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IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Volume 54
Volume 54, Number 1, 2009
- Delin Chu, Yuzo Ohta, Dragoslav D. Siljak:
Inclusion Principle for Descriptor Systems. 3-18 - Adrian Wills
, Brett Ninness
, Stuart Gibson:
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of State Space Models From Frequency Domain Data. 19-33 - Gang George Yin, Shaobai Kan, Le Yi Wang, Cheng-Zhong Xu
Identification of Systems With Regime Switching and Unmodeled Dynamics. 34-47 - Angelia Nedic
, Asuman E. Ozdaglar:
Distributed Subgradient Methods for Multi-Agent Optimization. 48-61 - Tobias Schweickhardt, Frank Allgöwer
On System Gains, Nonlinearity Measures, and Linear Models for Nonlinear Systems. 62-78 - ShiNung Ching, Pierre T. Kabamba, Semyon M. Meerkov:
Root Locus for Random Reference Tracking in Systems With Saturating Actuators. 79-91 - Naoki Yamamoto, Luc Bouten:
Quantum Risk-Sensitive Estimation and Robustness. 92-107 - Jianfeng Mao
, Christos G. Cassandras
Optimal Control of Multi-Stage Discrete Event Systems With Real-Time Constraints. 108-123 - Paolo Massioni
, Michel Verhaegen:
Distributed Control for Identical Dynamically Coupled Systems: A Decomposition Approach. 124-135 - Isaac Yaesh, Uri Shaked:
Stochastic Passivity and its Application in Adaptive Control. 136-142 - Javier Andres Villegas, Hans Zwart, Yann Le Gorrec
, Bernhard Maschke:
Exponential Stability of a Class of Boundary Control Systems. 142-147 - Lirong Huang, Xuerong Mao
Delay-Dependent Exponential Stability of Neutral Stochastic Delay Systems. 147-152 - Rishi Graham, Jorge Cortés
Asymptotic Optimality of Multicenter Voronoi Configurations for Random Field Estimation. 153-158 - Marco H. Terra
, João Yoshiyuki Ishihara
, Gildson Jesus:
Information Filtering and Array Algorithms for Discrete-Time Markovian Jump Linear Systems. 158-162 - Richard H. Middleton
, Alejandro J. Rojas, James S. Freudenberg
, Julio H. Braslavsky
Feedback Stabilization Over a First Order Moving Average Gaussian Noise Channel. 163-167 - ShiNung Ching, Pierre T. Kabamba, Semyon M. Meerkov:
Admissible Pole Locations for Tracking Random References. 168-171 - Tomás Vyhlídal
, Pavel Zítek:
Mapping Based Algorithm for Large-Scale Computation of Quasi-Polynomial Zeros. 171-177 - Frédéric Mazenc, Michael Malisoff, Olivier Bernard
A Simplified Design for Strict Lyapunov Functions Under Matrosov Conditions. 177-183 - Tomislav B. Sekara
, Miroslav R. Matausek:
Optimization of PID Controller Based on Maximization of the Proportional Gain Under Constraints on Robustness and Sensitivity to Measurement Noise. 184-189
Volume 54, Number 2, 2009
- Eduardo D. Sontag, Yuan Wang, Alexandre Megretski:
Input Classes for Identifiability of Bilinear Systems. 195-207 - Jason R. Marden, Gürdal Arslan, Jeff S. Shamma:
Joint Strategy Fictitious Play With Inertia for Potential Games. 208-220 - James A. Primbs, Chang Hwan Sung
Stochastic Receding Horizon Control of Constrained Linear Systems With State and Control Multiplicative Noise. 221-230 - Xiaojun Lin, Shahzada Rasool:
Constant-Time Distributed Scheduling Policies for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. 231-242 - Paolo Minero, Massimo Franceschetti, Subhrakanti Dey
, Girish N. Nair
Data Rate Theorem for Stabilization Over Time-Varying Feedback Channels. 243-255 - Alexandre Seuret
, Christopher Edwards, Sarah K. Spurgeon
, Emilia Fridman
Static Output Feedback Sliding Mode Control Design via an Artificial Stabilizing Delay. 256-265 - Zhen Zhang
, Andrea Serrani
Adaptive Robust Output Regulation of Uncertain Linear Periodic Systems. 266-278 - Franco Blanchini
, Stefano Miani, Fouad Mesquine:
A Separation Principle for Linear Switching Systems and Parametrization of All Stabilizing Controllers. 279-292 - Housheng Su
, Xiaofan Wang, Zongli Lin:
Flocking of Multi-Agents With a Virtual Leader. 293-307 - Hai Lin, Panos J. Antsaklis:
Stability and Stabilizability of Switched Linear Systems: A Survey of Recent Results. 308-322 - Yung Yi, Sanjay Shakkottai:
On the Elasticity of Marking Functions in an Integrated Network. 323-336 - Leonid Gurvits, Alexander Olshevsky:
On the NP-Hardness of Checking Matrix Polytope Stability and Continuous-Time Switching Stability. 337-341 - Alfonso Baños
, Antonio Barreiro
Delay-Independent Stability of Reset Systems. 341-346 - Bin Zhou, Guang-Ren Duan
On Analytical Approximation of the Maximal Invariant Ellipsoids for Linear Systems With Bounded Controls. 346-353 - Nikhil Chopra
, Mark W. Spong:
On Exponential Synchronization of Kuramoto Oscillators. 353-357 - Junlin Xiong
, James Lam:
Stabilization of Networked Control Systems With a Logic ZOH. 358-363 - Germain Garcia, Sophie Tarbouriech, Jacques Bernussou:
Finite-Time Stabilization of Linear Time-Varying Continuous Systems. 364-369 - William F. Leven, Aaron D. Lanterman:
Unscented Kalman Filters for Multiple Target Tracking With Symmetric Measurement Equations. 370-375 - Yasamin Mostofi, Richard M. Murray
To Drop or Not to Drop: Design Principles for Kalman Filtering Over Wireless Fading Channels. 376-381 - Marco C. Campi, Giuseppe Carlo Calafiore
Notes on the Scenario Design Approach. 382-385 - Kurt Plarre, Francesco Bullo
On Kalman Filtering for Detectable Systems With Intermittent Observations. 386-390 - Michael Z. Q. Chen, Malcolm C. Smith:
A Note on Tests for Positive-Real Functions. 390-393 - Mustapha Ait Rami, Samira El Faiz, Abdellah Benzaouia, Fernando Tadeo
Robust Exact Pole Placement via an LMI-Based Algorithm. 394-398 - Igor Boiko
, Leonid M. Fridman
, Alessandro Pisano
, Elio Usai
On the Transfer Properties of the "Generalized Sub-Optimal" Second-Order Sliding Mode Control Algorithm. 399-403 - Ilia G. Polushin, Horacio J. Marquez, Abdelhamid Tayebi
, Peter Xiaoping Liu
A Multichannel IOS Small Gain Theorem for Systems With Multiple Time-Varying Communication Delays. 404-409 - Srdjan S. Stankovic, Milos S. Stankovic
, Dusan M. Stipanovic
Consensus Based Overlapping Decentralized Estimator. 410-415 - Luis T. Aguilar
, Igor Boiko
, Leonid M. Fridman
, Rafael Iriarte
Generating Self-Excited Oscillations via Two-Relay Controller. 416-420
Volume 54, Number 3, 2009
- Ji-Woong Lee, Pramod P. Khargonekar
