Shang-Tian Yang Group - Bioprocessing & Bioengineering
Shang-Tian Yang Group - Biotechnology & Bioengineering
Biochemical, Metabolic, Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering; Industrial Biotechnology
Interdisciplinary research involving synthetic biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, food science, and bioprocess engineering with industrial and biomedical applications
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About Us
Our current research program covers two important areas in bioprocessing and bioengineering. The first one is bioprocessing for value-added products; the second one is animal cell culture, tissue engineering and cell-based high throughput screening. Research projects include fermentation, biocatalysis, metabolic engineering, cell and tissue engineering, microfluidic bioreactors and biochips for high throughput screening and biodiagnostics.

Yang is Professor of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (CBE), Food Science & Technology (FST), Molecular Genetics, Biomedical Engineering, Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB) Program, and Biochemistry Graduate Program (OSBP) at The Ohio State University.
Professor Yang's research focuses on biochemical, metabolic, stem cell and tissue engineering; and biotechnology.
Yang has been involved in bioprocessing/bioengineering research for more than 40 years, and has 12 related patents. Some of his technologies have been adopted in industry for commercial development and application.
During his 36+ years at Ohio State, Yang has supervised over 55 PhD students and directed over 80 externally funded research projects, including many related to development of novel bioprocesses for value-added products from food processing wastes and logocellulosic biomass, metabolic engineering of clostridia and black yeast for biofuels and bio-based chemicals production, extractive fermentation for production of carboxylic acids, and novel bioreactor design and process scale up.
His current research involves biocatalysis, fermentation for biofuels and biochemicals production from biomass, metabolic engineering, stem cell and tissue engineering, functional genomics, and biochips for high-throughput cell-based assays and biodiagnostics.
- 12 U.S. patents and is an AIMBE fellow.
- Pioneered in engineering clostridia for high-titer and high-yield butyric acid and n-butanol production from renewable biomass and CO2.
- Developed the first cell-based high-throughput system in 3D that can mimic in vivo environment and be used reliably for screening chemicals and biomolecules as potential cancer drug targets and their embryotixicity.
- Dr. Yang has published more than 400 journal papers, proceeding articles, and book chapters in the field of bioprocess engineering, with over 17,500 total citations and an h-index of 77.
Awards and Honors
- Outstanding ABE Alumnus, Purdue University (2018)
- AIChE Division 15 Food, Pharmaceuticals & Bioengineering Plenary Lecture Award (2011)
- Fellow, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (2007)
- Du Pont Young Faculty Award (1989-1991)
- Outstanding Contribution Award, Chinese Academic and Professional Assocn. in Mid-America (1992)
- Lumley Research Award, College of Engineering, Ohio State University (1995; 2001; 2007; 2013)
- Research Accomplishment Award, College of Engineering, Ohio State University (1997)
- Visiting lectureship from Chinese National Natural Science Foundation, Beijing, China (summer, 1996)
- Visiting professorship from Chinese National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan (10/97–2/98; 9/05−2/06)
- Visiting professorship from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL) (3/98 – 6/98)
Zhen (April) Qin.400 PhD student in FS&T, 8/2020 - |
You (Aleah) Li.9334 PhD student in CBE, 8/2018 - |
Curtis Moore.2279 PhD student in CBE, 1/2020 - |
Li (Lily) Lu.1350 Research Assistant, 8/2018 - |
Jun Feng.1265 Visiting Scholar/ Research Assistant, 9/2021 - |
Jialei Hu.2536 Visiting Scholar/ Research Assistant, 9/2021 - |
Shuyin Chen.10637 Undergraduate in Chemistry, 8/2021 |

Our work has focused on the expansion and differentiation of pluripotent stem cells, including embryonic stem cell (ESC) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) with potential applications in regenerative medicine and drug discovery.
We have developed a perfusion bioreactor with a fibrous matrix to support high-density, viable cell population for long-term production of recombinant proteins and tissue engineering of human cells. We have found that the 3-D fibrous matrix has profound effects on cell spatial organization, morphology, and cell-cell contacts and interactions, which in turn affect cell proliferation, differentiation, and functions. Cells grown in the fibrous matrix maintained better long-term stability, as compared to those grown in T-flasks. For example, ovary luteal cells cultured in the 3-D matrix maintained their cellular function to secrete progesterone, while cells cultured in the 2-D static flask lost most of their response in the same culturing period.

We have also worked on tissue engineering of human cells for various biomedical applications. For example, an in vitro human placenta model system based on tissue engineering of human trophoblast cells may be developed for drug screening and toxicology studies. More recently, we have developed 3D cultures for high throughput screening of potential cancer drugs and embryotoxic chemicals using engineered stem and/or cancer cells expressing fluorescent proteins for real-time monitoring of cell responses.

It is important for agricultural and food industries to increase their product values through the uses of modern biotechnology and bioprocesses. Our work has been concentrated on the development of several novel bioprocesses for economical production of high-value products from food processing wastes and agricultural commodities. Our recent and ongoing research projects include fermentation of food processing wastes and plant biomass to produce various carboxylic acids (e.g., propionic, butryric, lactic, fumaric, and malic acids), alcohols (mainly n-butanol), and microbial polysaccharides and polymers, and immobilized enzyme for galactooligosaccharides (GOS) production. These bioprocesses are important to the agricultural/food processing industry and address important environmental issues. One example is the process we developed to convert whey permeate, a dairy waste, to calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) as an environmentally friendly, non-corrosive road deicers. Our propionic acid research has resulted in the development of an industrial process for the production of calcium propionate as a natural food preservative widely used in bakery products.

We take an integrated approach to solve an important bioprocess engineering problem: a patented fibrous-bed bioreactor is developed to increase productivity and cell tolerance to a high-concentration of inhibitory metabolites; membrane separation and solvent extraction are used to separate and concentrate fermentation products; and genetic and metabolic engineering of production cells are used to further improve product yields and process efficiency. Our technologies also have applications in the environmental area, such as biofiltration of VOC and biodegradation of hazardous chemicals in industrial waste streams and contaminated groundwater.
In recent years, we have developed several metabolically-engineered strains of clostridia for n-butanol production from lignocellulosic biomass and CO2, which can lower biobutanol production cost and reduce green house gas emissions by more than 50% compared to existing technologies. An economical production process for green biofuels from renewable biomass and industrial waste gas (carbon dioxide) is sustainable and will benefit the biorefinery industry and society.
- Novel bioprocesses for value-added products from lignocellulosic biomass and carbon dioxide
- Cell and metabolic engineering of clostridia and black yeast for enhanced production of chemicals and biofuels
- Novel bioreactors for fermentation and cell and tissue cultures
- In vitro expansion and differentiation of embryonic stem cells
- Microbioreactors and microfluidic biochips for biodiagnostics
- High-throughput screening for cancer drug discovery and embryotoxicity assessment.
Recent and Current Research Funding
- “Engineering Clostridia for n-butanol production from lignocellulosic biomass and CO2” Department of Energy EERE - BTI - $1,232,148, 10/1/2015–9/30/2018
- “An integrated process for butanol production from cellulosic biomass and CO2 using engineered clostridia in a linear immobilized bioreactor” Department of Energy SBIR Phase I Bio-Missions subaward - $150,000, 7/2/2018–7/1/2019
- “Metabolic and process engineering of black yeast for poly(L-malic acid) and malic acid production” USDA AFRI, $450,000, 6/1/2020–5/31/2023
- “A Novel Integrated Fermentation Process with Engineered Microbial Consortia for Butanol Production from Lignocellulose Sugars without CO2 Emission” Department of Energy ARPA-E, $1,611,940, 7/1/2021–6/30/2023

- S.T. Yang and E.M. Silva, Biochemical Engineering, in J.J. Lagowski (ed.), "Encyclopedia of Chemistry," MacMillan Publishing Company (1997).
- J. Reese, E.M. Silva, S.T. Yang, and L.S. Fan, "Industrial Applications of Three-Phase Fluidization Systems," in Yang, W.-C. (ed.), "Selected Topics on Fluidization, Solids Handling, and Processing," Noyes Publications (1999), pp. 582-682.
- S.T. Yang and J.A. Bednarcik, Production of Galacto-Oligosaccharides from Lactose by Immobilized b-Galactosidase. In B.C. Saha, D.C. Demirjian (eds.), “Applied Biocatalysis in Specialty Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals” ACS Symposium Series 776, American Chemical Society (2001), pp. 131-154.
- S.T. Yang and Y. Zhu, Anaerobic Reactions. In D.R. Heldman (ed.). “Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering” Marcel Dekker (2003), pp. 25-31.
- Y. Zhu and S.T. Yang, Enhancing Butyric Acid Production with Mutants of Clostridium tyrobutyricum Obtained from Metabolic Engineering and Adaptation in a Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor, in B. C. Saha (ed.), “Fermentation Biotechnology,” ACS Symposium Series No. 862, American Chemical Society (2003), pp. 52-66.
- N. Thongchul and S.T. Yang, Controlling Filamentous Fungal Morphology by Immobilization on a Rotating Fibrous Matrix to Enhance Oxygen Transfer and L(+)-Lactic Acid Production by Rhizopus oryzae, in B. C. Saha (ed.), “Fermentation Biotechnology,” ACS Symposium Series No. 862, American Chemical Society (2003), pp. 36-51.
- S.T. Yang, J. Luo, and C. Chen, A Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor for Continuous Production of Monoclonal Antibody by Hybridoma, in J.J. Zhong (ed.), Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, Biomanufacturing (2004), 87: 61-96.
- Y. Li and S.T. Yang, Stem Cell-Based Tissue Engineering. In D.R. Heldman (ed.). “Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering” Marcel Dekker (2004), online publication.
- S.T. Yang and S. Basu, Animal Cell Culture, in S. Lee (ed.), “Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing,” Marcel Dekker (2005), pp. 67 - 79.
- S.T. Yang and C. Robinson, Tissue Engineering, in S. Lee (ed.), “Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing,” Marcel Dekker (2005), pp. 3115 - 3128.
- S. Basu and S.T. Yang, Bioseparations, in S. Lee (ed.), “Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing,” Marcel Dekker (2005), pp. 221 - 236.
- L. J. Lee, S.T. Yang, S. Lai, Y. Bai, W.-C. Huang and Y.-J. Juang, Microfluidic Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Technology, in Gregory S. Makowski (ed.), Advances in Clinical Chemistry (2006), 42: 255-295.
- S.T. Yang (ed.), “Bioprocessing for Value-Added Products from Renewable Resources: New Technologies and Applications,” Elsevier (2007), 660 pages.
- S.T. Yang, Bioprocssing – from biotechnology to biorefinery, in S.T. Yang (ed.), “Bioprocessing for Value-Added Products from Renewable Resources,” Elsevier (2007), pp. 1-24.
- S.T. Yang, X. Liu, and Y. Zhang, Metabolic engineering: applications, methods, and challenges, in S.T. Yang (ed.), “Bioprocessing for Value-Added Products from Renewable Resources,” Elsevier (2007), pp. 73-118.
- S.T. Yang, H. Huang, A. Tay, W. Qin, L. De Guzman, and E.C. San Nicolas, Extractive fermentation for the production of carboxylic acids, in S.T. Yang (ed.), “Bioprocessing for Value-Added Products from Renewable Resources,” Elsevier (2007), pp. 421-446.
- L. Wang and S.T. Yang, Solid state fermentation and its applications, in S.T. Yang (ed.), “Bioprocessing for Value-Added Products from Renewable Resources,” Elsevier (2007), pp. 465-490.
- S.T. Yang, Bioenergy, in “Renewable Energy Focus Handbook,” Academic Press, San Diego, CA (2009), Chapter 12.1, pp. 467-482.
- S.T. Yang, X. Zhang, and Y. Wen, Animal Cell Culture, in Dennis R. Heldman, Anne Bridges, Dallas Hoover, and Matthew B. Wheeler (eds.), Encyclopedia of Biotechnology in Agriculture and Food, Taylor and Francis (2010), 1: 1, 18-24.
- S.T. Yang, Y. Zhu, M. Yu, and I.C. Tang, Anaerobic Reactions. In D.R. Heldman (ed.). “Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering” 2nd edition, Taylor and Francis (2010), 1: 1, 46- 4.
- G. Chen, X. Zhang, and S.T. Yang, Genomics in Cancer Biomarker Discovery, in X. Zhang (ed.), “Omics Technologies in Cancer Biomarker Discovery” Landes Biosciences, Georgetown, TX (2011), Chapter 1, pp. 1-21.
- S.T. Yang, K. Zhang, B. Zhang, H. Huang, Bio-Based Chemicals | Fumaric Acid, in M. Moo-Young (ed.) “Comprehensive Biotechnology” 2nd Edition, Elsevier (2011), Volume 3, pp. 163–177.
- X. Zhang, Y. Wen, S.T. Yang, The Biological Basis | Modes of Culture/Animal Cells, in Murray Moo-Young (ed.). “Comprehensive Biotechnology” 2nd Edition, Elsevier (2011), Volume 1, pp. 285–302.
- Y. Wen, X. Zhang, and S.T. Yang, Medium to high throughput screening: Microfabrication and chip-based technology, in Michael Balls, Robert D. Combes and Nirmala Bhogal (eds), “New Technologies for Toxicity Testing,” Landes Biosciences, Georgetown, TX (2012), Chapter 11, pp. 181–209.
- S.T. Yang and C. Lu, Extraction-fermentation hybrid (extractive fermentation), in S. Ramaswamy, B.V. Ramarao, H. Huang (eds.), Separation and Purification Technologies in Biorefineries, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK. (2013), Chapter 15. pp 409–437.
- S.T. Yang, Hesham A. El-Enshasy, N. Thongchul (eds.) “Bioprocessing Technologies in Biorefinery for Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Polymers” Wiley (2013). 450 pages. DOI: 10.1002/9781118642047
- S.T. Yang and M. Yu, Integrated Biorefinery for Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals and Polymers, in S.T. Yang, Hesham A. El-Enshasy, N. Thongchul (eds.) “Bioprocessing Technologies in Biorefinery for Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Polymers” Wiley (2013), Chapter 1, pp. 1-26.
- J. Zhao, C. Lu, C.-C. Chen, and S.T. Yang, Biological Production of Butanol and Higher Alcohols, in S.T. Yang, H.A. El-Enshasy, N. Thongchul (eds.) “Bioprocessing Technologies in Biorefinery for Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Polymers” Wiley (2013), Chapter 13, pp. 235-261.
- Z. Wang, J. Sun, A. Zhang, and S.T. Yang, Propionic Acid Fermentation, in S.T. Yang, H.A. El-Enshasy, N. Thongchul (eds.) “Bioprocessing Technologies in Biorefinery for Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Polymers” Wiley (2013), Chapter 18, pp. 331-349.
- S.T. Yang, M. Yu, W.-L. Chang, and I.-C. Tang, Anaerobic Fermentations for the Production of Acetic and Butyric Acids, in S.T. Yang, H.A. El-Enshasy, N. Thongchul (eds.) “Bioprocessing Technologies in Biorefinery for Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Polymers” Wiley (2013), Chapter 19, pp. 351-373.
- K. Zhang, B. Zhang, and S.T. Yang, Production of Citric, Itaconic, Fumaric and Malic Acids in Filamentous Fungal Fermentations, in S.T. Yang, H.A. El-Enshasy, N. Thongchul (eds.) “Bioprocessing Technologies in Biorefinery for Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Polymers” Wiley (2013), Chapter 20, pp. 375-397.
- Ulf-Rainer Samel, Walter Kohler, Armin Otto Gamer, Ullrich Keuser, Shang-Tian Yang, Ying Jin, Meng Lin and Zhongqiang Wang, Propionic Acid and Derivatives, ULLMANN'S Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Wiley (2014), DOI: 10.1002/14356007.a22_223.pub2
- J. Dong, Y. Du, Y. Zhou, and S.T. Yang, Butanol production from soybean hull and soy molasses by acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation, in Robert Brentin (ed.) “Soy-Based Chemicals and Materials” ACS Symposium series 1178, American Chemical Society, Ch 2, pp 25-41 (2014).
- S.T. Yang and X. Liu, Metabolic Process Engineering for Biochemicals and Biofuels Production. In Juan Carlos Serrano-Ruiz (ed.) “New Biotechnologies for Increased Energy Security” CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL. Chapter 8. (2015). eBook ISBN9780429155864
- J. Wang, M. Lin, M. Xu, and S.T. Yang. Anaerobic fermentation for production of carboxylic acids as bulk chemicals from renewable biomass, in R. Hatti-Kaul (ed.), Adv. Biochem. Eng./Biotechnol., Anaerobes in Biotechnology, 156: 323-362 (2016) DOI: 10.1007/10_2015_5009
- S.T. Yang, K. Zhang, B. Zhang and H. Huang, Fumaric Acid, In Reference Module in Life Sciences, Elsevier (2017) ISBN: 978-0-12-809633-8,
- F. Zhang, H. Yang, X. Xin, S.T. Yang, Engineering Stem Cell Environments in Bioreactors. In R. L. Reis, & M. E. Gomes (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Academic Press: Elsevier. Vol. 2, pp. 551–560 (2019)
- S.T. Yang, K. Zhang, B. Zhang, H. Huang, Bio-Based Chemicals | Fumaric Acid, in M. Moo-Young (ed.). Comprehensive Biotechnology, Vol. 3, 3rd Edition, Elsevier: Pergamon (2019), pp 188–207.
- T. Bao, W. Jiang, Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmad, ST Yang, Consolidated Bioprocessing for Ethanol and Butanol Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass: Recent Advances in Strain and Process Engineering, in N. Thongchul, A. Kokossis, S. Assabumrungrat (eds). A-Z of Biorefinery, Elsevier (2021), Ch. 13, pp 473–506.
- Hesham El-Enshasy and Shang-Tian Yang (editors). Probiotics, the Natural Microbiota in Living Organisms: Fundamentals and Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK (2021), DOI: 10.1201/9781351027540.
2022 - present
- G Du, C Zhu, Y Wu, W Kang, M Xu, ST Yang, C Xue, Effects of orphan histidine kinases on clostridial sporulation progression and metabolism, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 119, 226–235 (2022).
