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Academic Misconduct Video (Don't do it!)

Student Code of Conduct

The mission of the Student Conduct Office is to protect student rights; help foster a safe and secure educational environment: uphold the standards of the University community; establish accountability for student choices; maintain an equitable and inclusive process that promotes mutual respect; foster ethical standards and critical thinking and decision-making; and assist in the development of students into productive citizens. 


BuckID is your official Ohio State University ID and much more!

Council of Graduate Students

The Council of Graduate Students represents grad student needs to the university administration. We like to have CBE representatives on the Council every year, so if you're interested, let Angela Bennett know.

The Graduate School

The Grad School's site is a good resource for general policies and procedures, but your first resource is Angela Bennett, the CBE department's Graduate Program Coordinator.

The Graduate School Handbook

The Graduate School Handbook provides the over-arching rules for degree completion, registration requirements, academic deadlines, petition procedures, and much more. The student is, ultimately, responsible to meet the rules provided in the Handbook.

OSU Library Resources for Graduate Students: 

The Research Commons

The Research Commons is a place where researchers can connect with each other and with services that support and enable their work. It is a campus hub for collaborative and interdisciplinary research areas across all fields with a special focus on Data Management, Digital Humanities and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Student Health Insurance

For information on health insurance.

Student Wellness Center

The Student Wellness Center at The Ohio State University empowers students to strive for balance and wellness. Wellness is an active, ongoing process which involves becoming aware of and taking steps toward a healthier, happier, more successful life. To watch their short videos on resources related to nutrition, body image, mental health, financial resources, sexual health and more:

Transportation and Parking on Campus

Students will be able to park on campus as long as they have a valid parking permit. To obtain a quarterly or annual parking permit, you must visit OSU Transportation and Parking Services. If you have a GRA or Fellowship position, you will need to take a letter from the department with you to purchase a "B" or "WB" permit. More information and pricing is available on the CampusParc website.

Transportation Around Columbus and the OSU Campus

Students will have a small fee included as part of their fees each semester. That fee is used as a part of an agreement with the Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) and allows students to ride the bus anywhere in the city of Columbus by showing your BuckID. OSU also has a local bus service (CABS) that runs throughout the campus that students are able to use to get to various destinations around the campus.



Hayes Orton Hall
Preshit Gawade at GRS
Preshit Gawade considers new information at a Graduate Research Symposium.
Students on lawn by CBEC
Students relax on the lawn in front of CBEC.