A 1/1000 (1/750) chance to get an ancient effigy while checking a fully-grown Farming patch, only if ultracompost is used.


Animals can have 1-3 traits (animals have 3 slots for traits, but slots 2 or 3 may be empty). There are 78 possible traits (18 are species-specific). (Most traits can appear in any slot, but some traits are restricted to certain slots). When an offspring is born, the type and amount of traits it has is random. Not all traits have the same chance to appear, and traits can be influenced by parent traits. You can use an animal trait re-roller to re-roll individual traits, and the master farmer outfit gives a better chance of positive traits (from breeding and checking).

Traits on the same animal or both parents stack, if the traits are the same or similar. E.g., if an animal has the traits Sparkling (+2%), Glistening (+3%), and Radiant (+5%), it has a +10% chance of shiny offspring. If both parents have these 3 traits, offspring have a +20% chance to be shiny.

Useful trait combinations

For these tables, both parents are assumed to have the same trait combination unless noted otherwise.


Goal Traits Notes
Increasing breeding rate Studly or Virile
  • Can be used with several other combinations to improve breeding success where other more specific or preferable traits are unnecessary
Producing offspring with 2 traits from 1-trait parents Both parents with Genetic Mutation
  • Intermediate step to getting offspring with 3 traits
  • Less effective options: One parent with Studly and one with Genetic Mutation
Producing offspring with 3 traits from 2-trait parents Both parents with Genetic Mutation (slot 1) and Genetic Instability (slot 2)
  • Less effective options: Parents with Studly and Genetic Mutation


Goal Traits Notes
Shiny achievements Sparkling (slot 1), Glistening (slot 2), and Radiant (slot 3)
  • Less effective options: combinations of Studly, Sparkling (Shiny+, any slot), Glistening (Shiny++, slots 2 and 3 only), and Radiant (Shiny+++, slot 3 only).
  • Breeders for shiny (royal) dragons cannot use the most effective combination because the parents must have Shock Breath, Poisonous Breath, and Frost Breath between them. [Breath 1] (slot 1), [Breath 2] (slot 2), Radiant (slot 3) and [Breath 3] (slot 1), Glistening (slot 2), Radiant (slot 3) would be optimal for dragons.
Other achievements Studly and:
  • Evil (Bad Egg achievement, chickens only)
  • Nuclear or Unstable (Tickety Boom! achievement, chinchompas only).
  • Mysterious (Ravensworn achievements, requires The Ravensworn title to be unlocked)
  • Some achievements that require traits can be achieved using trait rerollers. If the achievement needs an animal to be born with a trait, it is possible to get the trait with a reroller and then breed that animal (since its offspring will be more likely to have the same trait).
  • Trait rerollers cannot be used to get the Ravensworn traits.
  • Because Ravensworn is only available in slot 2, trait+ traits like Genetic Mutation and Genetic Instability paired with Mysterious will help ensure offspring are eligible to roll for Ravensworn by having 2+ traits.

Long-term farming output

Goal Traits Notes
Farming without needing food Studly, Joyful, and Immune
  • Lowest amount of effort required
  • Lowest cost
  • Charmed is less effective but could be a reasonable placeholder for Joyful or Immune if the player does not have enough beans to roll the optimal combination
Maximizing output Studly in all 3 slots
  • Commonly referred to as "6x studly" in pairs
  • All but ensures the player does not miss a breeding cycle

Note: Other positive traits such as Producer and Exalted can be used for slightly increased produce or XP from harvesting, but in general the gains are so minimal that it is optimal to simply maximize the number of animals bred over specific traits that would affect their individual outputs, as these traits are not guaranteed to be passed down to their offspring, making rolling them useless in many cases.


Animals require food to increase and retain happiness and health. Once an animal has been added to a pen, players can fill the trough with up to 1,000 suitable pieces of food. Food can be added either noted or un-noted, and the trough can be used from both inside and outside the pen. Up to 1,000 pieces can be added in one action.

Each animal eats one unit of food every hour[7] and the correct food will raise animal health and happiness by 5–9%. For example, a pen with 3 animals will require 3 units of food each hour to maintain. The proper variety of food for an animal is listed in its description window when clicked in the pen or inventory. Incorrect types will not be eaten and animals' health and happiness will each degrade by 10% per hour without proper food.

Animals with both the Immune and Joyful traits will remain at 100% health and happiness without the need for food, although they will still eat if it is available. Having both these traits can be useful for animals that require food that is expensive or time-consuming to acquire, such as zygomites.

The cost of feeding animals can be determined using the calculator. The amount of time for food to run out, starting from a full trough with 1,000 food, depends how many animals are in the pen.

Number of animals Time to run out
1 1000 hours (41.67 days)
2 500 hours (20.83 days)
3 333.33 hours (13.89 days)
4 250 hours (10.42 days)
5 200 hours (8.33 days)
6 166.67 hours (6.94 days)

Manor Farm feeding

Animal Food
Seeds Vegetables Fruits Flowers Mushrooms Meat Fish Insects
Rabbits Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark Red X Red X Red X Red X
Chickens Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X
Chinchompas[note 1] Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
Sheep Red X Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark Red X Red X Red X Red X
Spiders Green checkmark Red X Red X Red X Red X Green checkmark Red X Red X
Zygomites Red X Red X Red X Red X Green checkmark Red X Red X Red X
Cows Red X Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark Red X Red X Red X Red X
Yaks Red X Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark Red X Red X Red X Red X
Dragons Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Green checkmark Green checkmark Red X
  1. ^ Any items added to an empty trough in a chinchompa pen will become variety mush, which only chinchompas eat. However, if a specific type of mush is present when chinchompas are added to the pen, it can safely be removed or topped up without becoming variety mush. The chinchompas will eat the specific mush.

Anachronia Dinosaur Farm feeding

Animal Food
Seeds Vegetables[note 1] Fruits[note 1] Flowers Mushrooms[note 1] Meat Fish[note 1] Insects
Frogs Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Green checkmark
Salamanders Green checkmark Red X Red X Green checkmark Red X Red X Red X Green checkmark
Jadinkos Green checkmark Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X
Varanusaurs Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Green checkmark Red X Red X
Brutish dinosaurs Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Green checkmark Red X Red X
Oculi apoterrasaurs Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Green checkmark Red X Red X
Arcane apoterrasaurs Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Green checkmark Red X Red X
Spicati apoterrasaurs Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Green checkmark Red X Red X
Scimitops Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Green checkmark Red X Red X
Asciatops Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Green checkmark Red X Red X
Malletops Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Green checkmark Red X Red X
Bagrada rex Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Green checkmark Red X Red X
Corbicula rex Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Green checkmark Red X Red X
Pavosaurus rex Red X Red X Red X Red X Red X Green checkmark Red X Red X
  1. ^ a b c d Is only used at the Manor Farm


There is a chance of animals becoming diseased. There are six different diseases with different symptoms. Players will have to correctly identify the animal's disease and cure it to gain Farming experience. The amount of experience gained depends on the animal's growth stage: for a child, adolescent, and adult, 5% of the animal's "Gather Produce" experience will be rewarded, while only 1% for an elder will be given. To do this players must examine different parts of the animal (such as the mouth, eyes, legs, and stomach) to gain information about symptoms. From this, the player can identify the correct disease and cure the animal (no specific item needed). The icon is displayed over each animal when an animal is diseased if the upgrade has been bought from the Farmers' Market and then toggled on Granny Potterington.

Animals cannot die from a disease; their stats are lowered instead. Using the incorrect treatment will result in lowering the animals' stats further. Curing an animal increases its stats. Having enough food in the pen decreases the chance for animals to become diseased.

Animals cannot die at all at the player-owned farm with the exception of chinchompas with the unstable or nuclear trait, which have a chance to explode upon collecting their produce during a growth stage.

