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October 25-26, 2013 All-Class Alumni Reunion


The All-Class CBE Alumni Reunion was held the weekend of the Ohio State v. Penn State game, Friday and Saturday, October 25-26, 2013.

It was a fun-filled weekend reconnecting with friends!   Check out the event recap.

Starting Friday (October 25), over 80 people toured new Koffolt Labs.  Around 60 followed up wtih dinner, getting caught up with former classmates and faculty.

Then on Saturday, 100 people gathered for lunch, group photos, and a Department Update from Chairman Cooper. Some folks even took a tour of old Koffolt Labs/Unit Ops.

As a special bonus on Saturday, the CBE-Only Tailgate on the Terrace (Knowlton School of Architecture, second floor terrace) brought in 105 attendees.  Tailgaters especially enjoyed the hot chocolate and coffee bar that day, as it was more than a little nippy!

Finally, some people without tickets to the game stayed to watch it on the big screen in Knowlton's auditorium.

Participants left with that great "Buckeye" feeling. THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the reunion, and an even bigger thank you to those of you who graciously contributed to the new building!  It is greatly appreciated.



Friday, October 25:

3:15 and 4:15 pm - Tours of the new Koffolt Labs (hard-soled shoes and long pants are a firm requirement)

6:30 pm - Dinner ($25 per person, or $35 per person with two drinks included).  NOTE:  DINNER HAS BEEN MOVED TO THE BLACKWELL (third floor lobby area of Pfahl Hall).  Signs will be posted.


Saturday, October 26:

Noon -- Lunch (E100 Scott Lab)

1:30 pm --  Photos on the steps of Old Koffolt

2:00 pm -- Department update with Stuart Cooper (207 Koffolt)

3:00 pm -- Tour of Old Koffolt Labs/Unit Ops

5:00-8:00 pm -- Tailgate on the Terrace ($20; Knowlton School of Archtecture second floor terrace facing the 'shoe)

8:00 pm -- Game-watching in 250 Knowlton Hall Auditorium for those who don't have tickets in the 'shoe.





Roger Briggs ('53)


Ron Harris ('61)

Jerry Pausch ('61)

John Rapach ('61)

Mike Winfield ('62)

Jim Opatrny ('62)

Nelson Barnhill ('63)

Charles Baumann ('65, '67)

Bill Lowrie ('66)

Dale Bare ('67)

John Dorsey ('67)

Dennis Hurley ('67)

Jim Flerchinger ('68)

Larry Green ('68)

Gerry Lehman ('68)

Richard (Dick) Linak ('68)

Franz Nazem ('68)

John Salladay ('68)

Jim Sebert ('68)

Doug Smith ('68, '69)

Joe Suhrie ('68)

Joe Taraba ('68)

David Walters ('68)

Smith Howland ('69)

Bot Litt ('69)

Jim Dietz ('69, '70)



Julie (Davison) Balmer ('71)

Karen (Lafferty) Hendricks ('71)

John Meredith ('71)

Dave Dargan ('73)

Samuel Tam ('73, '75)

Steve Grant ('75)

Larry Latta ('76)

Neil and Beth Stuber ('78)

John Kreinbrink ('79)



Matt Galosi ('80)

Kathleen Wilkens ('82)

Peter Wilkens ('82)

Rich Brandon ('83)

Lee Anne Raymond Curtis ('83, '84)

Bob Newman ('83)

Leonore Witchey-Lakshmanan ('83)

Tom Regrut ('83)

Maria (Savage) Avila ('84)

Roger Facer ('85)

Doug Moss ('85)

Melinda Thompson ('87)

David Miller ('88)

Amy Doty ('88)

Stuart Doty ('89)

M. Alison (Grady) Jabbour ('88)

Susan Hanusz-Barnett ('88)

Paula Fulk Oren ('88)

Scott Buckland ('89)



Glen Wheeler ('95, '09)

Rob Scheehle ('97)

Kevin Woleab ('99)




Nicholas Andersen ('01)

Paul Matter ('01, '06)

Michael Beachy ('02)

Elizebeth Maag ('02)

Debby Evans ('03)

Nicholas Brunelli ('04)

Angela Carlson ('04)

Matthew Ehrman ('08)

James Knight ('09)

Carol Pritchett ('09)

Blake Washington ('09)

Kevin Wilkens ('10)

Japheth Pritchett ('11)

Jeevan Baretto ('13)

J. Todd Starkey ('13)


FACULTY attendees:

Stuart Cooper

Bhavik Bakshi

Bob Brodkey

Nicholas Brunelli

Lisa Hall

Harry Hershey

Kurt Koelling

Unit Ozkan

David Tomasko

Jessica Winter

David Wood

Barbara Wyslouzil

Jack Zakin


Guest:  Tom Koffolt