Hunter training

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This guide describes the most effective methods to train the Hunter skill. The experience rate estimates in this guide do not incorporate the use of any experience boosting items or bonus experience. They also assume that players are not banking any products that they obtain from hunting. Hunter is a gathering skill which involves using equipment such as box traps and bird snares to catch creatures and obtain products such as animals' fur, feathers, and bones. As players level up the Hunter skill they gain the ability to catch creatures which award greater amounts of experience when they are caught. Levelling up the Hunter skill also allows players to lay more traps at once when hunting using traps.

Hunter level Concurrent traps
1 2
30 3
60 4
80 5
80+Volcanic trapper head.png: RS3 Inventory image of Volcanic trapper outfit 6

Useful equipment[edit | edit source]

Item Effect Slot Description Requirements
High priority
Enhanced yaktwee stick.png: RS3 Inventory image of Enhanced yaktwee stick Enhanced yaktwee stick +2% XP Main hand slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Worn equipment Grants a 2% experience boost when hunting. 72 Hunter
Hunter's headwear.png: RS3 Inventory image of Hunter's headwear Hunter's chestpiece.png: RS3 Inventory image of Hunter's chestpiece
Hunter's gloves.png: RS3 Inventory image of Hunter's gloves Hunter's legwear.png: RS3 Inventory image of Hunter's legwear
Hunter's boots.png: RS3 Inventory image of Hunter's boots
Hunter's outfit +1 to 6% XP Head slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Worn equipment Torso slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Worn equipment
Hands slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Worn equipment Legs slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Worn equipment
Feet slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Worn equipment
Provides a 1% experience boost per piece of the outfit worn. Wearing a full set will give an extra 1% bonus experience, for 6% bonus experience in total. None
Desert trapper head.png: RS3 Inventory image of Desert trapper head Jungle trapper head.png: RS3 Inventory image of Jungle trapper head Arctic trapper head.png: RS3 Inventory image of Arctic trapper head Trapper outfits +5% success rate
+1 to 6% XP (hunter's outfit)
Head slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Head slot Torso slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Torso slot
Legs slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Legs slot Gloves slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Gloves slot
Feet slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Feet slot
Wearing a full desert, jungle, or arctic trapper outfit provides the following benefits: 80 Hunter
20 Invention
(None if buying from DXP Token Store)
Volcanic trapper head.png: RS3 Inventory image of Volcanic trapper head Volcanic trapper chest.png: RS3 Inventory image of Volcanic trapper chest
Volcanic trapper legguards.png: RS3 Inventory image of Volcanic trapper legguards Volcanic trapper arms.png: RS3 Inventory image of Volcanic trapper arms
Volcanic trapper boots.png: RS3 Inventory image of Volcanic trapper boots
Volcanic trapper outfit +7% success rate
+1 to 6% XP (hunter's outfit)
Head slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Head slot Torso slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Torso slot
Legs slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Legs slot Gloves slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Gloves slot
Feet slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Feet slot
Wearing the full volcanic trapper outfit provides the following benefits: Full desert, jungle, and arctic trapper outfits
Cracked hunter urn.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cracked hunter urn Fragile hunter urn.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fragile hunter urn
Plain hunter urn.png: RS3 Inventory image of Plain hunter urn Strong hunter urn.png: RS3 Inventory image of Strong hunter urn
Decorated hunter urn.png: RS3 Inventory image of Decorated hunter urn
Hunter urns +20% XP Backpack icon.png: RS3 Inventory image of Inventory When carried in the inventory, these will fill automatically when hunting, providing a 20% bonus on the experience required to fill them. Cannot be used at the same time as effigies. 3 to 79 Crafting
Spirit graahk pouch.png: RS3 Inventory image of Spirit graahk pouch Spirit graahk +5 invisible Hunter level Summoning.png: RS3 Inventory image of Summoning Grants an invisible +5 Hunter level boost while summoned, increasing catch chances. 57 Summoning
Spirit kyatt pouch.png: RS3 Inventory image of Spirit kyatt pouch Spirit kyatt
Spirit larupia pouch.png: RS3 Inventory image of Spirit larupia pouch Spirit larupia
Arctic bear pouch.png: RS3 Inventory image of Arctic bear pouch Arctic bear +7 invisible Hunter level Summoning.png: RS3 Inventory image of Summoning Grants an invisible +7 Hunter level boost while summoned, increasing catch chances. 71 Summoning
Wolpertinger pouch.png: RS3 Inventory image of Wolpertinger pouch Wolpertinger +5 invisible Hunter level Summoning.png: RS3 Inventory image of Summoning Grants an invisible +5 Hunter level boost while summoned, increasing catch chances. 92 Summoning
Low priority
Skeka's hypnowand.png: RS3 Inventory image of Skeka's hypnowand Skeka's hypnowand Various Off-hand slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Worn equipment Skeka's hypnowand has a passive effect called Aughran Gift:
  • Increases success chance of catching whirligigs by 5%.
  • Increases the speed of building and arming Big Game Hunter traps by 20%.
  • Increases the chance of encountering multiple dinosaurs at once in Big Game Hunter.
  • 5% chance to gain Hunter's Will when collecting a successfully triggered box trap.