Curing 100 animals completes the Animal Whisperer achievement. Animals with high stats will not become diseased. Use animals with low stats in pens without food in order to complete this achievement.

There are common symptoms among the diseases (e.g. Smelly breath is present in flu, curse, and foot-in-mouth). Unique Symptoms have keywords bold and underlined. If you find a unique symptom, then the animal has that disease and you can safely administer the treatment straight away without checking the other body parts.


Mature animals may be added to a breeding paddock to create child animals. Only animals in the adult or elder stages will breed. If two animals are left in the paddock together for sufficient time and there is room in the paddock for another animal, a child animal will eventually appear in the paddock with them.

When a child is born in the breeding paddock, the player will receive the message: The animals in your breeding pen have given birth to a healthy child.

In addition to the breeding paddock, players can purchase upgrades from the Farmers' Market to allow breeding in the small, medium, and large pens, respectively. However, breeding in other pens has no failure mitigation and the following applies:

  • Animals in the small pen will take 1.5x as long to breed as animals in the breeding pen
  • Animals in the medium pen will take 2x as long to breed as animals in the breeding pen
  • Animals in the large pen will take 3x as long to breed as animals in the breeding pen

When breeding happens in one of the pens, the player will receive a message based on which directional pen it occurred in. An example would appear as: The animals in the southern pen, have given birth to a healthy child.

The breeding chance of a pair of animals will be affected by their health and happiness stats. If their health and happiness are low, their breeding chance is reduced. Ensuring the animals have food at all times will therefore help increase the chance of breeding. There are also special items, such as special honeycombs and certain milks (strawberry and vanilla milk), that may be used to increase the animals' stats to speed up the process. The player can boost the chance of breeding by using the farm totems on small pens with elder rabbits in them. Some animal traits will also increase the chance of breeding (see "Useful traits for breeding" below).

Since space is needed in the paddock for breeding to occur, it is advisable to have only one male and one female in the paddock to leave sufficient room for babies. The breeding paddock itself has four slots for animals, so there is potentially room for two babies. Reaching the animal cap of pens by breeding will prompt a message. An example for the breeding pen is: Your breeding pen is now full. You will need to remove animals if you want to breed more..

There is bad luck mitigation in the breeding pen, which means that if the breeding chance fails five times in a row, a success is guaranteed. This protection does not apply to same gender animals nor does it exist in other pens. It is also reset if an animal is removed from the pen. Animals of the same gender may result in offspring as if bred, with the text Your animals have decided to raise a child together and have adopted a baby. This has a much lower overall chance of offspring (100 times less as a base chance) than a male and female.

To keep track of all the breeds the player has bred, they can go to Granny's faithful companion, Sam the sheepdog, or take the breeding log book from the table and check the status at any time.

Breeding traits

Players are able to use the breeding process to create specific child animals with particular traits. Breeding may also be used to create new breeds of animals.

Useful traits for breeding
Trait name Summary Description In slot
1 2 3
Radiant Shiny +5% chance This animal is practically shining. Red X Red X Green checkmark
Glistening Shiny +3% chance This animal is more likely to produce shiny offspring. Red X Green checkmark Green checkmark
Sparkling Shiny +2% chance There's something almost "shiny" about this animal. Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
Good Breeding Increased chance of different breed from parents. Does not work for certain breeds or animals. Conflicts with Strong Genes. This animal carries some rare breed ancestry in its genetics. Red X Green checkmark Green checkmark
Strong Genes This animal is more likely to produce offspring of the same breed. Conflicts with Good Breeding. Increased chance of same breed as parent. Red X Green checkmark Green checkmark
Genetic Instability Multi-trait++ The unusual genetics in this animal means its offspring are more likely to have multiple traits. Red X Green checkmark Green checkmark
Genetic Mutation Multi-trait+ The unusual nature of this animal means its offspring are more likely to have multiple traits. Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
Charmed Happy+
This animal is happier and healthier than other animals Red X Green checkmark Green checkmark
Joyful Happy++ This animal is almost always happy. Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
Jovial Happy+ This animal always sees the glass as half full. Green checkmark Green checkmark Red X
Immune Healthy++ This animal is practically immune to disease. Red X Green checkmark Green checkmark
Robust Healthy+ This animal is more resistant to disease. Green checkmark Green checkmark Red X
Studly Breeding++ This animal has a much higher breeding chance than other animals. Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
Virile Breeding+ This animal has a higher breeding chance than some others. Green checkmark Green checkmark Red X
Frost Breath Shiny unlock (Dragons only) A breeding pair of dragons with Frost Breath and Poisonous Breath and Shock Breath between them allows for a Royal Dragon to be bred. Does not increase base chance for Shiny offspring. Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
Poisonous Breath Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark
Shock Breath Green checkmark Green checkmark Green checkmark

The master farmer outfit gives a better chance of positive traits from breeding. Animal trait re-rollers may be used to re-roll traits.

Animals can have between one and three traits on birth. Multiple trait boosts may be purchased from the Farmers' Market to improve the odds of breeding a multi-trait animal. Additionally, the Genetic Mutation and/or Genetic Instability traits improve the odds that an animal will produce multi-trait offspring.

There is a 0.1% chance (1/1,000) for players to receive rare "shiny" animals from breeding. Shiny animals have a different appearance to regular ones when older than the child stage, and the word "Shiny!" appears on the 4th line below Gender in their item tooltip. Shiny animals give +25% more Farming experience as they are raised and, when sold to a buyer, count as a "wildcard" for the buyer's preferred breed.

Players seeking to maximise their chance of breeding a shiny animal should first obtain a three-trait breeding pair (through breeding or by purchasing a pair from another player), and then use a trait re-roller to roll traits that improve shiny chance. (As an intermediate step, players may use a trait re-roller on a one or two-trait animal to roll the Genetic Mutation and/or Genetic Instability traits in order to help breed three-trait animals.)

The Sparkling (+2% shiny chance in slot 1/2/3), Glistening (+3% shiny chance in slot 2/3), and Radiant (+5% shiny chance in slot 3) traits replace the base 0.1% chance to breed a shiny offspring. All traits stack, so a perfect pair of parents would provide a 20% shiny chance per birth. Any shiny traits on the offspring also add to the chance: an offspring with Sparkling/Glistening/Radiant on top of perfect parents would have a 30% chance of being shiny. Shiny animals do not help breed more shiny animals; only the aforementioned three traits help improve shiny breeding chance.

Black dragons, since they require the three breaths on the parents as well as the child being born black to create a shiny (royal) offspring, have an extra 5% base shiny chance. A perfect pair of adult or elder black dragons (breath 1/breath 2/Radiant and breath 3/Glistening/Radiant) would have a total of 18% shiny chance. This becomes 28% if the offspring is born with Sparkling/Glistening/Radiant.

Breed of offspring

  • Interbreeding of the variants of the same species is possible. For example, a common brown rabbit and a Piscatorian cottontail rabbit can produce offspring.
  • In general, offspring can be any breed, though the chance of being the same breed(s) as the parents is higher. The exceptions are common brown rabbits, chinchompas, and dragons:
  • Breeding kandarin cows with the touch of vanilla, strawberry scent, or chocolatey goodness traits have an increased chance to result in a vanilla cow, strawberry cow, or chocolate cow, respectively. These traits are not required to breed a flavoured cow, but will make it much easier to do so.

Season-specific breeds

When breeding some animals, namely sheep and spiders, the breed will depend on the current player-owned farm season or the time of day. The natural farm seasons follow those in the northern hemisphere. For example, summer begins on the real-life June solstice, which is 21 June, and presumably autumn, winter, and spring begin on the September equinox, December solstice, and March equinox. However, this can be artificially manipulated using a seasonaliser after purchasing a seasonaliser wheel from the Farmers' Market for 5,000 beans.

