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Prospective Graduate Students

Register now to learn more during one of our Virtual Graduate Program Overview Sessions on November 4th!

Good news for prospective grad students

The GRE test is no longer required for our department!

About Ohio State

The Ohio State University is one of the world’s best and most comprehensive, public research universities, and it attracts high-achieving faculty and graduate students with its state-of-the-art facilities and abundant research opportunities. Ohio State’s 10,000 graduate students have access to a large and dynamic university environment, outstanding academic and professional development resources, and the cultural and recreational opportunities of Columbus, Ohio, one of the country’s fastest-growing cities.

2024 second year grad students
2024 second year grad students

About Ohio State Chemical Engineering

Ohio State's Chemical Engineering is a world-class innovative Research Program with outstanding achievements to its credit. 

Click on the area below to see which faculty specialize in the areas you are interested in:



Angela Chen at bench

Want more info?

Take a Virtual Tour of Koffolt Laboratories in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and Chemistry (CBEC) building

Learn more about Columbus, Your New Home



Blood lab research

Doctoral Program

Doctoral (Ph.D.) Degree (PhD Degree Info): The Ph.D.-degree is a recognized terminal degree in the practical and creative areas in chemical engineering. The Ph.D. candidate is one who understands and demonstrates what it means to be a working researcher. It prepares students for independent research careers in industry or academia. Doctoral students are fully funded.


Asthagiri students

Master's Degree Programs

Master's Thesis Program (visit this page for information on the Master's Thesis Program): A course and project-based degree that prepares students for a variety of career paths. Students complete both coursework and an independent research project that provides specialization in a sub-field of chemical engineering. Full-time students are expected to complete this degree in 1.5 - 2 years.


Master's Non-Thesis Program (visit the Master's Non-Thesis Program page): A course-work based degree that provides students with added depth in the technical aspects of the field and breadth through elective courses and includes an independent project. This program can be full-time or part-time. Full-time students can complete the requirements in three semesters. This program is also a good option for working professionals looking to complete their master’s degree on a part-time basis.

BS/MS Program (visit link for BS/MS Program info): The purpose of this program is to give outstanding undergraduate students an opportunity to obtain both BS and MS degrees in chemical engineering with relatively little additional time required beyond the BS degree. Eligible students should have substantial room in their senior year schedule projection in order to incorporate the required graduate coursework. Also, interested students should attempt to complete some undergraduate research to get a feel for their interest in graduate work.

Why did Alumna Mariah Whitaker choose CBE at Ohio State for her graduate studies?

Check out her video and find out!

Ready to Apply?

Department Contact

Angela Bennett
Graduate Program Coordinator

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moses, savannah testing sample

CBE Graduate Student Videos