- C Cheng, Y Shao, W Li, J Liu, X Liu, Y Zhao, X Li, ST Yang, C Xue, Electricity-enhanced anaerobic, non-photosynthetic mixotrophy by Clostridium carboxidivorans with increased carbon efficiency and alcohol production, Energy Conversion and Management, 252, 115118 (2022).
- H Fu, ST Yang, Editorial: Development and application of clostridia as microbial cell-factories for biofuels and biochemicals production, Frontiers Bioeng. Biotechnol., 9, 831135 (2022).
- X Pan, M Tang, J You, T Osire, C Sun, W Fu, G Yi, T Yang, ST Yang, Z Rao, PsrA is a novel regulator contributes to antibiotic synthesis, bacterial virulence, cell motility and extracellular polysaccharides production in Serratia marcescens, Nucleic Acids Research, 50, 127–148 (2022).
- Y Li, Z Qin, F Zhang, ST Yang, Two-color fluorescent proteins reporting survivin regulation in breast cancer cells for high throughput drug screening, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 119(3), 1004–1017 (2022).
- X Pan, M Tang, J You, F Liu, C Sun, T Osire, W Fu, G Yi, T Yang, ST Yang, Z Rao, Regulator RcsB controls prodigiosin synthesis and various cellular processes in Serratia marcescens JNB5-1, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 87(2):e02052-20 (2021).
- Qurat‐ul‐Ain Ahmad, M Manzoor, A Chaudhary, ST Yang, H Shim, J I Qazi, Bench-scale fermentation for second generation ethanol and hydrogen production by Clostridium thermocellum DSMZ 1313 from sugarcane bagasse, Environ. Progr. Sustainable Energy, 40(2),13516 (2021).
- H Fu, M Lin, IC Tang, J Wang, ST Yang, Effects of benzyl viologen on increasing NADH availability, acetate assimilation and butyric acid production by Clostridium tyrobutyricum, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 118(2):770–783 (2021).
- X Zou, S Li, P Wang, B Li, Y Feng, ST Yang, Sustainable production and biomedical application of polymalic acid from renewable biomass and food processing wastes, Critical Rev. Biotechnol., 41(2), 216-228 (2021).
- H Liu, S Liu, T Osire, X Zhang, M Xu, ST Yang, T Yang, Z Rao, Engineering the 2,3-BD pathway in Bacillus subtilis by shifting the carbon flux in favor of 2,3-BD synthesis, Biochem. Eng. J., 169, 107969 (2021).
- G Du, C Zhu, M Xu, ST Yang, C Xue, Energy-efficient butanol production by Clostridium acetobutylicum with histidine kinase knockouts to improve strain tolerance and process robustness, Green Chemistry., 23, 2155–2168 (2021).
- Y Zheng; L Li, Z Jin; P An; ST Yang, Y Fei, G Liu, Characterization of fermented soymilk by Schleiferilactobacillus harbinensis M1, based on the whole-genome sequence and corresponding phenotypes, LWT-Food Sci. Technol., 144, 111237 (2021).
- Y Sun, L Wang, T Osire, W Fu, G Yi, ST Yang, T Yang, Z Rao, Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals metabolic regulation of prodigiosin in Serratia marcescens. Syst. Microbiol. Biomanuf. 1, 323–335 (2021).
- X Li, Q Zhang, W Wang, ST Yang, A novel inulin-mediated ethanol precipitation method for separating endo-inulinase from inulinases for inulooligosaccharides production from chicory-based inulin, Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 9:679720 (2021).
- G Wang, H Wang, Y Chen, X Pei, W Sun, L Liu, F Wang, MU Yaqoob, W Tao, Z Xiao, Y Jin, ST Yang, D Lin, M Wang, Optimization and comparison of the production of galactooligosaccharides using free or immobilized Aspergillus oryzae β-galactosidase, followed by purification using silica gel, Food Chem., 362, 130195 (2021).
- H Fu, J Hu, X Guo, J Feng, ST Yang, J Wang, Butanol production from Saccharina japonica hydrolysate by engineered Clostridium tyrobutyricum: The effects of pretreatment method and heat shock protein overexpression, Bioresour. Technol., 335, 129290 (2021).
- T Bao, W Hou, X Wu, L Lu, X Zhang, ST Yang, Engineering Clostridium cellulovorans for highly selective n-butanol production from cellulose in consolidated bioprocessing, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 118, 2703-2718 (2021).
- Y Sun, L Wang, T Osire, W Fu, G Yi, ST Yang, T Yang, Z Rao, Enhanced prodigiosin production in Serratia marcescens JNB5-1 by introduction of polynucleotide fragment into pigN 3'-UTR and disulfide bonds into O-methyl transferase (PigF), Appl. Environ. Microbiol., AEM00543-21 (2021).
- X Chen, R Gui, N Li, Y Wu, J Chen, X Wu, Z Qin, ST Yang, X Li, Production of soluble dietary fibers and Monascus pigments from potato pomace in submerged fermentation by Monascus purpureus, Process Biochem., 111, 159–166 (2021).
- Z Xiao, L Liu, X Pei, W Sun, Y Jin, W Tao, ST Yang, M Wang, A potential probiotic for diarrhea: Clostridium tyrobutyricum protects against LPS-induced epithelial dysfunction via IL-22 produced by Th17 cells in the ileum, Front. Immunol. – Nutri. Immunol., 12, 758227 (2021).
- Z Qiao, M Xu, M Shao, Y Zhao, M Long, T Yang, X Zhang, ST Yang, H Nakanishi, Z Rao, Engineered disulfide bonds improve thermostability and activity of L-isoleucine hydroxylase for efficient 4-HIL production in Bacillus subtilis 168, Eng. Life Sci., 20: 7–16 (2020).
- J Ou, T Bao, P Ernst, Y Si, H Wu, L Zhou, ST Yang, X Liu, Intracellular metabolism analysis of Clostridium cellulovorans via modeling integrating proteomics, metabolomics and fermentation, Process Biochem., 89, 9–19 (2020).
- X Pan, C Sun, M Tang, J You, T Osire, Y Zhao, M Xu, X Zhang, M Shao, ST Yang, T Yang, Z Rao, LysR-type transcriptional regulator MetR controls prodigiosin production, methionine biosynthesis, cell motility, H2O2 tolerance, heat tolerance and exopolysaccharides synthesis in Serratia marcescens, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 86: e02241-19 (2020).
- C Cheng, F Liu, HK Yang, K Xiao, C Xue, ST Yang, High performance n-butanol recovery from aqueous solution by pervaporation with PDMS mixed matrix membrane filled with zeolite, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 59, 16, 7777–7786 (2020).
- Z Rao, Y Sun, L Wang, X Pan, T Osire, T Yang, ST Yang, H Fang, H Zhang, Improved prodigiosin production by relieving CpxR temperature sensitive inhibition, Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 8, 344 (2020).
- J Huang, S Zhu, L Zhao, L Chen, M Du, C Zhang, ST Yang, A novel β-galactosidase from Klebsiella oxytoca ZJUH1705 for efficient production of galacto-oligosaccharides from lactose, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 104, 6161–6172 (2020).
- Z Zhou, ST Yang, CD Moore, Q Zhang, S Peng, H Li, Acetone, butanol, and ethanol production from Puerariae Slag hydrolysate through ultrasound-assisted dilute acid by Clostridium beijerinckii YBS3, Bioresour. Technol., 316, 123899 (2020).
- T Bao, J Feng, W Jiang, H Fu, J Wang, ST Yang, Recent advances in n-butanol and butyrate production using engineered Clostridium tyrobutyricum, World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 36:138 (2020).
- W Li, C Cheng, G Cao, ST Yang, N Ren, Comparative transcriptome analysis of Clostridium tyrobutyricum expressing a heterologous hydrogenase, Sci. Total Environ., 749, 142022 (2020).
- XM Yu, J Jiang, ST Yang, WW Zhou, Rapid contamination detection in validamycin A production by HSSPME/GC-MS, Curr. Biochem. Eng., 6(3), 192–202 (2020).
- T Bao, C Cheng, X Xin, J Wang, M Wang, ST Yang. Deciphering mixotrophic Clostridium formicoaceticum metabolism and energy conservation: Genomic analysis and experimental studies, Genomics, 111(6):1687-1694 (2019).
- X Xin, Y Wu, R Zang, ST Yang, A fluorescent 3D cell culture assay for high throughput screening of cancer drugs down regulating survivin, J. Biotechnol., 289: 80–87 (2019).
- C Tan, X Zhang, Z Zhu, M Xu, T Yang, T Osire, ST Yang, Z Rao, Asp305Gly mutation improved the activity and stability of the styrene monooxygenase for efficient epoxide production in Pseudomonas putida KT2440, Microbial Cell Factories 18:12 (2019).
- X Xin, H Yang, F Zhang, ST Yang, 3D cell coculture tumor model: A promising approach for future cancer drug discovery, Proc. Biochem., 78: 148–160 (2019).
- X Zou, C Cheng, J Feng, X Song, M Lin, ST Yang, Biosynthesis of polymalic acid in fermentation: Advances and prospects for industrial application, Crit. Rev. Biotechnol., 39(3): 408–421 (2019).
- X Li, S Xu, X Zhang, M Xu, T Yang, L Wang, H Zhang, H Fang, T Osirea, ST Yang, Z Rao, Design of a high efficiency synthetic system for L-asparaginase production in Bacillus subtilis, Eng. Life Sci., 19: 229–239 (2019).
- M Shao, X Zhang, Z Rao, M Xu, T Yang, Z Xu, ST Yang, Identification of steroid C27 monooxygenase isoenzymes involved in sterol catabolism and stepwise pathway engineering of Mycobacterium neoaurum for improved androst-1,4-diene-3,17-dione production, Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 46(5): 635–647 (2019).
- N Xu, J Ou, Y Si, KY Goh, D Flanigan, ST Yang, Y Yang, L Zhou, XM Liu, Proteomics insight into the production of monoclonal antibody, Biochem. Eng. J., 145: 177–185 (2019).
- C Cheng, W Li, M Lin, ST Yang Metabolic engineering of Clostridium carboxidivorans for enhanced ethanol and butanol production from syngas and glucose, Bioresour. Technol., 284: 415–423 (2019).
- T Bao, J Zhao, J Li, X Liu, ST Yang, n-Butanol and ethanol production by Clostridium cellulovorans overexpressing aldehyde/alcohol dehydrogenases from Clostridium acetobutylicum, Bioresour. Technol., 285: 121316 (2019).
- S Liu, X Zhang, F Liu, M Xu, T Yang, M Long, J Zhou, T Osire, ST Yang, Z Rao, Designing of a cofactor self-sufficient whole-cell biocatalyst system for production of 1,2-amino alcohols from epoxides, ACS Synthetic Biology, 8: 734–743 (2019).
- X Xin and ST Yang, A dual fluorescent 3-D multicellular coculture of breast cancer MCF-7 and fibroblast NIH-3T3 cells for high throughput cancer drug screening, Biochem. Eng. J., 148: 152–161 (2019).
- R Zang, X Xin, F Zhang, D Li, ST Yang, An engineered mouse embryonic stem cell model with survivin as a molecular marker and EGFP as the reporter for high throughput screening of embryotoxic chemicals in vitro, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 116: 1656–1668 (2019).
- T Bao, J Zhao, Q Zhang, ST Yang Development of a shuttle plasmid without host restriction sites for efficient transformation and heterologous gene expression in Clostridium cellulovorans, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 103: 5391–5400 (2019).
- C Cheng, T Bao, ST Yang, Engineering Clostridium for improved solvents production: Recent progress and perspective, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 103(14): 5549–5566 (2019).
- J Li, Y Du, T Bao, J Dong, IC Tang, H Shim, ST Yang, n-Butanol production from lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysates without detoxification by Clostridium tyrobutyricum Δack-adhE2 in a fibrous-bed bioreactor, Bioresour. Technol., 289: 121749 (2019).
- W Li, C Cheng, G Cao, ST Yang, N Ren, Potential of hydrogen production from sugarcane juice by Ethanoligenens harbinense Yuan-3, J Cleaner Production, 237: 117552 (2019)
- X Xin and ST Yang, Development of a dual fluorescence system for simultaneous detection of two cell populations in a 3D coculture, Process Biochem., 86: 144–150 (2019)
- J Huang, Y Du, T Bao, M Lin, J Wang, ST Yang, Production of n-butanol from cassava bagasse hydrolysate by engineered Clostridium tyrobutyricum overexpressing adhE2: Kinetics and cost analysis, Bioresour. Technol., 292: 121969 (2019).
- C Cheng, M Lin, W Jiang, J Zhao, W Li, ST Yang, Development of an in vivo fluorescence based gene expression reporter system for Clostridium tyrobutyricum, J. Biotechnol., 305: 18–22 (2019).
- HK Yang, Z Wang, M Lin, ST Yang, Propionic acid production from soy molasses by Propionibacterium acidipropionici: Fermentation kinetics and economic analysis, Bioresour. Technol., 250: 1–9 (2018).
- D Wischral, H Fu, FL Pellegrini Pessoa, N Pereira Jr., ST Yang, Effective and simple recovery of 1,3-propanediol from a fermented medium by liquid-liquid extraction system with ethanol and K3PO4, Chin. J. Chem. Eng., 26:104–108 (2018).
- P Songserm, A Karnchanatat, S Tanasupawat, S Assabumrungrat, ST Yang, N Thongchul, Metabolic responses of Aspergillus terreus under varied dissolved oxygen and pH levels, Annals Microbiol., 68 (4), 195–205 (2018).
- X Li, X Zhang, S Xu, H Zhang, M Xu, T Yang, L Wang, H Qian, H Zhang, H Fang, T Osire, Z Rao, ST Yang, Simultaneous cell disruption and semi-quantitative activity assays for high-throughput screening of thermostable L-asparaginases, Sci. Rep., 8: 7915 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-26241-7 (2018).
- Z Xiao; C Cheng; T Bao, L Liu; B Wang; W Tao; X Pei; ST Yang; M Wang, Production of butyric acid from acid hydrolysate of corn husk in fermentation by Clostridium tyrobutyricum, Biotechnol. Biofuels, 11:164 (2018).
- T Zhang, R Zhang, M Xu, X Zhang, T Yang, F Liu, ST Yang, Z Rao, Glu56Ser mutation improves the enzyme activity and catalytic stability of Bacillus subtilis L-aspartate α-decarboxylase for an efficient β-alanine production, Process Biochem., 70:117–123 (2018).
- L Jiang, H Fu, HK Yang, W Xu, J Wang, ST Yang, Butyric acid: Applications and recent advances in its bioproduction, Biotechnol. Adv., 36: 2101–2117 (2018).
- M Liu, Y Li, S-T Yang, Effects of naringin on the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of human amniotic fluid derived stem cells, J. Tissue Eng. Regen. Med., 11:276–284 (2017).
- M Shao, Y Chen, X Zhang, Z Rao, M Xu, T Yang, H Li, Z Xu, S-T Yang, Enhanced intracellular production of 3-ketosteroid-Δ1-dehydrogenase from Mycobacterium neoaurum in Escherichia coli and its application in the androst-1,4-diene-3,17-dione production, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 92, 350–357 (2017).
- C Cheng, Y Zhou, M Lin, P Wei, ST Yang, Polymalic acid fermentation by Aureobasidium pullulans for malic acid production from soybean hull and soy molasses: Fermentation kinetics and economic analysis, Bioresour. Technol., 223: 166–174 (2017).
- P Wei, C Cheng, M Lin, Y Zhou, ST Yang, Production of poly(malic acid) from sugarcane juice in fermentation by Aureobasidium pullulans: Kinetics and process economics, Bioresour. Technol., 224: 581–589 (2017).
- J Feng, J Yang, X Li, M Guo, B Wang, ST Yang, X Zou, Reconstruction of a genome-scale metabolic model and in silico analysis of the polymalic acid producer Aureobasidium pullulans CCTCC M2012223, Gene, 607, 1–8 (2017).
- H Fu, X Wang, Y Sun, L Yan, J Shen, J Wang, ST Yang, Z Xiu, Effects of salting-out and salting-out extraction on the separation of butyric acid, Sep. Purif. Technol., 180, 44–50 (2017).
- Y Wang, X Song, X Li, ST Yang, X Zou, Complete genome sequencing of polymalic acid-producing strain Aureobasidium pullulans CCTCC M2012223. Acta Microbiol Sinica, 57(1), 97–108. (2017) (DOI: 10.13343/j.cnki.wsxb.2160197)
- C Xue, M Liu, X-W Guo, E P Hudson, L-J Chen, F-W Bai, ST Yang, C-S Song, Bridging the chemical- and bio-catalysis: high-valued liquid transportation fuels production from renewable agricultural residues, Green Chem., 19, 660–669 (2017).
- J Zhang, L Yu, M Lin, Q Yan, ST Yang, n-Butanol production from sucrose and sugarcane juice by engineered Clostridium tyrobutyricum overexpressing sucrose catabolism genes and adhE2, Bioresour. Technol., 233, 51–57 (2017).
- H Fu, L Yu, M Lin, J Wang, Z Xiu, ST Yang, Metabolic engineering of Clostridium tyrobutyricum for enhanced butyric acid production from glucose and xylose, Metab. Eng., 40, 50–58 (2017).
- H Fu, ST Yang, M Wang, J Wang, and IC Tang, Butyric acid production from lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysates by engineered Clostridium tyrobutyricum overexpressing xylose catabolism genes for glucose and xylose co-utilization, Bioresour. Technol., 234, 389–396 (2017).
- M Shao, Z Sha, X Zhang, Z Rao, M Xu, T Yang, Z Xu, S-T Yang, Efficient androst-1,4-diene-3,17-dione production by coexpressing 3-ketosteroid-Δ1-dehydrogenase and catalase in Bacillus subtilis, J. Appl. Microbiol., 122(1), 119–128 (2017).
- Q He, Z Yang, B Gong, J Wang, K Xiao, ST Yang, Quality evaluation focusing on tissue fractal dimension and chemical changes for frozen tilapia with treatment by tangerine peel extracts, Sci. Reports, Feb 7; 7, 42202 (2017).
