Bandosian token

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The emote

The Bandosian token is a pocket slot item received from The Bird and the Beast world event. It counts as an Bandos-aligned item in the God Wars Dungeon, protecting players from Bandos's followers.

If lost, it can be reclaimed by praying at Bandos's remains, north of Falador, but only if the player had one when the event ended. Players who had an Armadylean token at the end of the event will not receive a Bandosian token by praying at Bandos's remains. During the world event, it could be reclaimed from the Bandosian recruiter.

However as of 5 September 2020, the token's charges no longer reset. The four world event tokens (Armadylean token, Bandosian token, Saradominist token, and Zamorakian token) now share the maximum total of 10 charges which do not replenish.

Type Total renown Effects (cumulative)
Bronze Bandosian token 0 N/A
Silver Bandosian token 31,000 Small increase in divine energy.
Gold Bandosian token 90,000 Small increase in construction/tear down rate.
Rune Bandosian token 200,000 A small decrease in damage taken from opposing forces.
Dragon Bandosian token 450,000 Resistance to opposing player interference.

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 6 February 2017 (Update):
    • God tokens from World Event 2 will now count as the appropriate god faction when in the God Wars dungeon.
  • patch 13 January 2014 (Update):
    • Dragon faction tokens can now be reclaimed from the faction recruiter on free worlds.
  • patch 7 January 2014 (Update):
    • The examine text for dragon Armadyl/Bandos tokens has been reworded to ensure the text fits into the chat window.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The emote of the Bandosian token is very similar to that of the Saradominist token - in fact, the smaller Saradomin symbols from the Saradominist token animation appear in the Bandosian token animation.
  • The emote is automatically played upon a token upgrade.