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Base campTutorial
Release8 July 2019 (Update)
LocationAnachronia base camp
OptionsManage base camp, Talk to, Archaeology collection, Examine
ExamineAn incredibly focused individual.
Advanced data
NPC ID26405, 26406

Giles is a man who can be found at the base camp on Anachronia. He acts as manager of the base camp when spoken to, helping to allocate what workers gather, implements build orders and keeps track of resource stocks.

To get started building the base camp, you must complete his base camp tutorial. Talk to him at the entrance to the temple, in front of the unfinished lodestone. After that first conversation, he can be found in the Town Hall.

He is a senior accountant for the Varrock Museum who originally worked at the palace. He helped the museum better manage their resources, including reducing the workforce of the canal barge. When finishing the boat and getting to Anachronia became a priority, he was assigned to manage the team sent.

Archaeology collections[edit | edit source]

Giles is a collector, showing an interest in Orthen Dig site artefacts. All artefacts donated to collectors must be unnoted.

Desperate for Artefacts[edit | edit source]

LevelArtefactXP ChronotesHotspotMaterialsMaterial costs
70Ceremonial dragonkin device.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ceremonial dragonkin deviceCeremonial dragonkin device4,666.7602Dragonkin remains (Orthen Dig Site)1 × Ceremonial dragonkin device (damaged).png: RS3 Inventory image of Ceremonial dragonkin device (damaged)Ceremonial dragonkin device (damaged)
66 × Orthenglass.png: RS3 Inventory image of OrthenglassOrthenglass
90Ceremonial dragonkin tablet.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ceremonial dragonkin tabletCeremonial dragonkin tablet10,888.9733Orthen rubble (Orthen Dig Site)1 × Ceremonial dragonkin tablet (damaged).png: RS3 Inventory image of Ceremonial dragonkin tablet (damaged)Ceremonial dragonkin tablet (damaged)
79 × Orthenglass.png: RS3 Inventory image of OrthenglassOrthenglass
Totals (XP and chronotes):15,555.61,335 + 0
(1,335 total)
Total materials:145 × Orthenglass.png: RS3 Inventory image of OrthenglassOrthenglass446,890

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!