- C Xue, J Zhao, L Chen, ST Yang, F Bai, Recent advances and state-of-the-art strategies in strain and process engineering for biobutanol production by Clostridium acetobutylicum, Biotechnol. Adv., 35(2), 310–322 (2017).
- Z Rao, Y Qi, T Yang, J Zhou, J Zheng, M Xu, X Zhang, S-T Yang, Development of a multi-enzymatic desymmetrization and its application for the biosynthesis of L-norvaline from DL-norvaline, Process Biochem., 55, 104–109 (2017).
- J Zhang, L Yu, M Xu, ST Yang, Q Yan, IC Tang, Metabolic engineering of Clostridium tyrobutyricum for n-butanol production from sugarcane juice, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 101, 4327–4337 (2017).
- Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmad, Shang-Tian Yang, Maleeha Manzoor, Javed Iqbal Qazi, Moderate alkali-thermophilic ethanologenesis by locally isolated Bacillus licheniformis from Pakistan employing sugarcane bagasse: a comparative aspect of aseptic and non-aseptic fermentations, Biotechnol. Biofuels, 10:105 (2017).
- J Zheng; T Yang; J Zhou; M Xu; X Zhang; Z Rao; ST Yang, Efficient production of D-amino acid oxidase in Escherichia coli by a trade-off between its expression and biomass using N-terminal modification, Bioresour. Technol., 243:716–723 (2017).
- C Lu, L Yu, S Varghese, M Yu, ST Yang, Enhanced robustness in acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation with engineered Clostridium beijerinckii overexpressing adhE2 and ctfAB, Bioresour. Technol., 243: 1000–1008 (2017).
- T Yang, Z Rao, X Zhang, M Xu, Z Xu, ST Yang, Metabolic engineering strategies for acetoin and 2,3-butanediol production: Advances and prospects, Critical Rev. Biotechnol. (IBTY), 37(8): 990–1005 (2017).
- J Ou, N Xu, P Ernst, C Ma, M Bush, KY Goh, J Zhao, L Zhou, ST Yang, XM Liu, Process engineering of cellulosic n-butanol production from corn-based biomass using Clostridium cellulovorans, Process Biochem., 62: 144–150 (2017).
- M Xu, J Zhao, L Yu, ST Yang, Comparative genomic analysis of Clostridium acetobutylicum for understanding the mutations contributing to enhanced butanol tolerance and production, J. Biotechnol., 263: 36–44 (2017).
- Q Wu, L Zhu, Q Xu, H Huang, L Jiang, ST Yang, Tailoring the oxidative stress tolerance of Clostridium tyrobutyricum CCTCC W428 by introducing trehalose biosynthetic capability, J Agric. Food Chem., 65 (40), 8892-8901 (2017).
- S Trakarnpaiboon, N Srisuk, K Piyachomkwan, ST Yang, V Kitpreechavanich, L-Lactic acid production from liquefied cassava starch by thermotolerant Rhizopus microsporus: Characterization and optimization, Process Biochem., 63: 26–34 (2017).
- A Abdella, AF El-Baz, IA Ibrahim, EE Mahrous, ST Yang, Biotransformation of soy flour isoflavones by Aspergillus niger NRRL 3122 β-glucosidase enzyme, Natural Product Research, published on line (2017). DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2017.1413569
- C Xue, F Liu, M Xu, J Zhao, L Chen, J Ren, S-T Yang, F-W Bai, A novel in situ gas stripping-pervaporation process integrated with acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation for hyper n-butanol production, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 113:120–129 (2016).
- S Long, Z Rao, X Zhang, K Chen, M Xu, T Yang, ST Yang, Amino acid residues adjacent to the catalytic cavity of tetramer L-asparaginase II contributed significantly to its catalytic efficiency and thermostability, Enzyme Microbial Technol, 82: 15–22 (2016).
- C Ma, J Ou, N Xu, J Fierst, ST Yang, X Liu, Rebalancing redox to improve biobutanol production by Clostridium tyrobutyricum, Bioengineering, 3, 2 (2016). doi:10.3390/bioengineering3010002
- L Zhang, X Li, Q Yong, ST Yang, J Ouyang, S Yu, Impacts of lignocellulose-derived inhibitors on L-lactic acid fermentation by Rhizopus oryzae, Bioresource Technol., 203: 173–180 (2016).
- X Yang, M Xu, ST Yang, Restriction-modification system analysis and development of in vivo methylation for the transformation of Clostridium cellulovorans, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 100(5), 2289–2299 (2016).
- D Wischral, J Zhang, C Cheng, M Lin, LMG De Souza, FL Pellegrini Pessoa, N Pereira Jr., ST Yang, Production of 1,3-propanediol by Clostridium beijerinckii DSM 791 from crude glycerol and corn steep liquor: process optimization and metabolic engineering, Bioresour. Technol., 212: 100–110 (2016).
- R Zang, X Zhang, J Sun, S-T Yang, In vitro 3-D multicellular models for cytotoxicity assay and drug screening, Process Biochem., 51: 772–780 (2016).
- M Shao, X Zhang, Z Rao, M Xu, T Yang, H Li, Z Xu, ST Yang, A mutant form of 3‑ketosteroid‑Δ1‑dehydrogenase gives altered androst‑1,4‑diene‑3,17‑dione/androst‑4‑ene‑3,17‑dione molar ratios in steroid biotransformations by Mycobacterium neoaurum ST‑095, Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 43(5):691–701 (2016).
- L-H Fan, Z-J Zhang, S Mei, Y-Y Lu, M Li, Z-Y Wang, J-G Yang, S-T Yang, T-W Tan, Engineering yeast with bifunctional minicellulosome and cellodextrin pathway for co-utilization of cellulose-mixed sugars, Biotechnol. Biofuels, 9:137 (2016).
- P Wei, M Lin, Z Wang, H Fu, H Yang, W Jiang, S-T Yang, Metabolic engineering of Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii for xylose fermentation, Bioresour. Technol., 219: 91–97 (2016).
- C Xue, F Liu, M Xu, J Zhao, ST Yang, F Bai, IC Tang, Butanol production in acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation with in situ product recovery by adsorption, Bioresour. Technol., 219: 158–168 (2016).
- A Abdella, T El-Sayed Mazeed, AF El-Baz, ST Yang, Production of β-glucosidase from wheat bran and glycerol by Aspergillus niger in stirred tank and rotating fibrous bed bioreactors, Process Biochem., 51: 1331–1337 (2016).
- J Huang, H Zhu, W Tang, P Wang, ST Yang, Butyric acid production from oilseed rape straw by Clostridium tyrobutyricum immobilized in a fibrous bed bioreactor, Process Biochem., 51: 1930–1934 (2016).
- Z Wang, Y Jin, S-T Yang, High cell density propionic acid fermentation with an acid tolerant strain of Propionibacterium acidipropionici, Biotechnol Bioeng, 112: 502–511 (2015).
- K Zhang and ST Yang, Effects of pH on fumaric acid adsorption onto IRA900 ion exchange resin, Sep. Sci. Technol., 50:1, 56–63 (2015).
- A Zhang, J Sun, Z Wang, S-T Yang, H Zhou, Effects of carbon dioxide on cell growth and propionic acid production from glycerol and glucose by Propionibacterium acidipropionici, Bioresour. Technol., 175: 374–381 (2015).
- Z Wang, E Ammar, A Zhang, L Wang, M Lin, S-T Yang, Metabolic engineering of Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii for enhanced propionic acid fermentation: Effects of overexpressing propionyl-CoA: succinate CoA transferase, Metab Eng, 27: 46–56 (2015).
- L Zhang, X Li, Q Yong, ST Yang, J Ouyang, S Yu, Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of xylo-oligosaccharides manufacturing waste residue for L-lactic acid production by Rhizopus oryzae, Biochem Eng J, l 94: 92–99 (2015).
- C Ma, K Kojima, N Xu, J Mobley, L Zhou, S-T Yang, X Liu, Comparative proteomics analysis of high n-butanol producing metabolically engineered Clostridium tyrobutyricum, J Biotechnol., 193: 108–119 (2015).
- K Zhang, S-T Yang, In situ recovery of fumaric acid by intermittent adsorption with IRA-900 ion exchange resin for enhanced fumaric acid production by Rhizopus oryzae, Biochem Eng J, 96: 38–45 (2015).
- T Yang, Z Rao, X Zhang, M Xu, Z Xu, S-T Yang, Economic conversion of spirit-based distillers' grain to 2,3-butanediol by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Process Biochem., 50: 20–23 (2015).
- M Xu, J Zhao, L Yu, I-C Tang, C Xue, S-T Yang, Engineering Clostridium acetobutylicum with a histidine kinase knockout for enhanced n-butanol tolerance and production, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 99:1011–1022 (2015).
- R Laguna, SJ Young, C-C Chen, N Ruiz, S-T Yang, F R Tabita, Development of a plasmid addicted system that is independent of co-inducers, antibiotics and specific carbon source additions for bioproduct (1-butanol) synthesis in Escherichia coli, Metab. Eng. Comm., 2: 6–12 (2015).
- K Zhang, C Yu, S-T Yang, Effects of soybean meal hydrolysate as the nitrogen source on seed culture morphology and fumaric acid production by Rhizopus oryzae, Process Biochem., 50: 173-179 (2015).
- Z Wang, M Lin, L Wang, E Ammar, S-T Yang, Metabolic engineering of Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii for enhanced propionic acid fermentation: Effects of overexpressing three biotin-dependent carboxylases, Process Biochem, 50: 194–204 (2015).
- L Wang, J Miao, Z Wang, L Wang, Q Qing, S-T Yang, Biocatalytic synthesis of ethyl (R)-2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutyrate with a newly isolated Rhodotorula mucilaginosa CCZU-G5 in an aqueous/organic biphasic system, Bioresour. Bioprocessing, 2: 6 (2015) DOI 10.1186/s40643-015-0037-9
- Y Du, W Jiang, M Yu, I-C Tang, S-T Yang, Metabolic process engineering of Clostridium tyrobutyricum Δack-adhE2 for enhanced n-butanol production from glucose: Effects of methyl viologen on NADH availability, flux distribution and fermentation kinetics, Biotechnol Bioeng, 112: 705–715 (2015).
- M Shao, Z Rao, X Zhang, M Xu, T Yang, H Li, Z Xu, ST Yang, Bioconversion of cholesterol to 4-cholesten-3-one by recombinant Bacillus subtilis expressing choM gene encoding cholesterol oxidase from Mycobacterium neoaurum JC-12, J Chem Technol Biotechnol, 90: 1811–1820 (2015).
- L Yu, J Zhao, M Xu, J Dong, S Varghese, M Yu, I-C Tang, S-T Yang, Metabolic engineering of Clostridium tyrobutyricum for n-butanol production from glucose: Effects of CoA transferase, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 99(11):4917–4930 (2015).
- H. Fu, S.T. Yang, Z. Xiu, Phase separation in a salting-out extraction system of ethanol-ammonium sulfate, Sep. Purifi. Technol., 148: 32–37 (2015).
- L Yu, M Xu, IC Tang, ST Yang, Metabolic engineering of Clostridium tyrobutyricum for n-butanol production from maltose and soluble starch by overexpressing -glucosidases, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 99(14):6155–6165 (2015).
- L Yu, M Xu, IC Tang, ST Yang, Metabolic engineering of Clostridium tyrobutyricum for n-butanol production through co-utilization of glucose and xylose, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 112: 2134–2141 (2015).
- J Guo, Z Rao, T Yang, Z Man, M Xu, X Zhang, ST Yang, Cloning and identification of a novel tyrosinase and its overexpression in Streptomyces kathirae SC-1 for enhancing melanin production, FEMS Microbiol Lett, 362(8):fnv041 (2015). DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fnv041
- T Yang; Z Rao; X Zhang; M Xu; Z Xu; ST Yang, Enhanced 2,3-butanediol production from biodiesel-derived glycerol by engineering of cofactor regeneration and manipulating carbon flux in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Microbial Cell Factories, 14(1): 122 (2015).
- T Yang, Z Rao, G Hu, X Zhang, M Liu, Y Dai, M Xu, Z Xu, ST Yang, Metabolic engineering of Bacillus subtilis for redistributing the carbon flux to 2,3-butanediol by manipulating NADH levels, Biotechnol Biofuels, 8(1): 129 (2015).
- X Yang, M Xu, ST Yang, Metabolic and process engineering of Clostridium cellulovorans for biofuel production from cellulose, Metab Eng., 32: 39–48 (2015).
- J Guo, Z Rao, T Yang, Z Man, M Xu, X Zhang, S-T Yang, Enhancement of the thermostability of Streptomyces kathirae SC-1 tyrosinase by rational design and empirical mutation, Enzyme Microb. Technol., 77:54–60 (2015).
- T Yang, Z Rao, BG Kimani, M Xu, X Zhang, ST Yang, Two-step preparation of gama-aminobutyric acid from cassava powder using Corynebacterium glutamicum and Lactobacillus plantarum, J Industrial Microbiol. , 42(8):1157–1165 (2015).
- X Zhao, X Zhang, Z Rao, T Bao, X Li, M Xu, T Yang, ST Yang, Identification and characterization of a novel 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase/acetoin reductase from Corynebacterium crenatum SYPA5-5, Lett. Appl. Microbiol., 61: 573–579 (2015).
- AF El-Baz, AI El-Batal, FM Abomosalam, AA Tayel, YM Shetaia, ST Yang, Extracellular biosynthesis of anti-Candida silver nanoparitcles using Monascus purpureus, J Basic Microbiol. 55: 1–10 (2015).
- P Songserm, S Thitiprasert, V Tolieng, J Piluk, S Tanasupawat, S Assabumrungrat, ST Yang, A Karnchanatat, N Thongchul, Regulating pyruvate carboxylase in the living culture of Aspergillus terreus NRRL 1960 by L-aspartate for enhanced itaconic acid production, Appl Biochem Biotechnol., 177(3):595–609 (2015).
- G Chen, H Wang, X Zhang, S-T Yang, Nutraceuticals and functional foods in the management of hyperlipidemia. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 54(9):1180-1201 (2014). DOI:10.1080/10408398.2011.629354
- H Wang, G Chen, D Ren, ST Yang, Hypolipidemic activity of Okra is mediated through inhibition of lipogenesis and upregulation of cholesterol degradation, Phytother Res. 28(2): 268-273 (2014).
- N Liu, R Zang, S-T Yang, Y Li, Stem cell engineering in bioreactors for large scale bioprocessing, Eng. Life Sci., 14, 4–15 (2014).
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- C Xue, G-Q Du, J-X Sun, S-S Gao, M-L Yu, S-T Yang, F-W Bai, Characterization of gas stripping and its integration with acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation for high-efficient butanol production and recovery, Biochem. Eng. J., 83: 55-61 (2014).
- M Liu, Y Li, S-T Yang, Curculigoside improves osteogenesis and inhibits osteoclastogenesis of human amniotic fluid derived stem cells, Stem Cells Devel., 23(2):146-154 (2014).
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- N Liu, S-T Yang, Expansion of embryonic stem cells in suspension and fibrous bed bioreactors, J. Biotechnol., 178: 54–64 (2014).
- C Xue, J Zhao, J-X Sun, C-L Jie, F-W Bai, S-T Yang, Integrated butanol recovery for an advanced biofuel: current state and prospects, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol., 98: 3463–3474 (2014).
- W Jiang, J Zhao, S-T Yang, Long-term stability and butanol production in repeated batch fermentations of Clostridium acetobutylicum JB200, Bioresour. Technol., 163: 172–179 (2014).
- A Abdella, T El-Sayed Mazeed, ST Yang, AF El-Baz, Production of β-glucosidase by Aspergillus niger from wheat bran in submerged culture: Factorial experimental design and process optimization, Curr Biotechnol., 3: 197–206 (2014).
- E M Ammar, Y Jin, Z Wang, S-T Yang, Metabolic engineering of Propionibacterium freudenreichii: Effect of expressing phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase on propionic acid production, Appl Microb Biotechnol., 98:7761–7772 (2014).
- X Zhang, R Zhang, T Bao, Z Rao, T Yang, M Xu, Z Xu, H Li, ST Yang, The rebalanced pathway significantly enhances acetoin production by disruption of acetoin reductase gene and moderate-expression of a new water-forming NADH oxidase in Bacillus subtilis, Metab. Eng., 23: 34–41 (2014).
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- T Bao, X Zhang, Z Rao, X Zhao, R Zhang, T Yang, Z Xu, ST Yang, Efficient whole-cell biocatalyst for acetoin production with NAD+ regeneration system through homologous co-expression of 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase and NADH oxidase in engineered Bacillus subtilis, PLoS One, 9(7):e102951 (2014).
- G-Q Du, L-J Chen, J-G Ren, C Xue, F-W Bai, S-T Yang, A carbon nanotube filled polydimethylsiloxane hybrid membrane for enhanced butanol recovery, Sci Reports, 4: 5925 (2014).
- K Zhang, L Zhang, ST Yang, Fumaric acid recovery and purification from fermentation broth by activated carbon adsorption followed with desorption by acetone, Ind Eng Chem Res, 53(32): 12802–12808 (2014).
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- KJ Xiao, L Zhang, XH Liu, ZM Wang, ST Yang, In vitro anti-tumor effects of chemically modified polysaccharides from cherokee rose fruit, Int J Food Eng, 10:473–479 (2014).
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- D. Wei, X. Liu, S.-T. Yang, Butyric acid production from sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate by Clostridium tyrobutyricum immobilized in a fibrous-bed bioreactor, Bioresource Technol., 129: 553-560 (2013).
- R. Zang, X. Zhang, M. Li, S.-T. Yang, Microwell bioreactor system for cell-based high throughput proliferation and cytotoxicity assays, Process Biochem. 48: 78-88 (2013).
- T.-Q. Lan, X. Liu, S.-T. Yang, D. Wei, Enhanced production of cellulase by Trichoderma viride in a rotating fibrous bed bioreactor, Bioresour. Technol., 133: 175-182 (2013).
- C Xue, J Zhao, F Liu, C Lu, S-T Yang, F-W Bai, Two-stage in situ gas stripping for enhanced butanol fermentation in a fibrous bed bioreactor and energy-saving product recovery, Bioresour. Technol., 135: 396-402 (2013).