Detectability and Stabilizability of Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems. 424-437 - Said Hadd, Qing-Chang Zhong:
On Feedback Stabilizability of Linear Systems With State and Input Delays in Banach Spaces. 438-451 - Xiaofeng Wang, Michael D. Lemmon:
Self-Triggered Feedback Control Systems With Finite-Gain L2 Stability. 452-467 - Kunihiko Hiraishi:
On Solvability of a Decentralized Supervisory Control Problem With Communication. 468-480 - Songhwai Oh, Stuart Russell, Shankar Sastry:
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Data Association for Multi-Target Tracking. 481-497 - Mrdjan Jankovic:
Cross-Term Forwarding for Systems With Time Delay. 498-511 - Ritesh Madan, Neelesh B. Mehta
, Andreas F. Molisch, Jin Zhang:
Energy-Efficient Decentralized Cooperative Routing in Wireless Networks. 512-527 - Jr-Shin Li
, Navin Khaneja:
Ensemble Control of Bloch Equations. 528-536 - Klaus Kuhnen, Pavel Krejcí
Compensation of Complex Hysteresis and Creep Effects in Piezoelectrically Actuated Systems - A New Preisach Modeling Approach. 537-550 - Krister Jacobsson, Lachlan L. H. Andrew, Ao Tang, Steven H. Low, Håkan Hjalmarsson
An Improved Link Model for Window Flow Control and Its Application to FAST TCP. 551-564 - Michael J. Neely:
Intelligent Packet Dropping for Optimal Energy-Delay Tradeoffs in Wireless Downlinks. 565-579 - Chris Manzie
, Miroslav Krstic
Extremum Seeking With Stochastic Perturbations. 580-585 - Sanjay P. Bhat
, Pawan K. Tiwari:
Controllability of Spacecraft Attitude Using Control Moment Gyroscopes. 585-590 - Suat Gumussoy
, Hitay Özbay
Sensitivity Minimization by Strongly Stabilizing Controllers for a Class of Unstable Time-Delay Systems. 590-595 - Simo Särkkä, Aapo Nummenmaa:
Recursive Noise Adaptive Kalman Filtering by Variational Bayesian Approximations. 596-600 - Zhiyong Chen, Jie Huang:
Attitude Tracking and Disturbance Rejection of Rigid Spacecraft by Adaptive Control. 600-605 - Jenq-Lang Wu:
Simultaneous H∞ Control for Nonlinear Systems. 606-610 - Makan Fardad, Bassam Bamieh
A Necessary and Sufficient Frequency Domain Criterion for the Passivity of SISO Sampled-Data Systems. 611-614 - Gilles Millerioux, Jamal Daafouz:
Flatness of Switched Linear Discrete-Time Systems. 615-619 - Dragan Nesic
, Andrew R. Teel, Daniele Carnevale:
Explicit Computation of the Sampling Period in Emulation of Controllers for Nonlinear Sampled-Data Systems. 619-624 - Zhan Shu, James Lam, Junlin Xiong
Non-Fragile Exponential Stability Assignment of Discrete-Time Linear Systems With Missing Data in Actuators. 625-630 - Wei Xing:
Generalization of Cayley-Hamilton Theorem for Multivariate Rational Matrices. 631-634 - Ji-Woong Lee:
Inequality-Based Properties of Detectability and Stabilizability of Linear Time-Varying Systems in Discrete Time. 634-641 - Shunsuke Koshita, Masahide Abe, Masayuki Kawamata, Athanasios C. Antoulas:
On Hankel Singular Values and Reflected Zeros of Linear Dynamical Systems. 641-646 - Maria V. Kulikova
Likelihood Gradient Evaluation Using Square-Root Covariance Filters. 646-651 - Joëlle Skaf, Stephen P. Boyd:
Analysis and Synthesis of State-Feedback Controllers With Timing Jitter. 652-657 - Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos
Inverse Agreement Protocols With Application to Distributed Multi-Agent Dispersion. 657-663 - Vibhor L. Bageshwar, Francesco Borrelli
On a Property of a Class of Offset-Free Model Predictive Controllers. 663-669 - Tong Zhou, Guang-Lei Zhang:
Comments on "Robust Kalman Filter for Descriptor Systems. 669-672 - João Yoshiyuki Ishihara
, Marco H. Terra
Author's Reply to the "Comments on Robust Kalman Filter for Descriptor Systems". 673
Volume 54, Number 4, 2009
- Fouad Giri, Youssef Rochdi, Fatima-Zahra Chaoui
An Analytic Geometry Approach to Wiener System Frequency Identification. 683-696 - Ragnar Wallin, Anders Hansson, Janne Harju Johansson:
A Structure Exploiting Preprocessor for Semidefinite Programs Derived From the Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov Lemma. 697-704 - Ibrahim Al-Shyoukh, Jeff S. Shamma:
Switching Supervisory Control Using Calibrated Forecasts. 705-716 - Jennie Cochran, Miroslav Krstic
Nonholonomic Source Seeking With Tuning of Angular Velocity. 717-731 - Dragan Nesic, Daniel Liberzon:
A Unified Framework for Design and Analysis of Networked and Quantized Control Systems. 732-747 - Francesco Basile
, Pasquale Chiacchio
, Gianmaria De Tommasi
An Efficient Approach for Online Diagnosis of Discrete Event Systems. 748-759 - Hong Wang
, Puya Afshar:
ILC-Based Fixed-Structure Controller Design for Output PDF Shaping in Stochastic Systems Using LMI Techniques. 760-773 - Linlin Ou, Weidong Zhang
, Li Yu:
Low-Order Stabilization of LTI Systems With Time Delay. 774-787 - Ketan Savla, Francesco Bullo
, Emilio Frazzoli:
Traveling Salesperson Problems for a Double Integrator. 788-793 - Riccardo M. G. Ferrari
, Thomas Parisini, Marios M. Polycarpou:
Distributed Fault Diagnosis With Overlapping Decompositions: An Adaptive Approximation Approach. 794-799 - Ramon Costa-Castelló
, Danwei Wang, Robert Griñó
A Passive Repetitive Controller for Discrete-Time Finite-Frequency Positive-Real Systems. 800-804 - Lei Guo, Liping Yin, Hong Wang
, Tianyou Chai:
Entropy Optimization Filtering for Fault Isolation of Nonlinear Non-Gaussian Stochastic Systems. 804-810 - Weihai Zhang, Lihua Xie:
Interval Stability and Stabilization of Linear Stochastic Systems. 810-815 - Quang-Cuong Pham
, Nicolas Tabareau
, Jean-Jacques E. Slotine:
A Contraction Theory Approach to Stochastic Incremental Stability. 816-820 - Przemyslaw Sliwinski, Jerzy W. Rozenblit, Michael W. Marcellin, Ryszard Klempous
Wavelet Amendment of Polynomial Models in Hammerstein Systems Identification. 820-825 - Toshiyuki Ohtsuka, Stefan Streif
Commutativity of Immersion and Linearization. 826-829 - Junqing Sun, Seddik M. Djouadi:
Robust Stabilization Over Communication Channels in the Presence of Unstructured Uncertainty. 830-834 - Nader Meskin
, Khashayar Khorasani:
Actuator Fault Detection and Isolation for a Network of Unmanned Vehicles. 835-840 - Serdar Yüksel, Sekhar Tatikonda:
A Counterexample in Distributed Optimal Sensing and Control. 841-844 - Zhisheng Duan, Guanrong Chen
, Lin Huang:
Disconnected Synchronized Regions of Complex Dynamical Networks. 845-849 - Abhijit G. Kallapur, Ian R. Petersen, Sreenatha G. Anavatti:
