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This article has a strategy guide.
All information on mechanics, setups, and tactics is on the subpage.
Release31 August 2011 (Update)
OptionsTalk-to, Attack, Examine
ExamineA very high-ranking vampyre.
Combat info
Combat level98
Life points11,370
Combat experience
XP51 (two-handed)
25 (one-handed and armour)
Slayer info
Level? (edit)
MasterChaeldar: 80–110
Sumona: 90–120
Duradel: 90–120
Kuradal: 90–130
Morvran: 110–155
Laniakea: 110–155
Max hit
6720672? (edit)? (edit)
4 ticks (2.4s)
Combat levels
? (edit)? (edit)70? (edit)
1,48601,486? (edit)
Base hit chance
Not immuneImmuneNot immuneNot immune
Advanced data
NPC ID14128
Linksbestiary • MRND

Vyrelords are high ranking vampyres found in the upper tier area of Darkmeyer. They're aggressive unless you are wearing the full Darkmeyer or House Drakan outfit (a combination of both works). All the unattackable NPCs in the area will also shout "Human!"

They are the male counterpart of the Vyrelady.

Locations[edit | edit source]

Fighting them[edit | edit source]

Vyrelords can be fought with any armour; however, they are completely impervious to most weapons. They can, however, be poisoned with Cinderbane gloves as well as Dreadnip. They are only vulnerable to the ivandis flail, blisterwood weapons, and the variations of Sunspear. When using any of these type of weapons they are not immune to poison however.

The corpses these drop can be cremated in the Paterdomus Columbarium. Cremating 500 corpses is a requirement for the Completionist cape (t) and Master quest cape, as well as making the blisterwood weapons, and flail more effective at killing Vyre monsters.

Killing Vyrelords/Vyreladies is a very cheap way of training Prayer and gaining experience in many skills. As long as the player uses Morytania legs 4, a sunspear and decent armour, one is able to obtain 500-600k combat XP, 200k Constitution XP, 350-450k Prayer XP, 200k Firemaking XP and 100-150k Farming XP (if the player has seedicide unlocked). Alongside this, players can make upwards of 6,000,000 GP per hour. Because killing Vyrewatch is both quite rewarding and semi-afk, this is a popular method of training.

Melee[edit | edit source]

They are good for training due to the increased hits provided by the use of blisterwood weapons, all of which hit very high on them. The polearm and sickles are very effective, and can easily kill vyrelords quickly, especially when combined with boosting potions. An ivandis flail may be used, but this is not advised due to the flail's significantly lower stats compared to the polearm. The sunspear combined with a strong off-hand weapon (e.g. drygores, enhanced excalibur, Off-hand blisterwood sickle - in legacy mode, only sickle is effective) is more effective, given its higher bonuses and passive effect of auto-cremation. The most effective weapon is Sunspear (melee) due to the higher stats than the t75 sunspear. Additionally, the upgraded version provides more experience from cremation as well as access to more area of effect abilities.

Where to stand if you don't have Soul Split.

Using the medallion and standing by the tree just outside the bank is an easy way to finish your slayer task. The bank does have a healing effect if you open the bank chest. If you die, you will keep your Darkmeyer clothes.

Magic[edit | edit source]

With blisterwood weapons mastered (500 corpses burnt), using the Blisterwood staff or the Sunspear (magic) can give 250,000 or more experience per hour. The blisterwood mastery does affect the t78 sunspear. Abilities such as asphyxiate will kill Vyres extremely quickly, and Metamorphosis or Sunshine speed up kills in general.

Ranged[edit | edit source]

With blisterwood weapons mastered (500 corpses burnt), using dual-wielded blisterwood stakes, the Blisterwood stake-thrower crossbow or the Sunspear (ranged), and extreme ranging potions to kill the vyrelords can give upwards of 160,000 experience per hour. With easy access to an altar, one can stay here for a very long time by using the Soul Split curse to heal from the high ability hits, restoring prayer points at the altar as necessary. Using Death's Swiftness can give easy kills in a few abilities.

Strategies[edit | edit source]

A great area to kill these monsters is near the altar located west of the Darkmeyer bank which allows you to use prayers whilst they aggressively swarm you. There are two Vyre spawns right behind the tree - this is the best location to kill them effectively without the Soul Split curse.

If Soul Split is unavailable, it is instead recommended to use food or a healing familiar such as bunyip or better.

The Protect From Magic prayer and the Devotion ability are very useful in negating damage.

If Soul Split is unlocked, the most effective location to kill Vyres is near a large tree south-southwest of the bank. As many as six vyrelords can attack at the same time, causing rapid damage that cannot be sustained without Soul Split.

While any style can be used for killing Vyres (as the Sunspear can change combat styles), melee is the best when using Soul Split, due to its array of high-damage AoE abilities.

Without Morytania legs 4, at the two-Vyre tree spot, one can expect in the vicinity of 150,000 Prayer experience per hour, and at the six-Vyre tree spot, around 350,000 Prayer experience per hour.

Note that before level 90 prayer, players will receive 210 prayer experience per kill or 315 with Morytania legs 4. Beginning at level 90, this is increased to 280 experience per kill or 420 with Morytania legs 4.

Also note that before level 90 firemaking, players will receive 150 firemaking experience per kill or 225 with Morytania legs 4. Beginning at level 90, this is increased to 200 experience per kill or 300 with Morytania legs 4.

Where to stand if you have Soul Split.

Drops[edit | edit source]

Drop rates estimated based on 315,391 samples from the Drop Log Project, unless otherwise cited.

The average Vyrelord Sunspear kill is worth 6,498 coins.

100%[edit | edit source]

Charms[edit | edit source]

Represents a 90% confidence range based on a sample of 170,750 kills.
1 item is dropped at a time.
Add data to the log (requires JavaScript).

Armour[edit | edit source]

Runes[edit | edit source]

Herbs[edit | edit source]

Seeds[edit | edit source]

There is a 14/128 chance of rolling the rare seed drop table. There is an additional 9/128 chance of rolling morchella mushroom spores.

Other[edit | edit source]

Sunspear drops[edit source]

The following drops are added when cremating vampyres with the Sunspear:

Gem drop table[edit | edit source]

There is a 7/128 chance of rolling the gem drop table.

Gem and rare drop table
  1. ^ 50 coins replaces members-only drops in free-to-play.
  2. ^ Molten glass removed from the drop table with tier 2 luck.
  3. ^ Runite stone spirit removed from the drop table with tier 3 luck.
  4. ^ Raw lobster removed from the drop table with tier 4 luck.
  5. ^ Vecna skull requires tier 4 luck. Without it, coins are dropped instead.
  6. ^ Cheese+tom batta dropped only without tier 4 luck. Indicates a roll for Hazelmere's signet ring and Blurberry Special.
  7. ^ Blurberry Special requires tier 4 luck. Indicates a failed 1/10 roll for Hazelmere's signet ring.
  8. ^ Hazelmere's signet ring requires tier 4 luck.

Tertiary[edit | edit source]

Universal drops[edit | edit source]

Universal drops are dropped by nearly every monster and skilling action outside of Daemonheim.
These items are dropped alongside main drops.

Money making guide[edit | edit source]

The following money making guide is available for Vyrelord:

MethodHourly profitSkillsOther requirements
Killing vyrelords and vyreladies4,958,367
  • 78 Magic
  • 80 Defence
  • 92 Prayer
  •  500 vyre corpses cremated for additional damage with sunspear
  •  River of Blood
  • Update history[edit | edit source]

    This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
    • ninja 25 April 2016 (Update):
      • Improved respawn rates for Vyrelords.
    • ninja 20 July 2015 (Update):
      • Vyrelords and Vyreladies had their combat stats re-balanced to make them more worthwhile slayer targets.
      • The drops from Vyrelords and Vyreladies have been improved, including more frequent charm drops.
    • patch 13 May 2013 (Update):
      • Some abilities have been corrected to now work in combat against Vyrewatch.

    Trivia[edit | edit source]

    • If you attempt to talk to one whilst he is being attacked, you will receive a message saying "This vyre seems a bit busy".
    • Different levelled Vyrelords and Vyreladies used to drop different corpses. This would result in having multiple stacks of Vyre corpses in your bank. This has been updated and all Vyre corpses stack in your bank now.
    • Vyrelords and vyreladies are unique in that they have a field of view of 180 degrees, and will only become aggressive towards players who are in their field of view. Additionally, whenever one of the non-attackable "scouts" around shouts "Human!", this will cause a nearby vyrelord or vyrelady to become aggressive.[1]

    References[edit | edit source]

    1. ^ Mod Daze. This is for the people who think aggro is fine. Reddit. 9 June 2023. (Archived from the original on 27 June 2023.) Mod Daze: "Having looked at the vyrelords, it turns out they are quite a unique NPC in that they have a field of view of 180 degrees. This means they can only see players that are front of them (from right to left of the way they're facing)."