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ICRA 1986: San Francisco, California, USA
- Proceedings of the 1986 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, California, USA, April 7-10, 1986. IEEE 1986, ISBN 0-8186-0695-9
- Kenneth J. Waldron, John Reidy:
A study of a kinematically redundant manipulator structure. 1-8 - Pyung Chang:
A closed-form solution for the control of manipulators with kinematic redundancy. 9-14 - Se-Young Oh, David E. Orin:
Dynamic computer simulation of multiple closed-chain robotic mechanisms. 15-20 - N. Harris McClamroch:
Singular systems of differential equations as dynamic models for constrained robot systems. 21-28 - Steven D. Eppinger, Warren P. Seering:
On dynamic models of robot force control. 29-34 - Joey K. Parker, Frank W. Paul:
Position and force control when positioning objects with robot hands. 35-40 - Henry W. Stone, Arthur C. Sanderson, Charles P. Neuman:
Arm signature identification. 41-48 - Michael B. Leahy Jr., Kimon P. Valavanis, George N. Saridis:
The effects of dynamic models on robot control. 49-54 - Chae H. An, Christopher G. Atkeson, John M. Hollerbach:
Experimental determination of the effect of feedforward control on trajectory tracking errors. 55-60 - Klaus B. Biggers, Stephen C. Jacobsen, George E. Gerpheide:
Low level control of the Utah/M.I.T. dextrous hand. 61-66 - Ching-Cheng Wang:
The optimal design of robot drive system-gear ratios and actuator impedances. 67-74 - M. A. Shaik, Philip Datseris:
A workspace optimization approach to manipulator linkage design. 75-81 - S. Hayati:
Hybrid position/Force control of multi-arm cooperating robots. 82-89 - R. F. Richbourg, Neil C. Rowe, Michael Zyda:
Exploiting capability constraints to solve global two-dimensional path planning problems. 90-95 - Ronald S. Fearing
Implementing a force strategy for object re-orientation. 96-102 - Eckhard Freund, Helmut Hoyer:
Pathfinding in multi-robot systems: Solution and applications. 103-111 - W. Thomas Miller III:
Video image stereo matching using phase-locked loop techniques. 112-117 - David B. Shu, Ching-Chung Li, Yung-Nien Sun:
An approach to 3-D object identification using range images. 118-125 - Peter M. Allen:
Sensing and describing 3-D structure. 126-131 - Christopher B. Lofgren, Leon F. McGinnis:
Soft configuration in automated insertion. 138-142 - Ram Akella, Sampath Rajagopal, Praveen Kumar:
Part dispatch in multi-stage card lines. 143-146 - M. Han, Leon F. McGinnis:
Throughput maximization in short cycle automated manufacturing. 147-151 - C. S. Tang:
A job scheduling model for a flexible manufacturing machine. 152-155 - Ugur A. Sungurtekin, Herbert B. Voelcker:
Graphical simulation & automatic verification of NC machining programs. 156-165 - W. P. Wang, K. K. Wang:
Real-time verification of multiaxis NC programs with raster graphics. 166-171 - M. Alkan Donmez, Kang Lee, C. Richard Liu, Moshe M. Barash:
A real-time error compensation system for a computerized numerical control turning center. 172-176 - Charles J. Conrad, N. Harris McClamroch:
A stochastic model of tool wear in machining. 177-182 - Tien C. Hsia:
Adaptive control of robot manipulators - A review. 183-189 - John J. Craig, Ping Hsu, S. Shankar Sastry:
Adaptive control of mechanical manipulators. 190-195 - M. G. Forrest-Barlach, Scott M. Babcock:
Inverse dynamics position control of a compliant manipulator. 196-205 - Winston L. Nelson, Debasis Mitra:
Load estimation and load-adaptive optimal control for a flexible robot arm. 206-211 - Joel W. Burdick:
An algorithm for generation of efficient manipulator dynamic equations. 212-218 - J. Koplik, M. C. Leu:
Computer generation of robot dynamics equations and the related issues. 219 - Alberto Izaguirre, Richard P. Paul:
Automatic generation of the dynamic equations of the robot manipulators using a LISP program. 220-226 - Chang-Jin Li:
A new method for dynamic analysis of robot. 227-232 - Michael A. Peshkin, Arthur C. Sanderson:
Manipulation of a sliding object. 233-239 - George A. Bekey, Rajko Tomovic:
Robot control by reflex actions. 240-247 - Masaki Togai, Osamu Yamano:
Learning control and its optimality: Analysis and its application to controlling industrial robots. 248-253 - Ataru Nakamura, Yasuhiro Ohyama, Kazuhiko Ito, Koji Saito:
Controller for industrial robots. 254-259 - Kang G. Shin, Neil D. McKay:
Automatic generation of trajectory planners for industrial robots. 260-266 - George N. Saridis, Kimon P. Valavanis:
Mathematical formulation of the organization level of an intelligent machine. 267-272 - M. Takegaki, T. Ohi, M. Ogino, M. Tanaka:
An advanced design support system for intelligent robots. 273-278 - Michael J. Swain, Joseph L. Mundy:
Experiments in using a theorem prover to prove and develop geometrical theorems in computer vision. 280-285 - W. Eric L. Grimson:
Disambiguating sensory interpretations using minimal sets of sensory data. 286-292 - Hyun S. Yang, Avinash C. Kak:
Determination of the identity, position and orientation of the topmost object in a pile: Some further experiments. 293-298 - Judith F. Silverman, David B. Cooper:
Unsupervised estimation of polynomial approximations to smooth surfaces in images or range data. 299-304 - Carolyn L. Beck, Bruce H. Krogh:
Models for simulation and discrete control of manufacturing systems. 305-310 - Rajan Suri, Michael A. Zazanis:
Robustness of perturbation analysis estimates for automated manufacturing systems. 311 - Manjunath Kamath, N. Viswanadham:
Applications of petri net based models in the modelling and analysis of flexible manufacturing systems. 312-317 - Oleh Kostetsky:
A simulation approach for managing engineering projects. 318-324 - R. Ferstenberg, K. K. Wang, John A. Muckstadt:
Automatic generation of optimized 3-axis NC programs using boundary files. 325-332 - Stephen C. Chan, Herbert B. Voelcker:
An introduction to MPL - A new machining process/Programming language. 333-344 - Paul J. Englert, Paul K. Wright:
Applications of artificial intelligence and the design of fixtures for automated manufacturing. 345-351 - T. H. Hopp, J. Tu:
Group technology as a learning mechanism for the planning and diagnosis of machining processes. 352 - Patrick A. Fitzhorn, Wade O. Troxell:
A dynamic approach to the robotic design cycle. 353-358 - Mohammad F. Dado, A. H. Soni:
A generalized approach for forward and inverse dynamics of elastic manipulators. 359-364 - Salvatore Nicosia, Patrizio Tomei, Antonio Tornambè:
Dynamic modelling of flexible robot manipulators. 365-372 - G. Naganathan, A. H. Soni:
Non-linear flexibility studies for spatial manipulators. 373-378 - Gregory P. Starr:
Edge-following with a PUMA 560 manipulator using VAL-II. 379-383 - M. Silva, L. Montano, P. Pardos:
Terminal controllers for robots: Shooting and optimal control. 384-389 - C. J. Clark, L. Stark:
A comparison of control laws for a cooperative robot system. 390-394 - E. G. Harokopos:
Optimal learning control of mechanical manipulators in repetitive motions. 396-401 - John T. Wen, Alan A. Desrochers:
Sub-time-optimal control strategies for robotic manipulators. 402-406 - Michael B. Leahy Jr., George N. Saridis:
The ral hierarchical control system. 407-411 - Kang Shin, N. McKay:
Minimum-time trajectory planning for industrial robots with general torque constraints. 412-417 - Homayoon Kazerooni, Paul K. Houpt, Thomas B. Sheridan:
The fundamental concepts of robust compliant motion for robot manipulators. 418-427 - Mary M. Moya, William M. Davidson:
Sensor-driven, fault-tolerant control of a maintenance robot. 428-434 - Richard J. Grommes, Michael P. Hennessey, W. J. Dick:
Adaptive intervehicle positioning for robotic material transfer. 435-441 - Siegfried Thunborg:
A remote maintenance robot system for a pulsed nuclear reactor. 442-447 - Nobuyoshi Yokobori, Pen-Shu Yeh, Azriel Rosenfeld:
Sub-pixel geometric correction of pictures by calibration and decalibration. 448-453 - Ichiro Masaki:
Modular multi-resolution vision processor. 454-459 - Ronald Lumia:
Rapid hidden feature elimination using an octree. 460-464 - N. H. Chao, E. N. Schiebel:
Inspection assistant - A knowledge-based system for piece part inspection. 465 - Agostino Villa, R. Mosca, G. Murari:
Expert control theory : A key for solving production planning and control problems in flexible manufacturing. 466-471 - R. Ippolito, S. Rossetto, M. Vallauri, Agostino Villa:
The emergence of artificial intelligence applications in manufacturing system control. 472-476 - C. Boer:
Expert control system requirements for manufacturing process control. 477 - Cynthia K. Whitney:
Building "Expert systems" when no experts exist. 478-486 - Edward H. Frazelle:
Design problems in automated warehousing. 486-489 - We-Min Chow:
Development of an automated storage and retrieval system for manufacturing assembly lines. 490-495 - R. Bohlander:
Comparisons of advanced techniques for AGV control. 496 - Ted Liu, David Scott, Hal Romanowitz, Russ Innes, Don Chin:
An in-process-storage system case study. 497-503 - Alan A. Desrochers, Christopher M. Seaman:
A projection method for simplifying robot manipulator models. 504-509 - Brian S. R. Armstrong, Oussama Khatib, Joel Burdick:
The explicit dynamic model and inertial parameters of the PUMA 560 arm. 510-518 - Michael B. Leahy Jr., L. M. Nugent, Kimon P. Valavanis, George N. Saridis:
Efficient dynamics for a PUMA-600. 519-524 - Wisama Khalil, Jean-François Kleinfinger, Maxime Gautier:
Reducing the computational burden of the dynamic models of robots. 525-531 - Fumio Harashima, Hideki Hashimoto, K. Maruyama:
Practical robust control of robot arm using variable structure system. 532-539 - K. David Young:
A variable structure model following control design for robotics applications. 540-545 - Kuang C. Wei, Raymond C. Meier, Francis G. King:
Improvement of robot overshoot by motor controller design. 546-551 - Patrizio Tomei, Salvatore Nicosia, Antonio Ficola:
An approach to the adaptive control of elastic at joints robots. 552-558 - Hong Tae Jeon, Mansour Eslami:
A minimum time joint-trajectory planning for industrial manipulator with input torque constraint. 559-564 - Homayoun Seraji:
Linear multivariable control of robot manipulators. 565-571 - Giuseppe Casalino, Luca Maria Gambardella:
Learning of movements in robotic manipulators. 572-578 - Katsuhisa Furuta, Masaki Yamakita:
Iterative generation of optimal input of a manipulator. 579-584 - Robert B. Kelley:
Vertical integration for robot assembly cells. 585-590 - Stephen Alan Cameron, R. K. Culley:
Determining the minimum translational distance between two convex polyhedra. 591-596 - Walter Meyer:
Distances between boxes: Applications to collision detection and clipping. 597-602 - Hélène Chochon, Rachid Alami:
NNS, a knowledge-based on-line system for an assembly workcell. 603-609 - Alberto Rovetta:
Logical structure of assembly with robots. 610-614 - J. Ross Stenstrom, C. Ian Connolly:
Building wire frames from multiple range views. 615-620 - Xinhua Zhuang, Thomas S. Huang, Robert M. Haralick:
From two-view motion equations to three-dimensional motion parameters and surface structure: A direct and stable algorithm. 621-626 - Giulio Sandini, Vincenzo Tagliasco, Massimo Tistarelli:
Analysis of object motion and camera motion in real scenes. 627-633 - Josep Amat, Alicia Casals, Vicenç Llario:
Improving accuracy and resolution of a motion stereo vision system. 634-638 - Bruno Cernuschi-Frías, Peter N. Belhumeur, David B. Cooper:
3-D object position estimation and recognition based on parameterized surfaces and multiple views. 639-644 - Gabriella M. Acaccia, Rinaldo C. Michelini, Rezia Molfino, P. Piaggio:
X-SIFIP: A knowledge-based special-purpose simulator for the development of flexible-manufacturing-cells. 645-652 - Andrew Kusiak:
FMS scheduling: A crucial element in an expert system control structure. 653-658 - B. F. von Turkovich:
Data banks in manufacturing: Problems and opportunities. 659 - Christopher Lozinski, Stanley B. Gershwin:
Dynamic production scheduling in computer-aided fabrication of integrated circuits. 660-663 - J. D. Erickson, A. Cohen:
Autonomous robotic aspects of the space station program. 664 - W. K. Kohn, K. Healy:
On-line task interpreter for astrobot. 665 - Mark A. Bronez, Margaret M. Clarke, Alberta Quinn:
Requirements development for a free-flying robot-The " Robin". 667-672 - Lorenzo Sciavicco, Bruno Siciliano:
An inverse kinematic solution algorithm for robots with two-by-two intersecting axes at the end effector. 673-678 - Nitish V. Thakor, Martin A. McNeela:
Application of dynamic programming to robot kinematics. 679-683 - Matthew W. Rooke, Paul H. Lewis:
Kinematics of a triangular structured robot. 684-688 - Richard H. Lathrop:
Constrained (closed-loop) robot simulation by local constraint propagation. 689-694 - James A. Maples, Joseph J. Becker:
Experiments in force control of robotic manipulators. 695-702 - Toshio Fukuda, N. Kitamura, Kazuo Tanie:
Flexible handling by gripper with consideration of characteristics of objects. 703-708 - Jeffrey S. Schoenwald, Michael S. Black, Jim F. Martin, Gregory A. Arnold, Timothy A. Allison:
Improved robot trajectory from acoustic range servo control. 709-712 - Ljubomir T. Grujic:
Tracking analysis for non-stationary non-linear systems á. 713-721 - Tomoaki Kubo, George Anwar, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
Application of nonlinear friction compensation to robot arm control. 722-727 - Krishna C. Gupta, G. J. Carlson:
On certain aspects of the zero reference position method and its applications to an industrial manipulator. 728-733 - Stephen M. Killough, H. L. Martin, W. R. Hamel:
Conversion of a servomanipulator from analog to digital control. 734-739 - James K. Mills, Andrew A. Goldenberg:
A new robust robot controller. 740-745 - Daniel E. Whitney:
Real robots don't need jigs. 746-752 - Margo K. Apostolos:
Robot choreography: An aesthetic application in user acceptance of a robotic arm. 753-756 - Stuart G. Stanley, Mansour Eslami:
On design of an educational robot. 757-762 - P. J. Becker:
Sensor information processing in robot control systems. 763 - Gérard G. Medioni, Yoshio Yasumoto:
Corner detection and curve representation using cubic B-splines. 764-769 - Xueyin Lin, William G. Wee:
SDFS: A new strategy for the recognition of object using range data. 770-775 - Bir Bhanu
, John C. Ming:
Recognition of occluded objects: A cluster structure paradigm. 776-781 - Michael Magee, Mitchell J. Nathan:
A theorem proving based pattern recognition system. 782-789 - M. Actis Dato:
Control systems for integrated manufacturing - The CAM solution. 791-795 - A. J. Scarr, D. H. Jackson, R. S. McMaster:
Product design for robotic and automated assembly. 796-802 - Ulrich Rembold, M. Vojnovic:
Operational control for robot systems integration into CIM. 803 - Lyle M. Jenkins:
Telerobotic work system-space robotics application. 804-806 - David L. Akin:
Parametric testing of space teleoperators through neutral buoyancy simulation. 807 - Thomas B. Sheridan:
Human supervisory control of robot systems. 808-812 - Jack E. Pennington:
Space telerobotics: A few more hurdles. 813-816 - Fredrik Dessen:
Coordinating control of a two degrees of freedom universal joint structure driven by three servos. 817-822 - C.-H. Liu, Y.-M. Chen:
Multimicroprocessor-based cartesian space control techniques for a mechanical manipulator. 823-827 - Subbiah Mahalingam, Anand M. Sharan:
The optimal balancing of the robotic manipulators. 828-835 - N. Sreenath, Perinkulam S. Krishnaprasad:
DYNAMAN: A tool for manipulator design and analysis. 836-842 - David E. Orin, Yusheng T. Tsai:
A real-time computer architecture for inverse kinematics. 843-850 - C. S. George Lee, Po Rong Chang:
Efficient parallel algorithm for robot inverse dynamics computation. 851-857 - Shaheen Ahmad:
Real-time multi-processor-based robot control. 858-863 - Vincent Dupourqué, H. Guiot, O. Ishacian:
Towards multi-processor and multi-robot controllers. 864-870 - John M. Hollerbach, Sundar Narasimhan, John E. Wood:
Finger force computation without the grip jacobian. 871-875 - J. W. Jameson, L. J. Leifer:
Quasi-static analysis: A method for predicting grasp stability. 876-883 - Van-Duc Nguyen:
The synthesis of stable grasps in the plane. 884-889 - James Barber, Richard A. Volz, Rajiv S. Desai, Ronitt Rubinfeld, Brian Schipper, Jan D. Wolter:
Automatic two-fingered grip selection. 890-896 - Dinesh K. Pai, M. C. Leu:
INEFFABELLE - An environment for interactive computer graphic simulation of robotic applications. 897-903 - Seth Hutchinson, Avinash C. Kak:
FProlog: A language to integrate logic and functional programming for automated assembly. 904-909 - M. S. Steffen, T. J. Greene:
An application of hierarchical planning and constraint-directed search to scheduling parallel processors. 910-917 - John T. Feddema, Shaheen Ahmad:
Determining a static robot grasp for automated assembly. 918-924 - Thomas F. Knoll, Ramesh C. Jain:
Recognizing partially visible objects using feature indexed hypotheses. 925-930 - Steven J. Gordon, Warren P. Seering:
Accuracy issues in measuring quantized images of straight-line features. 931-936 - Cregg K. Cowan, Robert C. Bolles, M. J. Hannah, James A. Herson:
Edge chain analysis for object verification. 937-942 - Rashpal S. Ahluwalia, Lynn M. Fogwell:
A modular approach to visual servoing. 943-950 - Yves Dallery:
A queueing network model of flexible manufacturing systems consisting of cells. 951-958 - Renato Conterno, Giuseppe Menga, S. Quaglino:
Performances evaluation of FMS by euristic queueing network analysis. 959-964 - Cagstay Buyukkoc:
An approximation method for feedforward queueing networks with finite buffers a manufacturing perspective. 965-972 - Eva Wesfreid:
Dynamic behaviour of N-stage transfer lines with unreliable machines and finite buffers. 973-976 - Melvin D. Montemerlo:
NASA's automation and robotics technology development program. 977-986 - C. P. Fong, Ronald S. Dotson, Antal K. Bejczy:
Distributed microcomputer control system for advanced teleoperation. 987-995 - Bernard Espiau:
An integrated experiment in advanced nuclear teleoperation. 996 - Fumio Miyazaki, S. Matsubayashi, T. Yoshimi, Suguru Arimoto:
A new control methodology toward advanced teleoperation of master-slave robot systems. 997-1002 - Howard B. Olsen, George A. Bekey:
Identification of robot dynamics. 1004-1010 - J. Chen, L. N. Chao:
Positioning error analysis for robot manipulators with all rotary joints. 1011-1016 - Benjamin W. Mooring, T. J. Pack:
Determination and specification of robot repeatability. 1017-1023 - Gordon G. Hastings, Wayne J. Book:
Verification of a linear dynamic model for flexible robotic manipulators. 1024-1029 - Riccardo Marino, Mark W. Spong:
Nonlinear control techniques for flexible joint manipulators: A single link case study. 1030-1036 - M. Vidyasagar, Y. Xiong:
Control of a flexible robot arm using the stable factorization approach. 1037 - A. Barraco, B. Cuny, G. Ishiomin:
Dynamic models for flexible robots : Different approaches. 1038-1043 - Vincent Hayward:
Fast collision detection scheme by recursive decomposition of a manipulator workspace. 1044-1049 - Vladimir J. Lumelsky:
Continuous motion planning in unknown environment for a 3D cartesian robot arm. 1050-1055 - Martin Herman:
Fast, three-dimensional, collision-free motion planning. 1056-1063 - R. K. Culley, Karl G. Kempf:
A collision detection algorithm based on velocity and distance bounds. 1064-1069 - Richard E. Smith, Maria L. Gini:
Robot tracking and control issues in an intelligent error recovery system. 1070-1075 - M. Somalvico:
The role of white collar robots real-time expert systems with multi-media sensory systems. 1076 - Vincent Dupourqué:
Using abstraction mechanisms to solve complex tasks programming in robotics. 1077-1081 - M. L. Hornick, Bahram Ravani:
A data structure and data base design for model driven robot programming. 1082-1086 - John W. Roach, Jeffrey S. Wright:
Spherical dual images: A 3D representation method for solid objects that combines dual space and Gaussian spheres. 1087-1092 - Eric Krotkov, Jean-Paul Martin:
Range from focus. 1093-1098 - Christopher P. Bania, James C. Lin:
Theory and implementation of a high capacity 3-D recognition system. 1099-1104 - A. Robert de Saint Vincent:
A 3D perception system for the mobile robot hilare. 1105-1111 - Michael J. Smith:
Sociotechnical considerations in robotics and automation. 1112-1120 - George Burri, Martin G. Helander:
Implications of product/process design on human and robotic workstations. 1121-1125 - Olov Östberg:
People factors of robotics and automation: European views. 1126-1131 - Dennis B. Beringer, Fernando L. Alvarado:
Supervisory interface with expert systems for semiautonomous walking robots. 1132-1136 - Nageswara S. V. Rao, S. Sitharama Iyengar
, C. C. Jorgensen, Charles R. Weisbin:
Concurrent algorithms for autonomous robot navigation in an unexplored terrain. 1137-1144 - James L. Olivier, Füsun Özgüner:
A navigation algorithm for an intelligent vehicle with a laser rangefinder. 1145-1150 - Alberto Elfes:
A sonar-based mapping and navigation system. 1151-1156 - Shahriar Negahdaripour, Berthold K. P. Horn:
Direct passive navigation: Analytical solution for planes. 1157-1163 - Louis J. Everett, David R. McCarroll:
Using finite element methods to approximate kinematic solutions of robot manipulators when closed form solutions are unobtainable. 1164-1167 - J. Michael McCarthy:
Kinematics mappings and robotics. 1168-1173 - Wisama Khalil, Jean-François Kleinfinger:
A new geometric notation for open and closed-loop robots. 1174-1179 - Paul Borrel, Alain Liégeois:
A study of multiple manipulator inverse kinematic solutions with applications to trajectory planning and workspace determination. 1180-1185 - Raimo K. Kankaanranta, Heikki N. Koivo:
A model for constrained motion of a serial link manipulator. 1186-1191 - Roger W. Brockett:
Stability and control of grasping. 1192 - Tzyh Jong Tarn, Antal K. Bejczy, Xiaoping Yun:
Coordinated control of two robot arms. 1193-1202 - Olav Egeland:
On the robustness of the computed torque technique in manipulator control. 1203-1208 - Kye Y. Lim, Mansour Eslami:
Robust adaptive controller designs for robot manipulator systems. 1209-1215 - Steven Fortune, Gordon T. Wilfong, Chee Yap:
Coordinated motion of two robot arms. 1216-1223 - Pierre Tournassoud:
A strategy for obstacle avoidance and its application to mullti-robot systems. 1224-1229 - Yuan F. Zheng, Fred R. Sias Jr.:
Two robot arms in assembly. 1230-1235 - Sohail S. Hussaini, David E. Jakopac:
Multiple manipulators and robotic workcell coordination. 1236-1241 - Matt Barth, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Jing Wang, Evelyn Hu, Susan Hackwood, Gerardo Beni:
A color vision system for microelectronics: Application to oxide thickness measurements. 1242-1247 - Ren Luo, Wen-Hsiang Tsai:
Object recognition using tactile image array sensors. 1248-1253 - Kenneth J. Overton, Vivek V. Badami:
Tactile sensors for robotic touch. 1254 - Morris R. Driels:
Pose estimation using tactile sensor data for assembly operations. 1255-1261 - J. Schneiter:
An objective tactile sensing strategy for object recognition and localization. 1262-1267 - P. Dario Ratti, Massimo Bergamasco, Antonino S. Fiorillo, R. Di Leonardo:
Geometrical optimization criteria for the design of tactile sensing patterns. 1268-1273 - Sharon A. Stansfield:
Primitives, features, and exploratory procedures: Building a robot tactile perception system. 1274-1279 - Randy E. Ellis:
A multiple-scale measure of static tactile texture. 1280-1285 - David M. Siegel, Iñaki Garabieta, John M. Hollerbach:
An integrated tactile and thermal sensor. 1286-1291 - John M. Vranish:
Magnetoinductive skin for robots. 1292-1318 - James A. Brimson:
How automation is reshaping cost management. 1319 - John E. Ettlie:
The evolution of administrative innovations for deploying advanced manufacturing innovations. 1320-1325 - Toshihiro Tsumura:
Survey of automated guided vehicle in a Japanese factory. 1329-1334 - Toshihiro Tsumura, Masafumi Hashimoto:
Positioning and guidance of ground vehicle by use of laser and corner cube. 1335-1342 - Kenichi Nishide, Moritomo Hanawa, Toshio Kondo:
Automatic position findings of vehicle by means of laser. 1343-1348 - Tashiro Takeda, Atsuhiko Kato, Toru Suzuki, Mitsuo Hosoi:
Automated vehicle guidance using spotmark. 1349-1353 - Kenneth Salisbury:
Teleoperator hand design issues. 1355-1360 - Jeffrey Kerr, Bernard Roth:
Special grasping configurations with dexterous hands. 1361-1367 - Van-Duc Nguyen:
Constructing force-closure grasps. 1368-1373 - Peter W. Taylor:
Design and implementation of a multi-variable programmable controller for a 9-axis general purpose gripper. 1374 - Yuan F. Zheng, J. Y. S. Luh:
Joint torques for control of two coordinated moving robots. 1375-1380 - Oussama Khatib, Joel Burdick:
Motion and force control of robot manipulators. 1381-1386 - Jean-Jacques E. Slotine:
On modeling and adaptation in robot control. 1387-1392 - Tsuneo Yoshikawa:
Dynamic hybrid position/force control of robot manipulators description of hand constraints and calculation of joint driving force. 1393-1398 - Friedrich Pfeiffer, Rainer Johanni:
A concept for manipulator trajectory planning. 1399-1405 - Bernard Faverjon:
Object level programming of industrial robots. 1406-1412 - S. Maddila:
Decomposition algorithm for moving a ladder among rectangular obstacles. 1413-1418 - Michael A. Erdmann, Tomás Lozano-Pérez:
On multiple moving objects. 1419-1424 - Michael Brady:
Recent advances toward a surface primal sketch. 1425 - Martial Hebert:
Outdoor scene analysis using range data. 1426-1432 - Olivier D. Faugeras, Nicholas Ayache, Bernard Faverjon:
Building visual maps by combining noisy stereo measurements. 1433-1438 - Michael Drumheller, Tomaso A. Poggio:
On parallel stereo. 1439-1448 - Scott Y. Harmon, G. L. Bianchini, B. E. Pinz:
Sensor data fusion through a distributed blackboard. 1449-1454 - James L. Crowley:
Representation and maintenance of a composite surface model. 1455-1462 - Kenneth J. Overton:
Range vision, force, and tactile sensory integration: Issues and an approach. 1463 - Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte:
Consistent integration and propagation of disparate sensor observations. 1464-1469 - Frank DiCesare, Geoffrey C. Goldbogen, Dave Langan, Suresh Rajan, Alan A. Desrochers:
Functions of a manufacturing workstation controller. 1470-1475 - Yong F. Choong, Oded Z. Maimon:
On dynamic routing in FMS. 1476-1481 - Lawrence D. Burns, Carlos F. Daganzo:
Assembly line job sequencing principles. 1482 - Eng-Joo Lee, Pitu B. Mirchandani:
Scheduling with setups on a two-machine FMS. 1483-1489 - Wha-Joon Lee, David E. Orin:
The kinematics of legged locomotion over uneven terrain. 1490-1495 - Jacob S. Glower, Ümit Özgüner:
Control of a quadruped trot. 1496-1501 - Chi-Keng Tsai, David E. Orin:
Using proximity sensing in robot leg control. 1502-1507 - Jagdish Joshi, Alan A. Desrochers:
Modeling and control of a mobile robot subject to disturbances. 1508-1513 - Hiroaki Kobayashi:
Grasping and manipulation of objects by articulated hands. 1514-1519 - Stephen C. Jacobsen, Edwin K. Iversen, David F. Knutti, R. Todd Johnson, Klaus B. Biggers:
Design of the Utah/M.I.T. Dextrous Hand. 1520-1532 - Mark R. Cutkosky, Paul K. Wright:
Modeling manufacturing grips and correlations with the design of robotic hands. 1533-1539 - Jeff C. Becker, Nitish V. Thakor, Kreg G. Gruben:
A study of human hand tendon kinematics with applications to robot hand design. 1540-1545 - Pradeep K. Khosla, Takeo Kanade:
Real-time implementation and evaluation of model-based controls on CMU DD Arm II. 1546-1555 - Carlos Canudas de Wit, Karl Johan Åström, Konrad Braun:
Adaptive friction compensation in DC motor drives. 1556-1561 - Pradeep K. Khosla, Takeo Kanade:
An algorithm to determine the identifiable parameters in dynamic robot models. 1562 - Antti J. Koivo:
Force-position-velocity control with self-tuning for robotic manipulators. 1563-1568 - Michael A. Erdmann, Matthew T. Mason:
An exploration of sensorless manipulation. 1569-1574 - Randy C. Brost:
Automatic grasp planning in the presence of uncertainty. 1575-1581 - Juan Juan, Richard P. Paul:
Automatic programming of fine-motion for assembly. 1582-1587 - Bruce Randall Donald:
Robot motion planning with uncertainty in the geometric models of the robot and environment: A formal framework for error detection and recovery. 1588-1593 - Saburo Tsuji, Jiang Yu Zheng, Minoru Asada:
Stereo vision of a mobile robot: World constraints for image matching and interpretation. 1594-1599 - Allen M. Waxman, Jacqueline Le Moigne, Larry S. Davis, Eli Liang, T. Siddalingaiah:
A visual navigation system. 1600-1606 - Yuyu Huang, Zuo Llang Cao, Ernest L. Hall:
Region filling operations for mobile robot using computer graphics. 1607-1614 - Richard S. Wallace, K. Matsuzaki, Yoshimasa Goto, Jill D. Crisman, Jon A. Webb, Takeo Kanade:
Progress in robot road-following. 1615-1621 - Shashank Shekhar, Oussama Khatib, Makoto Shimojo:
Sensor fusion and object localization. 1623-1628 - Stephen L. Chiu, David J. Morley, Jim F. Martin:
Sensor data fusion on a parallel processor. 1629-1633 - Ernest W. Kent, Michael O. Shneier, Tsai-Hong Hong:
Building representations from fusions of multiple views. 1634-1639 - M. Queyranne:
A polynomial-time, submodular extension to Roundy's 98% effective heuristic for production/inventory. 1640 - Jean-Marie Proth:
Group technology in production management: A tool to simplify some scheduling problems. 1641-1644 - Eric Bensana, M. Correge, Gérard Bel, Didier Dubois:
An expert-system approach to industrial job-shop scheduling. 1645-1650 - Jacques Erschler, Patrick Esquirol:
Decision-aid in job shop scheduling: A knowledge based approach. 1651-1656 - Alexandre M. Parodi, John J. Nitao, Louis S. McTamaney:
An intelligent system for an autonomous vehicle. 1657-1663 - Bruce H. Krogh, Charles E. Thorpe:
Integrated path planning and dynamic steering control for autonomous vehicles. 1664-1669 - D. Gaw, Alex Meystel:
Minimum-time navigation of an unmanned mobile robot in a 2-1/2D world with obstacles. 1670-1677 - Alex Meystel, Allon Guez, G. Hillel:
Minimum time path planning for a robot. 1678-1687 - Roger W. Brockett:
Inverse kinematic programming for redundant mechanisms. 1688 - Daniel H. Gottlieb:
Robots and topology. 1689-1691 - Eduardo D. Sontag, Héctor J. Sussmann:
Time-optimal control of manipulators. 1692-1697 - John Baillieul:
Avoiding obstacles and resolving kinematic redundancy. 1698-1704 - L. S. Haynes, A. J. Wavering:
Real-time control system software: Some problems and an approach. 1705-1716 - Steven S. Leung, Michael A. Shanblatt:
A VLSI chip architecture for the real-time computation of direct kinematics. 1717-1722 - T. H. Klotz, R. G. Phillips, R. L. Sprattling, H. A. Sutherland:
Real-time performance evaluation of Local Area Networks used in automated manufacturing systems. 1723-1730 - J. Bradley Chen, Ronald S. Fearing, Brian S. R. Armstrong, Joel W. Burdick:
NYMPH: A multiprocessor for manipulation applications. 1731-1736 - Christopher G. Atkeson, Joe McIntyre:
Robot trajectory learning through practice. 1737-1742 - Sanjiv Singh, Meghanad D. Wagh:
Robot path planning using intersecting convex shapes. 1743-1748 - Damian M. Lyons:
Tagged potential fields: An approach to specification of complex manipulator configurations. 1749-1754 - B. John Oommen, Irwin Reichstein:
On translating ellipses amidst elliptic obstacles. 1755-1760 - Ted Liu, Mshe Simon, Don Chin, Hal Romanowitz:
Machine control software design. 1761-1765 - Barry Irvin Soroka, Richard C. Movich:
Programming and simulating a three-armed cartesian robot. 1766-1771 - Can Isik, Alex Meystel:
Decision making at a level of a hierarchical control for unmanned robot. 1772-1778 - Marcin Banachiewicz:
SEL: Robotic sensor/Effector programming language. 1779-1784 - Michael K. Brown:
On ultrasonic detection of surface features. 1785-1790 - B. A. Auld, A. J. Bahr:
A novel multifunction robot sensor. 1791-1797 - P. P. Lin, Philip Datseris:
Development of a position and force sensor for robotic applications. 1798-1805 - Frank W. Sinden, Robert A. Boie:
A planar capacitive force sensor with six degrees of freedom. 1806-1814 - Charles H. Falkner:
Multi-attribute decision analysis for justifying flexible automation. 1815-1820 - Lisa Anne Washington, Alexander H. Levis:
Effectiveness analysis of flexible manufacturing systems. 1821-1826 - Andrew Kusiak, Gerd Finke:
The process plan selection problem. 1827-1830 - William I. Bullers Jr.:
Logic programming for manufacturing system specification. 1831-1836 - R. Cliff:
Developing a paradigm for intelligent system engineering. 1837 - David W. Payton:
An architecture for reflexive autonomous vehicle control. 1838-1845 - Don Shapiro, Theodore A. Linden, Jay Glicksman, Daryl T. Lawton:
Object based planning for an autonomous land vehicle. 1847 - W. W. Cimino, Gordon R. Pennock:
Workspace of a six-revolute decoupled robot manipulator. 1848-1852 - Bayliss C. McInnis, Chen-Kang Liu:
Coordinate frames, transformations, and inverse functions for joint variables in robotics. 1853-1858 - Dieter Wloka:
ROBSIM - A robot simulation system. 1859-1864 - Chi-Haur Wu, Hernando Valencia:
Trajectory feasibility based on cartesian workspace for robot manipulators. 1865-1870 - James U. Korein, Georg E. Maier, Russell H. Taylor, Lawrence F. Durfee:
A configurable system for automation programming and control. 1871-1877 - Richard P. Paul, Hong Zhang:
Design of a robot force/motion server. 1878-1883 - Sundar Narasimhan, David M. Siegel, John M. Hollerbach, Klaus B. Biggers, George E. Gerpheide:
Implementation of control methodologies on the computational architecture for the Utah/MIT hand. 1884-1889 - Robert D. Gaglianello, Howard P. Katseff:
A distributed computing environment for robotics. 1890-1896 - Chanderjit L. Bajaj:
An efficient parallel solution for Euclidean shortest path in three dimensions. 1897-1900 - Pietro G. Morasso, Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi:
The role of physical constraints in natural and artifical manipulation. 1901-1905 - Steven Dubowsky, M. A. Norris, Zvi Shiller:
Time optimal trajectory planning for robotic manipulators with obstacle avoidance: A CAD approach. 1906-1912 - Etienne Dombre, A. Fournier, C. Quaro, Paul Borrel:
Trends in CAD/CAM systems for robotics. 1913-1918 - A. L. Pai, K. Lee, K. L. Palmer, D. G. Selvidge:
Automated visual inspection of aircraft engine combustor assemblies. 1919-1924 - Thomas M. Kisko, Eginhard J. Muth:
Multiple-stage assembly of personal computers in robotic workcells with vision support. 1925-1930 - Jose Bravo, James Graham, Mark Steiner:
An application of robotic cable harness bundling. 1931-1935 - E. B. Silverman, R. K. Simmons, F. E. Gelhaus, J. Lewis:
Surveyor: A remotely operated mobile surveillance system. 1936-1940 - Edward N. Schiebel, Henry R. Busby, Kenneth J. Waldron:
Design of a mechanical proximity sensor. 1941-1946 - Corinne C. Ruokangas, Michael S. Black, Jim F. Martin, Jeffrey S. Schoenwald:
Integration of multiple sensors to provide flexible control strategies. 1947-1953 - Keishi Hanahara, Tsugito Maruyama, Takashi Uchiyama:
High-speed hough transform processor and its applications to automatic inspection and measurement. 1954-1959 - Heng-Da Cheng, King-Sun Fu:
VLSI architecture for hand-written symbol recognition. 1960-1965 - Evelyn Hu, S. Mangiaracina, M. Peters, A. Harkin, Susan Hackwood, Gerardo Beni:
Inference in intelligent machines: Application to a thermal evaporator. 1966-1972 - Zixing Cai, King-Sun Fu:
Robot planning expert systems. 1973-1978 - J. P. Tsang, Y. Lagoude:
Representation and manipulation of process plans in generic expert planning systems. 1979 - Zixing Cai:
Some research works on expert systems in AI course at Purdue-In memory of Dr.K.S.Fu. 1980-1985 - M. Thomas:
ALV reasoning system. 1986 - D. Morgenthaler:
ALV perception system. 1987 - J. Lowrie, R. Douglass:
Autonomous road following. 1988 - Gerd Hirzinger, Johannes Dietrich:
Multisensory robots and sensor-based path generation. 1992-2001 - Steven A. Shafer, Anthony Stentz, Charles E. Thorpe:
An architecture for sensor fusion in a mobile robot. 2002-2011 - Riccardo Cassinis:
Automatic resource allocation in industrial multirobot systems. 2012-2017 - Kamal Youcef-Toumi, Haruhiko Asada:
The design of open-loop manipulator arms with decoupled and configuration-invariant inertia tensors. 2018-2026 - Patricia A. MacConaill:
Computer integrated manufacturing: A special action area of ESPRIT. 2027-2028 - Scott Y. Harmon, W. A. Aviles, Douglas W. Gage:
A technique for coordinating autonomous robots. 2029-2034 - Theodore A. Linden, James P. Marsh, Doreen L. Dove:
Architecture and early experience with planning for the ALV. 2035-2042 - Daryl T. Lawton, Tod S. Levitt, Christopher C. McConnell, Jay Glicksman:
Terrain models for an autonomous land vehicle. 2043-2051

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