Third Year ECE Evaluation Scheme and Syllabus With COs PDF
Third Year ECE Evaluation Scheme and Syllabus With COs PDF
Third Year ECE Evaluation Scheme and Syllabus With COs PDF
[Effective from the Session: 2018-19]
Sr. Sessional
Sub Code Subject Name L-T-P Marks Total Credit
1 Managerial Economics 3--0--0 70 20 10 100 3
2 Sociology/Cyber Security 3--0--0 70 20 10 100 3
Principles of
4 REC502 3--1--0 70 20 10 100 4
6 Deptt. Elective Course 1 3--1--0 70 20 10 100 4
Sr. Marks Sessional
Sub Code Subject Name L-T-P Total Credit
1 Industrial Management 3--0--0 70 20 10 100 3
Sociology /Cyber
2 / 3--0--0 70 20 10 100 3
4 REC601 3--1--0 70 20 10 100 4
REC061 -
6 Deptt. Elective Course 2 3--1--0 70 20 10 100 4
Microcontrollers For
10 RIC-651 0--0--2 50 50 100 1
Embedded Systems Lab
Analog Integrated circuit Design: an overview: Current Mirrors using BJT and
MOSFETs, Simple current Mirror, Base current compensated current Mirror, Wilson
and Improved Wilson Current Mirrors, Widlar Current source and Cascode current
The 741 IC Op-Amp: Bias circuit, short circuit protection circuitry, the 10
input stage, the second stage, the output stage, and device parameters; DC
I Analysis of 741: Small Signal Analysis of input stage, the second stage, the
output stage; Gain, Frequency Response of 741; a Simplified Model, Slew
Rate, Relationship Between ft and SR
Linear Applications of IC op-amps: An Overview of Op-Amp (ideal and
II non-ideal) based Circuits V-I and I-V converters, generalized Impedance converter, 8
simulation of inductors.
Filters: First and second order LP, HP, BP BS and All pass active filters, KHN.
Text Book:
1. Sedra and Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits”, 6thEdition, Oxford University Press.
2. Michael Jacob, “Applications and Design with Analog Integrated Circuits”, PHI, 2nd Edition.
3. A. K. Maini, Analog Circuits, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Jacob Millman and Arvin Grabel, “Microelectronics”, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. BehzadRazavi, “Fundamentals of Microelectronics”, 2nd Edition, Wiley.
3. Mark N. Horenstein, “Microelectronic Circuits and Devices”, PHI.
4. Paul R. Gray, Paul J. Hurst, Stephen H. Lewis and Robert G. Meyer, “Analysis and Design of
Analog Integrated Circuits”, Wiley.
5. Data Sheet:
6. Application Note:
7. MPY634 Data Sheet:
8. Application Note:
9. ASLK Pro Manual: ASLK Manual
Unit Lectures
Introduction: Overview of Communication system, Communication channels, Need for
modulation, Baseband and Pass band signals, Amplitude Modulation: Double sideband
I 10
with Carrier (DSB-C), Double side band without Carrier DSB-SC, Single Side Band
Modulation SSB, Modulators and Demodulators, Vestigial Side Band (VSB),
Quadrature Amplitude Modulator, Radio Transmitter and Receiver
Angle Modulation, Tone Modulated FM Signal, Arbitrary Modulated FM Signal,
Bandwidth of FM Signals using Bessel’s Function, FM Modulators and
II 7
Demodulators, Approximately Compatible SSB Systems, Stereophonic FM
Pulse Modulation, Digital Transmission of Analog Signals: Sampling Theorem and its
applications, Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM), Pulse Width Modulation, Pulse
Position Modulation, Their generation and Demodulation, Digital Representation of
Analog Signals Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), PCM System Issues in digital
transmission: Frequency Division Multiplexing Time Division Multiplexing, T1 Digital
System, TDM Hierarchy
Noise in Amplitude Modulation: Analysis, Signal to Noise Ratio, Figure of Merit. Noise
V in Frequency Modulation: Pre-emphasis, De-Emphasis and SNR Improvement, Phase 7
Locked Loops Analog and Digital.
Text Book:
1. Herbert Taub and Donald L. Schilling, “Principles of Communication Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Rishabh Anand, Communication Systems, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi
Reference Books:
1. B.P.Lathi,“ModernDigitalandAnalogcommunicationSystems”,3rd Edition, Oxford University Press.
2. Simon Haykin, “Communication Systems”, 4th Edition, Wiley India.
3. H.P.Hsu& D. Mitra “Analog and Digital Communications”, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill.
Unit Topics Lectures
III Finite Impulse Response Filter Design: Windowing and the Rectangular Window, 8
Other Commonly Used Windows, Examples of Filter Designs Using Windows,
The Kaiser Window, Finite Word length effects in digital filters.
IV DFT & FFT: Definitions, Properties of the DFT, Circular Convolution, Linear 8
Convolution using Circular Convolution, Decimation in Time (DIT) Algorithm,
Decimation in Frequency (DIF) Algorithm.
Text Book:
1. Johnny R. Johnson, .Digital Signal Processing., PHI Learning Pvt Ltd., 2009.
Reference Books:
Objective: - To design and implement the circuits to gain knowledge on performance of thecircuit and its
application. These circuits should also be simulated on Pspice and implemented using TL082, LM741,
NE555, ASLK, MPY634 KP connecting wires, Power Supply, function generator and oscilloscope.
1. Design and test a function generator that can generate square wave and triangular wave output for a
given frequency and cascade a multiplier MPY634KP in feedback loop to form VCO
2. Voltage to current and current to voltage convertors.
3. Second order filters using operational amplifier in universal active filter topology for-
a) Low pass filter of specified cut off frequency.
b) High pass filter of specified frequency.
c) Band pass filter with unit gain of specified pass band
d) Design a notch filter to eliminate 50Hz power line frequency.
4. Wien bridge oscillator using operational amplifier.
5. Astable and mono-stable multivibrators using IC 555.
6. Design the following amplifiers:
a) A unity gain amplifier.
b) A non-inverting amplifier with a gain of “A”.
c) An inverting amplifier with a gain of “A”.
d) Log and antilog amplifiers.
e) Voltage comparator and zero crossing detectors.
7. Design and test a PLL to get locked to a given frequency „f‟. Measure the locking range of the
system and also measure the change in phase of the output signal as input frequency is varied within
the lock range.
8. Design and test the integrator for a given time constant.
9. Design and test a high-Q Band pass self-tuned filter for a given center frequency.
10. Design and test an AGC system for a given peak amplitude of sine-wave output.
11. Design and test a Low Dropout regulator using op-amps for a given voltage regulation characteristic
and compare the characteristics with TPS7250IC.
12. Design of a switched mode power supply that can provide a regulated output voltage for a given
input range using the TPS40200 IC.
Note: All listed experiments are compulsory. In addition to it, the Institutes may include more
experiments based on the expertise.
List of Experiments
1. To study DSB/ SSB amplitude modulation & determine its modulation factor & power in side bands.
2. To study amplitude demodulation by linear diode detector.
3. To study frequency modulation and determine its modulation factor.
4. To study PLL 565 as frequency demodulator.
5. To study sampling and reconstruction of Pulse Amplitude modulation system.
6. To study the Sensitivity, Selectivity, and Fidelity characteristics of super heterodyne receiver.
7. To study Pulse Amplitude Modulation.
a) using switching method
b) by sample and hold circuit
8. To demodulate the obtained PAM signal by 2nd order LPF.
9. To study Pulse Width Modulation and Pulse Position Modulation.
10. To study Pulse code modulation and demodulation technique.
11. To study Delta modulation and demodulation technique.
12. Design and implement an FM radio receiver in 88-108 MHz
List of Experiments
PSPICE Experiments
Antennas Basics:Introduction, Basic Antenna Parameters, Patterns, Beam Area (or Beam 5
I Solid Angle) ΩA, Radiation Intensity, Beam Efficiency, Directivity D and Gain G,
Directivity and Resolution, Antenna Apertures, Effective Height, The radio
Communication link, Fields from Oscillating Dipole, Single-to-Noise Ratio(SNR),
Antenna Temperature, Antenna Impedance.
Application to an Isotropic Source, Radiation Intensity, Arrays of Two Isotropic Point 8
II Sources, Non-isotropic but Similar Point Sources and the Principle of Pattern
Multiplication, Pattern Synthesis by Pattern Multiplication, Linear Arrays of n Isotropic
Point Sources of Equal Amplitude and Spacing, Linear Broadside Arrays with Non-
uniform Amplitude Distributions. General Considerations.
Electric Dipoles, Thin Liner Antennas and Arrays of Dipoles and Apertures: The Short 8
Electric Dipole, The Fields of a Short Dipole, Radiation Resistance of Short Electric
III Dipole, Thin Linear Antenna, Radiation Resistance of λ/2 Antenna, Array of Two Driven
λ/2 Elements: Broadside Case and End-Fire Case, Horizontal Antennas Above a Plane
Ground, Vertical Antennas Above a Plane Ground, Yagi-Uda Antenna Design, Long-
Wire Antennas, folded Dipole Antennas.
The Loop Antenna:Design and its Characteristic Properties, Application of Loop 9
Antennas, Far Field Patterns of Circular Loop Antennas with Uniform Current, Slot
Antennas, Horn Antennas, Helical Antennas, The Log-Periodic Antenna, Micro strip
IV Antennas.
Reflector Antennas: Flat Sheet Reflectors, Corner Reflectors, The Parabola-General
Properties, A Comparison Between Parabolic and Corner Reflectors, The Paraboloidal
Reflector, Patterns of Large Circular Apertures with Uniform Illumination, Reflector
Types (summarized), Feed Methods for Parabolic Reflectors.
Ground Wave Propagation: Plane Earth Reflection, Space Wave and Surface Wave. 10
Space Wave Propagation: Introduction, Field Strength Relation, Effects of Imperfect
V Earth, Effects of Curvature of Earth.
Sky wave Propagation: Introduction structural Details of the ionosphere, Wave
Propagation Mechanism, Refraction and Reflection of Sky Waves by ionosphere, Ray
Path, Critical Frequency, MUF, LUF, OF, Virtual Height and Skip Distance, Relation
Between MUF and the Skip Distance, Multi-Hop Propagation, Wave Characteristics
Text Book:
1. John D Krauss, Ronald J Marhefka and Ahmad S. Khan, “Antennas and Wave Propagation”, Fourth
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Books:
III Data path Design: Fixed point arithmetic - Addition and subtraction, 8
Multiplication and Division, Floating point arithmetic, pipelining.
Reference Books:
Text Book:
1. Real-Time Systems by Jane W. S. Liu Prentice Hall Publication
2. Krishna .C.M “Real Time Systems” Mc-Graw Hill Publication.
3. Hamid A. Toliyat and Steven G. Campbell, “DSP based Electromechanical Motion Control” CRC
Press Publication.
4. Jean J Labrosse, “Embedded System Design blocks”, CMP books Publication
5. John H Davies, “MSP430 Microcontroller Basics” Newnes Publication.
Reference Book:
1. TMS320C28x CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide, TI Literature Publication
2. TMS320x28xx, 28xxx DSP Peripheral Reference Guide, TI Literature Publication
3. C2000 Teaching CD ROM from Texas Instruments Publication
4. Introduction to the TI-RTOS Kernel Workshop Lab Manual, by Texas Instruments Publication
REC054 Artificial Neural Network
Unit Topic Lectures
Text Book:
Text Book:
1. S. M. Sze, Kwok K. NG, “Physics of Semiconductor Devices”, 3rd Edition, Wiley Publication
Reference Books:
III Time domain Analysis of Control Systems: Time response of continuous data 8
systems, typical test signals for the time response of control systems, the unit
step response and time-domain specifications, Steady-State error, time
response of a first order system, transient response of a prototype second order
Text Book:
1. B.C. Kuo&FaridGolnaraghi, “Automatic Control Systems”, 8th Edition, John Wiley India, 2008.
Reference Books:
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Principles of digital data transmission: Digital Data transmission, Line coding review, Pulse
shaping, Scrambling, Digital receivers, Eye diagram, Digital carrier system. Method of
I generation and detection of coherent & non-coherent binary ASK, FSK & PSK, Differential
phase shift keying, Quadrature modulation techniques. (QPSK and MSK), M-ary Digital 08
carrier Modulation.
Error Correcting codes: Hamming sphere, hamming distance and Hamming bound, relation
between minimum distance and error detecting and correcting capability
Linear block codes: encoding and syndrome decoding. Cyclic codes: encoder and decoder 08
for systematic cyclic codes. Convolution codes, code tree and Trellis diagram, Viterbi and
sequential decoding, Burst error correction, Turbo codes.
Text Book:
1. B.P. Lathi, “Modern Digital and Analog communication Systems”, 4th Edition, Oxford University Press,
2. RishabhAnand, Communication Systems, Khanna Publishing House, Delhi.
Reference Books:
List of Experiments
List of Experiments
1. To construct a Square wave with the help of Fundamental Frequency and its Harmonic component
2. Study of pulse data coding & decoding techniques for NRZ and RZ formats.
3. Study of Manchester coding and Decoding.
4. Study of Amplitude shift keying modulator and demodulator.
5. Study of Frequency shift keying modulator and demodulator.
6. Study of Phase shift keying modulator and demodulator.
7. Study of single bit error detection and correction using Hamming code.
8. Study of Quadrature Phase shift keying modulator and demodulator.
9. To simulate Differential Phase shift keying technique using MATLAB software.
10. To simulate M-ary Phase shift keying technique using MATLAB software (example8PSK, 16PSK) and
perform BER calculations.
11. To simulate convolutional coding using MATLAB software.
12. Design a front end BPSK modulator and demodulator.
List of Experiments:
1. Different Toolboxes in MATLAB, Introduction to Control Systems Toolboxor its equivalent open source
freeware software like Scilabusing Spoken Tutorial MOOCs.
2. Determine transpose, inverse values of given matrix.
3. Plot the pole-zero configuration in s-plane for the given transfer function.
4. Determine the transfer function for given closed loop system in block diagram representation.
5. Plot unit step response of given transfer function and find delay time, rise time, peak time and peak
6. Determine the time response of the given system subjected to any arbitrary input.
7. Plot root locus of given transfer function, locate closed loop poles for different values of k. Also find out
Wd and Wnat for a given root.
8. Create the state space model of a linear continuous system.
9. Determine the State Space representation of the given transfer function.
10. Plot bode plot of given transfer function. Also determine the relative stability by measuring gain and
phase margins.
11. Determine the steady state errors of a given transfer function.
12. Plot Nyquist plot for given transfer function and to discuss closed loop stability. Also determine the
relative stability by measuring gain and phase margin.