- D. Li, R. Zang, S.-T. Yang, J. Wang, X. Wang, Cell-based high-throughput proliferation and cytotoxicity assays for screening traditional Chinese herbal medicines, Process Biochem., 48: 517-524 (2013).
- Z Wang, S-T Yang, Propionic acid production in glycerol/glucose co-fermentation by Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii, Bioresour. Technol., 137: 116-123 (2013).
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- E M Ammar, Z Wang, S-T Yang, Metabolic engineering of Propionibacterium freudenreichii for n-propanol production, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 97: 4677-90. (2013).
- N Lu, D Wei, F Chen, S-T Yang, Lipidomic profiling reveals lipid regulation in the snow alga Chlamydomonas nivalis in response to nitrate or phosphate deprivation, Process Biochem. 48: 605-613 (2013).
- X Zou, Y Zhou, S-T Yang, Production of polymalic acid and malic acid by Aureobasidium pullulans fermentation and acid hydrolysis, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 110: 2105–2113 (2013).
- C Lu, J Dong, S-T Yang, Butanol production from wood pulping hydrolysate in an integrated fermentation-gas stripping process, Bioresour. Technol., 143: 467 – 475 (2013).
- L Li, H Ai, S Zhang, S Li, Z Liang, Z-Q Wu, S-T Yang, J-F Wang, Enhanced butanol production by coculture of Clostridium beijerinckii and Clostridium tyrobutyricum, Bioresour. Technol., 143: 397 – 404 (2013).
- D Li, S Isherwood, A Motz, R Zang, S-T Yang, J Wang, X Wang, Cell-based screening of traditional Chinese medicines for proliferation enhancers of mouse embryonic stem cells, Biotechnol. Prog., 29: 738-744 (2013).
- S-T Yang, X Liu, Cell culture process for biologics manufacturing: Recent developments and trends, Pharma. Bioprocess., 1(2), 133–136 (2013).
- N Liu, A Ouyang, Y Li, ST Yang, Three-dimensional neural differentiation of embryonic stem cells in microfibrous matrices, Biotechnol. Prog., 29:1013–1022 (2013).
- M Liu, N Liu, R Zang, Y Li, S-T Yang, Engineering stem cell niches in bioreactors, World J. Stem Cells, 5(4): 124-135 (2013). DOI: 10.4252/wjsc.v5.i4.00
- T-W Yang, Z-M Rao, X Zhang, M-J Xu, Z-H Xu, S-T Yang, Fermentation of biodiesel-derived glycerol by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens: effects of co-substrates on 2,3-butanediol production, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol., 97:7651-7658 (2013)
- T-W Yang, Z-M Rao, X Zhang, M-J Xu, Z-H Xu, S-T Yang, Effects of corn steep liquor on production of 2,3-butanediol and acetoin by Bacillus subtilis, Process Biochem., 48: 1610-1617 (2013).
- T Yang, Z Rao, X Zhang, M Xu, Z Xu, S-T Yang, Improved production of 2,3-butanediol in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens by over-expression of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase. PLoS ONE 8(10): e76149 (2013). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0076149
- Y Li, M Liu, S-T Yang, Metabolic regulation of pluripotent stem cell expansion, differentiation, and reprogramming, J. Tissue Sci. Eng. 4: e125 (2013). doi:10.4172/2157-7552.1000e125.
- Y. Zhang, M. Yu and S.T. Yang, Effects of ptb knock-out on butyric acid fermentation by Clostridium tyrobutyricum, Biotechnol. Prog., 28: 52-59 (2012).
- N. Lu, D. Wei, X.-L. Jiang, F. Chen, S.T. Yang, Fatty acids profiling and biomarker identification in snow alga Chlamydomonas nivalis under NaCl stress using GC/MS and multivariate statistical analysis, Analytical Letters, 45: 1-12 (2012).
- N. Lv, D. Wei, F. Chen and S.T. Yang, Lipidomic profiling and discovery of lipid biomarkers in snow alga Chlamydomonas nivalis under salt stress, Eur J Lipid Sci Technol., 114: 253–265 (2012).
- C. Lu, J. Zhao, S.T. Yang, D. Wei, Fed-batch fermentation for butanol production from cassava bagasse hydrolysate in a fibrous bed bioreactor with continuous gas stripping, Bioresources Technol., 104: 380-387 (2012).
- M. Yu, Y. Du, W. Jiang, W.-L. Chang, S.T. Yang, I.-C. Tang, Effects of different replicons in conjugative plasmids on transformation efficiency, plasmid stability, gene expression and n-butanol biosynthesis in Clostridium tyrobutyricum, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 93: 881-889 (2012).
- S.T. Yang and R. Zang, Perspectives on carbon nanotube-based scaffolds in nerve tissue engineering, J. Tissue Sci. Eng., 3:1-2 (2012). doi:10.4172/2157-7552.1000e108.
- Y. Wen, R. Zang, X. Zhang and S.T. Yang, A novel 24-well microbioreactor plate with improved mixing and scalable performance for high-throughput cell cultures, Process Biochem., 47: 612-618 (2012).
- R. Zang, D. Li, I.-C. Tang, J. Wang, S.-T. Yang, Cell-based assays in high-throughput screening for drug discovery, Int J Biotechnol Wellness Ind (IJBWI), 1: 31-51 (2012).
- N. Lu, D. Wei, X.-L. Jiang, F. Chen, S.-T. Yang, Regulation of lipid metabolism in the snow alga Chlamydomonas nivalis in response to NaCl stress: An integrated analysis by cytomic and lipidomic approaches, Process Biochem., 47: 1163-1170 (2012).
- Z.-X. Liang, L. Li, S. Li, Y.-H. Cai, S.-T. Yang, J.-F. Wang, Enhanced propionic acid production from Jerusalem artichoke hydrolysate by immobilized Propionibacterium acidipropionici in a fibrous-bed bioreactor, Bioprocess Biosyst, Eng., 35: 915-921 (2012).
- B. Zhang, C. Skory, S.-T. Yang, Metabolic engineering of Rhizopus oryzae: Effects of overexpressing pyc and pepc genes on fumaric acid biosynthesis from glucose, Metab. Eng., 14: 512-520 (2012).
- C. Xue, J. Zhao, C. Lu, S.-T. Yang, F. Bai, I.-C. Tang, High-titer n-butanol production by Clostridium acetobutylicum JB200 in fed-batch fermentation with intermittent gas stripping, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 109: 2746-27 (2012).
- R. Ng, R. Zang, K.K. Yang, N. Liu, S.-T. Yang, Three-dimensional fibrous scaffolds with suwamicrostructures and nanotextures for tissue engineering, RSC Advances, 2(27): 10110-10124 (2012).
- P. Bennett, S.-T. Yang, Beneficial effect of protracted sterilization of lentils on phytase production by Aspergillus ficuum in solid state fermentation, Biotechnol. Prog., 28: 1263-1270 (2012).
- B. Zhang, S.-T. Yang, Metabolic engineering of Rhizopus oryzae: Effects of overexpressing fumR gene on cell growth and fumaric acid biosynthesis from glucose, Process Biochem. 47: 2159–2165 (2012).
- Y-H Cai, Z-X Liang, S Li, M-J Zhu, Z-Q Wu, S-T Yang, J-F Wang, Bioethanol from fermentation of cassava pulp in a fibrous-bed bioreactor using immobilized Δldh, a genetically engineered Thermoanaerobacterium aotearoense. Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng. 17: 1270-1277 (2012).
- L. Jiang, J. Wang, S. Liang, J. Cai, Z. Xu, P. Cen, S.T. Yang, and S. Li, Enhanced butyric acid tolerance and bioproduction by Clostridium tyrobutyricum immobilized in a fibrous bed bioreactor, Biotechnol. Bioeng. 108: 31–40 (2011).
- Y. Yang, H. Yan, Y. Li, S.T. Yang and X. Zhang, Isothiocyanates from Broccolini seeds induce apoptosis in human colon cancer cells: proteomic and bioinformatic analyses, Pharmazie, 66: 382390 (2011).
- X. Zhang and S.T. Yang, High-throughput 3-D cell-based proliferation and cytotoxicity assays for drug screening and bioprocess development, J. Biotechnol., 151: 186-193 (2011).
- B. Wang, S.T. Yang, X. Zhang, Optimum extraction of flavonoids from Broccolini leaves using response surface methodology, Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan, 18: 169–177 (2011).
- M. Yu, Y. Zhang, I.-C. Tang, S.T. Yang, Metabolic engineering of Clostridium tyrobutyricum for n-butanol production, Metabolic Eng., 13: 373-382 (2011)
- Y. Wen and S.T. Yang, Microfibrous carriers for cell culture: a comparative study, Biotechnol. Prog., 27(4): 1126-1136 (2011).
- X. Zhang and S.T. Yang, An online, non-invasive fluorescence probe for immobilized cell culture process development, Process Biochem., 46: 2030-2035 (2011).
- T. Yang, Q. Lin, X. Zhang, H. Xia, Z. Rao, Z. Xu, S.T. Yang, Production of 2,3-butanediol from glucose by GRAS microorganism Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, J Basic Microbiol., 51: 1–9 (2011).
- L. Fan, N. Liu, M. Yu, S.T. Yang, and H.L. Chen, Cell surface display of carbonic anhydrase on Escherichia coli using ice nucleation protein for CO2 sequestration, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 108: 2853-2864 (2011).
- J. Huang, J. Cai, J. Wang, X.C. Zhu, L. Huang, S.T. Yang, Z.N. Xu. Efficient production of butyric acid from Jerusalem artichoke by immobilized Clostridium tyrobutyricum in a fibrous-bed bioreactor. Bioresour. Technol. 102: 3923-3926 (2011).
- N. Thongchul, S. Navankasattusas and S.T. Yang, Production of lactic acid and ethanol by Rhizopus oryzae integrated with cassava pulp hydrolysis, Bioprocess Biosystems Eng., 33(3): 407-416 (2010).
- R. Ng, J. S. Gurm, and S.-T. Yang, Centrifugal seeding of mammalian cells in nonwoven fibrous matrices, Biotechnol. Prog., 26(1): 239-245 (2010).
- Jiang, L; Cai, J; Wang, JF; Liang, SZ; Xu, ZN; Yang, ST. Phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphorylation of sucrose by Clostridium tyrobutyricum ZJU 8235: Evidence for the phosphotransferase transport system, Bioresource Technol. 101: 304-309 (2010).
- Y. Wen and S.T. Yang, Effects of fibrous matrix on flow startup and control in parallel PDMS microchannels with a common inlet, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 9(2-3): 375-384 (2010).
- Z. Wang, Y. Wang, S.T. Yang, R. Wang, H. Ren. A novel honeycomb matrix for cell immobilization to enhance lactic acid production by Rhizopus oryzae, Bioresource Technol., 101: 5557–5564 (2010).
- Y. Cao, D. Li, C. Shang, S.T. Yang, J. Wang, and X. Wang, Three-dimensional culture of human mesenchymal stem cells in a polyethylene terephthalate matrix, Biomed. Mater. 5: 065013 (2010).
- Y. Wen, X. Zhang and S.-T. Yang, Microplate-reader compatible perfusion microbioreactor array for modular tissue culture and cytotoxicity assays, Biotechnol. Prog., 26(4): 1135-1144 (2010).
- Y. Zhu, X. Liu and S.T. Yang, Construction and characterization of pta gene deleted mutant of Clostridium tyrobutyricum for butyric acid fermentation, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 90:154-166 (2005).
- Y. Yang, S. Basu, D.L. Tomasko, L.J. Lee, and S.T. Yang, Fabrication of well-defined PLGA scaffolds using novel microembossing and carbon dioxide bonding, Biomaterials, 26(15):2585-2594 (2005).
- Shubhayu Basu and S.T. Yang, Astrocyte Growth and GDNF Secretion in three dimensional polyethylene terephthalate fibrous matrices, Tissue Engineering, 11(5-6), 940-952 (2005).
- L. Wang, E.M. Silva, and S.-T. Yang, Hydrodynamics of spouting grain particles with suitable moisture contents for solid state fermentation in gas-solid spouted bed bioreactor, Journal of Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers, 36(1), 285-295 (2005).
- S. Suwannakham and S.-T. Yang. Enhanced propionic acid fermentation by Propionibacterium acidipropionici mutant obtained by adaptation in a fibrous-bed bioreactor, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 91:325-337. (2005).
- Y. Bai and S.T. Yang, Biotransformation of R-2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutyric acid by D-lactate dehydrogenase and Candida boidinii cells containing formate dehydrogenase coimmobilized in a fibrous bed bioreactor, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 92:137-146 (2005).
- M. Talabardon and S.T. Yang, Production of GFP and glucoamylase by recombinant Aspergillus niger: Effects of fermentation conditions on fungal morphology and protein secretion, Biotechnol. Prog., 21: 1389-1400 (2005).
- X. Liu, Y. Zhu and S.T. Yang, Butyric acid and hydrogen production by Clostridium tyrobutyricum ATCC 25755 and mutants, Enz. Microb. Technol., 38:521-528 (2006).
- Nuttha Thongchul and S.T. Yang, Controlling biofilm growth and lactic acid production by Rhizopus oryzae in a rotating fibrous bed bioreactor: Effects of dissolved oxygen, rotational speed, and urea concentration, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers, 37(1): 49-61 (2006).
- S. Suwannakham, Y. Huang and S.T. Yang, Construction and characterization of ack knock-out mutants of Propionibacterium acidipropionici for enhanced propionic acid fermentation, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 94: 383-395 (2006).
- X. Liu and S.T. Yang, Kinetics of butyric acid fermentation of glucose and xylose by Clostridium tyrobutyricum wild type and mutant, Process Biochemistry, 41: 801-808 (2006).
- Hojae Shim and S.T. Yang, Kinetics of BTEX biodegradation by a coculture of Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas fluorescens, J. Environ. Eng. Management, 16(5):309-317 (2006).
- X. Liu, Y. Zhu and S.T. Yang, Construction and characterization of ack deleted mutant of Clostridium tyrobutyricum for enhanced butyric acid and hydrogen production, Biotechnol. Prog., 22:1265-1275 (2006).
- Y. Bai, M. Boreman, C.G. Koh, Y.-J. Juang, I.C. Tang, L.J. Lee, and S.T. Yang, Surface modification for enhancing antibody binding on polymer-based microfluidic device for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Langmuir, 22(22) 9458-9467 (2006).
- A. Ouyang and S.T. Yang, Effects of mixing intensity on cell seeding and proliferation in three-dimensional fibrous matrices. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 96(2):371-380 (2007).
- A. Ouyang, R. Ng and S.T. Yang, Long-term culturing of undifferentiated embryonic stem cells in conditioned media and three-dimensional fibrous matrices without ECM coating, Stem Cells, Feb 1 2007: 447-454 (2007).
- S.T. Yang and R. Ng, 3D cultures for growing and studying cells, Materials Today, 10(3):56 (2007).
- S.T. Yang, CELLutions – CHI's Second Annual Summit: The Future of Stem Cell Sciences, Third Annual Stem Cell Sources: Targeting Cell-Based Regenerative Therapies. IDrugs, 10(10), October 2007.
- Z. Xu and S.T. Yang, Production of mycophenolic acid by Penicillium brevicompactum immobilized in a rotating fibrous bed bioreactor, Enz. Microb. Technol., 40(4):623-628 (2007).
- Y. Bai and S.T. Yang, Production and separation of formate dehydrogenase from Candida boidinii, Enz. Microb. Technol., 40:940-946 (2007).
- A. Ouyang, P. Bennett, A. Zhang, and S.T. Yang, Affinity chromatographic separation of secreted alkaline phosphatase and glucoamylase using reactive dyes, Process Biochem., 42:561-569 (2007).
- Y. Bai, W.-C. Huang, and S.T. Yang, Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in surface enhanced poly(methyl methacrylate) microchannels, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 98: 328-339 (2007).
- H.A. El-Enshasy, H.H. El Adawy, and S.T. Yang, Effects of different osmotic pressure of the cultivation media on hybridoma cell growth and monoclonal antibodies production kinetics in batch culture, Biotechnology 6(2): 202-209 (2007).
- S.T. Yang, X. Zhang and Y. Wen, Microbioreactors for high-throughput cytotoxicity assays, Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development, 11(1): 111-127 (2008). [invited review]
- A. Ouyang and S.T. Yang, A two-stage perfusion fibrous bed bioreactor system for mass production of embryonic stem cells, Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy, 8(7): 895-909 (2008). [invited review]
- Y. Wen and S.-T. Yang, The future of microfluidic assays in drug development, Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 3(10): 1237-1253 (2008). [invited review]
- D. Caetano-Anolles, Y. Wen, S.T. Yang, L.J. Lee. Methods for decreasing hydrophobicity of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) using surface treatments and gel mixtures for use in parallel fluid flow cell culture studies. Minus 9 Nanotechnology Journal (2008). online publication <>.
- S.T. Yang. Metabolic and process engineering for enhanced production of biofuels and biochemicals, J. Biotechnol. 136: S277-S278 (2008).
- J. Chen, H. Chen, X. Zhu, Y. Lu, S.T. Yang, Z. Xu, P. Cen, Long-term production of soluble human Fas ligand through immobilization of Dictyostelium discoideum in a fibrous bed bioreactor, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 82(2): 241-248 (2009).
- R. Ng, X. Zhang, N. Liu, and S.T. Yang, Modifications of nonwoven polyethylene terephthalate fibrous matrices via NaOH hydrolysis: Effects on pore size, fiber diameter, cell seeding and proliferation, Process Biochem., 44(9): 992-998 (2009).
- R. Ng, J. S. Gurm, and S.T. Yang, Benzalkonium chloride sterilization of nonwoven fibrous scaffolds for astrocyte culture, The Open Biotechnology Journal, 3:73-78 (2009).
- A. Zhang and S.T. Yang, Engineering of Propionibacterium acidipropionici for enhanced propionic acid tolerance and fermentation, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 104(4):766-773 (2009).
