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ICRA 1990: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
- Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, May 13-18, 1990. IEEE 1990, ISBN 0-8186-9061-5
- Paul E. Jacobs, John F. Canny:
Robust motion planning for mobile robots. 2-7 - David Parsons, John F. Canny:
A motion planner for multiple mobile robots. 8-13 - Essameddin Badreddin:
Associative memory implementation in path-planning for mobile robots. 14-19 - Erann Gat, Marc G. Slack, David P. Miller, R. James Firby:
Path planning and execution monitoring for a planetary rover. 20-25 - Daniel Raviv, Martin Herman:
Towards an understanding of camera fixation. 28-33 - Pierre Puget, Thomas Skordas:
An optimal solution for mobile camera calibration. 34-39 - Daniel DeMenthon, Larry S. Davis:
New exact and approximate solutions of the three-point perspective problem. 40-45 - Shigeo Hirose, Kan Yoneda:
Development of optical six-axial force sensor and its signal calibration considering nonlinear interference. 46-53 - David M. Lokhorst, James K. Mills:
Implementation of a discontinuous control law on a robot during collision with a stiff environment. 56-61 - Rem Vossoughi, Max Donath:
Using impedance controlled robots for simulating manipulation tasks occurring in a gravityless environment. 62-67 - Robert J. Anderson:
Dynamic damping control: implementation issues and simulation results. 68-77 - Michel Pelletier, Laeeque Daneshmend:
An adaptive compliant motion controller for robot manipulators based on damping control. 78-83 - Eric D. Pohl, Harvey Lipkin:
Kinematics of complex joint angles in robotics. 86-91 - Hanqi Zhuang, Zvi S. Roth, Fumio Hamano:
A complete and parametrically continuous kinematic model for robot manipulators. 92-97 - You-Liang Gu, Jiing-Shing Ho:
A unified kinematic representation and its applications to robotic control. 98-103 - Sunil K. Agrawal:
Rate kinematics of in-parallel manipulator systems. 104-109 - Guy Bessonnet, Jean-Paul Lallemand:
Optimal trajectories of robot arms minimizing constrained actuators and travelling time. 112-117 - Sunil K. Singh:
The ConSERTD effort: a control system environment for real-time decision-making. 118-123 - Benito Fernández, Gun-Woong Bae, Louis J. Everett:
Control of robot manipulator through robust sliding linearization. 124-129 - Wen-Hong Zhu, Hui-Tang Chen:
A global asymptotic stable variable structure algorithm using sliding mode observer. 130-135 - Sungtaeg Jun, Kang G. Shin:
Shortest path planning with dominance relation. 138-143 - Zvi Shiller, Hsueh-Hen Lu:
Robust computation of path constrained time optimal motions. 144-149 - Greg Heinzinger, Paul E. Jacobs, John F. Canny, Bradley Paden:
Time-optimal trajectories for a robot manipulator: a provably good approximation algorithm. 150-156 - Z. Y. Guo, Tien C. Hsia:
Joint trajectory generation for redundant robots in an environment with obstacles. 157-162 - Sheldon Lou, Jiong Jiang:
Robust failure detection of dynamic system-an operator approximation approach. 164-169 - P. M. Taylor, I. Halleron, X. K. Song:
The application of a dynamic error framework to robotic assembly. 170-175 - Kang G. Shin, Qin Zheng:
Scheduling job operations in an automatic assembly line. 176-181 - Seth A. Hutchinson, Avinash C. Kak:
Extending the classical AI planning paradigm to robotic assembly planning. 182-189 - Alade Tokuta, Ken Hughes:
Scanline algorithms in robot path planning. 192-197 - Zvi Shiller, J. C. Chen:
Optimal motion planning of autonomous vehicles in three dimensional terrains. 198-203 - Wayne F. Carriker, Pradeep K. Khosla, Bruce H. Krogh:
The use of simulated annealing to solve the mobile manipulator path planning problem. 204-209 - Tony Hague, Mike Brady, Stephen Cameron:
Using moments to plan paths for the Oxford AGV. 210-215 - Shree K. Nayar, Yasuo Nakagawa:
Shape from focus: an effective approach for rough surfaces. 218-225 - Sarvajit S. Sinha, Paul J. Besl:
Principal patches-a viewpoint-invariant surface description. 226-231 - Terrance E. Boult, Mark Lerner:
Energy-based segmentation of very sparse range surfaces. 232-237 - William A. Hoff, Cheryl Weber-Sklair:
Planetary terminal descent hazard avoidance using optical flow. 238-243 - Paul Elosegui, Ron W. Daniel, P. M. Sharkey:
Joint servoing for robust manipulator force control. 246-251 - John T. Wen, Steve H. Murphy:
Stability analysis of position and force control problems for robot arms. 252-257 - Li Liu, B. J. Ulrich, Mohamed A. Elbestawi:
Robotic grinding force regulation: design, implementation and benefits. 258-265 - Wyatt S. Newman, Michael S. Branicky:
Experiments in reflex control for industrial manipulators. 266-271 - David R. Smith, Harvey Lipkin:
Analysis of fourth order manipulator kinematics using conic sections. 274-278 - Ambarish Goswami, Michael A. Peshkin, James Edward Colgate:
Passive robotics: an exploration of mechanical computation. 279-284 - Jia-Yuan Han:
Fault-tolerant computing for robot kinematics using linear arithmetic codes. 285-290 - Adwin H. Suryohadiprojo:
Study of the error correction procedure in robot calibration. 291-296 - Yong K. Hwang:
Boundary equations of configuration obstacles for manipulators. 298-303 - Michael S. Branicky, Wyatt S. Newman:
Rapid computation of configuration space obstacles. 304-310 - Myung-Soo Kim, Sang-Ryong Moon:
Rotational sweep volumes of objects bounded by algebraic curves. 311-316 - Myung-Soo Kim, In-Kwon Lee:
Gaussian approximations of objects bounded by algebraic curves. 317-322 - Kikuo Fujimura, Hanan Samet:
Motion planning in a dynamic domain. 324-330 - Ching-Long Shih, Tsu-Tian Lee, William A. Gruver:
Motion planning with time-varying polyhedral obstacles based on graph search and mathematical programming. 331-337 - André R. Foisy, Vincent Hayward, Stéphane Aubry:
The use of awareness in collision prediction. 338-343 - Edward Cheung, Vladimir J. Lumelsky:
Motion planning for a whole-sensitive robot arm manipulator. 344-349 - David J. Miller, R. Charleene Lennox:
An object-oriented environment for robot system architectures. 352-361 - John E. Agapakis, Joel M. Katz, Donald L. Pieper:
Programming and control of multiple robotic devices in coordinated motion. 362-367 - James P. Karlen, Jack M. Thompson, Havard I. Vold, James D. Farrell, Paul H. Eismann:
A dual-arm dexterous manipulator system with anthropomorphic kinematics. 368-373 - Massimo Tistarelli, Giulio Sandini:
Robot navigation using an anthropomorphic visual sensor. 374-381 - Yutaka Kanayama, Yoshihiko Kimura, Fumio Miyazaki, Tetsuo Noguchi:
A stable tracking control method for an autonomous mobile robot. 384-389 - Dai Feng, Bruce H. Krogh:
Dynamic steering control of conventionally-steered mobile robots. 390-395 - Fabrice R. Noreils:
Integrating error recovery in a mobile robot control system. 396-401 - Maja J. Mataric:
Environment learning using a distributed representation. 402-406 - L. P. Ray:
Estimation of modeled object pose from monocular images. 408-413 - Sukhan Lee, Youngchul Kay:
An accurate estimation of 3-D position and orientation of a moving object for robot stereo vision: Kalman filter approach. 414-419 - Mongi A. Abidi, T. