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Seeds are items used to grow crops in the Farming skill. Seeds are planted in corresponding farming patches around Gielinor (or, in the case of trees, planted in a Plant pot first).

Each plant, as it grows, has several times it can grant experience. All of them grant experience when planting the seed, many grant per-item experience when harvesting, and some types have a check-health stage which grants experience once per plant.

Most plants can be protected by a nearby farmer for a cost; allotments can also be protected by a growing flower. Herbs cannot be protected by a farmer, instead requiring herb protectors.

Plants have a number of growth ticks they go through between being planted and fully grown. These are displayed as a number of growth ticks of a specific length. See Farming#Growth cycles for details.

Allotments[edit | edit source]

Allotment seeds can be planted in one of the allotment patches located around Gielinor, requiring three seeds to plant in the patch. Allotment plants generally have multiple harvests from a patch with a variable number of harvests, but once depleted, the patch is completely empty. Allotment seeds are the only seeds that the amulet of bountiful harvest applies to.

Flowers[edit | edit source]

Flower seeds can be planted in flower patches, which are generally found alongside allotment patches. Flowers have one harvest and the patch is emptied afterwards. Flowers cannot be protected.

Level Seed Growth time Experience Cost Yield Produce uses
Plant Harvest
2 RuneScape inventory image of Marigold seed 4 × 5 min 8.5 47 390 1 × Marigolds[1] Bull ant pouch creation

Payment to protect hammerstone hops

Protecting (when fully grown) potato, onion, and tomato plants

11 RuneScape inventory image of Rosemary seed 4 × 5 min 12 66.5 421 1 × Rosemary Making impling jars

Protecting (when fully grown) cabbage plants

24 RuneScape inventory image of Nasturtium seed 4 × 5 min 19.5 111 413 1 × Nasturtiums[1] Making imp repellent

Protecting (when fully grown) watermelon plants

25 RuneScape inventory image of Woad seed 4 × 5 min 20.5 115.5 553 3 × Woad leaves Making blue dye

Player-owned farm animal feed

26 RuneScape inventory image of Limpwurt seed 4 × 5 min 21.5 120 402 3 × Limpwurt root[2] Strength and super strength potions ingredient
52 RuneScape inventory image of White lily seed 4 × 40 min 50 250 1,065 (Mole skin) 1 × Ashes Protects all nearby allotment crops
88 RuneScape inventory image of Butterfly flower seed 4 × 5 min 210 280 6,034 3 × Ruby harvest Forge regent pouch ingredient
  1. ^ a b Yield increases with the various flower harvester ranks to two flowers at level 102, three at level 106, four at level 110, and five at level 114.
  2. ^ Yield is doubled by reaching the Practiced farmer rank at the Manor Farm.

Herbs[edit | edit source]

Herb seeds can be planted in herb patches, which are found with allotment patches along with several herb patches elsewhere. Herbs have a variable number of harvests and the patch is emptied when depleted. Herb patches can only be protected with the Pharm Ecology relic power or with a herb protector, with the exception of the Wilderness herb patch, which becomes immune to disease upon completion of the Wilderness hard achievements. A minimum of one seed is required per patch, but the Plant power upgrades from Sydekix's Shop of Balance allow planting multiple seeds at once for an increase in yield.

  1. ^ Per seed, if not the daily herb
  2. ^ Assume one seed is planted.

Hops[edit | edit source]

Hop seeds can be planted in hops patches. Hop plants have multiple harvests and the patch is emptied when depleted. Each patch requires four seeds to plant, unless planting jute seeds, which require only three seeds.

Level Seed Protection Growth time Experience Cost Produce uses
Plant Harvest
3 RuneScape inventory image of Barley seed RuneScape inventory image of Compost 4 × 10 min 8.5 9.5 764 Raw ingredient for brewing

Payment to protect jute plants

4 RuneScape inventory image of Hammerstone seed RuneScape inventory image of Marigolds 4 × 10 min 9 10 752 Dwarven stout ingredient

Payment to protect barberry bush

8 RuneScape inventory image of Asgarnian seed RuneScape inventory image of Onions (10) 5 × 10 min 10.9 12 712 Asgarnian ale ingredient

Payment to protect reed plants

13 RuneScape inventory image of Jute seed RuneScape inventory image of Barley malt 5 × 10 min 13 14.5 516 Weaving an empty sack on a loom

Repairing the windscreen of the 12th beacon near the God Wars Dungeon

16 RuneScape inventory image of Yanillian seed RuneScape inventory image of Tomatoes (5) 6 × 10 min 14.5 16 740 Wizard's mind bomb ingredient

Payment to protect sunchoke plants

21 RuneScape inventory image of Krandorian seed RuneScape inventory image of Cabbages (sack)#(10) 7 × 10 min 17.5 19.5 708 Dragon bitter ingredient

Payment to protect grapevines

28 RuneScape inventory image of Wildblood seed RuneScape inventory image of Nasturtiums 8 × 10 min 23 26 800 Slayer's respite ingredient

Payment to protect wishing well bush and jade vine

78 RuneScape inventory image of Reed seed RuneScape inventory image of Asgarnian hops 4 × 20 min 180 190 556 Ingredient of barker toad pouches
95 RuneScape inventory image of Grapevine seed RuneScape inventory image of Krandorian hops 4 × 20 min 250 330 3,536 Creating God wine
  1. ^ Also needs vine frames built, requiring 60 Construction and five planks.

Bushes[edit | edit source]

Bushes can be planted in bush patches. Bush patches generally have a check-health stage when fully grown and then the berries can be harvested a specific number of times for harvest experience. Most bushes remains when empty of berries, which will grow back over time and can be harvested again.

Level Seed Protection Growth time Experience Cost Produce uses
Plant Check-health Harvest
10 RuneScape inventory image of Redberry seed RuneScape inventory image of Cabbages (10) 5 × 20 min 11.5 64 4.5 191 Redberry pie ingredient

Making red dye
Ranging potion ingredient

22 RuneScape inventory image of Cadavaberry seed RuneScape inventory image of Tomatoes (5) 6 × 20 min 18 102.5 7 176 Making Cadava potion

Payment to protect Cactus

Necromancy potion Ingredient

36 RuneScape inventory image of Dwellberry seed RuneScape inventory image of Strawberries (5) 7 × 20 min 31.5 177.5 12 174 Quest item - Plague City

Cooking ingredient

48 RuneScape inventory image of Jangerberry seed RuneScape inventory image of Watermelon 8 × 20 min 50.5 284.5 19 199 Quest item - Watchtower

Zamorak brew ingredient

59 RuneScape inventory image of Whiteberry seed RuneScape inventory image of Bittercap mushroom 8 × 20 min 78 437.5 29 214 Quest item - The Hand in the Sand

Super defence potion ingredient

70 RuneScape inventory image of Poison ivy seed Immune to disease 8 × 20 min 120 675 45 229 Weapon poison++ ingredient
77 RuneScape inventory image of Barberry seed RuneScape inventory image of Hammerstone hops 5 × 40 min 175 1,600 50 452 Agility experience
99 RuneScape inventory image of Avocado seed RuneScape inventory image of Chocolatey milk 5 × 80 min 450 3,957.4 385.1 435 Making primal fruit pulp

Payment to protect Mango

105 RuneScape inventory image of Mango seed RuneScape inventory image of Avocado 5 × 80 min 540 4,774.2 447.8 273 Making primal fruit pulp

Making primal dessert

111 RuneScape inventory image of Lychee seed RuneScape inventory image of Ciku 5 × 80 min 720 7,049.7 601.4 219 Making primal fruit pulp

Trees[edit | edit source]

Tree seeds are first planted in plant pots and watered, where they grow into saplings shortly after. Saplings are then planted in tree patches. When fully grown trees have a check-health stage. Trees can then be chopped down for the usual logs, and once depleted into a stump, they will eventually regrow (or instantly regrown with a hydra familiar) and can be chopped for logs again or removed from the patch to empty it and allow another tree to be planted.

Level Seed Protection Growth time Experience Cost Produce uses
Plant Check-health
15 RuneScape inventory image of Acorn RuneScape inventory image of Tomatoes (5) 4 × 40 min 14 467.3 458 Source of oak logs

Oak roots: Axeman's folly ingredient and requested by Pauline Polaris on Manor Farm
Used to make supercompost and crossbow string

30 RuneScape inventory image of Willow seed RuneScape inventory image of Apples (5) 6 × 40 min 25 1,456.5 232 Source of willow logs

Willow branches: weaving a basket using a loom; creating Giant ent pouches; quest item - Enlightened Journey
Willow roots: Used to make supercompost and crossbow string

45 RuneScape inventory image of Maple seed RuneScape inventory image of Oranges (5) 8 × 40 min 45 3,403.4 390 Source of maple logs

Maple roots: Used to make supercompost and crossbow string

60 RuneScape inventory image of Yew seed RuneScape inventory image of Cactus spine 10 × 40 min 81 7,069.9 905 Source of yew logs

Yew roots: antipoison+ ingredient
Yew roots: Used to make supercompost and crossbow string

75 RuneScape inventory image of Magic seed RuneScape inventory image of Coconut 12 × 40 min 145.5 13,768.3 26,255 Source of magic logs

Magic roots: making magic string; antipoison++ ingredient
Used to make supercompost and crossbow string

Fruit trees[edit | edit source]

Fruit trees function similarly to trees - they must first be planted in a plant pot, grow into a sapling, and then planted in fruit tree patches. Like bushes, once fully grown they have a check-health stage, and can then the fruit can be harvested a specific number of times until empty. From there, the tree can be left to regrow the fruit and harvested again later or chopped down and cleared to empty the patch for another tree.