  • Hunter's Will:
    • Trappable creatures are strongly attracted to newly placed box traps.
    • Lasts 19.8 seconds.
80 Hunter
Tracker aura.png: RS3 Inventory image of Tracker aura Greater tracker aura.png: RS3 Inventory image of Greater tracker aura
Master tracker aura.png: RS3 Inventory image of Master tracker aura Supreme tracker aura.png: RS3 Inventory image of Supreme tracker aura
Legendary tracker aura.png: RS3 Inventory image of Legendary tracker aura
Tracker auras +3 to 15% success rate Aura slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Aura slot Grant 3% to 15% increased chance to successfully catch a creature, depending on aura tier. Auras effects last for one hour after they are activated. Players may use 5 or 10 vis wax to extend a tracker aura's activation time by 50% or 100% (costing 119,750 coins or 239,500 coins). This effect must be applied before the aura is activated. The aura has a 3 hours cooldown. None
Hunter's Catalyst fragment.png: RS3 Inventory image of Hunter's Catalyst fragment Hunter's Catalyst fragment Automatically reset traps Off-hand slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Off-hand slot When equipped, it resets box trapsmagic boxesbird snares, and tortle traps when they fail to catch a creature. Can be combined into the combined Catalyst fragment to save space. If the player owns the Catalyst fragment, the volcanic trapper outfit will provide the same benefit without having to equip the fragment. Sliske's Endgame
Ring of Whispers.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ring of Whispers Ring of Whispers +3 invisible Hunter level Ring slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ring slot Grants an invisible +3 Hunter level while worn, increasing catch chance. Sliske's Endgame
Crystallise +10% XP Magic.png: RS3 Inventory image of Magic Crystallise can be cast on an empty box trap to increase the Hunter experience gained from it by 10% for 30 seconds, but prevents gaining any resources from the trap. Additionally, the trap will automatically reset upon catching a creature. The spell requires 6 water, fire, chaos and soul runes to cast, and only one box trap can be crystallised at a time. 88 Magic
The Light Within
Light Form.png: RS3 Inventory image of Light Form Light Form Crystallise grants +20% XP Prayer.png: RS3 Inventory image of Prayer Further increases additional Hunter experience gained from a crystallised box trap to 20% (up from 10%). At level 99 Prayer, players will need to consume around 53 doses of prayer potion per hour to keep Light Form activated. Use of prayer renewal potions can be used to help regain Prayer points. Additionally, players can use Grace of the Elves to further cut Light Form's cost in half. Summoning a holy scarab will reduce the Prayer drain rate by 50% for 64 minutes. The Light Within
Unstable effigy.png: RS3 Inventory image of Unstable effigy Erratic effigy.png: RS3 Inventory image of Erratic effigy Effigies Extra experience granted Backpack icon.png: RS3 Inventory image of Inventory Similar to urns, can be filled while gaining Hunter experience. Once filled, grant experience (erratic) or bonus experience (unstable) in a chosen skill, including Hunter. Cannot be used at the same time as urns. These will give more experience than using urns after level 90 and more experience than urns with an enhancer after level 95. 85 Crafting or 85 Smithing
Sins of the Father
Scripture of Elidinis.png: RS3 Inventory image of Scripture of Elidinis Scripture of Elidinis Extra experience granted Pocket slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Pocket slot Periodically spawn a soul that when caught, grants experience on average to that of a small XP lamp. Experience awarded stacks additively with other generic experience boosts, including outfits. At level 99, this equates to roughly 100k experience per hour. None
Urn enhancer.png: RS3 Inventory image of Urn enhancer Urn enhancer +25% XP from urns Backpack icon.png: RS3 Inventory image of Inventory Increases experience urns give by 25%, consuming a small amount of charges for each urn teleported. 24 Invention
Nomad's Elegy
Hunter cape.png: RS3 Inventory image of Hunter cape Hunter cape (t).png: RS3 Inventory image of Hunter cape (t) Hunter cape Instantly deploy traps Back slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Worn equipment Can be activated right before setting up a trap to instantly complete the action. 99 Hunter
Brawling gloves (Hunter).png: RS3 Inventory image of Brawling gloves (Hunter) Brawling gloves (Hunter) +50 to 75% XP Hands slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Worn equipment When worn, provide +50% Hunter experience. This increases to +75% with the tier 4 of the Infernal Puzzle Box is unlocked. They start with 336 charges, use one charge for each instance of Hunter experience gained, and degrade to dust once all charges are used. None
Extreme hunter.png: RS3 Inventory image of Extreme hunter Extreme hunter potion Increase catching rate Herblore.png: RS3 Inventory image of Herblore Temporarily increases the player's Hunter level to up to +17 at level 82 Hunter and above, increasing catch rates and allowing higher level creatures to be caught. 80 Herblore (boostable)
Scentless potion.png: RS3 Inventory image of Scentless potion Scentless potion Automatically smoke traps Herblore.png: RS3 Inventory image of Herblore Automatically smoke traps for 6 minutes, slightly increasing the chance of a creature approaching them and being caught. None
Avantoe incense sticks.png: RS3 Inventory image of Avantoe incense sticks Avantoe incense sticks 20% chance to automatically bait traps Firemaking.png: RS3 Inventory image of Firemaking Each potency level of avantoe incense sticks provides a 5% chance to automatically bait traps, up to a maximum 20% chance. 48 Firemaking

