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Release7 August 2023 (Update)
RaceImcando dwarf
QuestKili Row
LocationCity of Um
OptionsTalk to, View Hard Tasks, Task Set Overview, Examine
ExamineAn Imcando dwarf, who also happens to be the city's blacksmith.
Advanced data
NPC ID30308

Kili is the ghost of an Imcando dwarf and a resident of the City of Um, appearing in the city when the player reaches 20 Necromancy.

She is the city blacksmith and teaches the player how to upgrade Death Skull equipment, deathwarden robe armour, and deathdealer robe armour, starting with the Kili Row quest and continued in the Kili's Knowledge achievements.

She also acts as the taskmaster for Hard Underworld achievements.

Kili's tasks[edit | edit source]

Kili assigns the player tasks at each tier. The tasks only have a Necromancy level requirement; the player doesn't need to have the previous tasks completed to unlock the ability to upgrade the equipment from the previous tier. However, to receive the previous tier equipment without trading, the player needs to complete the corresponding task. An equipment upgrade task list will given to the player that lists different requirements for each tier. The required Necromancy level is not boostable.

Cancelling a task does not automatically remove the required items from the bank; players are free to cancel a task and return to finish it later.

Completing tasks for either deathwarden or deathdealer robe armour will automatically unlock the relevant tier upgrades for Death Skull equipment.

The player must carry the soul urn in their backpack to gather the souls required by the tasks.

Tier 20 to 60[edit | edit source]

Tier Walkthrough Task list
Tank armour
20 Quests Kili Row

Soul urn (Kili Row).png: RS3 Inventory image of Soul urn (Kili Row) 5 chicken souls or 1 lesser communion ritual

30 Achievements Kili's Knowledge I

Soul urn (tier 30).png: RS3 Inventory image of Soul urn (tier 30) 25 troll souls or 3 lesser communion rituals

40 Achievements Kili's Knowledge II

Meat pie.png: RS3 Inventory image of Meat pieMeat pie
Soul urn (tier 40).png: RS3 Inventory image of Soul urn (tier 40) 50 undead souls or 5 lesser communion rituals

50 Achievements Kili's Knowledge III

Apple pie.png: RS3 Inventory image of Apple pieApple pie
Necromancer's flippers.png: RS3 Inventory image of Necromancer's flippersNecromancer's flippers (Mogres)
Soul urn (tier 50).png: RS3 Inventory image of Soul urn (tier 50) 75 demon souls or 10 lesser communion rituals

60 Achievements Kili's Knowledge IV

Garden pie.png: RS3 Inventory image of Garden pieGarden pie
Ankou residue.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ankou residueAnkou residue (Ankou)
Soul urn (tier 60).png: RS3 Inventory image of Soul urn (tier 60) 50 souls from monsters of at least level 70 or 10 greater communion rituals

Tier 70 to 90[edit | edit source]

Tier 70 to 90 upgrades require the completion of the quest The Spirit of War.

Tier Walkthrough Task list
Tank armour Power armour

Achievements Kili's Knowledge V (tank)
Achievements Kili's Knowledge V (power)

Fish pie.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fish pieFish pie
United Barrows necroplasm.png: RS3 Inventory image of United Barrows necroplasmUnited Barrows necroplasm (The Barrows Brothers)[n 1]
Soul urn (tier 70).png: RS3 Inventory image of Soul urn (tier 70) 100 dragon souls or 20 greater communion rituals

Hideous moleskin.png: RS3 Inventory image of Hideous moleskin 5 hideous moleskin (Giant mole)
Royal chitin.png: RS3 Inventory image of Royal chitin 5 royal chitin (Kalphite Queen)


Achievements Kili's Knowledge VI (tank)
Achievements Kili's Knowledge VI (power)

Redberry pie.png: RS3 Inventory image of Redberry pieRedberry pie
Spiritbound hammer (charged).png: RS3 Inventory image of Spiritbound hammer (charged)Spiritbound hammer (charged) (Graardor, Kree'arra, K'ril Tsutsaroth, and Zilyana)[n 2]
Soul urn (tier 80).png: RS3 Inventory image of Soul urn (tier 80) 150 Slayer assignment souls or 30 greater communion rituals

