Count Draynor

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Count Draynor
Release25 January 2021 (Update)
QuestOnce Upon a Time in Gielinor: Foreshadowing
LocationClosure's study
OptionsTalk to, Examine
ExamineLook! And stand your ground!
Advanced data
NPC ID27453

QuestDominion Tower
Count Draynor
Release21 January 2001 (Update)
OptionsAttack, Examine
Examine Stop looking and run!
Look! And stand your ground!
Combat info
Combat level28
Life points2,000
Combat experience
XP9 (two-handed)
4 (one-handed and armour)
Max hit
6 ticks (3.6s)
Combat levels
Base hit chance
Not immuneNot immuneNot immuneNot immune
Advanced data
NPC ID9357
Linksbestiary • MRND

Count Draynor Drakan is a vampyre who resides within Draynor Manor. Count Draynor is the villain of the Vampyre Slayer quest. During the quest Morgan says that Count Draynor plagues the village, demanding blood payments from the residents.[1] He attacks the villagers by night.[2] The player is enlisted to slay Count Draynor.

Count Draynor is fight-able as a class H boss monster in the Dominion Tower minigame after completion of Vampyre Slayer. Count Draynor appears in Once Upon a Time in Gielinor: Foreshadowing, where the player assists him by going to Draynor Manor and turning off a range that he had left on.

Fighting Count Draynor[edit | edit source]

Mmm, I can smell your blood!
Draynor's battlecry in the Dominion Tower

Count Draynor can be damaged by typical weapons but he cannot be killed by one. A player needs to have a stake hammer to drive the stake through his heart, although players must take almost all of his life points first. This can be done by using the stake hammer on Count Draynor while a stake is present in the player's inventory. If a player does not have the hammer and stake, he will heal to full health when his life points are low. If you bring Garlic with you, it will weaken him. Most players should have little difficulty defeating him.

Count Draynor is weak to magic and Water spells; even low-level ones like Water Strike or Water Bolt can be effective against him. Once he is almost dead, use the stake to stab him and finish him off.

The life point recovery rate of Count Draynor is very high. This rate decreases over time if you brought Garlic. In Dominion Tower, Count Draynor can be killed an infinite number of times, but experience will only be gained for the first 3 killings.

Lore[edit | edit source]

In Desert Treasure Malak is able to tell that the player has killed Count Draynor, who he says is the brother of Lord Drakan.[3] Roavar explains that Count Draynor lost a lot of his power after becoming trapped in Misthalin.[4] Count Draynor was believed (by Xenia) to be the last vampyre west of the River Salve.[5] Ruantun in Draynor Sewers has assisted Count Draynor with experiments in the past.[6]

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Graphical updates[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • ninja 14 September 2015 (Update):
    • The following quest fights have been rebalanced:
      • Count Draynor:
        • 3,000 life points (up from 500).
        • Max hit of 300 (up from 120).
      • Count Draynor (Dominion Tower):
        • Max hit of 447 (up from 120).
  • patch 7 February 2012 (Update):
    • Count Draynor's death animation is no longer overridden by using the Vine whip's special attack.
  • update 21 January 2001 (Update):
    • Added to game.
      • There's a vampire asleep in the cellar of Draynor Manor.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The Count Draynor character is loosely based on the popular Count Dracula from a 1897 horror novel of the same name.
  • In the past, Count Draynor would jump out and attack people even after completion of the quest, and he is invincible to any damage, by healing quickly. Nowadays Count Draynor will not appear again after the quest, along with the examination sentence: "There's only a pillow in here..." upon search of his coffin.
  • His description in Dominion Tower states that he is called Victor by his friends and that he swapped between being a follower of Zaros to Zamorak, and then switched back to following Zaros.[7]
  • Count Draynor appears as a respondent to a letter in Postbag from the Hedge, scolding him for not paying taxes due to Zamorak. In his response, the count writes using a stereotypical Eastern European vampyric "accent" e.g."YOU voke me for ZIS? Sending a messenger who haz no veins, blood or even an ear to nibble on iz bad enough, but ZIS? I am velling up viz rage!...Oooh, my beating heart...vot did my therapist say? Count when you're angry, Count. Okay, okay. Von, two, three, four...".[8]
  • In a response to a letter in Postbag from the Hedge a representative of Lord Drakan disparages the Count, saying that he was exiled for being a coward and that being away from Lord Drakan is what caused him to weaken.[9]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Morgan, "Vampyre Slayer", RuneScape. "He visits us frequently and demands blood payments or he will terrorise us all!"
  2. ^ Town Crier, "Vampyre Slayer", RuneScape. "it's not safe to be outside after nightfall"
  3. ^ Malak, "Desert Treasure", RuneScape. "I would perhaps be more inclined to believe you if I could not smell the death blood of his brother Draynor upon you."
  4. ^ Roavar, RuneScape. "Apparently not long ago his brother Draynor was trapped in Misthalin and lost much of his powers, and was recently killed by some human!"
  5. ^ Xenia, RuneScape. "Back in the day, I helped Harlow kill a few of the vampyres who'd crossed into Misthalin, but Count Draynor was holed up in his manor and we couldn't get at him. Draynor was the last vampyre west of Salve. I'm glad you've finished him."
  6. ^ Malak, "Desert Treasure", RuneScape. "take a silver bar to the man living in the sewers in Draynor. He was an assistant to Count Draynor in some of his... more interesting experiments many years past."
  7. ^ Transcript:Dominion Tower/Descriptions, RuneScape. "To his mates he's known as Victor (not that he probably has many). He was a follower of Zaros before he tried to kill him in an act of allegiance to Zamorak, but when Zaros was defeated he swapped back to following Zamorak. His hobbies include preying on naive travellers that visit Draynor Manor, practicing long theatrical speeches and fashion."
  8. ^ Jagex. Postbag 15 - "Transcript:Property Law and Vampyres.", 5, by Count Draynor. RuneScape Postbags from the Hedge.
  9. ^ Jagex. Postbag 19 - "Transcript:The vampyres explain themselves", 4, by Solomon Lamescus. RuneScape Postbags from the Hedge.