A Discrete-Time Robust Extended Kalman Filter for Uncertain Systems With Sum Quadratic Constraints. 850-854 - Frédéric Mazenc, Michael Malisoff, Jérôme Harmand:
Stabilization in a Two-Species Chemostat With Monod Growth Functions. 855-861 - Roberto Ambrosino
, Francesco Calabrese, Carlo Cosentino
, Gianmaria De Tommasi
Sufficient Conditions for Finite-Time Stability of Impulsive Dynamical Systems. 861-865 - Cristian Oara
, Serban Sabau:
Squaring-Down Descriptor Systems: Constructive Solutions and Numerical Algorithms. 866-870 - Yu Zhang, Jitao Sun, Gang Feng
Impulsive Control of Discrete Systems With Time Delay. 830-834 - Kenji Kashima, Naoki Yamamoto:
Control of Quantum Systems Despite Feedback Delay. 876-881 - Eduardo F. Costa
, João Bosco Ribeiro do Val
Uniform Approximation of Infinite Horizon Control Problems for Nonlinear Systems and Stability of the Approximating Controls. 881-886 - Dimitri Peaucelle
, Masayuki Sato
LMI Tests for Positive Definite Polynomials: Slack Variable Approach. 886-891 - Wenwu Yu, Jinhu Lu
, Guanrong Chen
, Zhisheng Duan, Qianhe Zhou:
Estimating Uncertain Delayed Genetic Regulatory Networks: An Adaptive Filtering Approach. 892-897 - Lior Fainshil, Michael Margaliot
, Pavel Chigansky:
On the Stability of Positive Linear Switched Systems Under Arbitrary Switching Laws. 897-899 - Michael Margaliot
, Michael S. Branicky
Nice Reachability for Planar Bilinear Control Systems With Applications to Planar Linear Switched Systems. 900-905 - Sandip Ghosh
, Sarit K. Das, Goshaidas Ray:
Decentralized Stabilization of Uncertain Systems With Interconnection and Feedback Delays: An LMI Approach. 905-912 - Maria Prandini
, Jianghai Hu:
Application of Reachability Analysis for Stochastic Hybrid Systems to Aircraft Conflict Prediction. 913-917 - Achim Ilchmann, Hans Schuster:
PI-Funnel Control for Two Mass Systems. 918-923 - Anmar Khadra, Xinzhi Liu, Xuemin Shen
Analyzing the Robustness of Impulsive Synchronization Coupled by Linear Delayed Impulses. 923-928 - Frédéric Mazenc, Michael Malisoff, Olivier Bernard:
Erratum to "A Simplified Design for Strict Lyapunov Functions Under Matrosov Conditions" [Jan 09 177-183]. 929
Volume 54, Number 5, 2009
- Yoshio Ebihara, Yusuke Onishi, Tomomichi Hagiwara
Robust Performance Analysis of Uncertain LTI Systems: Dual LMI Approach and Verifications for Exactness. 938-951 - J. William Helton, Scott A. McCullough, Mihai Putinar
, Victor Vinnikov:
Convex Matrix Inequalities Versus Linear Matrix Inequalities. 952-964 - B. Ross Barmish, Pavel S. Shcherbakov
, Sheila R. Ross, Fabrizio Dabbene:
On Positivity of Polynomials: The Dilation Integral Method. 965-978 - Matthew M. Peet:
Exponentially Stable Nonlinear Systems Have Polynomial Lyapunov Functions on Bounded Regions. 979-987 - Oscar Mauricio Agudelo, Michel Baes, Jairo Jose Espinosa, Moritz Diehl, Bart De Moor:
Positive Polynomial Constraints for POD-based Model Predictive Controllers. 988-999 - Yasuaki Oishi:
An Asymptotically Exact Approach to Robust Semidefinite Programming Problems with Function Variables. 1000-1006 - Johan Löfberg:
Pre- and Post-Processing Sum-of-Squares Programs in Practice. 1007-1011 - Daniel Ferreira Coutinho
, Carlos E. de Souza
, Alexandre Trofino
Stability Analysis of Implicit Polynomial Systems. 1012-1018 - Ulrich Münz, Christian Ebenbauer, Thomas Haag, Frank Allgöwer
Stability Analysis of Time-Delay Systems With Incommensurate Delays Using Positive Polynomials. 1019-1024 - Shinji Hara
, Tetsuya Iwasaki:
Sum-of-Squares Decomposition via Generalized KYP Lemma. 1025-1029 - Tanagorn Jennawasin, Yasuaki Oishi:
A Region-Dividing Technique for Constructing the Sum-of-Squares Approximations to Robust Semidefinite Programs. 1029-1035 - Antonis Papachristodoulou
, Stephen Prajna:
Robust Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems. 1035-1041 - Ufuk Topcu, Andrew K. Packard:
Local Stability Analysis for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems. 1042-1047 - Hiroyuki Ichihara:
Optimal Control for Polynomial Systems Using Matrix Sum of Squares Relaxations. 1048-1053 - N. K. Bose:
Positivity, Complete Positivity, and SOS Representation. 1054-1057 - Antonis Papachristodoulou
, Matthew M. Peet, Sanjay Lall
Analysis of Polynomial Systems With Time Delays via the Sum of Squares Decomposition. 1058-1064 - Kanticha Kittipeerachon, Noriyuki Hori, Yasuyuki Tomita:
Exact Discretization of a Matrix Differential Riccati Equation With Constant Coefficients. 1065-1068 - Philippe Neveux:
A Polynomial Approach to Bias Aware Fixed-Lag Smoothing Problem. 1068-1072 - Jung-Min Yang:
State Feedback Control of Asynchronous Machines with Nondeterministic Models. 1072-1076 - Cristian R. Rojas, James S. Welsh
, Juan C. Agüero
Fundamental Limitations on the Variance of Estimated Parametric Models. 1077-1081 - Antonella Ferrara
, Matteo Rubagotti
A Sub-Optimal Second Order Sliding Mode Controller for Systems With Saturating Actuators. 1082-1087 - Pantazis Houlis, Victor Sreeram
A Parametrized Controller Reduction Technique via a New Frequency Weighted Model Reduction Formulation. 1087-1093 - Luca Schenato:
To Zero or to Hold Control Inputs With Lossy Links? 1093-1099 - Craig O. Savage, Barbara F. La Scala:
Optimal Scheduling of Scalar Gauss-Markov Systems With a Terminal Cost Function. 1100-1105 - Paul J. Goulart
, Eric C. Kerrigan, Teodoro Alamo
Control of Constrained Discrete-Time Systems With Bounded 2 Gain. 1105-1111 - Yueping Zhang, Dmitri Loguinov:
On Delay-Independent Diagonal Stability of Max-Min Congestion Control. 1111-1116 - Zhengtao Ding
Global Output Feedback Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems With Nonlinearity of Unmeasured States. 1117-1122 - Zhenqing Ke, Hartmut Logemann, Richard Rebarber:
A Sampled-Data Servomechanism for Stable Well-Posed Systems. 1123-1128 - Hoam Chung, Elijah Polak, Shankar Sastry:
An External Active-Set Strategy for Solving Optimal Control Problems. 1129-1133 - Andrey Smyshlyaev, Bao-Zhu Guo
, Miroslav Krstic
Arbitrary Decay Rate for Euler-Bernoulli Beam by Backstepping Boundary Feedback. 1134-1140 - Eduardo V. L. Nunes
, Liu Hsu
, Fernando C. Lizarralde
Global Exact Tracking for Uncertain Systems Using Output-Feedback Sliding Mode Control. 1141-1147 - Mario Sznaier, Wenjing Ma, Octavia I. Camps, Hwasup Lim:
Risk Adjusted Set Membership Identification of Wiener Systems. 1147-1152 - Frédéric Mazenc, Marcio S. de Queiroz
, Michael Malisoff:
Uniform Global Asymptotic Stability of a Class of Adaptively Controlled Nonlinear Systems. 1152-1158 - Vahid Zahedzadeh, Horacio J. Marquez, Tongwen Chen
Upper Bounds for Induced Operator Norms of Nonlinear Systems. 1159-1165 - Minyue Fu
, Lihua Xie:
Finite-Level Quantized Feedback Control for Linear Systems. 1165-1170 - Huan Xu, Shie Mannor
A Kalman Filter Design Based on the Performance/Robustness Tradeoff. 1171-1175 - Toshiyuki Ohtsuka
, Stefan Streif
Correction to "Commutativity of Immersion and Linearization" [Apr 09 826-829]. 1176
Volume 54, Number 6, 2009
- Nicolas Mansard, François Chaumette
Directional Redundancy for Robot Control. 1179-1192 - A. Agung Julius, George J. Pappas
Approximations of Stochastic Hybrid Systems. 1193-1203 - Nalin A. Chaturvedi, N. Harris McClamroch, Dennis S. Bernstein:
Asymptotic Smooth Stabilization of the Inverted 3-D Pendulum. 1204-1215 - James C. Spall:
Feedback and Weighting Mechanisms for Improving Jacobian Estimates in the Adaptive Simultaneous Perturbation Algorithm. 1216-1229 - Guangchen Wang, Zhen Wu:
The Maximum Principles for Stochastic Recursive Optimal Control Problems Under Partial Information. 1230-1242 - Eric W. Cope:
Regret and Convergence Bounds for a Class of Continuum-Armed Bandit Problems. 1243-1253 - Ienkaran Arasaratnam, Simon Haykin:
Cubature Kalman Filters. 1254-1269 - Justin K. Rice, Michel Verhaegen:
Distributed Control: A Sequentially Semi-Separable Approach for Spatially Heterogeneous Linear Systems. 1270-1283 - Graziano Chesi
On the Minimum Stable Commutation Time for Switching Nonlinear Systems. 1284-1289 - Michael Rinehart, Munther A. Dahleh, Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
Value Iteration for (Switched) Homogeneous Systems. 1290-1294 - Jun-Guo Lu, Guanrong Chen
Robust Stability and Stabilization of Fractional-Order Interval Systems: An LMI Approach. 1294-1299 - Ian R. Petersen:
Robust Output Feedback Guaranteed Cost Control of Nonlinear Stochastic Uncertain Systems Via an IQC Approach. 1299-1304 - Meng-Bi Cheng, Verica Radisavljevic
, Chung-Cheng Chang, Chia-Fu Lin, Wu-Chung Su:
A Sampled-Data Singularly Perturbed Boundary Control for a Heat Conduction System With Noncollocated Observation. 1305-1310 - G. K. Singh, Vijay V. Patel, Girish Deodhare:
Guaranteed Stability of Polynomials Under Application of a Uniform Nonnegative Polynomial Mapping on Coefficients. 1311-1313 - Ülo Nurges:
Reflection Coefficients of Polynomials and Stable Polytopes. 1314-1318 - Guoqiang Hu
, William MacKunis, Nicholas R. Gans
, Warren E. Dixon
, Jian Chen, Aman Behal, Darren M. Dawson:
Homography-Based Visual Servo Control With Imperfect Camera Calibration. 1318-1324 - Mazyar Mirrahimi
, Pierre Rouchon:
Singular Perturbations and Lindblad-Kossakowski Differential Equations. 1325-1329 - Wei Ren:
Collective Motion From Consensus With Cartesian Coordinate Coupling. 1330-1335 - Ji Xiang
, Wei Wei, Yanjun Li:
Synchronized Output Regulation of Linear Networked Systems. 1336-1341 - Lei Zhang, Zhang Yi, Stones Lei Zhang, Pheng-Ann Heng
Activity Invariant Sets and Exponentially Stable Attractors of Linear Threshold Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Networks. 1341-1347 - Alim P. C. Gonçalves, André R. Fioravanti
, José Claudio Geromel
H∞ Filtering of Discrete-Time Markov Jump Linear Systems Through Linear Matrix Inequalities. 1347-1351 - Aranya Chakrabortty
, Murat Arcak:
Robust Stabilization and Performance Recovery of Nonlinear Systems With Unmodeled Dynamics. 1351-1356 - Necati Özdemir:
Digital Variable Sampling Integral Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems Subject to Input Nonlinearity. 1357-1362 - Miroslav Krstic
Compensating a String PDE in the Actuation or Sensing Path of an Unstable ODE. 1362-1368 - Li Xie, Lihua Xie:
Stability Analysis of Networked Sampled-Data Linear Systems With Markovian Packet Losses. 1375-1381 - John Tsinias, Angeliki Stamati:
Local Asymptotic Stability via Averaging for Time-Varying Systems With Unbounded Dynamics With Respect to Time. 1374-1381 - Emmanuel Moulay
Stability and Stabilization of Homogeneous Systems Depending on a Parameter. 1382-1385 - David Angeli:
Further Results on Incremental Input-to-State Stability. 1386-1391 - Jay A. Farrell
, Marios M. Polycarpou
, Manu Sharma, Wenjie Dong:
Command Filtered Backstepping. 1391-1395 - Ping Zhang
, Steven X. Ding:
Influence of Sampling Period on a Class of Optimal Fault-Detection Performance. 1396-1402 - Krzysztof Tchon, Lukasz Malek:
On Dynamic Properties of Singularity Robust Jacobian Inverse Kinematics. 1402-1406 - Hansheng Wu:
Adaptive Robust State Observers for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Dynamical Systems With Delayed State Perturbations. 1407-1412 - Johan Karlsson, Anders Lindquist
On Degree-Constrained Analytic Interpolation With Interpolation Points Close to the Boundary. 1412-1418 - Ian R. Petersen:
Robust H∞ Control of an Uncertain System Via a Stable Output Feedback Controller. 1418-1423 - Ruth F. Curtain:
Comments on "On optimal control of spatially distributed systems. 1423-1424 - Alejandro J. Rojas:
Comments on "Feedback stabilization over signal-to-noise ratio constrained channels. 1425-1426 - Julio H. Braslavsky
, Richard H. Middleton
, James S. Freudenberg
Authors' Reply. 1427 - M. Shahid Shaikh, Peter E. Caines:
Correction to "On the Hybrid Optimal Control Problem: Theory and Algorithms". 1440 - D. Wang, W. Wang, P. Shi:
Correction to "H-Infinity Filtering of Discrete-Time Switched Systems With State Delays via Switched Lyapunov Function Approach". 1428-1429 - Michael Margaliot
, Michael S. Branicky
Nice Reachability for Planar Bilinear Control Systems With Applications to Planar Linear Switched Systems. 1430-1435
Volume 54, Number 7, 2009
- Wael A. Hashlamoun, Munther A. Hassouneh, Eyad H. Abed:
New Results on Modal Participation Factors: Revealing a Previously Unknown Dichotomy. 1439-1449 - Anders Helmersson:
LTV Model Reduction With Upper Error Bounds. 1450-1462 - Vijay Gupta
, Nuno C. Martins, John S. Baras:
Optimal Output Feedback Control Using Two Remote Sensors Over Erasure Channels. 1463-1476 - Changyan Zhou, Ratnesh Kumar:
Computation of Diagnosable Fault-Occurrence Indices for Systems With Repeatable Faults. 1477-1489 - Scott R. Graham
, Girish Baliga, P. R. Kumar:
Abstractions, Architecture, Mechanisms, and a Middleware for Networked Control. 1490-1503 - Keith R. Santarelli, Munther A. Dahleh:
L2 Gain Stability of Switched Output Feedback Controllers for a Class of LTI Systems. 1504-1514 - Huizhen Yu, Dimitri P. Bertsekas:
Convergence Results for Some Temporal Difference Methods Based on Least Squares. 1515-1531 - Alexander Lanzon
, George Papageorgiou:
Distance Measures for Uncertain Linear Systems: A General Theory. 1532-1547 - Ryan J. Leduc, Pengcheng Dai, Raoguang Song:
Synthesis Method for Hierarchical Interface-Based Supervisory Control. 1548-1560 - Shaik Fiaz, Harry L. Trentelman:
Regular Implementability and Stabilization Using Controllers With Pre-Specified Input/Output Partition. 1561-1568 - Ricardo G. Sanfelice
, Andrew R. Teel:
Asymptotic Stability in Hybrid Systems via Nested Matrosov Functions. 1569-1574 - Marieke B. G. Cloosterman, Nathan van de Wouw, W. P. M. H. Heemels
, Henk Nijmeijer:
Stability of Networked Control Systems With Uncertain Time-Varying Delays. 1575-1580 - Leopoldo Jetto, Valentina Orsini
Relaxed Conditions for the Exponential Stability of a Class of Linear Time-Varying Systems. 1580-1585 - Maria Elena Valcher
Reachability Properties of Continuous-Time Positive Systems. 1586-1590 - Denis V. Efimov
, Alexander L. Fradkov
Robust and Adaptive Observer-Based Partial Stabilization for a Class of Nonlinear Systems. 1591-1595 - Xingwen Liu:
Constrained Control of Positive Systems with Delays. 1596-1600 - Juhoon Back, Hyungbo Shim
An Inner-Loop Controller Guaranteeing Robust Transient Performance for Uncertain MIMO Nonlinear Systems. 1601-1607 - Yuan Gong Sun, Long Wang
Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems in Directed Networks With Nonuniform Time-Varying Delays. 1607-1613 - Bo Kyu Kwon, Soo Hee Han, Wook Hyun Kwon:
A Continuous-Time Recursive Fixed-Lag Smoother Converging in Finite Time. 1613-1618 - Shigeru Hanba:
Robust Nonlinear Model Predictive Control With Variable Block Length. 1618-1622 - James Biggs, William Holderbaum:
Optimal Kinematic Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. 1623-1626 - Mark Cannon
, Basil Kouvaritakis, Xingjian Wu:
Probabilistic Constrained MPC for Multiplicative and Additive Stochastic Uncertainty. 1626-1632 - D. Gray Roberson, Daniel J. Stilwell:
L2 Gain of Periodic Linear Switched Systems: Fast Switching Behavior. 1632-1637 - Sauro Longhi
, Andrea Monteriù
Fault Detection for Linear Periodic Systems Using a Geometric Approach. 1637-1643 - Fu Lin, Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Least-Squares Approximation of Structured Covariances. 1643-1648 - Hyeong Soo Chang:
Decentralized Learning in Finite Markov Chains: Revisited. 1648-1653 - Sanjay P. Bhat
, Aneesh Venkatraman:
Optimal Planar Turns Under Acceleration Constraints. 1654-1660 - Wu-Hua Chen, Wei Xing Zheng, Yanjun Shen:
Delay-Dependent Stochastic Stability and H∞-Control of Uncertain Neutral Stochastic Systems With Time Delay. 1660-1667 - Yang Shi, Bo Yu
Output Feedback Stabilization of Networked Control Systems With Random Delays Modeled by Markov Chains. 1668-1674 - Liuxin Chen, Youyi Feng, Jihong Ou:
Coordinating Batch Production and Pricing of a Make-to-Stock Product. 1674-1680 - Gilberto Pin
, Davide Martino Raimondo, Lalo Magni
, Thomas Parisini:
Robust Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems With Bounded and State-Dependent Uncertainties. 1681-1687 - Pierdomenico Pepe
Input-to-State Stabilization of Stabilizable, Time-Delay, Control-Affine, Nonlinear Systems. 1688-1693 - Yimin Sun:
Linear Controllability Versus Global Controllability. 1693-1697 - Bin Zhou, Zongli Lin, Guang-Ren Duan
Properties of the Parametric Lyapunov Equation-Based Low-Gain Design With Applications in Stabilization of Time-Delay Systems. 1698-1704 - Leopoldo Jetto, Valentina Orsini
LMI Conditions for the Stability of Linear Uncertain Polynomially Time-Varying Systems. 1705-1709 - Silvère Bonnabel, Philippe Martin
, Pierre Rouchon:
Non-Linear Symmetry-Preserving Observers on Lie Groups. 1709-1713 - Wlodzimierz Greblicki
Input Nonlinearity Recovering in a Class of Systems. 1714-1717 - Kai Zheng, Tamer Basar, Joseph Bentsman
H∞ Bumpless Transfer Under Controller Uncertainty. 1718-1723 - Bayu Jayawardhana
, George Weiss
State Convergence of Passive Nonlinear Systems With an L2 Input. 1723-1727 - Eva Besada-Portas
, José Antonio López Orozco
, Juan A. Besada, Jesús Manuel de la Cruz:
Multisensor Out of Sequence Data Fusion for Estimating the State of Discrete Control Systems. 1728-1732 - Lirong Huang, Xuerong Mao
Correction to: "Delay-Dependent Exponential Stability of Neutral Stochastic Delay Systems" [Jan 09 147-152]. 1733
Volume 54, Number 8, 2009
- David A. Castañón, Jerry M. Wohletz:
Model Predictive Control for Stochastic Resource Allocation. 1739-1750 - Benjamin Morris, Jessy W. Grizzle:
Hybrid Invariant Manifolds in Systems With Impulse Effects With Application to Periodic Locomotion in Bipedal Robots. 1751-1764 - Esteban Arcaute, Ramesh Johari, Shie Mannor
Network Formation: Bilateral Contracting and Myopic Dynamics. 1765-1778 - Ioannis Poulakakis
, Jessy W. Grizzle:
The Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum as the Hybrid Zero Dynamics of an Asymmetric Hopper. 1779-1793 - Svyatoslav Sergeevich Pavlichkov
, Shuzhi Sam Ge
Global Stabilization of the Generalized MIMO Triangular Systems With Singular Input-Output Links. 1794-1806 - Vijay Gupta
, Amir F. Dana, João P. Hespanha, Richard M. Murray
, Babak Hassibi:
Data Transmission Over Networks for Estimation and Control. 1807-1819 - Ángela Castillo
, Pedro J. Zufiria:
Fault Detection Schemes for Continuous-Time Stochastic Dynamical Systems. 1820-1836 - Minh-Duc Hua, Tarek Hamel
, Pascal Morin, Claude Samson:
A Control Approach for Thrust-Propelled Underactuated Vehicles and its Application to VTOL Drones. 1837-1853 - Thomas Meurer
, Andreas Kugi
Trajectory Planning for Boundary Controlled Parabolic PDEs With Varying Parameters on Higher-Dimensional Spatial Domains. 1854-1868 - Ji Xiang