Zaryte fragments.png: RS3 Inventory image of Zaryte fragments 5 Zaryte fragments (Nex)
Tortured soul essence.png: RS3 Inventory image of Tortured soul essence 5 tortured soul essence (Queen Black Dragon)


Achievements Kili's Knowledge VII (tank)
Achievements Kili's Knowledge VII (power)

Blueberry pie.png: RS3 Inventory image of Blueberry pieBlueberry pie
Powered necromantic seal of the Cywir.png: RS3 Inventory image of Powered necromantic seal of the Cywir 10 powered necromantic seal of the Cywir (Helwyr)
Powered necromantic seal of the Dragon Riders.png: RS3 Inventory image of Powered necromantic seal of the Dragon Riders 10 powered necromantic seal of the Dragon Riders (Vindicta & Gorvek)
Powered necromantic seal of the Faceless.png: RS3 Inventory image of Powered necromantic seal of the Faceless 10 powered necromantic seal of the Faceless (Gregorovic)
Powered necromantic seal of the Furies.png: RS3 Inventory image of Powered necromantic seal of the Furies 10 powered necromantic seal of the Furies (The Twin Furies)
Pulsating onyx.png: RS3 Inventory image of Pulsating onyxPulsating onyx (TzTok-Jad)[n 3]
Soul urn (tier 90).png: RS3 Inventory image of Soul urn (tier 90) 1 soul from completing a Soul Reaper task or 50 powerful communion rituals

Fragment of anima.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fragment of animaFragment of anima (Vorago, Telos, the Warden, or Solak, Guardian of the Grove)
Ulthven necroplasm.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ulthven necroplasmUlthven necroplasm (The Ambassador)
Venomous greater ensouled cloth.png: RS3 Inventory image of Venomous greater ensouled clothVenomous greater ensouled cloth (Araxxi)

  1. ^ Only the original six brothers are needed. You will need to backtrack for the brother that leads to the tunnels, then loot the chest once all six individual necroplasms are obtained. You may need your upgrade equipment task list in your backpack when looting the chest for all the necroplasm to be combined.
  2. ^ Kill each boss then use the uncharged hammer on their respective altars.
  3. ^ Must be TzTok-Jad, fought at the last wave of the TzHaar Fight Cave.

History[edit | edit source]

Kili was an Imcando dwarf who lived in the Third Age. Her partner was Thalmund, a smith kidnapped by goblins and brought to Warforge to create weapons for them.[1][2] She was the addressee of a series of letters that Thalmund left behind in Warforge, which the player finds as part of the Heart of the Forge mystery. What has happened to her afterwards is unknown, although Thalmund said that if he escaped the destruction of Warforge he would come back home to her.[3]

Eventually both Kili and Thalmund passed away, after which both dwarves opened a smithy in the City of Um. With Thalmund spending most of his time exploring the Underworld[4], Kili would usually man the shop on her own, with Thalmund returning to visit every so often.[5]

Achievements[edit | edit source]

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Kili speaks in:

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • update 15 July 2024 (Update):
    • Made a taskmaster.
    • Added options "View Hard Tasks" and "Task Set Overview".

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Farewell to Kili, written by Thalmund, RuneScape. "My dearest Kili... All I want is to come home to you... Farewell, my love."
  2. ^ Farewell to Kili, written by Thalmund, RuneScape. "I've been kidnapped by bloomin' goblins, of all things. Smuggled off to some pit in Saradomin-knows-where... They only want me to build a bloody great forge in here."
  3. ^ For Peat's Sake, written by Thalmund, RuneScape. "[Bandos has] gone and trapped all of us down here... if it's the last thing I do, it'll be to blow this place wide open and lead these poor goblins – my surrogate family – back out to the surface. If by some miracle I survive, I'm coming home, Kili."
  4. ^ Kili, RuneScape. "And Thalmund, ever the traveller, gets to explore all over the Underworld."
  5. ^ Kili, "Kili Row", RuneScape. "He still returns here every so often, but it's mainly me manning the smithy nowadays."
  6. ^ Jagex. Mod Errol's Twitter account. 5 May 2020. (Archived from the original on 31 October 2020.) Mod Errol: "Great question! According to @JagexRowley, it's a reference to Kili Thekkrsson, a dwarf troll slayer from Warhammer."