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Newly Admitted


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Congratulations on your admission to The Ohio State University's Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department! We are excited about your arrival and wish to make your move to Columbus and your transition to life here at Ohio State as pleasant as possible.

The first day of Autumn Semester 2024 is Tuesday, August 20, 2024. Details about orientation and advisor assignments will be sent out over the next few months.

In the meantime, here is some information to help you on your way.


Information for International Students:
If you are an incoming International Student, it is important for you to check out the Office of International Affairs (OIA) website for information about what you should do prior to arriving on campus. You should also check in with OIA before you check in with the Department.

International Friendships is a community organization that works in partnerships with universities and volunteers to promote friendship and hospitality for international students, scholars and family members.  They offer airport pickup, temporary housing and more. 


Things to do upon arrival: 

Obtain a BuckID
After students have registered for their classes, they will be able to obtain a BuckID. A BuckID serves as your student ID at Ohio State and a multitude of other purposes. Below are a few things you will need a BuckID for:

  • Accessing the computer labs in CBEC
  • Accessing CBEC after hours or on the weekends
  • Checking out books from the University Libraries
  • Using the COTA bus service
  • Access to the RPAC facility
  • Purchasing athletic tickets

In addition to the items listed above, your BuckID can be used as a debit card which you can use to purchase food from many of the restaurants on campus. Your BuckID will also serve as a discount card at some retailers. For a complete list of retailers and uses of a BuckID, please go to:  BuckID.

Submit Your Final Transcripts
It is very important that you submit your final transcripts from your previous undergraduate or graduate university upon your arrival. If you do not submit your final transcripts, the Graduate Admissions office will place a hold on your record that will not allow you to register for classes until the final transcript is received. The sooner you get your final transcript submitted, the better off you will be.

There are numerous bank branches located conveniently on High Street. Below are links to some of the larger bank's web sites as well as their local address.