, Guanrong Chen
Analysis of Pinning-Controlled Networks: A Renormalization Approach. 1869-1875 - Moritz Diehl, Katja D. Mombaur, Dominikus Noll:
Stability Optimization of Hybrid Periodic Systems via a Smooth Criterion. 1875-1880 - Daniele Casagrande
, Alessandro Astolfi
, Thomas Parisini:
Switching-Driving Lyapunov Function and the Stabilization of the Ball-and-Plate System. 1881-1886 - Andrea Bacciotti, Luisa Mazzi:
Remarks on Dwell Time Solutions and Stability of Families of Nonlinear Vector Fields. 1886-1892 - Jun Xu
, Lihua Xie, Youyi Wang:
Simultaneous Stabilization and Robust Control of Polynomial Nonlinear Systems Using SOS Techniques. 1892-1897 - Lirong Huang, Xuerong Mao
On Input-to-State Stability of Stochastic Retarded Systems With Markovian Switching. 1898-1902 - Alejandro J. Rojas:
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Fundamental Limitations in Continuous-Time Linear Output Feedback Control. 1902-1907 - Thomas Voice, Gaurav Raina
Stability Analysis of a Max-Min Fair Rate Control Protocol (RCP) in a Small Buffer Regime. 1908-1913 - Anil Aswani
, Claire J. Tomlin:
Monotone Piecewise Affine Systems. 1913-1918 - Jovan D. Boskovic, Zhuo Han:
Certainty Equivalence Adaptive Control of Plants With Unmatched Uncertainty Using State Feedback. 1918-1924 - Shigeru Hanba:
On the "Uniform" Observability of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems. 1925-1928 - Xiaojing Shen, Enbin Song, Yunmin Zhu, Yingting Luo:
Globally Optimal Distributed Kalman Fusion With Local Out-of-Sequence-Measurement Updates. 1928-1934 - Solmaz Sajjadi-Kia
, Faryar Jabbari
Modified Anti-Windup Compensators for Stable Plants. 1934-1939 - Yunong Zhang
, Ke Chen, Hongzhou Tan
Performance Analysis of Gradient Neural Network Exploited for Online Time-Varying Matrix Inversion. 1940-1945 - Ji-Woong Lee:
Infinite-Horizon Joint LQG Synthesis of Switching and Feedback in Discrete Time. 1945-1951 - Andrei Polyakov
, Alex Poznyak:
Reaching Time Estimation for "Super-Twisting" Second Order Sliding Mode Controller via Lyapunov Function Designing. 1951-1955 - Mehrzad Namvar
A Class of Globally Convergent Velocity Observers for Robotic Manipulators. 1956-1961 - Moez Yeddes, Feng Lin, Nejib Ben Hadj-Alouane
Modifying Security Policies for the Satisfaction of Intransitive Non-Interference. 1961-1966 - Mohamed Darouach:
H∞ Unbiased Filtering for Linear Descriptor Systems via LMI. 1966-1972 - Changyin Sun, Youshen Xia:
An Analysis of a Neural Dynamical Approach to Solving Optimization Problems. 1972-1977 - Arun Ghosh
, Sarit K. Das:
Open-Loop Decoupling of MIMO Plants. 1977-1981 - Yaodong Pan, Krishna Dev Kumar, Guangjun Liu, Katsuhisa Furuta:
Design of Variable Structure Control System With Nonlinear Time-Varying Sliding Sector. 1981-1986 - Andrés A. Peters
, Mario E. Salgado:
Performance Bounds in H∞ Optimal Control for Stable SISO Plants With Arbitrary Relative Degree. 1987-1990 - Riccardo Marino
, Patrizio Tomei:
An Iterative Learning Control for a Class of Partially Feedback Linearizable Systems. 1991-1996 - Bernard Brogliato, W. P. M. H. Heemels
Observer Design for Lur'e Systems With Multivalued Mappings: A Passivity Approach. 1996-2001 - Weizhou Su, Li Qiu
, Jie Chen
An Average Performance Limit of MIMO Systems in Tracking Multi-Sinusoids With Partial Signal Information. 2001-2006 - Stefan Almér
, Ulf Jönsson:
Dynamic Phasor Analysis of Periodic Systems. 2007-2012 - Vera Pantelic, Steven M. Postma, Mark Lawford:
Probabilistic Supervisory Control of Probabilistic Discrete Event Systems. 2013-2018 - Dennis Roubos, Sandjai Bhulai
Session-Level Load Balancing for High-Dimensional Systems. 2018-2023
Volume 54, Number 9, 2009
- Dong-Ping Song
Optimal Integrated Ordering and Production Policy in a Supply Chain With Stochastic Lead-Time, Processing-Time, and Demand. 2027-2041 - Stephen L. Smith
, Francesco Bullo
Monotonic Target Assignment for Robotic Networks. 2042-2057 - Shengxiang Jiang, Petros G. Voulgaris:
Performance Optimization of Switched Systems: A Model Matching Approach. 2058-2071 - Xinmin Liu, Zongli Lin, Ben M. Chen
Assignment of Complete Structural Properties of Linear Systems via Sensor Selection. 2072-2086 - Maciej Niedzwiecki, Michal Stanislaw Meller
Self-Optimizing Adaptive Vibration Controller. 2087-2099 - Prabir Barooah
, Prashant G. Mehta
, João P. Hespanha:
Mistuning-Based Control Design to Improve Closed-Loop Stability Margin of Vehicular Platoons. 2100-2113 - Bernard Bercu, François Dufour
, Gang George Yin:
Almost Sure Stabilization for Feedback Controls of Regime-Switching Linear Systems With a Hidden Markov Chain. 2114-2125 - Francesco Dinuzzo, Antonella Ferrara
Higher Order Sliding Mode Controllers With Optimal Reaching. 2126-2136 - Michael J. Neely:
Delay Analysis for Max Weight Opportunistic Scheduling in Wireless Systems. 2137-2150 - Xianping Guo, XinYuan Song:
Mean-Variance Criteria for Finite Continuous-Time Markov Decision Processes. 2151-2157 - Tianshi Chen
, Jie Huang:
Global Robust Output Regulation by State Feedback for Strict Feedforward Systems. 2157-2163 - Franco Blanchini
, Thomas Parisini, Felice Andrea Pellegrino
, Gilberto Pin
High-Gain Adaptive Control: A Derivative-Based Approach. 2164-2169 - Iasson Karafyllis, Costas Kravaris:
From Continuous-Time Design to Sampled-Data Design of Observers. 2169-2174 - Fouad Giri, Youssef Rochdi, Fatima-Zahra Chaoui
Hammerstein Systems Identification in Presence of Hard Nonlinearities of Preload and Dead-Zone Type. 2174-2178 - Wissam Dib, Romeo Ortega, Andrey Barabanov, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue:
A "Globally" Convergent Controller for Multi-Machine Power Systems Using Structure-Preserving Models. 2179-2185 - Sunil Kumar Agrawal, Kaustubh Pathak, Jaume Franch, Roberto Lampariello
, Gerd Hirzinger:
A Differentially Flat Open-Chain Space Robot with Arbitrarily Oriented Joint Axes and Two Momentum Wheels at the Base. 2185-2191 - Lixian Zhang, Peng Shi:
Stability, l2 -Gain and Asynchronous H∞ Control of Discrete-Time Switched Systems With Average Dwell Time. 2192-2199 - Victor F. Sokolov:
ℓ1 Optimal Robust Steady-State Tracking for Unknown First-Order Plant. 2199-2205 - Zhiyong Chen:
A Remark on Sensor Disturbance Rejection of Nonlinear Systems. 2206-2210 - Kazuyoshi Mori:
Parametrization of All Strictly Causal Stabilizing Controllers. 2211-2215 - Alexandre Trofino
, Diego Assmann, Cesar Cataldo Scharlau, Daniel Ferreira Coutinho
Switching Rule Design for Switched Dynamic Systems With Affine Vector Fields. 2215-2222 - Mingxuan Sun:
A Barbalat-Like Lemma with Its Application to Learning Control. 2222-2225 - Duan Li
, Fucai Qian, Jianjun Gao:
Performance-First Control for Discrete-Time LQG Problems. 2225-2230 - Ling Shi
Kalman Filtering Over Graphs: Theory and Applications. 2230-2234 - Sandip Roy, Ali Saberi:
On Structural Properties of the Lyapunov Matrix Equation for Optimal Diagonal Solutions. 2234-2238 - Hassan Hammouri, Jean-Claude Marques:
Two Global Stabilizability Results for Homogeneous Systems From a Local Stabilizability Assumption. 2239-2244 - Hiroaki Mukaidani
, Hua Xu
Pareto Optimal Strategy for Stochastic Weakly Coupled Large Scale Systems With State Dependent System Noise. 2244-2250 - Andrej Jokic, Mircea Lazar, Paul P. J. van den Bosch:
On Constrained Steady-State Regulation: Dynamic KKT Controllers. 2250-2254 - Corentin Briat
, Olivier Sename
, Jean-François Lafay:
H∞ Delay-Scheduled Control of Linear Systems With Time-Varying Delays. 2255-2260 - Kenneth D. Running, Nuno C. Martins:
Optimal Preview Control of Markovian Jump Linear Systems. 2260-2266 - Xu Chu Ding, Yorai Wardi, Magnus Egerstedt:
On-Line Optimization of Switched-Mode Dynamical Systems. 2266-2271 - Nara Nakamura, Hisakazu Nakamura
, Yuh Yamashita, Hirokazu Nishitani:
Homogeneous Stabilization for Input Affine Homogeneous Systems. 2271-2275
Volume 54, Number 10, 2009
- Nader Motee, Ali Jadbabaie:
Distributed Multi-Parametric Quadratic Programming. 2279-2289 - Michael Z. Q. Chen, Malcolm C. Smith:
Restricted Complexity Network Realizations for Passive Mechanical Control. 2290-2301 - Alessandro Arsie, Ketan Savla, Emilio Frazzoli:
Efficient Routing Algorithms for Multiple Vehicles With no Explicit Communications. 2302-2317 - Diederik Verscheure, Bram Demeulenaere, Jan Swevers, Joris De Schutter
, Moritz Diehl:
Time-Optimal Path Tracking for Robots: A Convex Optimization Approach. 2318-2327 - Eitan Altman, Konstantin Avrachenkov
, Ishai Menache, Gregory B. Miller
, Balakrishna J. Prabhu, Adam Shwartz
Dynamic Discrete Power Control in Cellular Networks. 2328-2340 - Audrey Favache, Valérie Sylvie Dos Santos Martins, Denis Dochain
, Bernhard Maschke:
Some Properties of Conservative Port Contact Systems. 2341-2351 - Nacim Ramdani
, Nacim Meslem
, Yves Candau:
A Hybrid Bounding Method for Computing an Over-Approximation for the Reachable Set of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems. 2352-2364 - Brian D. O. Anderson, Manfred Deistler:
Properties of Zero-Free Spectral Matrices. 2365-2375 - Federico Ramponi, Augusto Ferrante, Michele Pavon:
A Globally Convergent Matricial Algorithm for Multivariate Spectral Estimation. 2376-2388 - Hiroshi Ito, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Necessary and Sufficient Small Gain Conditions for Integral Input-to-State Stable Systems: A Lyapunov Perspective. 2389-2404 - Ming-Yang Cheng, Yinghui Wang:
Velocity Field Construction for Contour Following Tasks Represented in NURBS Form. 2405-2410 - Peter J. Seiler
, Ufuk Topcu, Andrew K. Packard, Gary J. Balas:
Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Functions for Linear Systems With Constant Uncertainties. 2410-2416 - S. Emre Tuna:
Conditions for Synchronizability in Arrays of Coupled Linear Systems. 2416-2420 - Mircea Lazar, W. P. M. H. Heemels
, Andrew R. Teel:
Lyapunov Functions, Stability and Input-to-State Stability Subtleties for Discrete-Time Discontinuous Systems. 2421-2425 - Joëlle Skaf, Stephen P. Boyd:
Nonlinear Q-Design for Convex Stochastic Control. 2426-2430 - Tomás Vyhlídal
, Pavel Zítek:
Modification of Mikhaylov Criterion for Neutral Time-Delay Systems. 2430-2435 - Eitan Altman, Eilon Solan
Constrained Games: The Impact of the Attitude to Adversary's Constraints. 2435-2440 - Hisaya Fujioka:
A Discrete-Time Approach to Stability Analysis of Systems With Aperiodic Sample-and-Hold Devices. 2440-2445 - Igor Boiko
Frequency Domain Analysis of Accuracy of Sliding Mode Observers Under Imperfect Knowledge of Model Parameters. 2446-2450 - Nuno C. Martins, Jorge M. Gonçalves
A Linear Programming Approach to Parameter Fitting for the Master Equation. 2451-2455 - Ryan C. Loxton
, Kok Lay Teo, Volker Rehbock
Computational Method for a Class of Switched System Optimal Control Problems. 2455-2460 - Daniele Carnevale, Alessandro Astolfi
Hybrid Observer for Global Frequency Estimation of Saturated Signals. 2461-2464 - Qing Hui, Wassim M. Haddad, Sanjay P. Bhat
Semistability, Finite-Time Stability, Differential Inclusions, and Discontinuous Dynamical Systems Having a Continuum of Equilibria. 2465-2470 - Takahiro Endo
, Fumitoshi Matsuno
, Haruhisa Kawasaki:
Simple Boundary Cooperative Control of Two One-Link Flexible Arms for Grasping. 2470-2476 - Aivar Sootla
, Anders Rantzer, Georgios Kotsalis:
Multivariable Optimization-Based Model Reduction. 2477-2480 - Fuwen Yang
, Yongmin Li
Set-Membership Filtering for Discrete-Time Systems With Nonlinear Equality Constraints. 2480-2486
Volume 54, Number 11, 2009
- Nicolas Mansard, Anthony Remazeilles
, François Chaumette
Continuity of Varying-Feature-Set Control Laws. 2493-2505 - Angelia Nedic
, Alexander Olshevsky, Asuman E. Ozdaglar, John N. Tsitsiklis:
On Distributed Averaging Algorithms and Quantization Effects. 2506-2517 - Jeffrey H. Ahrens, Xiaobo Tan, Hassan K. Khalil:
Multirate Sampled-Data Output Feedback Control With Application to Smart Material Actuated Systems. 2518-2529 - John Edward Gough, Matthew R. James
The Series Product and Its Application to Quantum Feedforward and Feedback Networks. 2530-2544 - Teodoro Alamo
, Roberto Tempo, Eduardo F. Camacho
Randomized Strategies for Probabilistic Solutions of Uncertain Feasibility and Optimization Problems. 2545-2559 - Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate
, Luca Galbusera, Marco Pietro Enrico Marciandi, Riccardo Scattolini
Model Predictive Control Schemes for Consensus in Multi-Agent Systems with Single- and Double-Integrator Dynamics. 2560-2572 - Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis, Wei Lai, Xiangdong Song:
Optimized Scheduled Multiple Access Control for Wireless Sensor Networks. 2573-2585 - Vincent D. Blondel, Julien M. Hendrickx, John N. Tsitsiklis:
On Krause's Multi-Agent Consensus Model With State-Dependent Connectivity. 2586-2597 - Bernard Bonnard, Monique Chyba, Dominique Sugny:
Time-Minimal Control of Dissipative Two-Level Quantum Systems: The Generic Case. 2598-2610 - Francisco Javier Bejarano
, Leonid M. Fridman
, Alexander S. Poznyak:
Output Integral Sliding Mode for Min-Max Optimization of Multi-Plant Linear Uncertain Systems. 2611-2620 - Yanjun Shen, Yuehua Huang:
Uniformly Observable and Globally Lipschitzian Nonlinear Systems Admit Global Finite-Time Observers. 2621-2625 - Deyuan Meng, Yingmin Jia, Junping Du, Shiying Yuan:
Robust Discrete-Time Iterative Learning Control for Nonlinear Systems With Varying Initial State Shifts. 2626-2631 - Junlin Xiong
, Valery A. Ugrinovskii, Ian R. Petersen:
Local Mode Dependent Decentralized Stabilization of Uncertain Markovian Jump Large-Scale Systems. 2632-2637 - Yong-Li Xu, Di-Rong Chen:
Partially-Linear Least-Squares Regularized Regression for System Identification. 2637-2641 - Abdelkader Abdessameud
, Abdelhamid Tayebi
Attitude Synchronization of a Group of Spacecraft Without Velocity Measurements. 2642-2648 - Youngjin Choi
, Joono Cheong
New Expressions of 2 , ˟, 2 Block Matrix Inversion and Their Application. 2648-2653 - Jeang-Lin Chang:
Dynamic Output Integral Sliding-Mode Control With Disturbance Attenuation. 2653-2658 - Nalin A. Chaturvedi, N. Harris McClamroch:
Asymptotic Stabilization of the Inverted Equilibrium Manifold of the 3-D Pendulum Using Non-Smooth Feedback. 2658-2662 - Magdi Sadek Mahmoud
Decentralized Stabilization of Interconnected Systems With Time-Varying Delays. 2663-2668 - Wei Zhang, Jianghai Hu, Alessandro Abate:
On the Value Functions of the Discrete-Time Switched LQR Problem. 2669-2674 - Reza Ghaemi, Jing Sun
, Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
Neighboring Extremal Solution for Nonlinear Discrete-Time Optimal Control Problems With State Inequality Constraints. 2674-2679 - Nader Meskin
, Khashayar Khorasani:
Fault Detection and Isolation of Distributed Time-Delay Systems. 2680-2685 - Sasa V. Rakovic, Miroslav Baric:
Local Control Lyapunov Functions for Constrained Linear Discrete-Time Systems: The Minkowski Algebra Approach. 2686-2692 - Eugene Lavretsky:
Combined/Composite Model Reference Adaptive Control. 2692-2697 - Matthew C. Turner, Murray Kerr, Ian Postlethwaite:
On the Existence of Stable, Causal Multipliers for Systems With Slope-Restricted Nonlinearities. 2697-2702 - Matthew C. Russell, Jeff Fraser, Stephen Rizzo, Michael H. Veatch:
Comparing LP Bounds for Queueing Networks. 2703-2707 - Ji-Woong Lee:
Dynamic Decentralized Sequential Detection Under Uniformly Distributed Observations. 2707-2714 - Robert Shorten, Martin J. Corless, Kai Wulff
, Steffi Klinge
, Richard H. Middleton
Quadratic Stability and Singular SISO Switching Systems. 2714-2718 - Arvin Dehghani, Andrea Lecchini-Visintini, Alexander Lanzon
, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Validating Controllers for Internal Stability Utilizing Closed-Loop Data. 2719-2725
Volume 54, Number 12, 2009
- Changhee Joo
, Xiaojun Lin, Ness B. Shroff:
Greedy Maximal Matching: Performance Limits for Arbitrary Network Graphs Under the Node-Exclusive Interference Model. 2734-2744 - John M. C. Clark, Panagiotis-Aristidis Kountouriotis, Richard B. Vinter:
A New Gaussian Mixture Algorithm for GMTI Tracking Under a Minimum Detectable Velocity Constraint. 2745-2756 - Alex da Rosa, Ricardo J. G. B. Campello
, Wagner C. Amaral:
Exact Search Directions for Optimization of Linear and Nonlinear Models Based on Generalized Orthonormal Functions. 2757-2772 - Serdar Yüksel:
Stochastic Nestedness and the Belief Sharing Information Pattern. 2773-2786 - Adam J. Mersereau, Paat Rusmevichientong, John N. Tsitsiklis:
A Structured Multiarmed Bandit Problem and the Greedy Policy. 2787-2802 - Patrícia N. Pena
, José E. R. Cury, Stéphane Lafortune
Verification of Nonconflict of Supervisors Using Abstractions. 2803-2815 - Jorge Cortés
Distributed Kriged Kalman Filter for Spatial Estimation. 2816-2827 - Michel Gevers, Alexandre S. Bazanella
, Xavier Bombois, Ljubisa Miskovic
Identification and the Information Matrix: How to Get Just Sufficiently Rich? 2828-2840 - Murtaza Zafer, Eytan H. Modiano:
Minimum Energy Transmission Over a Wireless Channel With Deadline and Power Constraints. 2841-2852 - Yuanqing Xia, Mengyin Fu, Peng Shi, Zhao-Jing Wu, Jinhui Zhang:
Adaptive Backstepping Controller Design for Stochastic Jump Systems. 2853-2859 - Jasmine Sandhu, Mehran Mesbahi, Takashi Tsukamaki:
On the Control and Estimation Over Relative Sensing Networks. 2859-2863 - Yaote Chang:
Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of Multi-Input Nonlinear Systems With Perturbations to Achieve Asymptotical Stability. 2863-2869 - Michael M. Zavlanos, Herbert G. Tanner, Ali Jadbabaie, George J. Pappas
Hybrid Control for Connectivity Preserving Flocking. 2869-2875 - Qin Li, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Global Analysis of Multi-Agent Systems Based on Vicsek's Model. 2876-2881 - Anton S. Shiriaev
, Leonid B. Freidovich
Transverse Linearization for Impulsive Mechanical Systems With One Passive Link. 2882-2888 - Hanlei Wang, Yongchun Xie:
Prediction Error Based Adaptive Jacobian Tracking of Robots With Uncertain Kinematics and Dynamics. 2889-2894 - Debraj Chakraborty:
Maximal Open-Loop Operation Under Integral Error Constraints. 2894-2899 - Jie Li, Alexandre Tiberiu Sava
, Xiaolan Xie:
Simulation-Based Discrete Optimization of Stochastic Discrete Event Systems Subject to Non Closed-Form Constraints. 2900-2904 - Garry A. Einicke:
A Solution to the Continuous-Time H∞ Fixed-Interval Smoother Problem. 2904-2908 - Koji Tsumura:
Optimal Quantization of Signals for System Identification. 2909-2915 - Andreas Johansson:
A Sufficient Condition for Invalidation of Linear State-Space Systems With Uncertain Time-Varying Parameters. 2915-2920 - Ting Hou:
Comments on "Generalized Lyapunov Equation Approach to State-Dependent Stochastic Stabilization/ Detectability Criterion. 2920-2921

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