- A. Wei, X. Zhang, D. Wei, G. Chen, Q. Wu, S.T. Yang, Effects of cassava starch hydrolysate on cell growth and lipid accumulation of heterotrophic microalgae Chlorella protothecoides, J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 36(11):1383-1389 (2009).
- A. Zhang and S.T. Yang, Propionic acid production from glycerol by metabolically engineered Propionibacterium acidipropionici, Process Biochem., 44:1346-1351 (2009).
- H. Chua, X.Z. Li, P.H.F. Yu, C.Y. Tam, Y.L. Huang, and S.T. Yang, Design and performance of a fibrous bed bioreactor for odor treatment, Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 84-6: 469-478 (2000).
- T. Ma, Y. Li, S.T. Yang, and D.A. Kniss, Effects of Pore Size in 3-D Fibrous Matrix on Human Trophoblast Tissue Development, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 70:606-618 (2000).
- M. Talabardon, J-P. Schwitzguebel, P. Peringer, and S.T. Yang, Acetic Acid Production from Lactose by an Anaerobic Thermophilic Coculture Immobilized in a Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor, Biotechnol. Progress, 16:1008-1017 (2000).
- Y. Li, T. Ma, S.T. Yang, and D.A. Kniss, Thermal Compression and Characterization of 3-D Nonwoven PET Matrices as Tissue Engineering Scaffolds, J. Biomaterials, 22:609-618 (2001).
- T. Ma, S.T. Yang, and D.A. Kniss, Regulation of Tissue Development by Oxygen Tension in a Tissue-Engineered Human Placental Model System, Tissue Engineering, 7:495-506 (2001).
- Y. Li, T. Ma, D.A. Kniss, S.T. Yang, and L.C. Lasky, Human Cord Cell Hematopoiesis in Three-Dimensional Nonwoven Fibrous Matrices: In Vitro Simulation of the Marrow Microenvironment, J. Hematotherapy & Stem Cell Research, 10:355-368 (2001).
- Y. Li, T. Ma, L.C. Lasky, S.T. Yang, and D.A. Kniss, Effects of Seeding Methods on Cell Density, Spatial Distribution, and Proliferation in Nonwoven Fibrous Matrix, Biotechnol. Progress, 17:935-944 (2001).
- Y. Xie, S.T. Yang, and D.A. Kniss, Three-Dimensional Cell-Scaffold Constructs Promote Efficient Gene Transfection: Implications for Cell-Based Gene Therapy, Tissue Eng., 7:585-598 (2001).
- Y. Li and S.T. Yang, Effects of Three-Dimensional Scaffolds on Cell Organization and Tissue Development. Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng., 6:311-325 (2001).
- Y.M. Lo, C.H. Hsu, S.T. Yang and D.B. Min. Oxygen Transfer Characteristics of a Centrifugal, Packed-Bed Reactor during Viscous Xanthan Fermentation. Bioprocess and Biosystems Eng., 24: 187-193 (2001).
- N. Albayrak and S.T. Yang, Production of Galacto-oligosaccharides from Lactose by Aspergillus oryzae b-Galactosidase Immobilized on Cotton Cloth, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 77:8-19 (2002).
- Y.L. Huang, Z. Wu, L. Zhang, C.M. Cheung, and S.T. Yang, Production of carboxylic acids from corn meal by immobilized cell fermentation in a fibrous-bed bioreactor, Bioresource Technol., 82:51-59 (2002).
- N. Albayrak and S.T. Yang, Immobilization of b-Galactosidase on Fibrous Matrix by Polyethylenimine for Production of Galacto-oligosaccharides from Lactose, Biotechnol. Progress, 18:240-251 (2002).
- C. Chen, Y.L. Huang, and S.T. Yang, Continuous Production of Developmental Endothelial Locus-1 in a Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor, J. Biotechnol., 97:23-39 (2002).
- A. Tay and S.T. Yang, Production of L(+)-Lactic Acid from Glucose and Starch by Immobilized Cells of Rhizopus oryzae in a Rotating Fibrous Bed Bioreactor, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 80:1-12 (2002).
- N. Albayrak and S.T. Yang, Imobilization of Aspergillus oryzae β-galactosidase on tosylated cotton cloth, Enzyme Microb. Technol., 31:371-383 (2002).
- H. Shim, E. Shin, and S.T. Yang, A Continuous Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor for BTEX Biodegradation by a Co-culture of Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas fluorescens, Advances in Environmental Research, 7:203-216 (2002).
- Y. Zhu, Z. Wu and S.T. Yang, Butyric Acid Production from Acid Hydrolysate of Corn Fiber by Clostridium tyrobutyricum in a Fibrous Bed Bioreactor, Process Biochemistry, 38:657-666 (2002).
- Z.F. Wang, Y.L. Huang, J.F. Rathman and S.T. Yang, Lecithin Enhanced Biotransformation of Cholesterol to Androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione and Androsta-4-ene-3,17-dione, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 77:1349-1357 (2002).
- H. Shim and S.T. Yang, BTEX Removal from Contaminated Groundwater by a Coculture of Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas fluorescens Immobilized in a Continuous Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 77:1308-1315 (2002).
- Z. Wu and S.T. Yang, Extractive fermentation for butyric acid production from glucose by Clostridium tyrobutyricum, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 82: 93-102 (2003).
- Amy L. Kneidel and S.T. Yang, Kinetic Study of Trichloroethylene Biodegradation by Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b PP358 Immobilized in a Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor, J. Chinese Inst. Chem. Engineers, 34:65-73 (2003).
- Y. Zhu and S.T. Yang, Adaptation of Clostridium tyrobutyricum for enhanced tolerance to butyric acid in a fibrous-bed bioreactor, Biotechnol. Progress, 19:365-372 (2003).
- Y. Li, D.A. Kniss, L.C. Lasky and S.T. Yang, Culturing and differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells in three-dimensional fibrous matrix, Cytotechnology, 41:23-35 (2003).
- C. Chen, K. Chen, and S. T. Yang, Effects of three-dimensional culturing on osteosarcoma cells grown in a fibrous matrix: Analyses of cell morphology, cell cycle and apoptosis, Biotechnol. Prog., 19:1574-1582 (2003).
- J. Luo and S.T. Yang, Effects of 3-D culturing in a fibrous matrix on cell cycle, apoptosis and MAb production by hybridoma cells. Biotechnol. Prog., 20:306-315 (2004).
- H. Shim, B.H. Hwang and S.T. Yang, Separation of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes by Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography, Environmental Technology, 25(1):51-56 (2004).
- S. Lai, S. Wang, J. Luo, L. J. Lee, S.-T. Yang, and M. J. Madou, Design of a CD-like microfluidic platform for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Analytical Chemistry, 76:1832-1837 (2004).
- Y. Zhu and S.T. Yang, Effect of pH on metabolic pathway shift in butyric acid fermentation by Clostridium tyrobutyricum, J. Biotechnol., 110:143-157 (2004).
- W.-C. Huang, D.E. Ramey, and S.-T. Yang, Continuous production of butanol by Clostridium acetobutylicum immobilized in a fibrous bed bioreactor, Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 113-116:887-898 (2004).
- H. Huang, D.E. Ramey, and S.-T. Yang, A hollow-fiber membrane extraction process for recovery and purification of lactic acid from fermentation broth, Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 113-116:671-688 (2004).
- H. Zhu and S.T. Yang, Long-term continuous production of monoclonal antibody by hybridoma cells immobilized in a fibrous-bed bioreactor, Cytotechnology, 44(1-2):1-14 (2004).
- X. Liu, Y.-K. Chung, S.-T. Yang, and A.E. Yousef, Continuous nisin production in laboratory media and whey permeate by immobilized Lactococcus lacti, Process Biochemistry, 40(1):13-24 (2004).
Before 2000 (1995-1999)
- S.T. Yang, Y. Huang, and G. Hong, A Novel Recycle Batch Immobilized Cell Bioreactor for Propionate Production from Whey Lactose, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 45:379-386 (1995).
- E.M. Silva and S.T. Yang, Continuous Production of Lactic Acid from Acid Whey by Lactobacillus helveticus in a Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor, J. Biotechnol., 41:59-70 (1995).
- S.T. Yang and E.M. Silva, Novel Products and New Technologies for Use of a Familiar Carbohydrate, Milk Lactose, J. Dairy Sci., 78:2563-2583 (1995).
- C.Y. Cheng and S.T. Yang, Dynamics and Modeling of Gene Expression in Temperature-Sensitive Recombinant Yeast Fermentation in Response to Temperature Switch, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 50:663-674 (1996).
- H.Y. Cho, A.E. Yousef, and S.T. Yang, Continuous production of pediocin by immobilized Pediococcus acidilactici PO2 in a packed-bed bioreactor, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 45:589-594 (1996).
- C.H. Shu and S.T. Yang, Production of Recombinant GM-CSF by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a Three-Phase Fluidized Bed Bioreactor, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 51:229-236 (1996).
- S.T. Yang and C.H. Shu, Kinetics and Stability of GM-CSF Production by Recombinant Yeast Cells Immobilized in a Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor, Biotechnol. Prog., 12:449-456 (1996).
- C.H. Shu and S.T. Yang, Kinetics of Continuous GM-CSF Production by Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae in an Air-Lift Bioreactor, J. Biotechnol., 48:107-116 (1996).
- Y.M. Lo, S.T. Yang, and D.B. Min, Kinetics and Feasibility Studies of Ultrafiltration of Viscous Xanthan Gum Fermentation Broth, J. Membrane Sci., 117:237-249 (1996).
- S.T. Yang, Y.M. Lo, and D.B. Min, Xanthan Gum Fermentation by Xanthomonas campestris Immobilized in a Novel Centrifugal Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor, Biotechnol. Progress, 12: 630-637 (1996).
- Y.L. Huang, C.H. Shu and S.T. Yang, Kinetics and Modeling of GM-CSF Production by Recombinant Yeast in a Three-Phase Fluidized Bed Bioreactor, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 53:470-477 (1997).
- Y.M. Lo, S.T. Yang, and D.B. Min, Ultrafiltration of Xanthan Gum Fermentation Broth: Process and Economic Analyses, J. Food Eng., 31:219-236 (1997).
- Y.M. Lo, S.T. Yang, and D.B. Min, Effects of Yeast Extract and Glucose on Xanthan Production and Cell Growth in Batch Culture of Xanthomonas campestris, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 47:689-694 (1997).
- C.Y. Cheng, Y.L. Huang, and S.T. Yang, A Novel Feeding Strategy for Enhanced Plasmid Stability and Protein Production in Recombinant Yeast Fedbatch Fermentation, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 56:23-31 (1997).
- Qi Zhou and S.T. Yang, Biotechnological Control of Air Pollution, Shanghai Environmental Sciences, 16(12):6-10 (1997).
- S.T. Yang, Y.M. Lo, and D. Chattopadhyay, Production of Cell-Free Xanthan Fermentation Broth by cell Adsorption on Fibers, Biotechnol. Progress, 14:259-264 (1998).
- Z. Jin and S.T. Yang, Extractive Fermentation for Enhanced Propionic Acid Production from Lactose by Propionibacterium acidipropionici, Biotechnol. Progress, 14:457-465 (1998).
- Y. Huang and S.T. Yang, Acetate Production from Whey Lactose Using Co-immobilized Cells of Homolactic and Homoacetic Bacteria in a Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 60:498-507 (1998).
- E.M. Silva and S.T. Yang, Production of Amylases from Rice by Solid State Fermentation in a Gas-Solid Spouted Bed Bioreactor, Biotechnol. Progress, 14:580-587 (1998).
- Y.L. Huang, K. Mann, J.M. Novak, and S.T. Yang, Acetic Acid Production from Fructose by Clostridium formicoaceticum in a Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor, Biotechnol. Prog., 14:800-806 (1998).
- Q. Zhou, H. Shim, Y.L. Huang, D.H. Tseng, and S.T. Yang, A Trickling Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor for Biofiltration of Benzene in Air, J. Chemical Technol. Biotechnol., 73:359-368 (1998).
- H. Chua, X.Z. Li, C.Y. Tam, Y.L. Huang, S.T. Yang, Biofiltration of VFA Using a Novel Fibrous Bed Bioreactor, Journal of The Institute of Engineers Singapore, 38(3):51-54 (1998).
- H. Shim and S.T. Yang, Biodegradation of BTEX by Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas fluorescens in a Continuous Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor, International Journal of Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing, 7(3): (1998).
- H. Shim and S.T. Yang, Biodegradation of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and o-Xylene by a Coculture of Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas fluorescens Immobilized in a Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor, J. Biotechnol., 67:99-112 (1999).
- H. Chua, X.Z. Li, P.H.F. Yu, C.Y. Tam, Y.L. Huang, S.T. Yang, Performance of Fibrous Bed Bioreactor for Treating Odorous Gas, Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 77(9): 561-569 (1999).
- T. Ma, S.T. Yang, and D.A. Kniss, Development of an In Vitro Human Placenta Model by the Cultivation of Human Trophoblasts in a Fiber-based Bioreactor System, Tissue Engineering, 5:91-102 (1999).
- T. Ma, Y. Li, S.T. Yang, and D.A. Kniss, Tissue Engineering Human Placenta Trophoblast Cells in 3-D Fibrous Matrix: Spatial Effects on Cell Proliferation and Functions, Biotechnology Progress, 15:715-724 (1999).
Before 1995 (1985-1994)
- S.T. Yang and M. Chang, Solubilizing Cellulosic Materials by Alkali-Cooking for Anaerobic Methane Production, Ann. Reports on Fermentation Processes, 8:187-209 (1985).
- D. Feldman, S.T. Yang, and N. Ho. Construction of Plasmids for the Transformation of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, Biotechnol. Bioeng. Symp., 15:235-240 (1985).
- S.T. Yang, I.C. Tang, and M.R. Okos, Kinetics of Homoacetic Fermentation of Lactate by Clostridium formicoaceticum, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 53: 823-827 (1987).
- S.T. Yang and M.R. Okos, Kinetic Study and Mathematical Modeling of Methanogenesis of Acetate Using Pure Cultures of Methanogens, Biotechnol. Bioeng, 30:661-667 (1987).
- I.C. Tang, S.T. Yang, and M.R. Okos, Acetic Acid Production from Whey Lactose by the Coculture of Streptococcus lactis and Clostridium formicoaceticum, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 28:138-143 (1988).
- S.T. Yang, I.C. Tang, and M.R. Okos, Defined Bacterial Culture Developments for Methane Generation from Lactose, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 32:28-37 (1988).
- S.T. Yang, I.C. Tang, and M.R. Okos, Kinetics and Mathematical Modeling of Homoacetic Fermentation of Lactate by Clostridium formicoaceticum, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 32:797-802 (1988).
- S.T. Yang and I.C. Tang, Lactose Hydrolysis and Oligosaccharide Formation Catalyzed by b-Galactosidase: Kinetics and Mathematical Modeling, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 542:417-422 (1988).
- S.T. Yang and M.R. Okos, Effects of Temperature on Lactose Hydrolysis by Immobilized b-Galactosidase in a Plug-Flow Reactor, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 33:873-885 (1989).
- S.T. Yang and M.R. Okos, A New Graphical Method for Determining Parameters in Michaelis-Menten-Type Kinetics for Enzymatic Lactose Hydrolysis, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 34:763-773 (1989).
- I.C. Tang, M.R. Okos, and S.T. Yang, Effects of pH and Acetic Acid on Homoacetic Fermentation of Lactate by Clostridium formicoaceticum, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 34:1063-1074 (1989).
- C.H. Shu and S.T. Yang, Effects of Temperature on Cell Growth and Xanthan Production in Batch Cultures of Xanthomonas campestris, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 35:454-468 (1990).
- S.T. Yang and M.N. Guo, Kinetics of Methanogenesis from Whey Permeate in Packed Bed Immobilized Cells Bioreactor, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 36:427-436 (1990).
- S.T. Yang and M.N. Guo, A Kinetic Model for Methanogenic Fermentation of Whey Permeate in a Packed Bed Immobilized Cell Bioreactor, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 37:375-382 (1991).
- C.H. Shu and S.T. Yang, Kinetics and Modeling of Temperature Effects on Batch Xanthan Gum Fermentation, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 37:567-574 (1991).
- S.T. Yang and I.C. Tang, Methanogenesis from Lactate by a Coculture of Clostridium formicoaceticum and Methanosarcina mazei, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 35:119-123, (1991).
- S.T. Yang, S.A. White, and S.T. Hsu, Organic Acid Extraction Using Tertiary and Quaternary Amines: Effect of pH, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 30:1335-1342 (1991).
- S.T. Hsu and S.T. Yang, Propionic Acid Fermentation of Lactose by Propionibacterium acidipropionici: Effects of pH, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 38:571-578 (1991).
- S.T. Yang and M.R. Okos, Methane Generation from Lactose by Using a Novel Mixed Culture: Kinetics, Modeling and Simulation, J. Chinese Inst. Chemical Engineers, 22:409-418 (1991).
- S.T. Yang, I.C. Tang, and H. Zhu, A Novel Fermentation Process for Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) Production from Cheese Whey, Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 34/35:569-583 (1992).
- S.T. Yang, H. Zhu, Vivian P. Lewis and I.C. Tang, Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) Production from Whey Permeate: Process and Economic Analysis, Resources Conservation and Recycling, 7:181-200 (1992).
- V.P. Lewis and S.T. Yang, A Novel Extractive Fermentation Process for Propionate Production from Whey Lactose, Biotechnol. Progress, 8:104-110 (1992).
- V.P. Lewis and S.T. Yang, Propionic Acid Fermentation by Propionibacterium acidipropionici: Effects of Growth Substrate, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 37:437-442 (1992).
- V.P. Lewis and S.T. Yang, Continuous Propionic Acid Fermentation by Using Immobilized Propionibacterium acidipropionici in a Novel Packed-Bed Bioreactor, Biotechnol Bioeng., 40:465-474 (1992).
- M.S. Gandikota, S.T. Yang, J.F. Davis and J.L. Marchio, Bioprocess Flowsheets Made Easy, ChemTech, November 1992, pp.694-699 (1992).
- S.T. Yang, H. Zhu, Y. Li, and G. Hong, Continuous Propionate Production from Whey Permeate Using a Novel Fibrous Bed Bioreactor, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 43:1124-1130 (1994).
