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Degrees Offered


BS - Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

A bachelor's degree in chemical engineering provides students with a solid foundation in math and basic sciences, chemical engineering, and other engineering disciplines. Earning a BSCE opens a wide range of opportunities to work in many different fields and industries because the critical thinking skills students gain are universal in their application, giving students who complete the program the freedom to participate in almost any industry. 

Ohio State academic programs are designed to prepare students to sit for applicable licensure or certification in Ohio. If you plan to pursue licensure or certification in a state other than Ohio, please review state educational requirements for licensure and certification and state licensing board.


BS/MS - Bachelor of Science/Master of Science in Chemical Engineering

The purpose of this program is to give outstanding undergraduate students an opportunity to obtain both a BS and MS degree in chemical engineering with relatively little additional time required beyond the BS degree. Students eligible for this program should have substantial room in their senior year projected schedule in order to incorporate the required graduate coursework. Also, interested students should attempt to complete some undergraduate research to get a feel for their interest in graduate work.

MS - Master of Science in Chemical Engineering

The Masters of Science in Chemical Engineering provides students with added depth in the technical aspects of the field and breadth through technical electives. This degree prepares students for a variety of career paths.

Master's Non-Thesis Program: a course-work based degree that provides students with added depth in the technical aspects of the field and breadth through elective courses and includes an independent project. This program can be full-time or part-time. Full-time students can complete the requirements in three semesters. This program is also a good option for working professionals looking to complete their master’s degree on a part-time basis.

Master's Thesis Program: a course and project-based degree that prepares students for a variety of career paths. Students complete both coursework and an independent research project that provides specialization in a sub-field of chemical engineering. Full-time students are expected to complete this degree in 1.5 - 2 years.

PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering

Our faculty offer students an exciting opportunity for their doctoral education and prepare them well for a career in academia or industry. The program provides opportunities for intensive course work, research and teaching experience. Students enjoy unique opportunities to interact and work with top scientists from first-rate research centers and institutes on campus and around Ohio, such as the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Heart and Lung Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Center for Emergent Materials, Institute for Materials Research, Center for Resilience, Center for Automotive Research, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, and more.