Season-specific animal breeds
Season Spring Summer Autumn/Fall Winter 21:00-09:00 UTC
Sheep Springsheared ewe & Springsheared ram Summerdown ewe & Summerdown ram Fallfaced ewe & Fallfaced ram Winterwold ewe & Winterwold ram Black ewe & Black ram
Spiders Fever spider Giant spider Corpse spider Ice spider Night spider

Breeding success

The information in the following table applies to the breeding pen. Breeding in the other pens has the following differences:

  • In the small pen breeding will take 1.5x longer
  • In the medium pen breeding will take 2x longer
  • In the large pen breeding will take 3x longer
Animals Breeding rate Max breed time Success chance Average time (Base) Average time (With tier 2 rabbit perk)
Rabbit 5 minutes 25 minutes 40% 12 minutes 11 minutes
Chicken 50 minutes 250 minutes (4h 10m) 45% 106 minutes (1h 46m) 98 minutes (1h 38m)
Chinchompa 150 minutes (2h 30m) 750 minutes (12h 30m) 60% 248 minutes (4h 8m) 227 minutes (3h 47m)
Sheep 100 minutes (1h 40m) 500 minutes (8h 20m) 45% 212 minutes (3h 32m) 196 minutes (3h 16m)
Spider 180 minutes (3h) 900 minutes (15h) 50% 349 minutes (5h 49m) 322 minutes (5h 22m)
Zygomite 500 minutes (8h 20m) 2,500 minutes (41h 40m) 70% 713 minutes (11h 53m) 649 minutes (10h 49m)
Cow 300 minutes (5h) 1,500 minutes (25h) 70% 428 minutes (7h 8m) 390 minutes (6h 30m)
Yak 400 minutes (6h 40m) 2,000 minutes (33h 20m) 60% 660 minutes (11h) 604 minutes (10h 4m)
Dragon 1,000 minutes (16h 40m) 5,000 minutes (83h 20m) 80% 1,250 minutes (20h 50m) 1,137 minutes (18h 57m)
  • Average breeding times assume no bonuses from traits, taking into account the bad luck mitigation of the breeding pen.

To maximise breeding efficiency:

  • Get the mating pair 100% happiness with delicious honeycomb.
  • Get the mating pair 100% health with medicinal honeycomb.
  • Put a mating pair that has Studly trait (Virile would be the second best).
  • Tier 2 rabbit perk: have at least one elder rabbit in both small pens with a totem for each.
  • Enough food all the time.
  • Giving the mating pair an increased chance of breeding success with fertile honeycomb.


  • Parent traits have a slightly higher chance of being inherited than other possible traits. Some traits are more dominant than the others (Chief, Owsla) and are more likely to be passed on compared to other traits. The Ravensworn trait is the only known exception, as it is a mutation of another trait.
  • Mucking out does not affect the chance of breeding.
  • Attractiveness, weight, and speed have no effect on breeding.
  • Having a third mature animal in the breeding pen does not increase the breeding chance. It is better to have just two for having an extra space for a second child.
  • Two babies can be received at once. This happens commonly with rabbits, uncommonly with chickens and chinchompas, rarely with zygomites, and extremely rarely with dragons.
  • The rabbit breeding perk is multiplicative. It would increase the dragons' breeding chance from 80 to 88%.

Breeding ticks

The above lists the cooldown time for when the animals will attempt to breed - this is based on a global timer and is not based on when the animals were added to the pen. The following calculator can be used to list the breeding times for the next X hours (or previous X hours by using a negative number) for specified animals.

Note that:

  • Breeding times occur within that minute - between hh:mm:00 and hh:mm:59 - which can vary between servers.
  • An extra breeding attempt occurs outside of these times each cycle under certain circumstances; it is a consistent glitch.
  • Be aware that selecting rabbits in the calculator results in a significant amount of output due to the short breeding cooldown.
The calculator form will appear here soon. You will need JavaScript enabled.
The result will appear here when you submit the form.

Farming reputation

The Farming Guild interface

The Farming reputation system has a maximum of 2,500,000 Farming reputation and has seven ranks.

Reputation can yield significant permanent rewards in farming related game mechanics. For example:

Any time certain Farming-related actions are done or when farming requests are completed, Farming reputation is gained. The actions producing reputation give 0.1 reputation per 1, 2, or 5 experience points depending on the action.

Farming requests

This article has a calculator for showing when a certain reward will next appear on farming requests here.
Calculators determine experience and costs based on real-time prices from the Grand Exchange Market Watch.

A separate set of buyers request a combination of animals, seeds, and produce in return for items and reputation. The actual items received may, or may not, be worth the exchange. The current farming requests are shown below.

Here are the farming requests for 23 March 2025 (Runedate 8425).(wrong?)

Easy Requests
Farmer FromundRequested:
 Tarromin seed × 10
One of the following animals:
 A Rabbit
 Farming reputation boon (small) × 1
Medium Requests
 Lantadyme seed × 10
 Strawberry × 15
One of the following animals:
 A Springsheared sheep
 A White sheep
 A Winterwold sheep
 A Fallfaced sheep
 Menaphite gift offering (medium) × 1
Hard Requests
 Cave nightshade seed × 8
 Calquat fruit × 6
One of the following animals:
 A Grey chinchompa
 An Azure chinchompa
 Sealed clue scroll (elite) × 1


Players may sell their animals for beans. The number of beans depends on the species, stage of growth, traits, etc.

Animals may be marked as favourite to be kept with a right-click/long-press option on the animal or via the Animal pen or Barn interfaces with the Animal Info screen by clicking on the faint arrow right of the name and left of the right arrow. Favourited animals cannot be traded between players, given to requesters, or handed over when attempting to 'Sell all' to a buyer. To sell an animal, toggle the favourite star off.

Beginner animal breeding players may find it easier and quicker to buy child animals from the farmers' market. Buy two animals; one male and one female. Once the purchased animals have bred and created offspring and the babies have reached the adolescent stage of growth, keep the best two and sell the others. By selling animals at the adolescent stage the player will receive more beans than they initially spent when starting the breeding process.

By default, buyers for the animals present in the pens will spawn. If there is one species of animals in one pen and another species in the other pen, only the buyer for one of them will spawn. Players can interact with advertisement board to choose which buyer appears for each size of pen (small, medium, large).

Selling traits

Bonuses (all bonuses work on base value - additive not multiplicative; final amount rounded down)
Trait name Description
-10% Nice but Dim (Slot 3 only) Generous with experience but less popular with farmers and is not so good with materials on harvesting.
-5% Surly This animal is unpleasant and so worth fewer beans.
-3% Limited Efficiency Harvesting this animal will award more materials but at the cost of lower experience and bean value.
+2% Lucky (Slot 1/2/3) This animal is worth more beans when sold.
+3% Unlucky for Some (Slot 2/3 only) Other farmers will happily purchase this animal, but it's not so good for experience or materials.
+5% Fortunate (Slot 3 only) This animal is considered very special and farmers will pay more beans for it.

Other bonuses:

  • +5%: Animal farmer outfit
  • +10%: Master farmer outfit
  • +10%: Competent Farmer rank for shiny animals
  • +10%: Grandmaster Farmer rank for all animals (stacks with Competent Farmer rank if the animal is shiny)
  • Either of:
    • +10%: Buyers' preferred breed or trait[c 1]
    • +25%: If both buyers' breed and trait is matched[c 1]
  • +65%: is the max possible with Lucky/Unlucky for Some/Fortunate traits, Master farmer outfit, buyers' breed/trait matched, shiny animal, and Grandmaster Farmer rank

Players can sell up to 12 small animals (daily), eight medium (every two days), and six large (every three days), to their respective buyer. The amount for each buyer can be doubled by earning farming reputation.