- S.T. Yang, J.L. Marchio, and J.W. Yen, A Dynamic Light Scattering Study of b-Galactosidase: Environmental Effects on Protein Conformation and Enzyme Activity, Biotechnol. Progress, 10:525-531 (1994).
- S.T. Yang, "Extractive Fermentation Using Convoluted Fibrous Bed Bioreactor," U.S. Patent No. 5563069, issue date: 10/08/96.
- S.T. Yang, "Process of Separation of Cells from Liquid by Adsorption onto Fiber," U.S. Patent No. 6033896, issue date: 3/7/2000.
- S.T. Yang, “Apparatus for Separating Cells and Producing Microbial Polysaccharides,” U.S. Patent No. 6787340, issue date: 9/7/2004.
- S.T. Yang and N. Albayrak, “Immobilization of Enzyme on a Fibrous Matrix” US Patent No. 7,166,451, issue date: 1/23/2007.
- S.T. Yang and N. Albayrak, “Immobilization of Enzyme on a Fibrous Matrix” US Patent No. 7,811,796, issue date: 10/12/2010.
- S.T. Yang, Y. Bai, and W.-C. Huang, “Microfluidic Chips for Rapid Multiplex ELISA” US Patent No. 8,075,854, issue date: 12/13/2011.
- S.T. Yang, “Methods and Processes for Producing Esters” US Patent No. 8,357,519, issue date: 1/22/2013.
- S.T. Yang and Jingbo Zhao, “Adaptive engineering of Clostridium for increased butanol production” US Patent No. 8,450,093, issue date: 5/28/2013.
- S.T. Yang, X. Zhang and Y. Wen, “Materials and methods for cell-based assays” US Patent No. 8,603,806, issue date: 12/10/2013.
- S.T. Yang and Y. Bai, “Aminated Materials for Assays” US Patent No. 8,652,564, issue date: 2/18/2014.
- S.T. Yang and Mingrui Yu, “Metabolic engineering of Clostridium tyrobutyricum for butanol production” US Patent No. 9,284,580, issue date: 3/15/2016.
- S.T. Yang and Anli Ouyang, "Methods and apparatuses for growing cells” US patent Application No. 11/558,396 and PCT/US06/60752 filed on November 9, 2006. (US 2007/0178586 A1)
- S.T. Yang, “Methods of Producing Butanol” International patent application PCT/US2008/059253 (WO 2008/124490 A1) US Patent Application Serial No. 12/062,091 filed on April 3, 2008 (US 2008/024850 A1).
- S.T. Yang, “Methods and Processes for Producing Organic Acids” International patent application No. PCT/US08/67457 filed on June 19, 2008 (WO 2009/154624 A1); US Patent Application Serial No. 12/999,196 filed on December 15, 2010. (US 2011/0151529 A1)
- S.T. Yang, An Zhang and Zhongqiang Wang, “Systems and methods for propionic acid production” US provisional patent application (US 61/411,804) filed on November 9, 2010. PCT/US2011/060047 filed on November 9, 2011. (WO 2012064883)
- S.T. Yang and Ru Zang, “Embryonic stem cell models” US provisional patent application (US 61/547,960) filed on October 17, 2011. PCT/US utility application filed on October 17, 2012. (WO 2013059264 A1)
- S.T. Yang, E. Ammar, B. Rodriguez and C. Stowers “Process for producing n-propanol and propionic acid using metabolically engineered propionibacteria” U.S. provisional application filed on December 21, 2012. PCT/US2013/075248 filed on December 16, 2013. (WO 2014099707)
- S.T. Yang and X. Yang. “Metabolic engineering of Clostridium cellulovorans for biofuel production from cellulose: Restriction-modification analysis system and in vivo methylation protection for enhanced transformation and adhE2 expression” US patent application (61/953,148) filed on 3/14/2014. PCT/US2015/020568, filed on 3/13, 2015. (WO 2015/138977 A3)
Invention Disclosures and Abandoned Applications
- L. James Lee, S.T. Yang, and Siyi Lai, “Microfluidic Compact Disk for Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays (CD-ELISA)” US Patent Application No. 10/983,538 filed on 11/9/2004.
- S.T. Yang and Yuan Wen, “Methods for making three dimensional microfluidic bioreactor array” US provisional patent application filed on November 2, 2005
- L.J. Lee, S.T. Yang, Y.J. Juang, and C. Lu, “Interstitial Bonding for Plastic Microfluidic Chips” US provisional patent application filed on December 2, 2005.
- S.T. Yang and Robin Ng, “Three dimensional fibrous scaffold comprising nano and micro structures for cell culture and tissue engineering applications” OSU Invention Disclosure Tech ID No. 07071.
- S.T. Yang and Ru Zang, “3D fibrous matrices with multiwall carbon nanotubes” US provisional patent application (US 61/411,794) filed on November 9, 2010.
- S.T. Yang and Jingbo Zhao, “Systems and methods for butanol production” US provisional patent application (US 61/411,782) filed on November 9, 2010.
- S.T. Yang, X. Zou and Y.P. Zhou, “Production of poly(L-malic acid) and malic acid by fermentation and acid hydrolysis” US provisional patent application filed on October 29, 2012.
Proceedings Papers
- S.T. Yang, M.R. Okos, and J.C. Nye, "Fermentation Kinetics of Anaerobic Methanogenesis from Cheese Whey," paper No. 82-3592, ASAE Winter Meeting, Palmer House, Chicago, IL (1982).
- S.T. Yang, I.C. Tang, and M.R. Okos, "Methanol Production from Food and Agricultural Wastes," symposium paper, 3rd Annual Solar & Biomass Energy Workshop, April 26-28, 1983. United States Department of Agriculture, pp. 303-306 (1983).
- S.T. Yang, I.C. Tang, and M.R. Okos, "Methane and Methanol from Food and Agricultural Wastes," symposium paper, 4th Annual Solar & Biomass Energy Workshop, April 17-19, 1984. United States Department of Agriculture, pp. 139-142 (1984).
- S.T. Yang, Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization in the Dairy Industry through Novel Uses of Whey Permeate, Proceedings, AIChE Pollution Prevention Conference, Washington, D.C. (1989).
- S.T. Yang, Waste Minimization in Food, Pharmaceutical and Forestry Industries, in I.A. Jefcoat and M. Overcash (Eds.), report on "AIChE/EPA/NSF Workshop on Waste Minimization Research Needs," pp. 13-18 (1989).
- S.T. Yang, A Novel Method to Produce Road Deicer from Cheese Whey, in R.L. Watts and V.E. Lee (Eds.), Proceedings of Waste Stream Minimization and Utilization Innovative Concepts - An Experimental Technology Exchange, Washington D.C., April 25-26, 1991, Vol. 2, pp. 9.1-9.13 (1991).
- S.T. Yang, H. Zhu, and Y. Li, Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) Production from Whey Permeate, Proceedings of Dairy Products Technical Conference, The American Dairy Products Institute, April 29-30, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 49-60 (1992).
- S.T. Yang, H. Zhu, and E.M. Silva, Production of Value-Added Products from Agricultural and Food Processing Byproducts, Proceedings of Ninth National Convention of Chemical Engineers and International Symposium on Importance of Biotechnology in Coming Decades, The Institution of Engineers (India), June 5-7, Visakhapatnam, India, pp. 47-68 (1993).
- S.T. Yang, H. Zhu, Y. Li, and E.M. Silva, A Novel Multi-Phase Bioreactor for Fermentations to Produce Organic acids from Dairy Wastes, Proceedings of First Biomass Conference of The Americas, 8/30 - 9/2, Burlington, Vermont, Vol. 2, pp. 1223-1248 (1993).
- S.T. Yang, H. Zhu, Y. Li, and I.C. Tang, Production of Low-Cost Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) as an Environmentally Friendly Deicer from Cheese Whey, Proceedings of First Biomass Conference of The Americas, 8/30 - 9/2, Burlington, Vermont, Vol. 2, pp. 1305-1310 (1993).
- S.T. Yang, Y.-M. Lo, Y. He, and Z. Jin, Novel Fermentation and Separation Processes for Pollution Prevention and Waste Reduction in the Fermentation Industry, Proceedings Mid-American Chinese Professional Annual Convention, Itasca, Illinois, June 24-25, 1995, pp. 146-151.
- S.T. Yang and B.H. Chollar, Production of Low-Cost Acetate Deicers from Biomass and Industrial Wastes, Proceedings for the 4th International Symposium on Snow Removal and Ice Control Technology, Reno, Nevada, August 12-16, 1996, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council; Vol. 1, pp. C-6.
- Q. Wei and S.T. Yang, Separation of Acetic and Lactic Acid in Fermentation by Solvent Extraction Using Hollow Fiber Membrane Extractor, Proceedings for Topical Conference on Separation Science and Technologies, AIChE Annual meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Nov. 16-21, 1997; Vol. 1, pp. 479-484.
- E.M. Silva and S.T. Yang, A Novel Spouted Bed Bioreactor for Solid State Fermentation, Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Food Engineering, Los Angeles, Nov. 18-21, 1997; pp. 336-341.
- S.T. Yang, Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization: Novel Bioprocessing Technologies for Biochemicals Production and Waste Reduction, Proceedings of Asian Pacific Conference on Industrial Waste Minimization and Sustainable Development ’97, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, Dec. 14-18, 1997; pp.47-59.
- S.T. Yang, Zuwei Jin, and B.H. Chollar, Production of Low-Cost Acetate Deicers from Biomass and Industrial Wastes, in Conference Proceedings 16, Snow Removal and Ice Control Technology, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council; National Academy Press, Washington D.C., 1997; pp. 60-69.
- Y. Huang, Z. Jin, Y.L. Huang, and S.T. Yang, Metabolic Engineering and Extractive Fermentation for Enhanced Propionate Production from Glucose, 1998 Corn Utilization and Technology Conference Proceedings, Corn Refiners Association, Inc. and National Corn Growers Association, St. Luis, 1998; pp. 147-151.
- A.L. Kneidel, H. Shim, and S.T. Yang, Trichloroethylene bioremediation by Mythylosinus trichosporium OB3b immobilized in a fibrous-bed bioreactor. In Bioremediation and Phytoremediation: Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds. G.B. Wickramanayake and R.E. Hinchee (eds). Proceedings for the First International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, CA. Battelle Press, Columbus, OH. 1998; pp. 205-213.
- B. Doma, Jr., J. Salvacion, and S.T. Yang, Improved Xanthan Gum Fermentation Using a Novel Rotating Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor System, 61st PIChE National Convention, Manila, Philippines, February 3-5, 2000.
- E.C. San Nicolas, J. Salvacion, and S.T. Yang, A Novel Extractive Fermentation System for Enhanced Acetate Production, 61st PIChE National Convention, Manila, Philippines, February 3-5, 2000.
- S.A. Valencia, J. Salvacion, and S.T. Yang, Corn Fiber as Adsorption for the Removal of Basic and Reactive Dyes from Simulated Textile Wasteeater, 61st PIChE National Convention, Manila, Philippines, February 3-5, 2000.
- Abdullatif Tay, Shang-Tian Yang, and Belgin Candas. A Novel Fermentation Process for Production of Lactic Acid from Starch Using Immobilized Cells of Rhizopus oryzae. II. Southeastern Anatolia Project (SAP) Agriculture Congress, Sanliurfa, Turkey, October 24-26, 2001. pp. 447-454.
- W. Qin and S.T. Yang. Strategies for extraction methods in the extractive fermentation process of carboxylic acid. In Proceedings of ISEC '99, Solvent Extraction for the 21st Century, M. Cox, M. Hidalgo, M. Valiente (eds), Society of Chemical Industry, London, UK, 2001. pp. 119-124.
- S.T. Yang, Animal cell culture in three-dimensional fibrous matrix, Proceedings for US-Egypt Workshop on Genetic Engineering and Genomics, sponsored by US National Science Foundation and Mubarak City for Scientific Research and Technology Application, Ministry of Scientific Research, Egypt. New Bourg El-Arab, Alexandria, Egypt, December 5-8, 2003.
- S.T. Yang, Bio-butanol production technologies with agricultural biomass, Proceedings for the APEC Workshop on Developing Bioenergy and Conserving the Natural Ecosystem in APEC Member Economies, Seoul, South Korea, September 15-17, 2009.

Technical Reports
- "Calcium Magnesium Acetate at Lower-Production Cost: Production of CMA Deicer from Cheese Whey" US DOT-FHWA Publication No. FHWA-RD-98-174, April 1999.
- “Engineering Clostridia for n-Butanol Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass and CO2” DOE-EERE final report, DOE-OSU-EE0007005, July, 2019.
- C.Y. Cheng, "Engineering Strategies to Optimize Plasmid Stability and Protein Production in Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fermentation" (9/1992).
- C.H. Shu, "Multiphase Bioreactors for Recombinant Yeast Fermentation" (12/1992).
- J.W. Yen, "Kinetics and Modeling of Protein Denaturation and Aggregation during Cross-Flow Membrane Ultrafiltration" (12/1994).
- H. Zhu, "Kinetics and Analysis of A Fibrous Bed Bioreactor for Mammaliam Cell Cultures" (3/1995).
- Yang-Ming Lo, "A Novel Immobilized Cell Bioreactor and Membrane Ultrafiltration for Xanthan Gum Production" Dept. of Food Sci. & Technol., (8/1995); (with Prof. David B. Min)
- Ellen M. Silva, "A Gas-Solid Spouted Bed Bioreactor for Solid State Fermentation" (May, 1997).
- H. Shim, " BTEX Degradation by a Coculture of Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas fluorescens Immobilized in a Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor" Environ. Sci. Graduate Program, (May, 1997).
- Zuwei Jin, "Continuous Extractive Fermentation Using Hollow Fiber Membrane Extractors for Enhanced Propionate Production" (June, 1997).
- Yan Huang, "Process and Metabolic Engineering for Enhanced Propionic Acid and Acetic Acid Fermentations" Dept. of Food Science & Technology (March, 1998).
- Teng Ma, "Fiber-Based Bioreactor Systems in Mammalian Cell Culture and Tissue Engineering Human Trophoblast Cells" (June, 1999).
- C. Chen, " Animal Cell Culture in a Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor: Protein Production, Cell Immobilization, and Cell Cycle and Apoptosis" (December, 1999).
- Abdullatif Tay, " Production of L(+)-Lactic Acid from Glucose and Starch by Fermentations with Immobilized Cells of Rhizopus oryzae" Dept. of Food Sci. & Technol. (May, 2000)
- Nedim Albayrak, “Production of Galacto-oligosaccharides from Lactose by Aspergillus oryzae b-Galactosidase Immobilized on Cotton Cloth” (August, 2001)
- Yan Li, “Human Tissue Development in Three-Dimensional Fibrous Matrix with Defined Microstructure” (December, 2001)
- Jun Luo, “Three Dimensional Culture of Animal Cells in a Fibrous-Bed Bioreactor” (August, 2002)
- Yin Zhu, “Enhanced Butyric Acid Fermentation by Clostridium tyrobutyricum Immobilized in a Fibrous Bed Bioreactor” (December, 2002)
- Shbhayu Basu, “Effects of Three Dimensional Structure of Tissue Scaffolds on Animal Cell Culture“ (August, 2004)
- Nuttha Thongchul, “Lactic Acid Production by Immobilized Rhizopus oryzus in a Rotating Fibrous Bed Bioreactor” (December, 2004)
- Supaporn Suwannakham, “Metabolic Engineering for Enhanced Propionic Acid Fermentation by Propionibacterium propionici” (March, 2005)
- Clayt Robinson, “Development of a Three-Dimensional Bioreactor Model for Studying Colon Cancer” (August, 2005)
- Xiaoguang Liu, “Production of butyric acid and hydrogen by metabolically engineered mutants of Clostridium tyrobutyricum” (August, 2005)
- Yunling Bai, “Detection of Food Borne Pathgens and Toxins by Immunoassays on Microfluidic Biochips” (June, 2006)
- Anli Ouyang, “Embryonic Stem Cell Expansion and Differentiation in Fibrous Bed Bioreactor” (June, 2006)
- Suwattana Pruksasri, “Production and Separation of Galacto-Oligosaccharides from Lactose by beta-Galactosidase Immobilized on Nanofiltration Membranes” (August, 2007)
- Robin Ng, “Novel Tissue Scaffolds Comprising Nano- and Micro-Structures” (September, 2007)
- Xudong Zhang, “Three-Dimensional Fluoresent Cell-Based Assays for High-Throughput Cytotoxicity and Drug Screening” Ohio State Biochemistry Program (March, 2008)
- Juan Ignacio Sanz-Valero, “Production of Galacto-Oligosaccharides from Whey Lactose by Immobilized Enzyme Reaction and Chromatographic Separation” (December, 2008)
- An Zhang, “Metabolic Engineering and Functional Genomics of Propionibacterium acidipropionici” (December, 2008)
- Yuan Wen, “Perfusion Microbioreactors for High-Throughput Drug Discovery and Bioprocess Development” (March, 2009)
- Yali Zang, “Matabolic Engineering and Functional Genomics of Clostridium tyrobutyricum” Ohio State Biochemistry Program (June, 2009)
- Ning Liu, “Embryonic Stem Cells Expansion and Differentiation” (December, 2009)
- Wei-Lun Chang, “Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol Fermentation by Engineered Clostridium beijerinckii and Clostridium tyrobutyricum” Department of Food Science and Technology (August, 2010)
- Congcong Lu, “Butanol production from lignocellulosic feedstocks by acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation with integrated product recovery” (June 2011)
- Chin-Suei Hsu, “Integrated RFBB Fermentation and Ultrafiltration for Production of Biopolymers” (June 2011)
- Ru Zang, “Development of 3-D Microbioreactor Systems for Cell-Based High Throughput Screening” (June 2012)
- Bao-Hua Zhang, “Metabolic Engineering of Rhizopus oryzae for Enhanced Fumaric Acid Fermentation” Ohio State Biochemistry Program (August 2012)
- Kun Zhang, “Production of biobased fumaric acid in submerged and solid state fermentations” (December, 2012)
- Patrick Bennette, “Solid State Fermentation in a Spouted Bed Reactor and Modelling Thereof” (May, 2013)
- Meimei Liu, “Expansion and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Amniotic Fluid Derived Stem Cells” (May, 2013)
- Zhongqing Wang, “Process Development and Metabolic Engineering for Enhanced Propionic Acid Fermentation by Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii” Ohio State Biochemistry Program (August, 2013)
- Ehab Ammar, “Metabolic Engineering of Propionibacteria for Enhanced Propionic Acid and n-Propanol Fermentative Production” Ohio State Biochemistry Program (August, 2013)
- Yiming Du, “High-Yield and High-Titer n-Butanol Production from Lignocellulosic Feedstocks by Metabolically Engineered Clostridium tyrobutyricum” (August, 2013)
- Wenyan Jiang, “Metabolic and Process Engineering of Clostridia for Biofuel Production” Molecular Cellular Developmental Biology (MCDB) graduate program (May, 2014)
- Xiaorui Yang, “Metabolic Engineering of Cellulolytic Clostridium cellulovorans for biofuel production directly from cellulosic biomass” Molecular Genetics (May, 2014)
- Fangfang Liu, “N-Butanol Fermentation and Integrated Recovery Process: Adsorption, Gas Stripping and Pervaporation” (May, 2014)
- Jie Dong, “Butanol Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass and Agricultural Residues by Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol Fermentation” (May, 2014)
- Mengmeng Xu, “Comparative genomic analysis and metabolic engineering of Clostridium acetobutylicum for enhanced n-butanol tolerance and production” Ohio State Biochemistry Program (December, 2014)
- Le Yu, “Metabolic Engineering of Clostridium tyrobutyricum for Enhanced n-Butanol Production and Sugar Utilization” Ohio State Biochemistry Program (May, 2015)
- Xin Xin, “Development of 3D Cell-Based Assay for High Throughput Screening of Cancer Drugs” (May, 2017)
- Chi Cheng, “Chemicals and Biofuels Production from CO2 and Biomass by Fermentation” (December, 2017)
- Teng Bao, “Metabolic Engineering of Clostridium cellulovorans for Selective n-Butanol Production from Cellulose” (December, 2019)
- Fengli Zhang, “Developmental Toxicity Assessments of Drugs and Chemicals by Stem Cell-Based High Throughput Screening and Machine Learning” (May 2021)
- You Li “In vitro 3D fluorescent cell-based assay reporting gene regulation for high-throughput drug screening” (May 2022)
- Zhen Qin “Metabolic engineering of Aureobasidium pullulans for the production of polymalic acid in fermentation” (in progress, FS&T)
- Curtis Moore “The use of protein design methods to increase selectivity for butanol production from engineered Clostridium tyrobutyricum” (in progress)
- I.C. Tang, "Effects of pH on Acetic Acid Production from Lactose by an Anaerobic Mixed Culture Fermentation" Purdue University (8/1986); with Prof. M.R. Okos.
