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Totem ritual locations

Totems are items craftable by combining totem tops, middles, and bottoms, found on Anachronia. They can be placed to grant various passive effects to the player. Totem and totem pieces can be stored in a totem bag.

After assembling a totem, it can be placed at one of the three totem pedestals located on Anachronia. Once placed, the totem cannot be removed until the next weekly reset on Wednesday.[1]

It must be activated in order to benefit from its effect. Also the player must charge the totems with every weekly reset to retain their effect.[1]

To activate it, the player has to interact with and charge the individual totem, or interact with a Remototem placed at the remote totem charging point. Whilst the totem is being charged, temporal instabilities can appear which can be closed. Charging the totem and closing the instabilities awards Divination experience. The experience scales with the player's Divination level and increases the closer the totem is to full charge. At level 99 Divination the totems are charged for 20 times 152.8 experience, followed by five times 305.6 experience, followed by five times 458.4 experience, followed by six times 611.2 experience, and then followed by single gains of 916.8, 1,069.6, 1,222.4, and 1,528 experience for a total of 15,280 experience.

Obtaining all totem pieces completes the Jurassic Perk achievement. Showing a complete totem to Alpheus or Eliza is also a requirement to recruit them into your research team.

This repeatable content has a hard reset.
The next period's content will become available immediately, regardless of whether a player has logged out.

List of totems[edit | edit source]

Totem Effect How to obtain
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Treasure Reduces the number of steps required to complete a clue scroll by one.
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Treasure top
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Treasure middle
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Treasure base
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Navigation Reduces the duration of voyages from player-owned port by 15%.
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Navigation top
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Navigation middle
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Navigation base
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Crystal Reduces elven clan lock-out period while pickpocketing by 25%.
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Crystal top
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Crystal middle
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Crystal base
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of the Abyss Allows teleportation to the totem via Anachronia Teleport when placed.
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of the Abyss top
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of the Abyss middle
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of the Abyss base
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Intimidation Allows skipping the kill count requirement to access God Wars Dungeon generals (excluding Nex).
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Intimidation top
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Intimidation middle
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Intimidation base
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Summoning Increases the duration of summoned familiars by 16 minutes.
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Summoning top
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Summoning middle
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Summoning base
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Auras Reduces the cooldown of auras by 15%.
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Auras top
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Auras middle
RuneScape inventory image of Totem of Auras base
RuneScape inventory image of Remototem Remotely charge all other totems from the base camp.
RuneScape inventory image of Remototem top
RuneScape inventory image of Remototem middle
RuneScape inventory image of Remototem base

Locations[edit | edit source]

The totems can be erected and activated in the following locations. Once activated, the totem will confer its benefits and cannot be removed until the next weekly reset.

Location Getting there
  • Orthen teleportation device to Crypt of Varanus, go south to the arcane apoterrasaur arena, exit the arena to north-west, and the totem will be visible to the west.
  • Go west out of the base camp to the arcane apoterrasaurs, go through the arena and exit to northwest, and the totem will be visible to the west.
  • Slayer cape to Laniakea or Orthen teleportation device to the Xolo City and go northwest past the ripper dinosaurs and across the waterfall. Go around the west side of the lampenfloras and asciatops arena, enter it via the Agility course (bones, vines, ruins), and cross the arena exiting south-east.
  • Orthen teleportation device to the Moksha ritual site, exit the ritual site, and use the Agility course to get to the asciatops arena. Enter the asciatops arena via the Agility course (bones, vines, ruins) and cross the arena exiting south-east.
  • From the Anachronia base camp, use the Agility course's southern exit (anti-clockwise) to the asciatops arena and cross the arena to find the totem pedestal in the south-eastern corner of it.

Rubble map[edit | edit source]

A map of searchable rubble indicated by the icon of the totem piece that is obtained from them.

Achievements[edit | edit source]

  • Jurassic Perk ( 30) – Discover all the totem pieces on Anachronia.
  • Remotely Possible ( 5) – Build the Remote Totem Charging Point in the base camp on Anachronia.
  • Stacks on Stacks ( 5) – Complete the ritual to activate a totem on Anachronia.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 23 September 2019 (Update):
    • Totem bases are now correctly centred in your inventory slot.
  • patch 22 July 2019 (Update):
    • Totem pieces will now correctly be added to your inventory if you have one space, as opposed to requiring two free spaces before.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ a b Jagex. JagexShauny's Twitter account. 10 July 2019. (Archived from the original on 28 October 2019.) JagexShauny: "PSA: The totems from Anachronia reset on the "weekly reset" trigger. This means they reset every Wednesday. Just a heads up for those confused and think they reset daily."