Generic experience boosts[edit | edit source]

Most experience-boosting effects that apply to all skills also apply to Hunter. This includes but is not limited to the following boosts:

Item Max XP increase Description Ironmen eligible
Clan Avatar XP boost.png: RS3 Inventory image of Clan Avatar XP boost Clan Avatar XP boost +6% Grants a 3-6% experience boost after activating the skilling bonus at the Avatar Control Stone in a Clan Citadel. No
Premier artefact.png: RS3 Inventory image of Premier artefact Premier artefact +10% Once per day, the premier artefact can be activated to gain a 10% experience boost for 60 minutes. No
Desert pantheon aura.png: RS3 Inventory image of Desert pantheon aura Desert pantheon aura +10% The Wisdom of Scabaras effect of the Desert pantheon aura gives a 10% experience boost for 1 hour at the cost of 200 charges. No
Torstol incense sticks.png: RS3 Inventory image of Torstol incense sticks Torstol incense sticks +2% Each potency level of torstol incense sticks provides a 0.5% experience boost. The potency level increases every 10 minutes, reaching its maximum at level 4 (+2% experience). Overloading consumes 6 sticks, instantly reaching maximum potency. Yes
Wise.png: RS3 Inventory image of Wise Wise perk +4% Grants a 1-4% experience boost (based on perk rank) while wearing or wielding an item augmented with this perk, up to 50,000 additional experience per day. Yes
Wisdom aura.png: RS3 Inventory image of Wisdom aura Supreme wisdom aura.png: RS3 Inventory image of Supreme wisdom aura
Legendary wisdom aura.png: RS3 Inventory image of Legendary wisdom aura
Wisdom auras +2.5% Grants a 2.5% experience boost for 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the aura's tier. Yes
Inspire Effort.png: RS3 Inventory image of Inspire EffortInspire Genius.png: RS3 Inventory image of Inspire Genius
Inspire Love.png: RS3 Inventory image of Inspire LoveInspire Awe.png: RS3 Inventory image of Inspire Awe
Inspire relic powers +2% When harnessed, 2% extra experience is earned when training skills relevant to the specific Inspire relic. Yes
Advanced pulse core.png: RS3 Inventory image of Advanced pulse core Advanced pulse core +50%/+10% Grants a 50% experience boost, exploding after experience equal to a medium prismatic lamp has been accumulated. After exploding, it provides a 2% (stacking up to 5 times for up to 10%) experience boost for 10 minutes. Yes, but only for initial XP drop
Sceptre of enchantment.png: RS3 Inventory image of Sceptre of enchantment Sceptre of enchantment +4% Using a charge grants the wielder a 4% experience boost for 24 hours. Nearby players receive a 2% experience boost for 2 hours. No
Coin of enchantment.png: RS3 Inventory image of Coin of enchantment Coin of enchantment +2% Using a charge grants the wielder a 2% experience boost for 24 hours. Nearby players receive a 1% experience boost for 2 hours. No
Rock of Resilience.png: RS3 Inventory image of Rock of Resilience Rock of Resilience +4% Using a charge grants the user a 4% experience boost for 60 minutes. Nearby players receive a 2% experience instead. No

Methods[edit | edit source]

Following an update, XP from catching Skillchompas is no longer multiplied by the number of Skillchompas caught, nullifying Agility bonuses.

Summary[edit | edit source]

See here to calculate how many creatures will be caught during training.

Levels Method Experience per hour Alternative methods
1-19 or 30 Plain whirligigs 12,000

Complete the Natural history quiz in the Varrock Museum to go from 1-9.
Feed oogleroots to rabbits within the Vinesweeper minigame for 10,000 experience per hour.
Catch ruby harvest (Hunter) from 15-19 for 12,000 experience per hour as well as moderate profit.
At 19 Hunter, hunt tropical wagtails for 40,000 experience per hour (with two traps).

19-30 or 53 or 67 Tropical wagtails

40,000 with two traps
66,000 with three traps
90,000 with four traps

Cobalt skillchompa (Hunter) at 27 Hunter for 30,000-35,000 experience per hour.
30-50 Gliding whirligigs 95,000 - 120,000
50-67 or 70 Swift whirligigs 190,000 - 300,000

At 53 Hunter, hunt chinchompas for 25,000-50,000 experience per hour.
At 59 Hunter, hunt red salamanders for 72,000 experience per hour.
At 63 Hunter, hunt carnivorous chinchompas for 82,000 experience per hour.

67-75 or 80 Black salamander (Wilderness) 110,000-186,000

Catch charm sprites from 72-80 for 100,000 experience per hour. This increases up to 162,000 experience per hour with the enhanced yaktwee stick.
Trap plover birds for 95,000-114,000 experience per hour from 73-80. (This is a less intensive option)
Do Big Game Hunter from 75-99 for 90,000-400,000 experience per hour. (This is a very profitable option)

80-96 or 99 Jadinkos on Anachronia

60,000-120,000 up to

Catch charming moths from 88-99 for 180,000-240,000 experience per hour.
Hunt crimson skillchompas from 89-97 for 150,000-200,000 experience per hour as well as moderate profit.
Catch black warlocks barehanded from 95-99 for 150,000-180,000 experience per hour. (This is a less intensive option)

96-99+ Ornate tortles

500,000+ with Contracts

Hunt crystal skillchompas at 97 Hunter for 250,000-300,000 experience per hour as well as moderate profit.


  • Player may prefer to place trap item on hotbar, allowing for easier deployment of traps.
  • After placing a trap, if timed correctly, placing any command such as checking another trap will cancel the automatic walking toward west animation-lock.
  • Upon seeing exp gain from successful trap, a player may start to place their next trap to cancel soft animation of retrieving previous trap.
  • Walking onto a successful trap tile, then proceeding to check it saves time due to auto-walk/checking animation-lock.
  • Walking onto a rebuild trap tile, placing a new trap then picking up the previous with area-loot is faster than rebuild animation-lock.
  • Game designers allowed many of the animation-lock to be purposely avoided, rewarding good timing, allowing higher exp gain per hour if player choose a more intensive play-style.
  • Casual play-style may opt to place a line of trap, then check them all in reverse order or as each requires attention, then repeat process.
  • New trap setters are encouraged to try multiple trap configuration other than straight line as each player will find their own preferences.

Levels 1-19/30: Catching plain whirligigs[edit | edit source]

Players can hunt plain whirligigs at Het's Oasis. It is possible to achieve over 12,000 xp/hr. This is a very click intensive method. Players may find playing on mobile to be easier for this method. It is recommended to use the south-east pond because it does not have any trees that may be clicked on by mistake. 1115 plain whirligigs are required to reach level 30. Plain whirligigs reward a plain whirligig shell, worth 632 coins. However, looting the shells may decrease experience rates.

If planning on catching other whirligigs in the future, this may be the most efficient method to level 30 as it begins the process of unlocking Dundee's Crocodile Upgrades which increases experience rates considerably. These upgrades must be manually purchased. At 250 whirligigs caught, the catch rate increases by 10%. At 500 caught, there is a 25% double loot chance. At 1000 caught, there is a 25% flower saving chance. At 1,500 caught, the experience awarded per catch is increased by 10%.

The method consists of handling the crocodiles Frito or Chito and directing them to catch whirligigs by clicking on them. The first whirligig clicked on causes the crocodile to chase after it, and while this is happening three more whirligigs can be 'stacked' by clicking on them while the crocodile is travelling to and from the targeted whirligig. Stacked whirligigs give the same experience as the initial target, but do not reward the shell. Failure is possible, but the crocodile redirects to the next clicked whirligig. An attempt may be queued every game-tick (0.6 seconds). Players may benefit from reducing the graphics to minimum settings, as the water the whirligigs reside in has a sun glare that can make it difficult to see.

Turning run mode off (i.e. keeping walking) is strongly advised due to spam-clicking on scarabs (to stack them) missing a lot due to their small size, which causes the player to run all over the place if they do not turn run mode off.

Levels 19-30/53/67: Tropical wagtails[edit | edit source]

Best spots to place traps to hunt tropical wagtails, slightly west of the Oo'glog lodestone

With level 19 Hunter players can start hunting tropical wagtails, laying 2 bird snares at the same time. With level 19-24 Hunter players can gain approximately 40,000 experience an hour hunting tropical wagtails. This increases to 55,000-66,000 experience per hour at level 30 when players can use three bird snares; and up to 90,000 experience per hour at level 60+ when players can use four bird snares. Upon successfully catching a tropical wagtail players will receive bones, raw bird meat and stripy feathers. Tropical wagtails are located in the Feldip Hunter area. Good places to catch them are located west and north of the Oo'glog lodestone. The best way to catch them easily is to place the snares close to their spawn points. Players can wear a jungle camo top (costing 1,378) and jungle camo legs (costing 1,751) to increase their success rate while hunting in this area.

Levels 30-50: Catching gliding whirligigs[edit | edit source]

Players can hunt gliding whirligigs at Het's Oasis. Before the 10% experience increase at 1,500 whirligigs caught, it is possible to achieve over 100,000 xp/hr. With the experience increase unlocked, it is possible to achieve over 120,000 xp/hr. This is a very click intensive method. Approximately 900-1,000 gliding whirligigs must be caught to reach level 50. Gliding whirligigs reward a gliding whirligig shell, worth 15,931 coins. However, looting the shells may decrease experience rates, at least until the automatic looting upgrade is purchased at 2,500 whirligigs caught.

Unlike plain whirligigs, gliding whirligigs require flowers (specifically roses) to be hunted. The roses must be placed in the flower baskets, which must first be constructed. Each basket requires five teak planks and ten steel nails to build and yields between 50-4,950 Construction experience (depending on level). Each basket can hold 32 flowers of the same type. Approximately 100-200 roses are consumed each hour, with each costing 54 coins.

Levels 50-67/70: Catching swift whirligigs[edit | edit source]

Players can hunt swift whirligigs at Het's Oasis. Before the 10% experience increase at 1,500 whirligigs caught, it is possible to achieve over 200,000 xp/hr. With the experience increase unlocked, it is possible to achieve over 240,000 xp/hr. This is a very click intensive method. Swift whirligigs reward a swift whirligig shell, worth 10,873 coins. However, looting the shells may decrease experience rates, at least until the automatic looting upgrade is purchased at 2,500 whirligigs caught.

At 3000 whirligigs caught, the stack limit of the crocodiles increases from 3 to 5 whirligigs. This drastically increases the experience per hour to over 300,000 xp/hr.

Unlike plain whirligigs, swift whirligigs require flowers (specifically irises) to be hunted. The irises must be placed in the flower baskets, which must first be constructed. Each basket requires five teak planks and ten steel nails to build and yields between 50-4,950 Construction experience (depending on level). Each basket can hold 32 flowers of the same type. Approximately 100-200 irises are consumed each hour, with each costing 107 coins.

Levels 53-67/75/80: Chinchompas and skillchompas[edit | edit source]

Players with level 53 Hunter can begin to hunt chinchompas or viridian skillchompas using box traps. This gives around 50,000-72,000 experience an hour while using 3 traps at level 53-60 Hunter. Once the player can use 4 traps, with level 60 Hunter, this gives around 60,000-82,000 experience per hour. Up to 6 skillchompas can be caught per trap, which scales with Agility level. However, this does not increase the experience rewarded. Chinchompas will always give one per catch and are not affected by Agility level. Once trapped, chinchompas and skillchompas become stackable items. Viridian skillchompas can be caught at the Port Phasmatys Hunter area, which is found south of Port Phasmatys. Chinchompas can be caught in the Piscatoris Hunter area north of the Eagles' Peak lodestone. Ironmen may prefer to use this method all the way to 75/77 in order to collect baby chinchompas or ammunition for ranged combat (chinchompas).

Players may also start catching carnivorous chinchompas at 63 Hunter with similar experience per hour. These are located north of the Oo'glog lodestone in the Feldip Hunter Area.

At 68 Hunter, players may catch azure skillchompas for a similar experience per hour. These are located in the northern section of the Rellekka Hunter area. Upon entering the area, head to the north-eastern part of the area and climb a set of stairs to get onto an iceberg, then climb the ladder just north of this entrance to get to the azure skillchompa hunting area. Players can wear polar camouflage gear or kyatt hunter gear to increase their success rate in catching creatures while hunting in this area. Both sets are tradeable, with polar camouflage gear costing a total of 80,207 coins to buy, and kyatt hunter gear costing a total of 29,512 coins.

Levels 59-67: Red salamanders[edit | edit source]

At level 59 Hunter players can begin to hunt red salamanders using net traps. This gives around 55,000-72,000 experience per hour while using 3 traps. At level 60 Hunter, when players can use 4 net traps, this increases to around 65,000-80,000 experience per hour. Red salamanders are located in the Ourania Hunter area, located west of the spirit tree near the Battlefield of Khazard. To get there, use the Lunar magic spell Ourania Teleport, travel using the spirit trees, or teleport to Castle Wars Arena and walk north. There are two spots in which hunting salamanders is possible: one is located directly south of the altar, the other is located east of the entrance of the path that leads to the altar. There is also a bank in the Ourania Cave, however using the bank requires a payment of 20 runes of any type.

Catching a red salamander completes It's My Newt from the Ardougne achievements.

Levels 67-75/80: Black salamanders[edit | edit source]

With at least level 67 Hunter players can hunt black salamanders to gain between 110,000 to 186,000 experience per hour. Black salamanders can be caught using up to 4 net traps in the Boneyard Hunter area found in the Wilderness. Players may reach this location by using the Wilderness lodestone and walking east of the Chaos Temple. Black salamanders become a level 70 Ranged weapon when caught. This can be a profitable method with each weapon worth 1,871 coins. Players must bring a small fishing net and a rope for each trap, or 4 nets and 4 ropes if wanting to plant 4 traps. When a salamander is caught, players simply click on the trap. If the trap fails, the rope and net will fall to the ground. Players can quickly pick these up using area loot and pressing the spacebar. For best experience rates, players should right click a Black salamander in their inventory and select "Release all" to clear their inventory. An alternative but slower option, for those who have unlocked Invention, is to disassemble the black salamanders.

When the 'Release All' option was added to salamanders on July 8, 2019, this became a less attractive venture for player killers due to their targets being able to nearly instantly destroy their entire inventory. Since PvP was made optional in the Wilderness, there is no longer any risk associated with hunting black salamanders as long as PvP is toggled off by speaking to Vala, and not toggled back on by engaging in PvP content such as Wilderness Warbands.

Players should note that hunting black salamanders, despite being a Wilderness activity, does not benefit from having an equipped demonic skull.

Levels 75-77/99: Big Game Hunter[edit | edit source]

Directions to the Big Game Hunter dinosaurs

Players who have at least Hunter level 75 and Slayer level 55, can begin hunting Arcane apoterrasaur dinosaurs on Anachronia within the Big Game Hunter single-player activity (commonly known as "BGH"). It is the most profitable hunting method in the game, providing boss-drop like reward chests as well as a chance to obtain the Dragon mattock, currently worth 39,919,119 coins. Tier 3 dinosaurs also have a chance to drop pieces of the Terrasaur maul. Players can perform this activity right up to level 99. Each kill takes around 2 to 5 minutes, and each dinosaur can be killed 5 or more times before it goes on cooldown and cannot be killed for an hour. Between one to three dinosaurs of the same type can spawn in each encounter (commonly referred to as a single, double or triple hunt).

There are nine different species of dinosaur to hunt on Anachronia, shown in the table below.

  • Each species is found in a separate "arena", which is a fairly open space in the overworld.
  • Arenas are spread out around Anachronia, as shown on the map.
  • Players must have certain level requirements in Hunter and Slayer for each dinosaur, both of which can be boosted.
  • Each dinosaur also requires a specific bait to be lured and caught.
  • Experience is awarded after completing a hunt / kill.
  • When facing multiple dinosaurs in one encounter, the experience rates are higher.
Tier Dinosaur Hunter Level Slayer Level Bait Bait cost Hunter XP Slayer XP Chance to drop
1  Arcane apoterrasaur 75 55 Raw shark.png: RS3 Inventory image of Raw sharkRaw shark 443 6,000 800
1  Scimitops 75 55 Raw sailfish.png: RS3 Inventory image of Raw sailfishRaw sailfish 6,088 6,000 800
1  Bagrada rex 75 55 Raw manta ray.png: RS3 Inventory image of Raw manta rayRaw manta ray 777 6,000 800
2  Spicati apoterrasaur 80 60 Raw bagrada rex meat.png: RS3 Inventory image of Raw bagrada rex meatRaw bagrada rex meat 83,869 12,000 2,050
2  Asciatops 85 65 Raw arcane apoterrasaur meat.png: RS3 Inventory image of Raw arcane apoterrasaur meatRaw arcane apoterrasaur meat 14,242 12,000 2,050
2  Corbicula rex 90 70 Raw scimitops meat.png: RS3 Inventory image of Raw scimitops meatRaw scimitops meat 196,154 12,000 2,050
3  Oculi apoterrasaur 94 74 Raw asciatops meat.png: RS3 Inventory image of Raw asciatops meatRaw asciatops meat 283,050 21,000 3,800 Tribal fin.png: RS3 Inventory image of Tribal finTribal fin
3  Malletops 95 75 Raw corbicula rex meat.png: RS3 Inventory image of Raw corbicula rex meatRaw corbicula rex meat 418,089 21,000 3,800 Volcanic fragments.png: RS3 Inventory image of Volcanic fragmentsVolcanic fragments
3  Pavosaurus rex 96 76 Raw spicati apoterrasaur meat.png: RS3 Inventory image of Raw spicati apoterrasaur meatRaw spicati apoterrasaur meat 394,080 21,000 3,800 Superior long bone.png: RS3 Inventory image of Superior long boneSuperior long bone

Levels 77-96/99: Grenwalls using Crystallise[edit | edit source]

A player hunting grenwalls

Players who have at least level 77 Hunter can hunt grenwalls using box traps, after completing the Regicide quest to gain access to Isafdar. This method requires access to Crystallise (unlocked at level 88 Magic after completing The Light Within quest) and Light Form (unlocked at level 80 Prayer, also after completing The Light Within quest) as well as completion of the medium Tirannwn achievements, which allows players to trap grenwalls without bait.