Cacti[edit | edit source]

Cactus seeds can be planted in cactus patches. They otherwise function the same as bushes - they have a check health stage and can be repeatedly harvested if the produce is left to regrow.

Level Seed Protection Growth time Experience Cost Produce uses
Plant Check-health Harvest
55 RuneScape inventory image of Cactus seed RuneScape inventory image of Cadava berries 7 × 80 min 66.5 374 25 1,088 Weapon poison+ ingredient
76 RuneScape inventory image of Prickly pear seed RuneScape inventory image of Jangerberries 7 × 80 min 170 2,250 50 384 Defence experience
86 RuneScape inventory image of Potato cactus seed RuneScape inventory image of Watermelon 7 × 80 min 205 2,700 93 2,022 Summoning ingredient

Super magic potion ingredient
Payment to protect Dragonfruit

95 RuneScape inventory image of Dragonfruit seed RuneScape inventory image of Potato cactus 7 × 80 min 400 5,888.7 259.4 443 Making primal fruit pulp

Making primal dessert
Payment to protect Carambola

116 RuneScape inventory image of Golden dragonfruit seed RuneScape inventory image of Guarana 7 × 80 min 920 19,401.1 2,719.6 2,188 Making primal fruit pulp

Mushrooms[edit | edit source]

Mushrooms can be planted in mushroom patches. They function much like herbs - once fully grown, they are harvested multiple times, emptying the patch once depleted. Mushrooms have a fixed number of produce when harvested, unlike herbs. Mushroom harvests are doubled by completing elite Morytania achievements.

Level Seed Protection Growth time Experience Cost Produce uses
Plant Harvest
53 RuneScape inventory image of Bittercap mushroom spore Pharm Ecology relic power
Canifis patch is protected after completion of the medium Morytania achievements

City of Um patch is protection after completion of hard Underworld achievements

6 × 40 min 61.5 57.7 1,133 Cooking ingredient

Moonlight Mead ingredient
Repairing the fairy rings in Ancient Cavern (Code: BJQ), Kharazi Jungle (Code: CJS), and The Lost Grove (Code: BJS).

74 RuneScape inventory image of Morchella mushroom spore 6 × 40 min 160 77.7 187 Prayer renewal ingredient
103 RuneScape inventory image of Stinkshroom spore 6 × 40 min 500 8,076.6 154 Making buggy mush
109 RuneScape inventory image of Tombshroom spore 6 × 40 min 650 9,032.4 469 Summoning renewal ingredient

Payment to protect guarana

Special[edit | edit source]

Special plants can be planted in specific patches that only accept that plant.

Level Seed Protection Growth time Experience Cost Produce uses
Plant Check-health Harvest
42 RuneScape inventory image of Evil turnip seed N/A 1 × 5 min 41 N/A 46 164 Creating evil turnip pouch
53 RuneScape inventory image of Jade vine seed RuneScape inventory image of Wildblood hops 1 × 5 min and 5 × 160 min 50 1,500 30[1] N/A Killing the Wild jade vine for slayer experience
63 RuneScape inventory image of Cave nightshade seed N/A 4 × 80 min 91 N/A 512 532 Weapon poison++ ingredient
72 RuneScape inventory image of Calquat tree seed RuneScape inventory image of Poison ivy berries 8 × 160 min 130.5 12,096 48.5 233 Making Calquat keg.png: RS3 Inventory image of Calquat kegCalquat keg and supercompost.png: RS3 Inventory image of supercompostsupercompost

Used to damage Broodoo victims

83 RuneScape inventory image of Spirit seed Monkey nuts.png: RS3 Inventory image of Monkey nutsMonkey nuts × 5
Monkey bar.png: RS3 Inventory image of Monkey barMonkey bar × 1
Ground tooth.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ground toothGround tooth × 1
12 × 320 min 199.5 19,301.8 N/A N/A Spirit tree network
90 RuneScape inventory image of Elder seed RuneScape inventory image of Morchella mushroom 11 × 320 min 321 23,241 N/A 22,329 Source of elder logs
119 RuneScape inventory image of Money tree seed N/A 4 × 640 min 1,000 60,000 N/A N/A Source of money
  1. ^ Can also be left alone after checking health to become a wild jade vine, but no farming experience will be gained.
  2. ^ Only one spirit tree can be planted at a time, two after the completion of the quest Prisoner of Glouphrie, three when talking to Glouron with level 89 Farming, or four with 4,000 farming reputation and level 114 Farming.