  1. ^ a b Shiny animals count as a wildcard for both buyers' preferred breed and trait, this does not stack if the animal is both shiny and has the correct base breed and/or trait.

Selling prices

The following table displays an animal's growth stage and its standard selling price, not taking into account the buyers' preferences, the master farmer outfit bonus, or the bonus from the Grandmaster Farmer rank.

Animals Farming level Growth stage Baby Shakes
100% (base value)
[net gain if bought from store]
Small Rabbit 17 N/A 5 25 21 17 2
Chicken 28 4 8 40 [15] 34 28 4
Chinchompa 54 N/A 50 250 213 175 25
Medium Sheep 35 N/A 16 80 [50] 68 56 8
Spider 64 25 50 250 213 175 25
Zygomite 81 N/A 187 850 722 595 85
Large Cow 49 N/A 34 170 [70] 144 119 17
Yak 71 N/A 150 750 638 525 75
Dragon 92 200 400 2,000 1,700 1,400 200

Beans vs. experience

The highest rate of beans is obtained by selling an adolescent animal. Should a player decide to grow an animal further (up to elder) for experience, the rate of experience is as follows.

Animal Total XP
(at elder stage)
Beans lost Experience per bean
Rabbit 250 8 31.25
Chicken 1,250 12 104.17
Chinchompa 15,000 75 200.00
Sheep 675 24 28.13
Spider 10,000 75 133.33
Zygomite 40,000 255 156.86
Cow 2,500 51 49.02
Yak 32,500 225 144.44
Dragon 100,000 600 166.66


Buyers spawn at reset and change daily for small animals (buys 12), every two days for medium animals (8), and every third day for large animals (6). The buyer that spawns is based upon the animal(s) that are currently in the player's pens, unless the player has chosen to advertise certain animal on advertisement board. If both pens for a certain size are empty, then the buyer will request the lowest-level animal type at that size (rabbits for an empty small pen, sheep for an empty medium, or cows for an empty large). If there are different types of animal in the same size of pen, each of the buyers at that size has an equal chance of spawning.

You can select animal buyers regardless of whether or not you have the required level to raise them. Many players use this to their advantage by purchasing adolescent animals from other players to quickly acquire beans.

Size Animal Buyers
Rabbits Myfi (rabbit buyer) chathead.png: Chat head image of Myfi (rabbit buyer)Myfi (rabbit buyer)
Chickens Henrietta (chicken chaser) chathead.png: Chat head image of Henrietta (chicken chaser)Henrietta (chicken chaser)
Chinchompas Mieliki Tapio chathead.png: Chat head image of Mieliki TapioMieliki Tapio (chinchompa collector)
Sheep Ralph (sheep hugger) chathead.png: Chat head image of Ralph (sheep hugger)Ralph (sheep hugger)
Spiders Rumbleguts (spider shopper) chathead.png: Chat head image of Rumbleguts (spider shopper)Rumbleguts (spider shopper)
Zygomites Zoe (zygomite trader) chathead.png: Chat head image of Zoe (zygomite trader)Zoe (zygomite trader)
Cows Milkshake (cow fancier) chathead.png: Chat head image of Milkshake (cow fancier)Milkshake (cow fancier)
Yaks Prezleek chathead.png: Chat head image of PrezleekPrezleek (yak buyer)
Dragons The Raptor chathead.png: Chat head image of The RaptorRaptor (dragon expert)

Baby Shakes

Baby Shakes will purchase any animals, any quantity, any age, regardless of breed or traits—but at a heavily reduced rate of 10% of the animal’s base adolescent bean value. Baby Shakes is always present at the farm, south-east of Granny, and is unaffected by the buyers' reset.

Buyers' reset

When a buyer resets, a new buyer is generated based on the animals in the pens. The new buyer replaces the buyer of that size if they are still present - if it is the same buyer, then the number they ask for is reset, as well as the specific breeds and traits. (e.g. if Myfi still wants four rabbits, preferring Rellekkan cream and Virile, at reset she will reset back to 12 rabbits and generate a new breed and trait to prefer). Once satisfied, after buying their total, buyers vanish until their next reset day. To have a Buyer spawn, the player must log in during the day of their spawn.

Essentially, when a buyer spawns, they will stay on the farm until they either buy the requested number or they reset.

In a full 6 day cycle, if all possible animals were sold, the player would sell 72 small, 24 medium, and 12 large animals.

Reset timers

Last updated 07:59, 23 March 2025 (UTC). Click here to purge.
Buyer Last spawned (ago) Next spawn
Small March 23 2025 00:00 UTC March 24 2025 00:00 UTC
Medium March 22 2025 00:00 UTC March 24 2025 00:00 UTC
Large March 22 2025 00:00 UTC March 25 2025 00:00 UTC

Gathered produce

Every time an animal grows, the player can gather for items and Farming experience. Unlike with collecting produce from crops, animal produce does not replenish. Produce can only be collected once per growth stage. The experience from harvesting is affected by bonus experience, but it is not doubled during Double XP. It will fill farming urns and unstable and erratic effigies and use up bonus experience stored within both advanced pulse cores and cinder cores. If an animal is shiny, it will provide an additional 10% experience. Chickens, spiders, and dragons growing from egg to child stage award experience, but not produce. The icon is displayed over each animal when this has grown a stage and has produce to be gathered if the upgrade has been purchased from the Farmers' Market and then toggled on via Granny Potterington.

If the animal is unhealthy or unhappy, the XP received will be reduced, down to a minimum of 10% of the normal XP. It is recommended to make sure animals that give large amounts of XP are at full health and happiness before produce is gathered, otherwise the XP gains can be greatly reduced.

  1. ^ a b c d Animals do not give items on the first growth stage if they come from an egg.
  2. ^ Each stage of growth has the same XP/hr of growth rate. Later stages of growth have longer wait times and bigger xp drops, but the rate per hour is the same.
  3. ^ a b Yield per growth stage.
  4. ^ Profit per hour to elder follows the same order, with the exception of a few shiny animals.
  5. ^ Rellekkan cream rabbits, Piscatorian cottontail rabbits, and jackalopes.
  6. ^ Common white hens, Bandosian bantam hens, Varrockian red hens, and Oomlie hens.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h The shiny breed.
  8. ^ When unstable or nuclear chinchompas or skillchompas explode, they grant all potential remaining experience and produce at once.
  9. ^ Fever, giant, corpse, and ice spiders.
  10. ^ a b c Shiny bulls (male harlequin cows) provide no produce at all and display a female cow model while still breeding as bulls. This is, however, likely unintended.
  11. ^ Not tradable on the Grand Exchange.
  12. ^ Provide one of any of the four types or no milk at all at each growth stage.

Produce-based skill potions

Multiple produce items from the farm are used for making new skill potions.

