Stages of The Lesson VTH Grade Consolidation Viiith Grade Grammar
Stages of The Lesson VTH Grade Consolidation Viiith Grade Grammar
Stages of The Lesson VTH Grade Consolidation Viiith Grade Grammar
I. Warm-up I. Warm-up
Aims: to check if all students are present Aims: to check if all students are present
Procedure: The teacher (T) greets the students (Ss), asks them Procedure: The teacher (T) greets the students (Ss), asks them
How are you today? and check attendance. How are you today? and check attendance.
Interaction: T-Ss Interaction: T-Ss
Skills: listening, speaking Skills: listening, speaking
Timing: 2 minutes Timing: 2 minutes
Procedure: The teacher asks for homework. The students answer Procedure: The teacher asks for homework. The students answer
and say what their homework was and take turns to read it. The and say what their homework was and take turns to read it. The
teacher corrects and explains when/if necessary. teacher corrects and explains when/if necessary.
Interaction: Ss-T; T-Ss Interaction: Ss-T; T-Ss
Skills: reading Skills: reading
Timing: 5 minutes Timing: 5 minutes
III. Practicing already acquired vocabulary III.Lead-in
Aim: to review vocabulary (buildins and prepositions of place) Aim : to introduce the new topic
Procedure: recognise buildings and prepositions from flashcards. Procedure: the Ss. are given a worksheet and they have to
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss T. recognize the tenses and the verb forms used in the sentences.
Skills : speaking, listening Interaction: T-Ss, IW.
Timing : 5 minutes Skills: reading, writing.
Timing: 5 minutes
IV. Consolidation worksheet IV.Presentation Future with will/wont, going to and present
Aim: to evaluate Ss understanding and progress Aim: to give the theoretical support and the necessary explanations
Procedure: the T. gives the Ss a worksheet with different items to to understand these grammar structures.
solve. They must use their previously acquired vocabulary. They Procedure: the Ss discuss the worksheet with the teacher. They
must solve the following exercises: 4,5 p. 38; 7,9b and 11 p. 39-40 come to the conclusion that present continuous, will and going to
Interaction: T-Ss; IW. may express future actions.
Skills: reading, writing. The T. writes the title of the new lesson on the blackboard. Ss
Time: 15 minutes watch a power point presentation to find out more information
about these grammar structures. The T. gives them explanations.
Children write down the theory.
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-Ss; Ss-T.
Skills : speaking, listening, writing.
Timing : 15 minutes