Casting Crystallise on an empty box trap will cause it to give an additional 10% experience (20% when using the Light Form Prayer) at the cost of any resources gained for 30 seconds. During this time, a crystallised box trap will also automatically reset. Upon successfully catching a grenwall, players will always receive bones and 18-21 grenwall spikes, worth 94 coins each, and have a chance of receiving raw pawya meat and grimy herbs (up to grimy dwarf weed), and so by leaving at least one box trap un-crystallised, and with the help of a demon horn, twisted bird skull, or split dragontooth necklace in addition to a bonecrusher, players can maintain prayer points needed for Light Form without having to bring prayer potions or other prayer restoration items (the grace of the elves will also halve the prayer point drain of Seren spells, like Light Form).

Grenwalls can be found in three locations: in the Gorajo resource dungeon in Prifddinas, requiring level 95 Dungeoneering, just south of the Elf Camp, and on the island of Anachronia north-east of the lodestone on the eastern side of the pavosaurus rex spawn location. The Anachronia location does not spawn pawya, which can increase the rate at which grenwalls enter your traps, it also means if you are planning to use protean traps for grenwall hunting, this is an ideal location. All three locations work well, but it is suggested to use the Anachronia location as it is more efficient than the other two locations.

When hunting grenwalls at the Anachronia location, using Crystallise and no other boosts, players can expect around 70,000-180,000 experience per hour from levels 77-99 Hunter. With the use of level and catch-boosting items however, these base rates can become almost doubled, resulting in experience rates that can easily exceed 500,000 when combined with other experience boosting items.

Levels 80-96/99: Jadinkos on Anachronia[edit | edit source]

At level 80 Hunter, players can start training on jadinkos on Anachronia using marasamaw plants. If the player has the Hunter level for it, jadinkos should always be hunted on Anachronia rather than at Herblore Habitat. The experience rates per hour here vary depending on the type of jadinko you are catching. When hunting a jadinko at its minimum required level, approximately 300 jadinkos can be caught per hour. At level 99 Hunter, using a Combined Catalyst fragment and the Hunter cape perk to reset traps quicker, this number increases to approximately 600 jadinkos per hour. Using no further experience boosting items or urns, this puts the base rate between 60,000-120,000 (common jadinkos) and 190,000-380,000 (carrion jadinkos) experience per hour. If using Protean Traps, experience rates become significantly higher. Between 900,000 and 1,000,000 experience can be earned an hour for carrion jadinkos (level 88+), though you will not receive any drops as a trade-off. Players can buy Zamorak's favour to gain an extra 10% experience when hunting Jadinkos within the Herblore Habitat and Anachronia.

Some of the jadinkos require you to use juju hunter potions on a vine blossom nearby before they become interested in the marasamaw trap. This is the case for cannibal, aquatic, camouflaged, and draconic jadinkos.

Levels 88-96/99: Charming moths[edit | edit source]

A charming moth

With level 88 Hunter, players can start hunting charming moths. They are caught bare-handed and level 83 Agility is also required to catch them.

Experience rates can vary greatly, depending on which items players are willing to bring. From level 88-99 Hunter, players can gain around 180,000-240,000 Hunter experience and 34,000-45,000 Agility experience an hour from hunting charming moths, with no items whatsoever. With the use of experience and catch-boosting items, this can increase up to 900,000 Hunter experience per hour (see the charming moth page for further information). As charming moths are located in the Wilderness, players should not be skulled while training at charming moths.

Players can gain 40% additional Hunter experience if a demonic skull is equipped while hunting charming moths. When caught, a charming moth gives either a crimson, gold, green, or blue charm. Around 360 charms an hour can be obtained from hunting them at level 99. However, it is possible to be attacked by other players while equipping the skull, therefore players should not bring items that they are not willing to lose.

Levels 88/92-99: Decaying Guards[edit | edit source]

Players with at least level 88 Hunter can gather from decaying Lumbridge guards and decaying Varrock guards within the Croesus Front (outside the boss arena). Players with level 92 Hunter can gather from the enriched versions of the same nodes, which grant greatly increased experience but are only active occasionally.

Over 575,000 experience can be gained per hour at level 99 with this method and the player character will repeatedly gather at a node until it depletes or becomes enriched. However, achieving such high experience rates requires the use of 1,200 or more sign of the porter charges per hour, preferably through the use of a grace of the elves amulet, otherwise the player will be required to drop or bank the same number of gathered fungal spores per hour. The latter would simply be a waste of time, as most of any given hour would be spent returning to the area after banking as fungal spores are gathered fairly quickly. However, the cost of porter charges can be offset by gaining Elder Troves and resonant anima of Bik (tradeable) if the player has a pontifex shadow ring that has been upgraded accordingly. A viable much more labour-intensive alternative to porters would be to use magic notepaper on the normal and enriched fungal spores as they are gathered, or to place the spores on the action bar and repeatedly drop them. Players with the Sword of Edicts (echo) activated through the Memorial to Guthix can receive Memory shards which can then be transmuted into sign of the porter charges, drastically reducing the cost.

Using a magic butterfly net marginally increases the catch rate of spores, but it drastically reduces the experience generated and is not recommended if seeking experience. It is recommended to use the enhanced yaktwee stick instead.

Alternative methods of gaining experience[edit | edit source]

Protean traps[edit | edit source]

Players that have protean traps can hunt any of the following creatures using proteans. It is recommended to save up proteans and use them on Double XP events for additional XP. Ideally players should start using proteans at around level 60+, as the lower levels are quick with regular hunter training. The player only needs to click the auto-deploy protean trap option every 60 traps, making these methods extremely AFK. Hunter urns do not work with protean traps. Players can use extreme hunter potions to boost their levels and train on higher level content.