Use of player-owned farm specific produce in making skill potions
Skill Normal (+3) Super (+5) Extreme (+3 to +17)
Potion Ingredients Herblore Level Potion Addition Herblore Level Potion Addition Herblore Level
Cooking.png: RS3 Inventory image of CookingCooking Cooking potion.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cooking potion Clean harralander.png: RS3 Inventory image of Clean harralanderHarralander + Swordfish.png: RS3 Inventory image of SwordfishSwordfish 55 Super cooking potion.png: RS3 Inventory image of Super cooking potion + Zygomite fruit.png: RS3 Inventory image of Zygomite fruitZygomite fruit 79 Extreme cooking potion.png: RS3 Inventory image of Extreme cooking potion + Primal extract.png: RS3 Inventory image of Primal extractPrimal extract + Beak snot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Beak snotBeak snot 104
Divination.png: RS3 Inventory image of DivinationDivination Divination potion.png: RS3 Inventory image of Divination potion Clean spirit weed.png: RS3 Inventory image of Clean spirit weedSpirit weed + Rabbit foot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Rabbit footRabbit foot 43 Super divination.png: RS3 Inventory image of Super divination + Zygomite fruit.png: RS3 Inventory image of Zygomite fruitZygomite fruit 70 Extreme divination.png: RS3 Inventory image of Extreme divination + Yak tuft.png: RS3 Inventory image of Yak tuftYak tuft 89
Hunter.png: RS3 Inventory image of HunterHunter Hunter potion.png: RS3 Inventory image of Hunter potion Clean avantoe.png: RS3 Inventory image of Clean avantoeAvantoe + Kebbit teeth dust.png: RS3 Inventory image of Kebbit teeth dustKebbit teeth dust 53 Super hunter.png: RS3 Inventory image of Super hunter + Rabbit teeth.png: RS3 Inventory image of Rabbit teethRabbit teeth 64 Extreme hunter.png: RS3 Inventory image of Extreme hunter + Bull horns.png: RS3 Inventory image of Bull hornsBull horns 80
Invention.png: RS3 Inventory image of InventionInvention Invention potion.png: RS3 Inventory image of Invention potion Clean snapdragon.png: RS3 Inventory image of Clean snapdragonSnapdragon + Chinchompa residue.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chinchompa residueChinchompa residue 77 Super invention.png: RS3 Inventory image of Super invention + Spider fangs.png: RS3 Inventory image of Spider fangsSpider fangs 87 Extreme invention.png: RS3 Inventory image of Extreme invention + Mycelial webbing.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mycelial webbingMycelial webbing 95
Runecrafting.png: RS3 Inventory image of RunecraftingRunecrafting Runecrafting potion.png: RS3 Inventory image of Runecrafting potion Clean wergali.png: RS3 Inventory image of Clean wergaliWergali + Season wool.png: RS3 Inventory image of Season woolAny kind of season wool 54 Super runecrafting.png: RS3 Inventory image of Super runecrafting + Yak milk.png: RS3 Inventory image of Yak milkYak milk 75 Extreme runecrafting.png: RS3 Inventory image of Extreme runecrafting + Spider venom.png: RS3 Inventory image of Spider venomSpider venom 91


Farmhands are helpers that will handle some of the farm tasks without guidance such as collecting excess animals, preventing animals from growing past the adolescent stage and finding random unchecked animals.


Each babysitter can stop animals in a pen from growing past their adolescent stage. There are a total of eight babysitters. Up to three can be allocated to each pen.

Pen Farmhand Beans cost Cost per use
Small Thing 1,000 2
Handy 1,000 2
Medium Zygomaid 2,000 5
Emile 2,000 5
Large Dorbo 3,500 10
Teensy 3,500 10
Any & Breeding Karen 3,500 10
Susan 3,500 10


The collector Callia takes excess babies from the breeding pen and stores them as unchecked animals. She can be hired for 2,500 beans and requires a payment of 10 beans per usage. Collectors will store up to 10 unchecked animals each of three species, for a total of 30 animals stored.


The trapper Adam Antite is located inside the house and can be sent off every six hours to retrieve a random unchecked animal for the player. He can be hired for 5,000 beans and requires a payment of 100 beans per usage. The trapper will never retrieve a shiny animal (including an Araxyte spider), but any other animal is possible. The only exception is royal dragons, though these are incredibly rare.[9]

Storm barn

The barn build hotspot is just east of the bank chest. The storm barn deed can be purchased for 5,000 beans. It requires 60 Construction, 225 rune nails and 20 mahogany planks to construct, granting 2,800 Construction experience. The barn has an initial capacity of 15 animals in any mix of any types. It can be upgraded to store 30 animals by purchasing the storm barn extension for 20,000 beans, then 60 animals by purchasing the second storm barn extension for 60,000 beans. These upgrades requires no additional materials.


Each animal produces different types of muck in their paddock. When players "muck out", they gain Farming experience depending on the type of muck that is attempted to be cleared. The amount of muck in each pile varies between one and 79.[source needed] This only affects the experience mucking out grants and how much time it takes; each pile of manure will only fill one bucket.

Mucking out for cows 20 times is needed for I Hardly Manure achievement, which can be done in either a large pen or the breeding pen.

Muck does not affect animal stats or breeding chance. Thus, mucking any manure except dragon manure is mostly useful for its rather low experience gain and the chance at receiving master farmer fragments. While manure and green manure can be used when making compost and supercompost respectively, other items can be used which are easier to obtain.

Animal Muck Frequency Experience per action
Rabbit Mammal droppings 5 minutes 20
Chicken Bird droppings 10 minutes 20
Chinchompas Mammal droppings 20
Sheep Manure 10 minutes 50
Green manure 120
Spiders N/A N/A N/A
Zygomites N/A N/A N/A
Cows Manure 10 minutes 50
Green manure 120
Yaks Manure 10 minutes 50
Green manure 120
Dragons Green manure [d 1] 10 minutes 120
Dragon manure [d 2] 500
  1. ^ Produced by child dragons.
  2. ^ Produced by adolescent and older dragons.

Players can collect all three kinds of manure (manure, green, or dragon) if one has an empty bucket in the inventory, but mammal and bird droppings cannot be collected.

Manure is used for regular compost. Green manure is used for supercompost. Dragon manure is used for ultracompost, which increases the yield of Farming patches and dramatically decreases disease chance.[10][1]

It is possible to obtain Mod Dolan's rubber duck and Mod Daze's homework from this activity.

Other activities

Manure mound

The manure mound can be found north-east of the Farming Guild farmhouse. It may be continuously turned for Farming experience. Strange rocks, golden rocks, and master farmer fragments can be obtained from turning the manure. Mod Daze's homework and Mod Dolan's rubber duck can also be obtained here.

Pickle the cat

Pickle the cat may be talked to using a catspeak amulet or a cramulet. If he has caught 10 or more mice, talking to him will complete the In a Pickle achievement.

Beehives and milk

Players can interact with the beehives behind the large pen on the east side of the farm. Certain types of plants may be added to a beehive which can result in a variety of different honeycomb. Noted flowers may be used. Each beehive produces one honeycomb from one flower approximately every hour, provided flowers have been added. Insect repellent is required to harvest honeycombs. Insect repellent can now be added to toolbelt. Honeycombs can only be used at certain animal growth stages. Beehives can hold up to 27 flowers per type of flower per full load. Although different flowers can be placed in a single hive, it is probably better to use one type per hive for organisational purposes. If different flowers are put into a single hive, the production of special honey will be random.

Given that the price of Marigolds in the Grand Exchange is high at the moment due to high demand, a viable option is to buy the 10 marigold seeds from Olivia in Draynor Village or Coeden's Seed Store in Prifddinas and farm them in the flower patches since they only take around 18 minutes to fully grow.

Right-clicking the beehives can allow the player to see how many flowers have been deposited.

To harvest the special honeycombs, click on the hive and choose the option "Check Beehive". The player must first spray the hive with insect repellent, or they will be stung. Choosing the option "Take honey Beehive" will result in a regular honeycomb being collected instead. Feeding the special honeycomb to an animal will only work if it is not in its egg stage.