Herblore Habitat[edit | edit source]

Plants in Herblore Habitat are similar to normal patches but can only be planted within the juju patches in the habitat. They otherwise function just like the non-juju patches. With the exception of the flower seeds, all Herblore Habitat seeds are untradeable, and all produce is untradeable.

Juju flowers[edit | edit source]

Juju flowers cannot be protected.

Level Seed Growth time Experience Cost Produce uses
Plant Harvest
54 RuneScape inventory image of Red blossom seed 4 × 5 min 52 255 551 Payment to protect Argway herb patches and Lergberry bushes
54 RuneScape inventory image of Blue blossom seed 4 × 5 min 52 255 794 Payment to protect Ugune herb patches
54 RuneScape inventory image of Green blossom seed 4 × 5 min 52 255 600 Payment to protect Erzille herb patches

Juju herbs[edit | edit source]

All juju herb seeds give 30 Crux Eqal favour per seed.

Level Seed Protection[1] Growth time Experience Juju potion
Plant Harvest Regular Perfect
58 RuneScape inventory image of Erzille seed RuneScape inventory image of Green vine blossom 4 × 20 min 87 87 Juju hunter potions Perfect smithing
65 RuneScape inventory image of Argway seed RuneScape inventory image of Red vine blossom 4 × 20 min 110 125 Scentless potions Perfect agility
70 RuneScape inventory image of Ugune seed RuneScape inventory image of Blue vine blossom 4 × 20 min 135 152 Juju farming potions Perfect farming
74 RuneScape inventory image of Shengo seed RuneScape inventory image of Lergberries 4 × 20 min 140.5 160 Juju cooking potions
Juju fishing potions
None (used to make juju gumbo)
Perfect fishing
80 RuneScape inventory image of Samaden seed RuneScape inventory image of Kalferberries 4 × 20 min 170 190 Juju woodcutting potions
Juju mining potions
Saradomin's blessing
Guthix's gift
Zamorak's favour
Perfect woodcutting
Perfect mining
Perfect prayer
Perfect herblore
Perfect dungeoneering
  1. ^ Can also be protected by the Pharm Ecology relic power or with a herb protector

Juju bushes[edit | edit source]

Level Seed Protection Growth time Experience Produce uses
Plant Check-health Harvest
61 RuneScape inventory image of Lergberry seed RuneScape inventory image of Red vine blossom 6 × 20 min 145.5 236.3 31.5 Payment to protect Shengo herb patches and Kalferberry bushes
61 RuneScape inventory image of Kalferberry seed RuneScape inventory image of Lergberries 6 × 20 min 220 375 52.5 Payment to protect Samaden herb patches

Combat[edit | edit source]

These seeds can be planted in specific patches and grown into fightable monsters.

Level Seed Protection Growth time Farming Experience Monster Combat experience Cost
Plant Check-health Kill
53 RuneScape inventory image of Jade vine seed RuneScape inventory image of Wildblood hops 1 × 5 min, 5 × 160 min, 1 × 5 min, and 5 × 40 min 50 1,500 0 Wild jade vine XP




70 RuneScape inventory image of Devil's snare seed N/A Instant 200 0 200 Devil's snare XP




75 RuneScape inventory image of Luminous snaggler seed N/A Instant 200 0 200 Luminous snaggler XP




82 RuneScape inventory image of Lampenflora seed N/A Instant 200 0 200 Lampenflora XP




90 RuneScape inventory image of Liverwort seed N/A Instant 200 0 200 Liverwort XP





Dungeoneering[edit | edit source]

Dungeoneering seeds exist only within Daemonheim. They are immune to disease and give experience for harvesting only.