- Ellen C. San Nicolas, “Extractive Fermentation for Acetate Production from Lactose” University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines (April, 1999)
- Bonifacio A. Doma, “Rotating Fibrous Bed Bioreactor for Xanthan Gum Fermentation” University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines (April, 1999)
- Mylene Talabardon, “Production of Acetic Acid from Milk Lactose by A Thermophilic Coculture Immobilized in Fibrous Bed Bioreactor” Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne, Switzerland (September, 1999).
- Luis Jimenez, “Trickling Fibrous Bed Biorector for Biofiltration of Toluene and Benzene” University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines (October, 2000)
- Sixto A. Valencia, “Removal of Dyes from Textile Wastewater by Bioadsorption and Biodegradation” University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines (October, 2000)
- Michelle Almendrala, “Ultrafiltration of Polysaccharide Solutions” University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. (April, 2004)
- Lucy de Guzman, “Extractive Fermentation for Propionate Production from Glucose” University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines (July, 2004)
- Marilou P. Dalida, “Nanofiltration for Separation and Recovery of Biochemicals from Fermentation Broth” University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. (July, 2005)
- Wiheliza Baraoidan, “Degradation of Trichloroethylene (TCE) by Zero-Valent Iron and Methylotroph” De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines.
- Jose Gonzaga, Jr., “Extraction of Carboxylic Acids from Fermentation Broth” University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines.
- Perfecto Dizon, “Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies of Cell Adsorption on Fibers” University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines.
- Zhen Wang – Chongqing University, China (June, 2010)
- Lihai Fang – Zhejiang University, China
- Chuang Xue - Dalian University of Technology, China (December, 2010)
- Tianqing Lan “Isolation and characterization of filamentous fungi for production of cellulases and xylanase from sugarcane bagasse” East China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China (June, 2013)
- Ding Li - South China University of Technology, China (June, 2014)
- Li Zhang - Nanjing Forestry University, China (June, 2015)
- Hongxin Fu - Dalian University of Technology, China (December, 2015)
- Asmaa Abdalla – University of Sadat City, Egypt (February, 2016)
- Daiana Wischral - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (May, 2016)
- Srisakul Trakarnpaiboon - Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand (May, 2016)
- Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmad - University of the Punjab, Pakistan (May, 2016)
- Jianzhi Zhang – China Agricultural University, Beijing, China (June, 2017)
- Pajareeya Songserm - Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand (May, 2017)
- Qi He - South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China (PhD, June, 2018)
- Weiming Li - Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China (June, 2020)
- Samia Qadeer, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Pakistan (June 2020)
- Rupa Rao, "Effects of pH, Temperature and Medium Composition on Xanthan Fermentation" (6/87).
- Scott A. White, "Evaluation of Tertiary and Quaternary Amines for Use as Extractants in the Production of Organic Acids by Extractive Fermentation" (October, 1987).
- Mei-Ning Guo, "Kinetics and Mathematical Modeling of Methanogenesis from Whey Using an Anaerobic Filter" (August, 1988).
- C.H. Shu, "Effects of Temperature on Gum Qualities and Xanthan Production by Xanthomonas campestris" (August, 1988).
- Richard Shields, "Kinetics and Modeling of Cell Growth and Protein Production in Recombinant Yeasts Containing Temperature Regulated Promoters" (June, 1989).
- S.T. Hsu, "Extractive Fermentation for Propionic Acid Production from Whey Permeate" (8/1989).
- M.P. Dayal, "Development of An Expert System for Fermentation Process Selection" (12/1990).
- Vivian Lewis, "A Novel Extractive Fermentation Process for Propionic Acid Production from Lactose Using An Immobilized Cell Bioreactor" (Feb. 1991).
- J. Marchio, "Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering Studies of Protein Denaturation and Aggregation" (March 1991).
- H. Zhu, "A Novel Immobilized Cell Fermentation Process for Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) Production from Whey Lactose" (June 1992).
- Antonio Maldonado, "Effect of Medium Composition on Xanthan Gum Production from Whey Permeate Using Xanthomonas campestris NRRL B-1459" (August 1992).
- Yang-Ming Lo, "Effects of Medium Composition on Product Formation and Cell Growth in Xanthan Gum Fermentation" Dept. of Food Sci. & Technol. (9/1993); with Prof. D.B. Min.
- Ellen M. Silva, "Production of Lactic Acid by Fermentation of Acid Whey in a Novel Immobilized Cell Bioreactor" (December, 1993).
- K. Mulukutla, "Protein Refolding Kinetic Studies of Lysozyme" incomplete (1992).
- Y. He, "Using Immobilized Cells for Biotransformation of Cholesterol to Androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione" (May, 1996).
- W.K. Ho, "Production of L(+)-Lactic Acid from Glucose, Xylose, and Starch by Rhizopus oryzae Immobilized in Fibers" (August, 1996).
- C. Chen, "Monoclonal Antibody Production by Hybridoma Cells Immobilized in a Fibrous Bed Bioreactor" (August, 1997).
- Amy Kneidel, "Biodegradation of Trichloroethylene (TCE) in Fibrous Bed Bioreactor" (August, 1997).
- Likun Zhang, "A Continuous Nanofiltration Process for Separation and Purification of Oligosaccharides" (August, 1998).
- Julia A. Bednarcik, "Production of Galacto-Oligosaccharides from Lactose Using the Immobilized Enzyme b-Galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae" (August, 1998).
- Yu-Hua Liao, “Polymerase Chain Reaction Based Cloning of Acetate Kinase in Propionibacterium acidipropionici” Dept. of Food Sci. & Technol. (December, 2003)
- Hsiu-yin Yin, “Metabolic Engineering for Enhanced Propionic Acid Production in Fermentation” (March, 2004)
- Kristopher D. Barbee, “Neuronal Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells in 3-D Culture Environment” Biomedical Engineering, incomplete (2003).
- Jenny Halim, “An in vitro evaluation of the prebiotics properties of galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) and other prebiotics oligosaccharides on selected probiotics strains” Food Science and Technology (December, 2005)
- Shin-Chwen Wang, “In vitro study of bifidogenic effect of galacto-oligosaccharides” Food Science and Technology (March, 2007)
- Kimberly Miller, “Production of lactate ester by lipase immobilized on nanofiltration membrane” (June, 2009)
- Brian Fraley, “Embryonic Stem Cells Expressing EGFP for High-Throughput Drug Screening” (June, 2009)
- Steven Youn, “Gas fermentation by carboxydotrophic clostridia for biofuels production” (May, 2017)
- Rahel Beyene. Non-thesis (May, 2018)
- Tianyi Chen, “Gas fermentation by carboxydotrophic clostridia for biofuels production” (May, 2019)
- Zhen Qin “Production of heavy oil liamocin by Aureobasidium pullulans” (May, 2019, FS&T)
- Haris Malik “Butanol production from lignocellulosic biomass: economic and life cycle analyses” (May, 2019)
- Julia Courts, "Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lactose and Oligosaccharide Formation: Kinetics and Mathematical Modeling," (June, 1988).
- Kathryn Chen “A Comparative Study of Cell Growth and Apoptosis in Two- and Three-dimensional Bioreactors” (June, 1999).
- Gunartiria Karim “Production of Galacto-Oligosaccharides from Lactose Using b-Galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae Immobilized in Cotton Cloth” (June, 2001).
- Gary Seto “Efficient Seeding of Colon Cancer Cells to Develop an in vitro Three-Dimensional Model for Drug Efficacy Studies” (June, 2005)
- Brian Fraley “Embryonic Stem Cells Expressing EGFP for High-Throughput Drug Screening” (June 2008)
- Robert Hoelzle “Cloning of aad gene for butanol production” (June 2010)
- Mengchuan Li “High-throughput screening of cytotoxicity in microbioreactor array”
- Andrew Motz “Fungal pretreatment of corn fiber for butanol fermentation” (April, 2013)
- Qianxia Zhang, “Biofuel production by engineered clostridia” (December 2018)
- Sameeha Sajid, “3-D cell cultures for high throughput screening of cancer drugs” (May, 2019)
- Zhixin Zhu “Stem cell culture for cardiomyocyte differentiation” (May 2021)
Former Group Members and Visiting Scholars

Former Ph.D. Students (in chronological order with current or last known position):
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE) – 37; Food Science & Technology (FST) – 5; Ohio State Biochemistry Program (OSBP) – 7; Environmental Science & Engineering (ESE) graduate program – 1; Molecular Cellular Developmental Biology (MCDB) graduate program – 1; Molecular Genetics – 1
Before 2000
- Chin-Yuan Cheng (9/1992) - Manager, Uni-President Enterprises Corp., Taiwan
- Chin-Hang Shu (12/1992) - Professor, Chemical & Materials Eng., National Central Univ., Taiwan
- J.W. Yen (12/1994)
- Hui Zhu (3/1995)
- Yang-Ming Lo (FST, 8/1995) – Adjunct Professor, Chemical & Biomol. Eng., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD
- Ellen M. Silva (5/1997) - R&D Manager, General Mills, Minneapolis, MN [retired]
- Hojae Shim (Environ. Sci. Eng., 5/1997) - Associate Professor, Faculty of Sci. & Technol., Univ. of Macau, China
- Zuwei Jin (June, 1997) - GE Healthcare, Sr. Tech Consultant at Zenith Technologies, Philladelphia, PA
- Yan Huang (FST, 3/1998) - Research Scientist, Diversa Corp, San Diego, CA
- Teng Ma (9/1999) - Professor and Department Chair, Chemical & Biomedical Eng., Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL [deceased]
- Chunan (Chad) Chen (12/1999) - Research Scientist, Affymatrix, CA
2000 - 2005
- Abdullatif Tay (FST, 5/2000) - Director, Kraft Foods Global, Inc., Glenview, IL
- Nedim Albayrak (FST, 8/2001) - Assistant Professor of Food Eng. at Hitit University, Corum, Turkey
- Yan Li (12/2001) – Associate Professor of Chemical & Biomedical Eng., Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL
- Jun Luo (8/2002) - Head of Process Engineer Upstream at Genentech, Vacaville, CA
- Yin Zhu (12/2002) - Vice President, CMC Development at Immune-Onc Therapeutics
- Shbhayu Basu (8/2004) Sr. Director at Johnson & Johnson, Irvine, CA
- Nuttha Thongchul (12/2004) - Associate Professor and Deputy Director, Institute of Biotechnol. & Genetic Eng., Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, Thailand
- Supaporn Suwannakham (3/2005) - Scientific Leader (Late Stage Cell Culture Process Development) at GSK, Philadelphia, PA.
- Clayt Robinson (8/2005) - Principal Engineer at Emergent BioSolutions, Portland, MI.
- Xiaoguang Liu (8/2005) – Associate Professor, Biomedical Eng., Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham

2006 - 2010
- Yunling Bai (6/2006) - Senior Director, CMC Management, WuXi Biologics, Carlsbad, CA
- Anli Ouyang (6/2006) - Senior Director, Bioprocess R&D and Operation at Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN
- Suwattana Pruksasri (8/2007) - Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biotechnol., Silpakorn Univ., Bangkok, Thailand
- Robin Ng (9/2007) – Strategy Lead, Technology and Manufacturing at Cellular Biomedicine Group, Ltd., Shanghai, China.
- David (Xudong) Zhang (OSBP, 3/2008) - Director, Head of External Upstream Process Development & Manufacturing Operations at GSK, Waltham, MA
- Juan Ignacio Sanz-Valero (12/2008) - Biotransformation specialist (Chemical Engineering) at Nestlé USA, Dublin, OH
- An Zhang (12/2008) - Principal Engineer at Biogen, Durham, NC
- Yuan Wen (12/2009) - Executive Director, Head of MFG4 at WuXi Biologics, Wuxi, China
- Yali Zang (OSBP, 12/2009) - Head of Innovation and Strategy, Global Biopharmaceutical Development at Sanofi, Frankfurt, Germany
- Ning Liu (12/2009) - Director, Upstream Process Development at Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN
- Wei-Lun (Vivian) Chang (FST, 12/2010) - Scientist II at Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical, South San Francisco, CA
- Congcong (Chloe) Lu (6/2011) – Investment Banking Associate at Evercore, New York City (8/2018-present)
- Chin-Suei Hsu (6/2011) - Scientist at Sanofi Genzyme, Framingham, MA
- Ru Zang (6/2012) – Director, USP Process Development and Manufacturing at Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals, Lexington, MA
- Bao-Hua Zhang (OSBP, 8/2012) – Process Development Scientist, Teva Pharmaceuticals, West Chester, PA
- Kun Zhang (12/2012) – Research Engineer, Shell Global Solutions, Houston, TX
- Patrick Bennett (5/2013) - Data Scientist at JPMorgan Chase & Co., Columbus, OH
- Meimei Liu (5/2013) - Senior Engineer, Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Berkeley, CA
- Zhongqing Wang (OSBP, 8/2013) - Senior Research Scientist at Gilead Sciences, San Diego, CA
- Ehab Ammar (OSBP, 8/2013) - Postdoc (Manager, Biofuels and Bioproducts Lab), Patel College of Global Sustainability, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
- Yiming Du (8/2013) - Research Scientist at Givaudan Flavors Corporation, Cincinnati, OH
- Wenyan Jiang (MCDB, 5/2014) - Senior Scientist at ADM, Decatur, IL
- Xiaorui Yang (Molecular Genetics, 5/2014) – Scientist at Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA
- Fangfang Liu (5/2014) - Senior Scientist at Novartis Gene Therapies, Denver, CO
- Jie Dong (5/2014) - Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Southern Illinois Univ. Edwardsville, IL
- Mengmeng Xu (OSBP, 12/2014) - Associate Director at Mersana Therapeutics, Cambridge, MA
- Le Yu (OSBP, 5/2015) – Director II, Cell Culture Development at WuXi Biologics, Wuxi, China

After 2015
- Xin Xin (5/2017) - Associate Principal Scientist, Group Leader at WuXi Advanced Therapies, Philadelphis, PA
- Chi Cheng (12/2017) – Associate Professor, Dalian Univ. of Technology, Dalian, China
- Teng Bao (12/2019) – Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Bioengineering, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL
- Fengli Zhang (5/2021) - Scientist, Cell Therapy at Takeda, Cambridge, MA
- Rupa Rao (6/1987)
- Scott A. White (10/1987)
- Mei-Ning Guo (8/1988) – continued PhD study at Purdue Univ.
- C.H. Shu (8/1988) – continued PhD study at Purdue Univ.
- Richard Shields (6/1989) - Associate Senior Consultant Engineer at Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, IN
- S.T. Hsu (8/1989) – continued PhD study at Purdue Univ.