Flower Cost Honeycomb Value Effect Profit
Stat boosters - multiple per animal
Marigolds.png: RS3 Inventory image of MarigoldsMarigolds 12,098 Delicious honeycomb.png: RS3 Inventory image of Delicious honeycombDelicious 16,836 Happiness boosted by 10% 4,738
Rosemary.png: RS3 Inventory image of RosemaryRosemary 10,426 Dense honeycomb.png: RS3 Inventory image of Dense honeycombDense 14,695 Weight boosted by 10% 4,269
Woad leaf.png: RS3 Inventory image of Woad leafWoad leaf 16 Medicinal honeycomb.png: RS3 Inventory image of Medicinal honeycombMedicinal 328 Health boosted by 10% 312
Nasturtiums.png: RS3 Inventory image of NasturtiumsNasturtiums 6,706 Runny honeycomb.png: RS3 Inventory image of Runny honeycombRunny 198 Speed boosted by 10 gallopers −6,508
Snape grass.png: RS3 Inventory image of Snape grassSnape grass 411 Sweet honeycomb.png: RS3 Inventory image of Sweet honeycombSweet 1,105 Attractiveness boosted by 10 beauty marks 694
Breeding traits - 1 per animal
Roses (Het's Oasis).png: RS3 Inventory image of Roses (Het's Oasis)Roses 54 Fertile honeycomb.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fertile honeycombFertile 883 Increased chance of breeding until next offspring 829
Irises.png: RS3 Inventory image of IrisesIrises 107 Candied honeycomb.png: RS3 Inventory image of Candied honeycombCandied 510 Increased chance of the next offspring having the Joyful trait 403
Hydrangeas.png: RS3 Inventory image of HydrangeasHydrangeas 122 Nutritious honeycomb.png: RS3 Inventory image of Nutritious honeycombNutritious 759 Increased chance of the next offspring having the Immune trait 637
Hollyhocks.png: RS3 Inventory image of HollyhocksHollyhocks 118 Moreish honeycomb.png: RS3 Inventory image of Moreish honeycombMoreish 848 Increased chance of the next offspring having multiple traits 730
Golden roses.png: RS3 Inventory image of Golden rosesGolden roses 1,191,606 Shimmering honeycomb.png: RS3 Inventory image of Shimmering honeycombShimmering 385,408 Increased chance of the next offspring being shiny −806,198

There are only two kinds of milk that can improve the stats of any animal: strawberry and vanilla. Chocolatey milk and plain milk have no effect. Yak milk is used in Herblore. In the long run it would be a much less reliable and far more expensive source of stat boosters compared to beehives as their production is limited by the cows' growth stages.

Milk Produce of Boost
Strawberry milk.png: RS3 Inventory image of Strawberry milkStrawberry milk Strawberry cow.png: RS3 Inventory image of Strawberry cowStrawberry cow Health between 0-13%
Happiness between 0-8%
Average total +10.1% (n=30)
Vanilla milk.png: RS3 Inventory image of Vanilla milkVanilla milk Vanilla cow.png: RS3 Inventory image of Vanilla cowVanilla cow Health between 0-9%
Happiness between 5-14%
Average total +15.8% (n=35)

Farmers' Market

The Farmers' Market is the shop operated by Granny Potterington. Various farm upgrades and other Farming-related items can be purchased using beans.



The following (sets of) achievements are related to player-owned farm:

Pre-release teasers

Music unlocked



Player-owned farm
DeveloperMod Raven, Mod Rowley
Art and graphics
CharactersMod Damo
EnvironmentsMod AoB, Mod Alex (Anachronia Dinosaur Farm changes)
ConceptMod BakingaZ
CompositionMod Surma

