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Support Your CBE

Changing lives, one gift at a time
Generosity empowers graduate students to build bright futures
Better Together fund celebrates diverse voices
Successful alumnus believes in putting others first
Ohio State recognizes Jim and Pat Dietz for philanthropy, volunteerism
Helping students excel in the business world
Bill Lowrie establishes second professorship in honor of beloved faculty, Umit Ozkan
Alum’s generosity will benefit cancer researchers and patients for years to come

Your gifts of time, talent, and treasure truly make a difference!


As an alumnus of the William G. Lowrie Department of Chemical Engineering, you know how hard you worked to become a chemical engineer. 

That's why we are proud of our many talented and uniquely accomplished alumni. Whether you are a teacher or professor, researcher, entrepreneur, medical professional, sales engineer or a CEO - the training you received as a chemical engineer most likely contributed a great deal to your success. 

We hope you will remember your CBE and how the program may have played a role in your life, and consider how you might help to foster the success of others who came after you.

Why give? 

With all the activities of everyday life, you may not have taken time to consider the ways in which you personally could benefit by supporting your CBE. Philanthropy is one of those paradoxical things: When someone makes a gift, both the giver and the recipient receive the very things that money can’t buy. By honoring the very best in ourselves and others, we are blessed by happiness and hope. In the act of giving, we transcend our limitations to become larger than ourselves, and become truly engaged with a finer future in a better world. 


There is no doubt that chemical engineers can do a lot of good in the world. Did you know that just one graduate research fellowship could make the difference in helping a deserving student complete their education - a student who could go on to find a cure for cancer or another illness that might directly affect you or your family? Consider the impact a group of alumni made, working in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to help fight the spread of Ebola. And CBE faculty are continuously developing systems and technologies to benefit society such as earlier, easier, less painful cancer diagnostics and drug therapeutics for patients; clean energy; more efficient sources of energy that can be utilized in industry and everyday life, and many more innovations.

There are also some surprising financial benefits to giving. Gifting appreciated securities or a portion of the sale of a business can provide significant tax benefits (check with your accountant!) 

Also, by making an estate gift, or a gift commitment of a certain amount over five years, your impact can be significantly greater while claiming a tax deduction for every year in which you make a gift. 


Creating a Legacy

Perhaps you wish to honor a beloved family member, or a certain professor who was pivotal in your career.

Maybe you would even like to chisel the legacy of your own work and career into perpetuity by naming a room or a building feature in the Koffolt Laboratories. 

Dan Coombs with students

Thank you for all you do!

Whether it is the personal satisfaction of knowing that you helped a deserving student; or supporting the department out of a sense of gratitude and loyalty for the support you may have received here while you yourself were a student; or simply feeling more connected to your peers who are already active in the life of the department -- whatever way feels right to you, is the right thing for you to do.

Your support is vital to the program, as tuition and state support only cover a fraction of today's expenses. Your support enables us to provide an educational experience that transforms our students into the future leaders of our profession. 

Unit Ops happy students

Making a Gift

Making a secure gift online only takes a few moments.

For your convenience, here are some popular designations:

You might also consider:

Working together

If the above link does not work:

  1.      Visit the giving portal
  2.      Do a search for "chemical engineering"

For more information on supporting the department, please contact our development officer, Sean Gallagher, to discuss the many options available to you and details concerning the donation process, including tax benefits.

Sean Gallagher may be reached at 614-688-2153 or by email at:

Thank you for remembering your Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering department... We are your CBE!

how firm thy friendship
How Firm Thy Friendship!

Other ways to give

Providing financial support is not the only thing you can do, however. Just as you may have benefitted from participating in the CBE program, CBE benefitted from having you as a student. Your contributions in the classroom, as a mentor to others, at social events, and your involvement as a volunteer and in leadership activities helped your peers, and the program itself, to be richer. We thank you for everything that you have contributed to the program over the years.

Your CBE also benefits from your involvement as an alumnus. Alumni serve as mentors and volunteers who give of their valuable time and expertise. Our students love meeting alumni, hearing about their experiences, and gaining valuable advice. Alumni also help to recruit students; they offer internships at their companies; hire CBE grads; give campus guest lectures; encourage their own offspring to attend Ohio State; and so much more. Many people find that being active as an alumnus is gratifying and enjoyable beyond their expectations, as they connect with old friends and make new ones during service that benefits the department and Ohio State at large. 

Free Estate-Planning Tools

We would like to provide you with a personal resource that can help you discover tax-smart and heartfelt ways you can protect the security of your loved ones and make an impact at Ohio State.

The kit includes two workbooks that walk you through the estate planning processes step-by-step, providing insight that will benefit your loved ones and the places you cherish, like Ohio State. It is helpful on its own or in preparation for meeting with an estate planning attorney or financial advisor. 

The Ohio State University Foundation does not provide legal, tax or financial advice to its donors or their advisors. We encourage you to review your gift plans with your legal and tax advisor to determine the best plan for you.

Download Your Kit


What made Bill Lowrie give?

Hear it in his own words!

If you can't view the video here, try viewing it using Google Chrome as your browser, or go directly to our YouTube channel.