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Release8 March 2011 (Update)
Also calledGunther
LocationArtisans' Workshop
OptionsTalk-to, Examine
ExamineA tired-looking dwarf.
Advanced data
NPC ID69, 71, 15952

Sten is a dwarf who formerly taught how to smith tracks in the track room below the Artisans' Workshop. When asked who he was, he said, "Sten, general dogsbody to the artisans. They stick me down 'ere 'cause my face offends the paying public. They want me to link the workshop to the dwarven areas via mine cart." This training method has since been removed. However, he still appears in Egil's tutorial, making a ceremonial sword.

Sten in Track Room below Artisans' Workshop in Falador
Sten speaking

Graphical updates[edit | edit source]

NPCs[edit | edit source]

Chatheads[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 7 June 2021 (Update):
    • Fixed issues with the Ceremonial sword tutorial. Sten is now in the right place during the animation and the Respect Percentage box no longer disappears after exiting or completing the tutorial.
  • update 9 October 2017 (Update):
    • The cutscene in which Sten demonstrates how to make Artisan's Workshop tracks and burial armour now correctly fades in from black.
  • update 2 October 2013 (Update):
    • To go along with Birthright of the Dwarves, every dwarf in the game is now up to date with stunning new graphics. The graphics team have really outdone themselves, giving every dwarf in Gielinor a character all their own, as well as the tough, stocky frames they deserve.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • "Sten" is Danish and Swedish for "stone".
  • When attempting to leave Sten's working area with rail track components, he would stop you and the chatbox would display his name as Gunther.