Update history

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 20 January 2025 (Update):
    • Higher-level Planks can now be used to build Grapevine Frames and Farm Paddocks.
  • patch 22 January 2024 (Update):
    • Player Owned Farm name and trait re-rollers can no longer re-roll the current trait/name in the selected slot, and will reopen the roll menu if the player hasn't run out of rerollers.
    • Completing the Breeding Log for a category of animal now passively grants the tier 1 perk for this animal.
      • For example, if you have completed the You Had a Zygomite achievement to breed the five types of zygomite, you are now granted the tier 1 Zygomite perk Uncapped Potential, without needing a Zygomite in one of your pens. You still require an animal in a pen to get its tier 2 perk.
    • Normalised produce and seed amounts required for farming requests based on produce and seed type, removed some outlying annoying crops/seeds it could require (e.g. Bloodweed Seed, Goutweed, Goutweed Tuber).
    • Reduced possible animal types from small and medium farming requests, increased allowed breeds from medium and hard farming requests, and removed the need for specific traits on hard requested animals.
  • patch 20 March 2023 (Update):
    • Fixed an issue where favourited animals could be traded.
  • ninja 16 May 2022 (Update):
    • Increased the range in which you can interact with Player Owned Farm paddocks. You may now interact with the paddock gate instead of trying to click the small, moving, NPCs.
  • ninja 13 September 2021 (Update):
    • Moved buyer-contract options at Manor Farm and The Ranch Out of Time to a noticeboard, which allows players to easily select which buyers they'd like to sell to.
      • Renamed an option on both Granny Potterington and Prehistoric Potterington to reflect these changes.
  • patch 14 June 2021 (Update):
    • Players can no longer receive unlimited Beans during the Manor Farm tutorial.
  • patch 17 May 2021 (Update):
    • Cows, bulls and chinchompas on the Player Owned Farm will no longer appear without colour if textures are disabled.
  • ninja 18 January 2021 (Update):
    • You can now mark favourite animals with a new right-click/long-press option or via the Animal pen or Barn interfaces
      • Favourited animals cannot be traded between players, given to requesters, or handed over when attempting to 'Sell all' to a buyer
    • New buttons have been added to the Animal Information interface to make it easier to feed animals honeycomb
      • Long-press or right-click the button to feed the maximum amount of honeycomb
    • Animal buyers can once again be set to appear via 'word of mouth' based on what animals are in the pens
      • Speak to one of the Potteringtons about contract options and clear your advertisements to try it out!
    • Adding food to troughs via the 'Make-X' menu will now pick an appropriate food based on the type already in in the trough, or the type used last
      • If neither of these options are possible it will default to the first appropriate food you have in your Backpack
    • The 'Make-X' trough menu will now start at the maximum value
    • The warning which first appears when attempting to harvest an animal under 100% health and happiness can now be toggled back on
    • Player owned farm paddock requirements are now listed in the Construction Skill Guide
    • For consistency, various messaging on Manor Farm and The Ranch Out of Time has been turned into info-boxes:
      • Activating and deactivating overhead icons for animals
      • Changing and checking season with the Seasonaliser
      • Placing, removing and checking Farming totems
      • Trying to use The Ranch without completing the Anachronia Base Camp tutorial
      • Not having enough materials to build dinosaur pens
    • Quick-selling animals to buyers will now trigger an info-box stating the total amount of Beans gained
    • Dinosaur eggs dropped by feral, ripper, brutish and venomous dinosaurs now trigger lootbeams
    • Tooltips for animals' health and happiness meters now appear when they are tapped on mobile devices
  • patch 3 August 2020 (Update):
    • Players can now shear sheep for wool with one empty backpack slot when the 'Have Ewe (Many Wool)' perk is active.
  • patch 13 July 2020 (Update):
    • The Player Owned Farm Breeding Rabbits tutorial can now actually be completed.
  • patch 6 July 2020 (Update):
    • Corrected a typo in buyers' dialogue at the Player Owned Farm.
  • patch 15 June 2020 (Update):
    • Rainbow fish can now be used to feed animals in the Player Owned Farm - as long as they eat fish, that is.
  • patch 8 June 2020 (Update):
    • Cows and sheep will no longer become horribly deformed in the Add/Remove Animal interface.
  • update 1 June 2020 (Update):
    • You will now receive five portions of fruity mush during the Player Owned Farm tutorial.
  • hotfix 6 April 2020 (Update):
    • Fixed an issue where the Player Owned Farm trapper farmhand was not returning.
  • patch 24 February 2020 (Update):
    • Can no longer check Player-owned farm animals in other locations if the action is performed while teleporting.
  • patch 20 January 2020 (Update):
    • Fixed the issue greying out gather buttons in player owned farms.
  • patch 13 January 2020 (Update):
    • Selecting gather produce with right-click in player owned farm will now correctly update the button state.
    • Players can no longer complete the Farming Daily Challenge early by gathering from an ill animal.
  • patch 14 October 2019 (Update):
    • Combat dummies can no longer be deployed inside paddocks in PoF.
    • You can now use Arbuck seeds on the player owned farm food troughs.
  • patch 23 September 2019 (Update):
    • Corrected some seed icons when adding them to the Player-owned farm troughs.
  • update 16 September 2019 (Update):
    • As you might have heard, there’s been a few changes down on the farm. Last week, we addressed some of your biggest concerns about the update to Player Owned Farms and laid out how we planned to fix them. Today’s update sees these changes out in the wild. You can look forward to an improved XP-to-effort ratio, a deeper farming experience, and more player-to-player interactions than you can shake a rake at. Why not head on down to Ardougne and check out the new and improved farm for yourself?
    • Harvest XP has been reduced by 50%.
    • Animal XP is now based on their health and happiness.
      • This is to encourage players to engage with their farm more actively. Now the happiness and health of the animals adjusts the XP to a percentage of their average, to a minimum of 10% of their maximum value. This means that you need to keep your animals fed and healthy if you want to maintain their best XP rates.
    • Harvest XP can now be boosted by items and bonus XP
      • You can now use any XP boosting reward or device while harvesting. While this doesn’t include double XP weekends, it means that those who are going for efficiency can see an increase in the base XP to somewhere near the pre-nerf values.
    • Reduced breeding outside of breeding pens.
      • Animals in the small pen will take 1.5x as long to breed as animals in the breeding pen
      • Animals in the medium pen will take 2x as long to breed as animals in the breeding pen
      • Animals in the large pen will take 3x as long to breed as animals in the breeding pen
    • Reduced the amount of animals the collector farmhand can hold.
      • Currently the collector can hold 90 animals, which is excessive. The current format means that there’s little reason to trade as players will just collect a ton of animals over the course of a few weeks. So the plan is to reduce the collector’s capacity to 10 of each breed, for a total of 30 possible animals. Note: This won’t remove any animals she is currently holding over that limit, merely prevent more animals from being stored. The collector is still a great investment, but now we encourage people to sell more animals to get the best results (for both the buyer and the seller).
    • The rate at which animals feed has been increased.
      • To keep things simple, we’ve decided to make it so that each animal eats 1 food every hour. Put simply, this means that an animal's health and happiness will now improve at twice the rate, while still allowing players to leave their farms alone for a few days and check back in to top things up.
      • Additionally, we’ve increased the amount of food which can be added via left click. Now you can fill the entire trough in one go.
    • Increased the benefits of shiny enhancing traits.
      • These traits have been doubled in effectiveness, meaning you are much more likely to get a shiny animal if you breed these traits. However, we recognise that breeding traits isn’t an exact science so we’ve made an additional change.
    • Increased the hereditary nature of traits
      • All traits now have a much higher base chance of being passed on to their children. It’s not 100%, but you should see it being much easier to breed the traits you want into your animals, whether it be the shiny boosting traits or traits like jovial and immune.
    • Increased the value of shiny animals
      • To give even more value to shiny animals, they will now produce 25% more XP than their base animal (up from 10%). This means that if you aim to breed shiny animals, you should see a higher rate of XP as a reward for the effort you have put into the farm.
  • patch 9 September 2019 (Update):
    • The NopeNopeNope perk no longer appears on the players buff bar. This still shows as a debuff on the enemies bar however.
  • patch 3 June 2019 (Update):
    • An issue has been fixed in the tutorial where some NPC names were incorrect and chatheads were missing.
  • patch 11 March 2019 (Update):
    • Callia the farmhand collector will now correctly collect animals from the breeding pen if you were to leave the area with less than the max amount of animals inside the pen.
    • You will now correctly be informed if the collector can't collect an animal.
  • patch 11 February 2019 (Update):
    • Using a farm animal on the paddock entrance will no longer cause a disconnection.
    • Trapper farmhands will no longer occasionally be unresponsive when interacted with.
    • Changed PoF trapper's animal gathering timer from 30s to 6 hours.
    • Removing animals from the storm barn can no longer cause a disconnection.
  • update 4 February 2019 (Update):
    • Added an "Old Mc" title for completing the POF breeding log (talk to Sam the sheepdog to unlock it).
    • Baby Shakes at the player owned farm will now buy unwanted farm animals for beans at an amount based on their significance (e.g shiny).
    • Added a "Don't ask me again" option to the warning for removing unharvested animals from Player Owned Farm.
    • Granny Potterington now sells the ability to unlock farm animal indicators to help determine whether something is diseased or has produce to gather.
    • Shiny animals now count as a wildcard for trait requests when selling to player owned farm NPC buyers, on top of the existing breed wildcard.
    • Elite farmer hats can now be used to teleport or receive items if the player owns the master farmer hat.
    • Players can now teleport out of the player owned farm pens.
  • patch 21 January 2019 (Update):
    • An issue that caused the food troughs at the player owned farm to only be able to add as much mush to the trough as free inventory spaces you had has been resolved and as such you can add up to 60 Mush into a trough again at once.
  • patch 26 November 2018 (Update):
    • Reduced the painted down area of Manor Farm which was covering a wider area than it perhaps needed. This meant farm checks were running when you walked from places like the Ardougne lodestone to the Fishing Guild. The areas have now been tightened up to only cover the outskirts of all pens and the hives.
    • You can now chat to Granny (or access via a new right click option) about which Contract buyers should turn up. Timing restrictions will still apply, in that you'd have to wait until the next day for them to turn up. Doing this will overwrite the standard game mechanic, but that can be turned back on by chatting to Granny at any time. Small, Medium and Large buyers can now each individually be set.
    • Two tiles in the north-west paddock of Player-owned-Farm should no longer cause the player to be stuck under certain circumstances.
    • Spirit yaks from summoning and zygomites from farming will now be able to be harvested with a full inventory, where one of your items (yak pouch or a mushroom) will be replaced as it reveals itself to be a creature.
    • There was an erroneous check for contract buyers that meant if your first login of the day was on a free to play world, the buyers wouldn't refresh when they were supposed to. Now, if you're member, on your first login of the day, despite what world you log into, the contract buyers will correctly refresh.
    • Adjusted values of shiny-boosting traits to Sparkling (+1%), Glistening (+1.5%) and Radiant (+2.5%) (which is an increase overall if you stack all three on the same animal).
    • Removed a guaranteed drop of ghostly essence when the As the Rooster Crows Player-owned-Farm animal perk is active; it now only increases drop chances for an amount of kills after you hear the rooster's crow, as described.
  • patch 1 October 2018 (Update):
    • Farm totem perks and skilling potions buff bar icon can now be toggled on/off.
    • Players can no longer light fires inside pens in Player Owned Farm.
    • The farming skill guide will now correctly show farming fragment rates at level 120.
    • RuneScore is now recorded correctly for Player Owned Farm achievements.
  • patch 24 September 2018 (Update):
    • Corrected a message when buying the bank chest upgrade on the Manor farm.
    • Chocolate milk from cows is now correctly certed when gathering produce.
    • Milton the Miller (North Ardougne Mill) now has a farming shop icon once again.
    • You can now correctly teleport to Manor farm using the master farmers outfit.
    • Buttercap mushrooms now appear as Buttercaps when adding mushrooms to troughs on your farm.
    • Small tweaks have been made to increase the odds of a shiny animal.
    • After unlocking the bank chest at the Manor Farm it will now provide bank functions like auto-healing, keepsaking, the ability to activate the Magic skillcape perk and so on.
    • Unchecked eggs for dragons and spiders now have a lootbeam when they are received as a drop.
    • Potions newly introduced with the player-owned-farm can now be decanted manually.
    • Players can now add Jellyfish (blue and green) to food trough.
    • Players can now empty buckets of flavoured milk.
    • Carnivorous chinchomps are now further confirmed as eating everything (rather than just meat).
    • Collecting honey from the Manor Farm apiary will now contribute towards filling your Farming Urns.
    • Some animal breeding messages have been updated in player owned farm for consistency
    • There was an error in the breeding log for Golden sheep, where the log wouldn't recognise the birth. This is now fixed. Many apologies.
    • Missing blocking has been added to the west side of Granny Potterington's farmhouse.
    • You no longer get a message that you need inv space when opening the farmers market with a full inv. This was caused by a redundant check on the farm totems and we've instead moved the check to a requirement for buying the totems. As a result, totems will now appear locked if you don't have space to buy one.
    • A typo in one of the health checks for PoF animals has been fixed.
    • We've slightly improved the chance to breed a Daemoncap Zygomite
  • patch 17 September 2018 (Update):
    • Added Balthazar to the player owned farm.
    • A grammatical oddity when inspecting female animals in the "Add/Remove Animals" Player Owned Farm interface has been fixed.
    • The "Destroy empty buckets when farming" will now factor in interactions between the new buckets of Player Owned Farm manure and compost bin. Tick it if you want to get rid of your buckets, untick it if you'd rather keep them!
    • Removed force walk tile north of Ardougne.
    • The player will no longer get trapped in the windmill while completing The Chosen Commander quest.
    • You can now use noted raw sailfish on feeding troughs at your farm. Sorry about that.
    • Removed two forcewalk tiles next to Ardougne beehives.
    • Fixed a patch of ground outside of the Ardougne Mill that was using old textures.
    • Changed the Ardougne Lunar spell to be outside the breeding pen.
    • Also tweaked the Ardougne cloak teleport to not be around the compost bin, but closer to the herb patch and breeding pen.
    • All the new farmer outfit pieces now have a retrieve all option on them, when reclaiming from Diango.
    • Granny Potterington now sells animal pen kits on the farmers' market.
    • Royal dragons can now only be bred using super-secret farming methods.
    • Payments in the Herblore Habitat farming circle are now properly reduced whilst wearing the Master Farmers outfit.
    • The chinchompa buyer will now correctly purchase any type of chinchompa, even if it's not the variety they are after.
    • Carnivorous chinchompas have been changed to omnivore status and will now eat everything, like every other chinchompa.
    • White lillies can once again be planted without vanishing, while wearing the master farmer outfit.
  • hotfix 17 September 2018 (Update):
    • The catch up now correctly works when it comes to increasing happiness and health of your animals.
  • patch 10 September 2018 (Update):
    • The servants have come back from their brief holiday - although they're not too happy about the farm that's just moved in!
    • If you get a black dragon egg (unchecked) from Queen black dragon it will now appear in its correct form.
    • Beehives now have a right-click option to display what flowers they have stored inside.
    • Attribute boosting Honey at the Player Owned Farm is now produced at a faster rate.
    • The floor from the upstairs of the servants guild has been re-installed, luckily the builders ignored the Ardougne Health and Safety Rules.
    • Players can now walk away from beehives to stop collecting special honey.
    • Any new rabbits you breed will now be bankable and tradeable. There were some very strange cases where if you kept your original tutorial rabbits in the breeding pen, then a majority of other bred rabbits would be classed as tutorial ones and therefore not bankable and tradeable. Apologies, but this fix will only tend to new rabbits. You'll have to sell any other untradeable ones you might have in a pen to the Rabbit buyer.
    • Noted flowers can now be used on beehives to create special honey.
    • Fixed a number of spelling errors with various farm related entries.
    • Players can now purchase an upgrade that allows animals to breed inside small, medium and large pens.
    • Rabbits killed in the Elf Lands will now only drop Common brown rabbits (rather than a chance at Rellekkan ones)
    • Players picking from their own Grapevines will once again be given a variety of god grapes, rather than just Grapes of Zamorak.
    • Gloomshroom zygomites can now be successfully sold to Zoe the contract buyer.
    • Various types of animal waste (dropping, manure etc) can now be seen on your minimap as red dots. Do you even manure?
    • Beehives will now only take the amount of flowers desired.
    • Players can now click away from the beehive while storing flowers.
    • The Ardougne task achievement, Green Fingers, can now consistently be completed.
    • Hopping worlds on the farm will no longer make your animals appear to be invisible for various lengths of time.
    • Trading any farm animal between players will now select the correct animal, rather than whatever (of that type) appeared earlier in the inventory.
    • Adding pathing to the NW and slightly to the SW for world map purposes.
    • The correct contract sellers for your animals should now appear on your farm.
    • You can no longer get grey chinchompas from Grenwall hunting.