Creature Hunter Level Hunter Level
with Super hunter.png: RS3 Inventory image of Super hunterSuper hunter
Hunter Level
with Extreme hunter.png: RS3 Inventory image of Extreme hunterExtreme hunter
Hunter XP Recommended
RuneScape inventory image of Carnivorous chinchompa 63 58 N/A 287 Green checkmark
RuneScape inventory image of Pawya 66 61 N/A 500 Green checkmark
RuneScape inventory image of Azure skillchompa (Hunter) 68 63 65 249 Green checkmark Catch one approximately every 6 seconds.
Grenwall.png: RS3 Inventory image of Grenwall Grenwall
(Private area available)
77 72 72 726 Green checkmark Catch one approximately every 10 seconds. Slow during Double XP, good experience otherwise.
RuneScape inventory image of Common jadinko 80 75 73 200 Red X Low experience.
RuneScape inventory image of Shadow jadinko 81 76 74 473 Green checkmark
RuneScape inventory image of Igneous jadinko 84 79 76 500 Green checkmark
RuneScape inventory image of Cannibal jadinko 85 80 77 510 Green checkmark Requires a juju hunter potion to catch.
RuneScape inventory image of Aquatic jadinko 86 81 77 570 Green checkmark Requires a juju hunter potion to catch.
RuneScape inventory image of Amphibious jadinko 87 82 77 450 Red X Low experience.
RuneScape inventory image of Carrion jadinko 88 83 78 635 Green checkmark
RuneScape inventory image of Diseased jadinko 88 83 78 500 Green checkmark
RuneScape inventory image of Camouflaged jadinko 89 84 78 515 Green checkmark Requires a juju hunter potion to catch.
RuneScape inventory image of Crimson skillchompa (Hunter) 89 84 78 309 Green checkmark Catch one approximately every 3 seconds.
RuneScape inventory image of Draconic jadinko 90 85 79 554 Red X Low experience. Requires a juju hunter potion to catch.
RuneScape inventory image of Crystal skillchompa (Hunter) 97 92 82[n 1] 410 Green checkmark Catch one approximately every 3 seconds.
  1. ^ As the extreme hunter potion's boost is based on experience and not level, players would need to be approximately 90% finished with level 81 (Hunter experience greater than or equal to 2,400,000) to hunt these creatures.

Dream of Iaia[edit | edit source]

The Dream of Iaia area offers skilling locations that can be built and interacted with for high experience rates. Access to the Dream of Iaia requires completion of Extinction. Inside the area, players can build the hunting lodge skilling station to gain Hunter experience; this requires 50,000 of each Anachronia base camp resource and awards 135,000 experience stored in the station as well as 15,000 direct experience. When the station has experience stored, the player can skill at the station to "withdraw" the stored experience at a rate of 350,000 experience per hour. After being built, the hunting lodge can be restocked with vines from Anachronia base camp. Contributing two vines stores one experience in the station. The station can store a maximum of 350,000 experience points.

Private grenwall Hunter area[edit | edit source]

A player hunting in the private Hunter area

Players who have at least level 77 Hunter and who have unlocked the ability to access grenwall hunting areas in Isafdar, through completing the Regicide quest, can also hunt grenwalls within a private grenwall Hunter area. At least one grenwall quota ticket is needed in order to enter the grenwall portal, which is located in the south-eastern part of the Gnome Stronghold, to access the private area. Grenwall quota tickets can be purchased as a reward from the Big Chinchompa minigame, for 10 competence points per ticket. One quota ticket is used up each time that the player successfully catches a grenwall. Players may earn a maximum of 150 grenwall quota tickets, if they obtain the maximum 1,500 competence points, each time that they participate in Big Chinchompa.

Grenwalls are caught using box traps baited with pawya meat. Completion of the medium Tirannwn achievements is highly beneficial when hunting using this method, as this allows players to trap grenwalls without using bait. Unlike regular grenwall hunting spots, the private grenwall hunting area does not contain pawyas so players must leave the area to bank to obtain more pawya meat if they do not have this ability unlocked. The closest location at which players can bank is found north-west of the grenwall portal, within the Stronghold. Upon successfully catching a grenwall players will always receive bones and 18-21 grenwall spikes, worth 94 coins each, and have a chance of receiving raw pawya meat and grimy herbs (up to grimy dwarf weed). Players may find it useful to bring a bonecrusher and herbicide to convert some of the items received from hunting grenwalls into Prayer and Herblore experience.

With the use of experience and catch-boosting items, along with the medium Tirannwn achievements completed, players can gain around 310,000 experience an hour hunting grenwalls in the private hunter area with level 99 Hunter. They will also consume around 282 grenwall tickets an hour and obtain approximately 5,450 grenwall spikes, worth 512,300 coins, as well as any herbs and seeds that are not destroyed.

Feeding Ogleroots to rabbits[edit | edit source]

At level 1 Hunter players may begin training by feeding ogleroots to rabbits within the Vinesweeper minigame. This gives approximately 10,000 experience an hour. However as only 4,470 experience is needed to achieve level 20 Hunter, it should take players with no previous experience of the skill approximately 27 minutes to achieve level 20. Players can travel to Vinesweeper by using the teleport option on any of the tool leprechauns found at farming patches throughout Gielinor. Upon arriving players can purchase ogleroots from Farmer Blinkin for 10 coins each. At most, 149 ogleroots are needed to achieve levels 1-20 Hunter. Once the player has obtained some ogleroots, then they should climb over any of the stiles to enter the gameplay area. The gameplay area can contain up to 8 rabbits; simply click on them to feed them ogleroots and receive Hunter experience. Once a rabbit has been fed an ogleroot it will disappear, so players must change worlds (using the "join" option on any player added to their friends list or the "hop worlds" option in the options menu) after feeding all the rabbits present on one world in order to find more. Players with lower Agility levels may wish to bring energy potions to regain run energy.

