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MS - Non-Thesis

Master of Science Degree Program 

scientist looking at machine

The Master of Science in Chemical Engineering provides students with added depth in the technical aspects of the field and breadth through technical electives. This degree prepares students for a variety of career paths. Full-time students can complete the requirements in 3 semesters.

The MS program requires 30 credit hours of coursework and includes a thesis conducted under supervision of a faculty member on a topic of interest to the student. The project is presented to the committee during the Master’s Examination.

There is a six-year time limit for application of credit earned in course work or research toward fulfilling MS-degree requirements. A maximum of six (6) semester credit hours may be accepted for candidates transferring into the MS-degree program.

Course Requirements: 

The minimum course requirements beyond the Bachelor’s degree are classified into the following areas:

Core Courses 

The total core course requirements are 15 credit hours. These courses and the material prerequisite to them must be mastered by all M.S. students.

CBE 8808 (3 cr) – Advanced Thermodynamics I
CBE 8812 (3 cr) – Advanced Kinetics I
CBE 8815 (3 cr) – Advanced Transport
CBE 8781 (2 cr) - Research Communications
Chem 6781 (1 cr) - Safety Seminar

Math requirement: 3 credits

Please choose one from the following list:

CBE 5779 - Experimental Design
Math 4568 - Linear Algebra for Engineering Graduate Students
Statistics - Graduate level courses of 5000 level or higher. Statistics courses can be found on the BuckeyeLink.

Advanced Graduate Courses in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Six credit hours of CBE elective courses are required.

Additional Electives

The minimum requirement is six credit hours. Graduate level courses in chemical and biomolecular engineering, or other scientific, mathematics, or engineering disciplines are to be selected to fit the candidate’s goals.

Independent Project and Master’s Examination: 3 credits.

A short term independent project conducted under supervision of a faculty advisor on a topic of interest to the student. The project may be an in-depth study and analysis of technical literature on the topic of interest, or an original project involving experimental, computational, and/or theoretical work. In-career students can complete the project at their work location.

The Master’s Examination is comprised two components:

  1. A written report summarizing the independent thesis project;
  2. An oral presentation and defense of the project to the committee. The exam committee is composed of two faculty members. The exam is graded pass/fail.

Application to Graduate

One semester prior to your planned graduation, notify the Graduate Program Coordinator to set up a meeting. This will provide sufficient time for the Graduate Studies Committee to review your academic record, and to formally ensure that you have met the department's graduation requirements.

An Application to Graduate form must be submitted through GradForms. Note: The completed and approved online form must be submitted to the Graduate School by the end of the third Friday of the semester in which you wish to graduate.

Contact Angela Bennett, Graduate Program Coordinator,


Sample Study Plan for Chemical Engineering Students:

Autumn Semester:
CBE 8815
Math Elective
Chemi 6781
Tech Elective (3 cr.)

Spring Semester:
CBE 8808
CBE 8812
CBE 8781
Tech Elective (3 cr.)

Summer or Autumn Semester:
Tech Elective (3 cr.)
Tech Elective (3 cr.)
Tech Elective (3 cr.)
Independent Thesis Project (3 cr.)


Sample Study Plan for Chemistry Students:

Year 1:
Autumn Semester:
Math 2177
CBE 2420
CBE 3508
CBE 3610
Tech Elective (3 cr.)
Chem 6781

Spring Semester:
CBE 3421
CBE 3422
CBE 3509
CBE 8781 

Year 2:
Autumn Semester:
Math Elective
CBE 8815
Tech Elective (3 cr.)

Spring Semester:
CBE 8808
CBE 8812
Tech Elective (3 cr.)

Summer or Autumn Semester:
Tech Elective (3 cr.)
Tech Elective (3 cr.)
Independent Thesis Project (3 cr.)