Food[edit | edit source]

Level Seed XP Per harvest Base yield[1]
1 Cave potato seed 1.3 1-5 × Raw cave potato
34 Gissel mushroom spore 3.5 1-5 × Gissel mushroom
68 Edicap mushroom spore 5.7 1-5 × Edicap mushroom
  1. ^ Can be boosted with Gatherer ring, granting extra produce but no extra experience

Herbs[edit | edit source]

Level Seed XP Per harvest Potions
7 Sagewort seed 15 Weak magic potion, weak naturalist's potion, weak gatherer's potion, weak weapon poison
18 Valerian seed 18.1 Weak ranged potion, weak melee potion, weak artisan's potion, weak survivalist's potion
29 Aloe seed 21.9 Weak defence potion, weak rejuvenation potion, weak stat restore potion, weak cure potion
40 Wormwood seed 27.1 Magic potion (Dungeoneering), naturalist's potion, gatherer's potion, weapon poison (Dungeoneering)
51 Magebane seed 34.4 Ranged potion (Dungeoneering), melee potion, artisan's potion, survivalist's potion
62 Featherfoil seed 44.5 Defence potion (Dungeoneering), rejuvenation potion, stat restore potion (Dungeoneering), cure potion
73 Winter's grip seed 58.1 Strong magic potion, strong naturalist's potion, strong gatherer's potion, strong weapon poison
84 Lycopus seed 75.9 Strong ranged potion, strong melee potion, strong artisan's potion, strong survivalist's potion
95 Buckthorn seed 98.6 Strong defence potion, strong rejuvenation potion, strong stat restore potion, strong cure potion

The Arc[edit | edit source]

Berries of the Arc is an activity in the Arc where players find and breed berries of various types. Berry bushes can be grown from seed in the planters on Tuai Leit. Players can check the status of these seeds on the first page of the Arc Journal, under the heading "Planters".

Eating berries provides temporary +2 boosts in one skill, drains 1 Defence level, and heals 1 life point, which can be used as a stackable food source if combined with expensive spices, increasing their healing to 51 life points each. All berries can be sold at Terri's Merry Berry Bar, found in the gnome colony in south-western Tuai Leit, or at Sweet Goods on Cyclosis. Players can sell berry seeds to Ani's Seed Store by the Sea Shore, found in the gnome colony on Tuai Leit, or to Sinuman (food merchant) on Cyclosis for an extra chime on some seeds.

Berry Bushes[edit | edit source]

Players do not require 86 Farming to plant or forage berry bushes, only to obtain the rumberry and exuberry seeds initially from bushes. However, foraging berries without 86 Farming awards no Farming experience. Players may alternatively receive them from a foraging bakami, but catching one requires 90 Hunter.

Level Seed Growth Time Harvest XP[1] Berry Positive
(+2) boost
(-1) boost
86 Rumberry seed 42hrs 2,000 RuneScape inventory image of Rumberry Attack Attack Defence Defence
86 Exuberry seed 42hrs 2,000 RuneScape inventory image of Exuberry Ranged Ranged Defence Defence
86 Fireberry seed 42hrs 3,000 RuneScape inventory image of Fireberry Magic Magic Defence Defence
86 Blisterberry seed 42hrs 5,000 RuneScape inventory image of Blisterberry Strength Strength Defence Defence
86 Mournberry seed 42hrs 5,000 RuneScape inventory image of Mournberry Hunter Hunter Defence Defence
86 Stoneberry seed 42hrs 3,000 RuneScape inventory image of Stoneberry Mining Mining Defence Defence
86 Stormberry seed 42hrs 3,000 RuneScape inventory image of Stormberry Fishing Fishing Defence Defence
86 Rosaberry seed 42hrs 5,000 RuneScape inventory image of Rosaberry Woodcutting Woodcutting Defence Defence
86 Squiffberry seed 42hrs 8,500 RuneScape inventory image of Squiffberry Cooking Cooking Defence Defence
86 Meloberry seed 42hrs 8,500 RuneScape inventory image of Meloberry Divination Divination Defence Defence
86 Jitterberry seed 42hrs 8,500 RuneScape inventory image of Jitterberry Agility Agility Defence Defence
86 Cocoaberry seed 42hrs 8,500 RuneScape inventory image of Cocoaberry Farming Farming Defence Defence
86 Smoulderberry seed 42hrs 8,500 RuneScape inventory image of Smoulderberry Firemaking Firemaking Defence Defence
86 Sourberry seed 42hrs 8,500 RuneScape inventory image of Sourberry Thieving Thieving Defence Defence
86 Gloomberry seed 42hrs 8,500 RuneScape inventory image of Gloomberry Herblore Herblore Defence Defence
86 Musaberry seed 42hrs 5,000 RuneScape inventory image of Musaberry Summoning Summoning Defence Defence
  1. ^ Increased by 10% by talking to Ani, after all berries have been discovered in the Arc Journal

Update history[edit | edit source]

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included – see here for how to help out!
  • patch 6 September 2011 (Update):
    • Stacks of 1, 2 or 3 Dungeoneering and Herblore seeds have been made larger to make clicking on them easier.
  • patch 28 April 2010 (Update):
    • Re-factored seed 'drop' table code.