Combined BS/MS in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
The purpose of this program is to give outstanding undergraduate students an opportunity to obtain both BS and MS degrees in chemical engineering with relatively little additional time required beyond the BS degree. Students eligible for this program should have substantial room in their senior year schedule projection in order to incorporate the required graduate coursework. Also, interested students should attempt to complete some undergraduate research to get a feel for their interest in graduate work.

General and Specific Educational Goals
The program does not change any existing goals of the BS or MS degree in chemical engineering but streamlines those requirements that substantially overlap, namely, the technical elective program of the BS degree and the "Advanced Coursework” requirement for the MS degree.
Up to 9 credit hours of BS-degree technical elective courses may receive credit toward the MS-degree. In order to be eligible for graduate credit, the courses must meet the following requirements:
- Must be taken at OSU.
- No CBE courses lower than 5000 level may be included.
- CBE 4998, 4998H, 4999 undergraduate research credits (up to 4) may only be counted toward the CBE 6999 requirements of the MS program. Crediting 4998, 4998H, or 4999 in this way requires approval of the student's graduate advisor.
Program Admission Requirements and Curriculum
To be admitted to the combined BS/MS program, the applicant must submit documentation that demonstrates satisfactory fulfillment of the following admission criteria:
- Current registration in the Department.
- Rank of senior (rank 4).
- A minimum of 3.5 cumulative point hour ratio in all previous undergraduate work.
Curriculum for Combined BS/MS in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
These course requirements match those for the MS degree in CBE.
Course Requirements - The minimum course requirements beyond the Bachelor's degree are classified into the following areas:
Core Courses - The total core course requirements are 15 credit hours. These courses and the material prerequisite to them must be mastered
by all M.S. students.
CBE 8808 (3 cr) – Advanced Thermodynamics I
CBE 8812 (3 cr) – Advanced Kinetics I
CBE 8815 (3 cr) – Advanced Transport
CBE 8781 (2 cr) – Research Communications in CBE
Chem 6781 (1 cr) – Laboratory Safety
Math requirement - 3 credits - please choose one from the following list:
- CBE5779 - Experimental Design
- Math 4568 - Linear Algebra for Engineering Graduate Students
- Statistics - Graduate level courses of 5000 level or higher, please see the BuckeyeLink for a listing of Statistics courses.
Advanced Graduate Courses in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering – Six credit hours of CBE elective courses are required.
Additional Electives – The minimum requirement is six credit hours. Graduate level courses in chemical and biomolecular engineering, or other scientific, mathematics, or engineering disciplines are to be selected to fit the candidate’s goals.

Independent Thesis Project and Master’s Examination – Three credits. A short term independent thesis project conducted under supervision of a faculty advisor on a topic of interest to the student. The independent thesis project may be an in-depth study and analysis of technical literature on the topic of interest, or an original project involving experimental, computational, and/or theoretical work. In-career students can complete the thesis project at their work location.
The Master’s Examination is comprised of two components:
- A written report summarizing the independent thesis project;
- An oral presentation and defense of the project to the committee. The exam committee is composed of two faculty members. The exam is graded pass/fail.