1. Write a program of Flashing LED connected to port 1 of the 8051 Micro Controller
2. Write a program to generate 10 kHz square wave using 8051.
3. Write a program to show the use of INT0 and INT1 of 8051.
4. Write a program for temperature & to display on intelligent LCD display.
5. Write a program to generate a Ramp waveform using DAC with micro controller.
6. Write a program to Interface GPIO ports in C using MSP430 (blinking LEDs , push buttons)
7. Write a program Interface potentiometer with GPIO.
8. Write a program of PWM based Speed Control of Motor controlled by potentiometer connected to GPIO.
9. Write a program of PWM generation using Timer on MSP430 GPIO.
10. Write a program to Interface an accelerometer.
11. Write a program using USB (Sending data back and forth across a bulk transfer-mode USB connection.)
12. Write a program for Master Slave Communication between 2 MSP430s using SPI
13. Write a program of basic Wi-Fi application – Communication between two MSP430 based sensor nodes.
14. Setting up the CC3100 as a HTTP server.
15. Review of User APIs for TI CC3100 & Initialization and Setting of IP addresses.
Text Books:
1. M. H. Rashid, “Power Electronics”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education.
2. M. D. Singh & K. Khanchandani, “Power Electronics”, Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Books:
1. V.R. Moorthy, “Power Electronics: Devices, Circuits and Industrial Applications”, Oxford University
2. M.S. JamilAsghar, “Power Electronics”,PHI.
3. Chakrabarti&Rai, “Fundamentals of Power Electronics &Drives”DhanpatRai& Sons.
4. Ned Mohan, T.M.Undeland and W.P.Robbins, “Power Electronics:Converters, Applications and Design”,
Wiley India.
5. S.N.Singh, “A Text Book of Power Electronics”,DhanpatRai& Sons.
MSP430x5x series block diagram, address space, on-chip peripherals (analog and
digital), and Register sets. Instruction set, instruction formats, and various
addressing modes of 16-bit microcontroller; Sample embedded system on MSP430
microcontroller. Memory Mapped Peripherals, programming System registers, I/O
pin multiplexing, pull up/down registers, GPIO control. Interrupts and interrupt
II programming.
Watch dog timer, system clocks, Timer & Real Time Clock (RTC), PWM control,
timing generation and measurements. Analog interfacing and data acquisition ADC
III and Comparator in MSP430, data transfer using DMA. 10
Text Book:
1. Mazidi Ali Muhammad, MazidiGillispie Janice, and McKinlayRolin D “ The 8051 Microcontroller and
Embedded Systems using Assembly and C”, Pearson Publication.
2. John H Davies, “MSP430 Microcontroller Basics” Newnes Publication.
Reference Book:
1. TI MSP430x5xx and MSP430x6xx Family User's Guide.
Unit Topics Lectures
II Ideal low-pass filter, Buttreworth and Chebyshev magnitude response, pole locations, 8
low-pass filter specifications, comparison of Maximally flat and Equal ripple
III Delay equalization: equalization procedures, equalization with first-order and second 7
order modules, strategies for equalization design. Definition of Bode sensitivity.
IV The General Impedance Convertor (GIC), optimal design of the GIC, realization of 8
simple ladders, Gorski-Popiel’s Embedding Technique, Bruton’s FDNR technique,
creating negative components.
V Elementary transconductor building blocks, resistors, integrators, amplifiers, 7
summers, Gyrator, First and second order filters, Higher order filters
Text Book:
Text Books:
1. Richard F. Tinder, “Engineering Digital Design”, Academic Press.
2. Parag K. Lala, “Digital system Design Using PLDs”, PHI India Ltd.
3. Stephen Brown and ZvonkoVranesiv, “Fundamental of Digital Logic with Verilog Design”, Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Books:1. John Williams, “Digital VLSI Design with Verilog”, Springer Publication.
2. Eugene Fabricius, “Modern Digital Design and Switching Theory”, CRC Press.
3. Samuel C. Lee, “Digital Circuit and Logic Design”, PHI India Ltd.
4. Alexander Miczo, “Digital Logic Testing and Simulation”,WileyInterscience.
Text Book:
1. Merrill I. Skolnik“ Introduction to Radar Systems” Third Edition.
Reference Book:
1 J.C. Toomay , Paul J. Hannen “ Principles of Radar” Third Edition.
2 GottapuSasibhusanaRao, “Microwave and Radar Engineering, Pearson.
3 Bernard Davis,George Kennedy, Electronic Communication Systems, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Pvt.