  • The animal stats for Weight, Attractiveness (beauty marks), and Speed (gallopers) are currently purely cosmetic. There were plans for shows for the player to compare their animals with other players' that would provide a prize for the heaviest, prettiest, or fastest animals entered. These plans have been placed on hold for the moment.[11]
  • Logging out or hopping worlds removes the muck from the animal pens.
  • Since elapsed ticks are caught up when a player enters the farm, animals continue to breed and food continues to deplete any time the player is away, even if the player becomes free-to-play.
  • The perk "Randomly Accessed Memories" is a reference to the computing term Random-access memory (RAM).
  • The perk "Nigel's Gift" references Nigel the companion yak of Zaida.


  1. ^ a b c Jagex. "July's Content Showcase - Player-owned Farms and more!." YouTube video. 17 July 2018.
  2. ^ Jagex. "2018 - RuneScape's Year Ahead." Twitch video. 5 January 2018.
  3. ^ Mod Rowley. Mod Rowley comment on reddit regarding PoF animal drop rates. Reddit. 10 September 2018. (Archived from the original on 12 March 2023.) Mod Rowley: "I'd like for us to consider some fine tuning first and adding in some mitigation, before we release all rates, but will say for now black dragons have a 1/2k rate (incl. KDB) and QBD is 1/200 (all for black dragon eggs)."
  4. ^ Jagex. "RuneScape Content Showcase - Player owned farms, Clans, Master Skillcape Perks, Menaphos." YouTube video. 18 May 2018.
  5. ^ Jagex. Mod Raven's Twitter account. 12 August 2020. (Archived from the original on 26 May 2021.) Mod Raven: "Breed animals with the mysterious trait."
  6. ^ Jagex. Mod Raven's Twitter account. 15 October 2019. (Archived from the original on 30 October 2019.) Mod Raven: "Born only. Yes I am that much of a [expletive]."
  7. ^ Jagex. "Player Owned Farm - Changes Blog." 11 September 2019. RuneScape News.
  8. ^ Jagex. Mod Raven's Twitter account. 27 September 2018. (Archived from the original on 30 October 2019.) Mod Raven: "Royal dragons do not breed true (i.e don't breed other royal dragons automatically) but should breed as black dragons. They have no higher chance to breed a royal than another black dragon. They are not infertile."
  9. ^ Mod Chaose. How to get Royal Dragon eggs - just send the Trapper off and forget. Reddit. 8 February 09:58:27 2019 UTC subreddit. (Archived from the original on 11 February 2019.) Mod Chaose: "Technically 1 in 1,001,001. Also doesn't count to the breeding log, as you didn't breed it."
  10. ^ "Elite Dungeons and Player Owned Farms - April Content Showcase!." YouTube video. 17 April 2018.
  11. ^ Mod Raven. Mod Raven comment on Reddit regarding the animal stats. Reddit. 5 September 2018. (Archived from the original on 2018-09-07.) Mod Raven: "Because the plan is for weight to have potential value in future. One of the things we had to cut on release were special animal shows, where you could compete against other players by submitting your farm animal to see if it was the fastest/heaviest/prettiest and would get a prize for doing so. We'd still like to add this in future at some point, so the functionality wasn't removed from the animals when we cut it. Plus it's interesting to let people see what they can get on animals."