Big Chinchompa[edit | edit source]

Players can gain Hunter experience while taking part in the Big Chinchompa Distraction and Diversion. Up to 209,500 experience an hour can be gained with level 99 Hunter. Players can participate in this Distraction and Diversion a maximum of 2 times per day. Big Chinchompa takes place every hour, at half past the hour, when an entrance to the Big Chinchompa's cavern appears in one of several possible locations. Players can quickly travel to the cavern's entrance using Nyriki's portal which is located in the Tree Gnome Stronghold, south of the Gnome Agility Course. The portal may be used up to 3 times a day.

The aim of the Distraction and Diversion is to catch soporith moths and feed them to the large chinchompa, located in the centre of the room, to make it fall asleep. Upon entering the cavern, players will be given a moth jar which is required to store soporith moths. Simply run around the cavern and click on any soporith moth to add it to the moth jar. Players should also search for moths by checking the cocoon-laden branches in the arena, if the tree is currently shaking. Protea flowers can help players to catch more moths; as while they are wielded they will occasionally attract moths which a player's character automatically attempts to catch. Protea flowers can be picked from spawn points in the corners of the area. A player's Hunter level determines the types of moth that they spawn and are able to catch. A player may store up to 15 moths at a time in their moth jar. After catching 15 moths players must empty their moth jar into the pit which contains the big chinchompa, in the middle of the cavern. Depositing moths awards Hunter experience and competence points according to the Hunter level that is required to have caught the moths. Players may earn a maximum of 1,500 competence points each time that they play Big Chinchompa.

Moth Hunter Level Hunter XP Points
Red soporith moth 1 15 1
Orange soporith moth 13 50 2
Yellow soporith moth 26 150 5
Green soporith moth 39 250 8
Blue soporith moth 52 300 12
Purple soporith moth 65 320 15
Grey soporith moth 78 400 18
Black soporith moth 91 450 21

Depositing moths also increases the big chinchompa's drowsiness level, which is shown in a bar in the Distraction and Diversion's interface. The Distraction and Diversion will end either when 20 minutes have passed or if the big chinchompa reaches 100% drowsiness. The chinchompa's drowsiness increases each time that it eats the soporith moths that are emptied into its nest. If the player has moths remaining in their moth jar at the time that the game ends, then they will be awarded Hunter experience and competence points for the moths at the normal rate.

Supply runs[edit | edit source]

The start of a supply run

Supply runs are a safe activity that take place on Mazcab every 12 hours (at midnight and noon game time). The activity begins with goebie supplies spawning at the supply rock near to Querci in Kanatah and is available until 25 minutes past the hour. Players may take up to 10 goebie supplies per day from the supply rock. Upon taking goebie supplies players become flagged for safe PvP and can be attacked by other players, with death resulting in the loss of all goebie supplies that the players are carrying. After obtaining goebie supplies players must travel north-west through the Nemi Forest to Otot, where the supplies may be exchanged for experience with Quercy. The player will be given a choice between two skills in which to gain experience: Agility or Crafting, Farming or Herblore, and Hunter or Woodcutting. Different skills are offered on different worlds, so players may change worlds to find a world where the skill in which they wish to gain experience is offered.

Between 495, with level 1, and 48,515, with level 99, experience can be gained from exchanging 10 goebie supplies. Assuming the activity is completed in 5 minutes, experience is awarded at a rate equivalent to between 5,940, with level 1, and 582,180, with level 99, experience an hour.

Croesus[edit | edit source]

Scaling experience can be obtained by gathering from the enriched nodes in private instances from the dagannoth corpse in the Croesus skilling boss fight, reaching roughly 340 experience per successful gather at level 99 Hunter. Since the boss quickly resets when the player's stats have been drained, it is not necessary to bring restores nor to dodge the boss's mechanics. Instead, the player should focus entirely on gathering from the enriched nodes, which offer twice as much experience as the non-enriched nodes.

However, the player should be vigilant of the fairy circle mechanic, which can teleport them far away from the dagannoth corner. If this happens, the player should run into the mushroom field to quickly reset the boss fight.

At hunter level 99, players may see upwards of 340,000 experience an hour with the trapper outfit, magic butterfly net and Hunter cape.

Hunting speedy whirligigs at Het's Oasis level 90-99+[edit | edit source]

Speedy whirligigs can be hunted at Het's Oasis from level 90 Hunter. Hollyhocks will need to be placed in the flower boxes in order to attract them.

Assuming that all necessary unlocks at Dundee's Crocodile Upgrades have been purchased, and that Het's statue has been fully repaired for a 10% experience bonus to Het's Oasis skilling activities, a player will receive a passive 20% increase to experience received for each whirligig. It is recommended to unlock all the available upgrades through increased scarab stacks. The only upgrades that don't directly affect experience gains are the chance at double loot, and the golden crocodile cosmetic. Speedy whirligigs award a base of 450 per catch/stack. With passive bonuses from Dundee's Crocodile Upgrades and Het's statue they will award 540 per catch/stack. Experience rate calculations for this article will account only for these experience bonuses as they are permanent passive unlocks that apply directly to this activity.

Crocodile catch speeds are approximately 5-8 seconds assuming catching the closest whirligigs. It is possible to obtain a full stack count every catch even if the crocodile fails to catch a scarab. Stacked catches award experience immediately on a successful stack, even if the crocodile fails. Stacked catches can be failed, however if scarabs are clicked continuously you can gain more stacks until the limit is reach. Stack counts reset immediately on a failed catch, or when the crocodile returns to shore on a successful catch. While possible to maintain a faster catch rate it is assumed a 7 second average on crocodile catches as flowers will need to be refilled.

At 540 experience per catch/stack this will be 6 counts every 7 seconds. This will be a crocodile catch rate of approximately 514 per hour. If this rate can be maintained steadily with maximum stack counts it will be possible to achieve a base experience rate of 1,600,000 per hour. This rate may be obtained as long as intensity of training is maintained even with catch failures. This is an intense training method and requires constant rapid clicking to maintain the experience gain rate.

Quests for Hunter experience[edit | edit source]

Money-making using the Hunter skill[edit | edit source]

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