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University Honors and Scholars Center

The University Honors & Scholars Center is the administrative hub for each college that offers an honors program.  In other words, the University Honors and Scholars Center works closely with the College of Engineering Honors Program, which has its own set of requirements as opposed to, let us say, The College of Arts and Sciences.  Although honors programs vary from college to college, there are common features which include:

  • the ability to take honors courses,
  • the opportunity to live in honors residence halls,
  • the encouragement to pursue original research with faculty,
  • access to the programming and staff of the University Honors & Scholars Center, and
  • University priority scheduling.   

Visit the University Honors and Scholars Center for more information.

Graduating with Honors in Engineering

The Graduating with Honors in Engineering (GHIE) program provides eligible students access to more advanced levels of study and promotes scholarly development.  The program's objectives challenge creative abilities and foster the interest in advanced education and research.  Successful completion of the College of Engineering Honors Program will make you eligible to graduate with honors in engineering.

Visit the GHIE program for more information.

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Honors Program and Graduating with Distinction

If you are at least three semesters away from graduation, have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher, and are interested in research in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, you should consider the completing a research thesis which culminates in Graduating with Distinction  You will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with a faculty member to develop an individual research project reflecting your area of interest.  You will earn 4 credit hours of technical elective credit (CBE 4999 or 4999H) and write an undergraduate thesis that will require an oral defense to a faculty committee.  Successful completion of the thesis and oral defense will make you eligible to graduate with (Honors) Research Distinction.  Past students have found this program to be one of the most exciting and rewarding parts of their education.  Scholarships can be awarded for your research through the College of Engineering.

For more information, please visit Graduating with Distinction or contact Brian Endres ( ).

Latin Honors

Latin Honors are awarded based on students’ cumulative point-hour ratio at the university. Additionally, in order to be eligible for these honors, a student must also have 60 graded credit hours of Ohio State courses. The CPHR requirements to graduate with Latin honors are as follows:

  1. Cum Laude (3.5-3.69)
  2. Magna Cum Laude (3.70-3.89)
  3. Summa Cum Laude (3.90)


Ivan Susin Pires in the Palmer Lab
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Anna Dorfi working at bench
Nicholas Brunelli and Lagnajit "Lucky" Pattanaik