- M.P. Dayal (12/1990)
- Vivian Lewis (2/1991) - returned to India
- J. Marchio (3/1991) – continued PhD study
- H. Zhu (6/1992) – continued PhD study
- Antonio Maldonado (8/1992) - Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, IN; Consultant, Tony Maldonado LLC
- Yang-Ming Lo (FST, 9/1993) – continued PhD study
- Ellen M. Silva (12/1993) – continued PhD study
- K. Mulukutla (Incomplete, 1992)
- Yi He (5/1996) - Microbiologist at NIH, Bethesda, MD
- W.K. Ho (8/1996)
- Chunnuan Chen (8/1997) – continued PhD study
- Amy Kneidel (8/1997)
- Likun Zhang (8/1998) – Merck & Co.; Head of Strategy & Business Planning at MSD China, Shanghai, China
- Julia A. Bednarcik (Farroni) (8/1998)
- Yu-Hua Liao (FST, 12/2003) - returned to Taiwan
- Hsiu-yin Yin (3/2004) - returned to Taiwan
- Kristopher D. Barbee (incomplete, 2003)
- Jenny Halim (FST, 12/2005) – returned to Indonesia
- Shin-Chwen Wang (3/2007) – returned to Taiwan
- Patrick Bennett (3/2009) – continued PhD study
- Ching-Suei Hsu (3/2009) – continued PhD study
- Kimberly Miller (6/2009)
- Brian Fraley (6/2009)
- Chi Cheng (5/2016) – continued PhD study
- Teng Bao (5/2018) – continued PhD study
- Steven Youn (5/2017)
- Rahel Beyene (5/2018)
- Tianyi Chen (5/2019) – returned to China
- Zhen Qin (FST, 5/2019) – continued PhD study
- Haris Malik (5/2019)
- Fengli Zhang (5/2020) – continued PhD study
- I-Ching Tang, Ph.D. in Food Biotechnology, Purdue University (1986-1987).
- Jung Jing, Ph.D. in Environmental Chemistry, Ohio State University (4/92-9/92).
- Devamita Chattoadhyay, Ph.D. in Chemical Eng., Ohio State University (3/95-2/96).
- Yu-Liang Huang, Ph.D. in Biochemical Eng., National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore; Univ. Postdoctoral Fellow (1/95-12/95); Research Engineer (1/96-5/98).
- Wei Qin, Assoc. Professor of Chemical Eng., Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China (11/96-1/98)[deceased]
- Yubing Xie, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biochemical Eng., Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (8/1999 – 7/2001) – Professor, Nanoscale Sci. & Eng. at SUNY Polytechnic Institute, Albany, NY
- Mylene Talabardon, Ph.D., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne, Switzerland. (9/1999–12/2001) - Process Validation Expert chez Merck Group, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland
- Hesham A. El-Enshasy, Ph.D., Natural and Microbial Products Department, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt (4/2001–10/2001) – Professor, Director of Institute of Bioproduct Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru, Malaysia
- Wei-Cho Huang, Ph.D. in Chemical Eng., Purdue University (August, 2002–May, 2005)
- Hanjing Huang, Ph.D. in Chemical Eng., Ohio University (August, 2002–December, 2005) – Chemical Abstract Services (CAS), Columbus, OH
- Liping Wang, Ph.D. in Chemical Eng., Ohio University (October, 2002–June/2007)
- Mingrui Yu, Ph.D. in Chemical Eng., Beijing University of Chemical Technology (February 2008–April, 2011) - Director at Beijing Nuobote Biotechnology Co. Ltd, Beijing, China
- Jingbo Zhao, Ph.D. in Biochem. Eng., East China Univ. of Sci. & Technol. (December 2008–February 2012; January 2016–April 2017) - Associate Director of Biologics Operations in Strategic External Development at GSK
- Chuang Xue, Ph.D. in Chemical Eng., Dalian University of Technology (DUT), Dalian, China (Sept., 2010–August, 2011) – Professor, Dept. Bioengineering, DUT, Dalian, China
- Wei-Lun Chang, Ph.D. in Food Science, Ohio State University (September, 2010–January, 2011) - Scientist II at Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical, South San Francisco, CA
- Jianxin Sun, Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Ohio State University (October, 2010–December, 2011) - Director at Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical, Woburn, MA
- Chih-Chin Chen, Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics, University of Cambridge, UK (April, 2011–October, 2014) - Research Fellow, Bioengineering Group at Development Center for Biotechnology, Taipei, Taiwan
- Ying Jin, Ph.D. in Biosystems Engineering, Virginia Institute of Technology, VA (May, 2011–June, 2014) - Associate Director at WuXi Biologics, Wuxi, China
- Yipin Zhou, Ph.D. in Chemical & Biomolecular Eng., Ohio State University (Jan., 2012–Jan., 2014) - Associate Scientist II at Nestle, Columbus, OH
- Meng Lin, Ph.D. in Biotechnoloy, Germany (January, 2012–September, 2014) - Information Scientist, Chemical Abstract Services, Columbus, OH
- Zhongqian Wang, Ph.D. in OSBP, Ohio State University (July, 2013–Jan., 2014) - Senior Research Scientist at Gilead Sciences, San Diego, CA
- Mengmeng Xu, Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Ohio State University (Jan. 2015–Dec. 2015) - Associate Director at Mersana Therapeutics, Cambridge, MA
Before 2000 (1991-1999)
- Ying Li, M.S. in Environmental Eng., Chongqing Inst. of Architecture & Eng., China; Visiting Scholar (6/91-9/92).
- Yan Huang, M.S. in Biochemistry, Nan-Kai University, China; Visiting Scholar (2/93-9/93).
- Sujata N. Gamage, Ph.D. in Chemistry, Univ. of British Columbia, Canada (1/93-3/93).
- Hong Gen, M.S. in Biochemical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore; Visiting Scholar (4/95-7/95).
- Hong Chua, Asst. Prof., Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (9/95).
- Xiang-Zhong Li, Asst. Prof., Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (9/95).
- Qi Zhou, Assoc. Prof. in Environmental Eng., Tongi Univ., Shanghai, China; Visiting Scientist (3/96-9/96)
- Gesine Cornelissen, Fachhochschule Hamburg, Fachbereich Bio-Ingenieurwesen Producktionstechnik Und Verfahrenstechnik, Hamburg, Germany; Visiting Trainee (4/96-10/96).
- Ellen C. San Nicolas, Mapua Institute of Technology, Ph.D. candidate, University of Philippines, Manila, Philippines; Visiting Researcher, sponsored by Philippino government, DOST-ESEP (6/96-11/97)
- Bonifacio T. Doma, Mapua Institute of Technology, Ph.D. candidate, University of Philippines, Manila, Philippines; Visiting Researcher, sponsored by Philippino government, DOST-ESEP (6/96-11/97)
- Dong-Zhi Wei, Professor and Director, Research Institute of Biochemistry, East China Univ. of Science & Technology, Shanghai, China; Visiting Scientist (10/96-1/97)
- Luis S. Jimenez, Ph.D. candidate, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines; Visiting Researcher, sponsored by Philippino government, DOST-ESEP (11/96-5/98)
- Dyi-Hwa Tseng, Professor, Environmental Eng. Institute, National Central University (3/97-6/97)
- Klaus Mann, Fachhochschule Hamburg, Fachbereich Bio-Ingenieurwesen Producktionstechnik Und Verfahrenstechnik, Hamburg, Germany; Visiting Trainee (7/97-2/98).
- Michelle Almendrala, Ph.D. candidate, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines; Visiting Researcher, sponsored by Philippino government, DOST-ESEP (6/97-11/98) – Associate Professor, Mapua University, Manila, Philippines
- Sixto A. Valencia, Ph.D. candidate, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines; Visiting Researcher, sponsored by Philippino government, DOST-ESEP (6/97-11/98)
- Lucy de Guzman, Ph.D. candidate, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines; Visiting Researcher, sponsored by Philippino government, DOST-ESEP (6/97-11/98)
- Marilou P. Dalida, Ph.D. candidate, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines; Visiting Researcher, sponsored by Philippino government, DOST-ESEP (6/97-11/98)
- Wiheliza Baraoidan, Ph.D. candidate, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines; Visiting Researcher, sponsored by Philippino government, DOST-ESEP (6/97-11/98)
- Jose Gonzaga, Jr., Ph.D. candidate, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines; Visiting Researcher, sponsored by Philippino government, DOST-ESEP (3/98-2/99)
- Perfecto Dizon, Ph.D. candidate, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines; Visiting Researcher, sponsored by Philippino government, DOST-ESEP (3/98-2/99)
2000 - 2010
- Fang Wang, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Biochemical Eng., Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China (9/99 – 3/00), Party Committee Chair and Professor, Beijing University of Chemical Technology (2002-2018)
- Zetang Wu, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Biology, Sichuan Teachers College, Nanchong, Sichuan, China, Research Assistant (9/1998 – 7/2001) - Research Assitant Scientist at University of Michigan
- Juan Ignacio Sanz-Valero, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain (10/1999 – 9/2000)
- Alejandra Catalina Velez Ortega, Escuela de Ingenieria de Antioquia, Colombia (1 – 8/2003)
- Doris Susana Llanes Coronel, Escuela de Ingenieria de Antioquia, Colombia (1 – 8/2003)
- Carol Andrea Pregonero Gamez, Escuela de Ingenieria de Antioquia, Colombia (1 – 8/2003)
- Shin-Chwen Wang, Franklin University, Research Assistant (8/2003 – 5/2004 )
- Alejandro Gómez, Escuela de Ingenieria de Antioquia, Colombia (1 – 8/2004)
- Xuejun Quan, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Bioengineering, Chongqing Institute of Technology, China (Nov., 2004 – Jan., 2005)
- Zhinan Xu, Ph.D., Professor, Institute of Bioengineering, Zhejiang University (Yuquan campus), China (January – September, 2005)
- Pankaj Dala, Ph.D., Tata Chemical Ltd. (May – November, 2005)
- Ashok Kumar Dubey, Ph.D., Tata Chemical Ltd., (May – November, 2005)
- Ayoade Ogundeji, United Kingdom (Feb – Dec., 2006)
- Johannes Flothman, Hamburg University of Applied Science, Germany (Aug., 2006 – Feb., 2007)
- Nuttha Thongchul, Assistant Prof., Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand (Nov., 2006 – Jan., 2007), Associate Professor, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
- Laili Gholizadeh Baroghi, MS student, University of Borås, SE-501 90 Borås, Sweden (March 2008 – January, 2009)
- Zhen Wang, Ph.D. student, Bioengineering College, Chongqing Univ., Chongqing, China (Sept., 2007 – August, 2008) - Senior Fermentation Engineer at Valent Biosciences, Osage, IA
- Bingxu Song, MS in Chemistry, Research Assistant (Sept., 2007 – August, 2009) - China Centric Associates, Shanghai, China
- Lihai Fan, Ph.D. student, Department of Chemical Eng., Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou, China (Sept., 2008 – August, 2009) – Professor of Chemical Engineering at Fuzhou University, Fujian, China
- Dong Wei, Associate Professor, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China (Sept., 2008 – August, 2009)
- Milky Agarwal, Scientist, Nagarjuna Fertilizer and Chemical Ltd. (NFCL), Hyderabad, India (August 2008 – August 2010)
- Saju Varghese, Scientist, Nagarjuna Fertilizer and Chemical Ltd. (NFCL), Hyderabad, India (August 2008 – August 2010)
- Chunxiao Zhang, Associate Professor, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang, China (Sept., 2009 – August, 2010)
- Chuang Xue, Ph.D. student, Department of Chemical Eng., Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China (Sept., 2009 – August, 2010) – Professor, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
- Michelle Almendrala, Mapua Institute of Technology, Manila, Philippines; Visiting Professor, sponsored by Fulbright (10/09-3/10) – Associate Professor, Mapua University, Manila, Philippines
- Sayed S. Madaeni, Professor in Chemical Engineering Department, Razi University, Iran (June – August, 2010).
2010 - 2014
- Ding Li, Ph.D. student, Institute of Biotechnology, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China (Sept., 2010 – August, 2012) - Senior Research Associate at Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, OH
- Kaijun Xiao, Professor, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China (April, 2011 – March, 2012)
- Zhimin Rao, Professor, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China (April, 2011 – March, 2012)
- Tiantao Zhao, Professor, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology (May, 2011 – April, 2012)
- Li-Jie Zhang, Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy & Bioengineering, Chongqing University of Technology (May, 2011 – April, 2012)
- Xiang Zou, Associate Professor, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Southwest University, Chongqing, China (June, 2011 – May, 2012)
- Rui Zhou, M.S. in Biosystems Engineering, Virginia Institute of Technology, VA, Research Assistant (May, 2012–July, 2013)
- Liqun Wang, Assoc. Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Engineering & Life Science, Changzhou University, China (August, 2012 – July, 2013)
- Na Lu, Ph.D. student, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China (Sept., 2012 – August, 2013)
- Ashraf Farag Elbaz Hawas, Professor, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology Research Institute (GEBRI), Minoufiya University, Egypt (October, 2012 – April, 2013)
- Jufang Wang, Professor, School of Biology & Biological Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China (August, 2013 – January, 2014)
- Wei Xu, Professor, School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng, Jiangsu, China (May, 2013 – May, 2014)
- Li Zhang, Ph.D. student, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing, China (February, 2013 – March, 2014) - Associate Professor, College of Marine and Biological Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng, Jiangsu, China
- Asmaa Abdella Abdelaal Abdelrahman, Ph.D. student, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology Research Institute (GEBRI), Minoufiya University, Egypt (October, 2012–August, 2014)
- Tarek E. Mazeed Hassanin, PhD, National Research Center, Giza, Egypt (March, 2014–February, 2015)
- Zhi-Long Xiu, Professor, School of Life Science and Biotechnology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China (September, 2014)
- Hongxin Fu, PhD student, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China (Sept., 2013 – Sept. 2015) – Associate Professor, School of Biology & Biological Engineering, South China Univ. of Technol., Guangzhou, China
- Youuseria Shetaia, Professor, Department of Microbiology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (Sept., 2014 – Jan., 2015)
- Peilian Wei, Associate Professor, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou, China (February, 2014 – February, 2015)
- Srisakul Trakarnpaiboon, Ph.D. student, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand (April 2014 – December, 2014)
2015 - 2019
- Daiana Wishral, Ph.D. student, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Oct. 2014 – Sept. 2015)
- Jianzhi Zhang, Ph.D. student, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China (Dec. 2014 – Nov. 2015)
- Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmad, Ph.D. Scholar, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan (April, 2015-October 2015) – Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Education, Lahore, Pakistan
- Xin Li, Associate Professor, College of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing, China (Feb. 2015 – Feb. 2016)
- Guo-Jun Yan, Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, China (March 2015 – March 2016)
- Yexia Zhang, MS student, School of Pharmacy, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, China (August 2015 – March 2016)
- Jinhua Piao, Associate Professor, School of Light Industry and Food Sciences, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China (July 2015 – July 2016)
- Xuefeng Xu, Associate Professor, College of Food Sciences, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China (August 2015 – August 2016)
- Jin Huang, Associate Professor, College of Pharmaceutical Science, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, China (Sept. 2015 – Sept. 2016)
- Hui Li, Associate Professor, College of Art and Design, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi’an, China (Sept. 2015 – Sept. 2016)
- Yuhuan Geng, Associate Professor, School of Light Industry and Food Sciences, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China (March 2016 – February 2017)
- Hua Fan, MS student, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, China (12/15/2015–6/14/2016)
- Yuying Huang, MS student, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, China (12/15/2015–6/14/2016)
- Qi He, PhD student, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China (Oct. 2016 – Oct. 2017)
- Weiming Li, PhD student, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China (Oct. 2015 – Dec. 2017) – Postdoctoral research associate at Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
- Samia Qadeer, PhD student, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Pakistan (Jan. 2017 – June 2017) - IPFP fellow at University of Narowal, Pakistan
- Yinze Jiang, Graduate student, School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
- Jing Li, Associate Professor, College of Biology Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Economics and Business, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China (September 2017 – August 2018)
- Xin Liu, Assistant Professor, College of Chemical Engineering, Changchun University of Technology, Changchun, China (October 2017 – September 2018)
- Xiaojin Jia, Senior Research Scientist, China Pharma Company, Shijiajuan, Hebei, China (February 2018 – August 2018)
- Abdelrahman Mosaad Khattab, PhD student, Department of Botany and Microbiology, Al-Azhar University, Nasr city, Cairo, Egypt (July – October, 2018)
- Xuefeng Wu, Associate Professor, School of Food Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui, China (December 2017 – November 2018)
- Wenjie Hou, Associate Professor, College of Life Sciences, Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University, Shangxi, China (March 2018 – March 2019)
- Mingjie Gao, Associate Professor, School of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China (August 2018 – August 2019)
- Xiaorui Chen, MS student, School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China (June 2019 – August 2019)
- Rui Zhang, MS student, School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China (June 2019 – August 2019)
- Chenyun Wang, MS student, School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China (June 2019 – August 2019)
- Mengjiao Lyu, MS student, School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China (June 2019 – August 2019)
- Xian Zhang, Associate Professor, School of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China (October 2018 – October 2019)
- Hojae Shim, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, University of Macau, Macau, China (January 2019 – June, 2019)
- Wenyao Guo, MS student, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, China (8/5/2019 – 11/5/2019)
- Xin Wang, MS student, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, China (8/5/2019 – 11/5/2019)
- Shufang Wu, MS student, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, China (8/5/2019 – 11/5/2019)

2020 -
- Wen-Wen Zhou, Associate Professor, Zhejiang University, China (November 2019 – March 2020)
- Jiliang Lyu, Associate Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hubei Polytechnic University, China (July 2019 – June 2020)
- Lin Liu, Associate Professor, School of Life Science, Qingdao Agricultural University, China (December 2019 – May 2020)
- Yuanyuan Zhang, Associate Professor, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, China (December 2019 – December 2020)
- Hanguang Li, Associate Professor, College of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Jiangxi Agricultural University, China (December 2019 – December 2020)
- Yin Zheng, PhD student, South China University of Technology, China (January 2020 – January 2021)
- Li Lu, B.S. in Chemistry, Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel, Germany (January 2019 – )
- Julia Courts (6/1988)
- Kathryn Chen (6/1999) – Medical school
- Gunartiria Karim (6/2001)
- Gary Seto (6/2005)
- Brian Fraley (6/2008)
- Robert Hoelzle (6/2010) - Bioinformatics Postdoctoral Researcher at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
- Mengchuan Li (6/2011)
- Andrew Motz (4/2013) – obtained PhD at Colorado State University
- Charles Pei (2013-2014) – Upper Arlington High School student; Research project won Ohio Governor’s Thomas Edison Award for Advanced or Alternative Energy; Harvard University
- Qianxia Zhang (12/2018)
- Sameeha Sajid (5/2019)
- Zhixin Zhu (5/2021) – PhD study at UIUC