Aaradhya, Aaradhya Graduate Research Associate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering aaradhya.1@osu.edu CBEC
Abdalbaqi, Amna Graduate Research Associate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering abdalbaqi.2@osu.edu CBEC
Adimorah, Kenechukwu Graduate Research Associate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering adimorah.1@osu.edu CBEC
Aimiuwu, Godstand Graduate Research Associate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering aimiuwu.6@osu.edu CBEC
Akulwar, Falguni Graduate Research Associate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering akulwar.1@osu.edu CBEC
Allyn, Megan Graduate Research Associate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering allyn.16@osu.edu CBEC
Apau, Seth Graduate Research Associate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering apau.4@osu.edu CBEC
Aranha, Danwyn Graduate Research Associate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering aranha.7@osu.edu CBEC
Asthagiri, Aravind Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Faculty -Reaction Engineering, Catalysis -Molecular Thermodynamics and Molecular Simulation -Sustainability, Energy, Environment, Process Engineering (614) 688-8882 asthagiri.1@osu.edu 418 CBEC
Azadi, Fatemeh Graduate Teaching Associate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering azadi.9@osu.edu CBEC
Baek, Heeyeon Graduate Research Associate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering baek.165@osu.edu CBEC
Bakshi, Bhavik Emeritus, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Faculty Faculty Emeriti -Sustainability, Energy, Environment, Process Engineering (614) 292-4904 bakshi.2@osu.edu
Bennett, Angela Graduate Program Coordinator, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Staff (614) 292-1750 bennett.234@osu.edu 310 CBEC
Beyer, Griffin Graduate Research Associate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering beyer.89@osu.edu CBEC
Biswas, Sayani Graduate Research Associate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering biswas.161@osu.edu CBEC
Breese, Jacob Graduate Research Associate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering breese.33@osu.edu CBEC
Brunelli, Nick Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering The Ervin G. Bailey Chair in Energy Conversion, College of Engineering Faculty -Reaction Engineering, Catalysis (614) 688-3400 brunelli.2@osu.edu 253 CBEC
Burrows, Ryan Graduate Teaching Associate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering burrows.84@osu.edu CBEC
Chalmers, Jeffrey Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Helen C. Kurtz Chair in Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering Faculty -Bioengineering, Biotechnology (614) 292-2727 chalmers.1@osu.edu CBEC
Chen, Tian-Ning Graduate Research Associate, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering chen.12707@osu.edu CBEC