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Student Organizations

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Becoming an effective engineer is a broad undertaking that can include more than developing one's technical skills.

Employers often like to see evidence of leadership and relationship-building skills, time management, the ability to work in groups to plan and organize projects, and other "soft skills."

That's where getting involved in student activities can help. Getting active with an organization provides opportunities to create friendships, build a network of contacts, prevent burnout, and increase one's overall enjoyment of grad school.

OSU Student Organizations

With almost 1,400 student organizations, Ohio State's Student Organizations provide a wide range of opportunities for students to get involved. Student organizations have a significant impact in providing effective learning environments for students, preparing them to live and work in a global community. In addition to building lasting friendships, student organizations provide many benefits including serving as a medium for academic discourse, personal growth, leadership development, intercultural understanding and community engagement. Moreover, research suggests that involved students tend to perform better academically and are more likely to graduate when compared with their non-involved peers. 

Click "View the student organization directory" then "Advanced Search" and select "Ethnic/Cultural".

CBE Student Organizations

Among the student organizations with which students can get involved, there are three main groups within the department:

  • ChyComm (Chemical Hygiene Committee) helps to ensure that a culture of safety exists within the department;
  • The department arm of CEGC (Chemical Engineering Graduate Council) organizes social and service events that help students get to know one another and enjoy a bit of down time. The Council of Graduate Students ( is the official representative body of all graduate students. 
  • and the Graduate Research Symposium showcases the talents of graduate students in the department to would-be employers and contacts.
  • The Council of Graduate Students (CGS). CGS represents grad student needs to the university administration. We like to have CBE representatives on the Council every year, so if you're interested, let Angela Bennett know.

Engineering Student Organizations

Other groups and organizations of particular interest might be:

Painting along with Bob Ross, Spring 2024
Painting along with Bob Ross
Gay Pride tie-dye shirt making event, Spring 2024
Gay Pride tie-dye shirt making event 
Making tie-dye T-shirts, Gay Pride event Spring 2024
Making tie-dye T-shirts, Gay Pride event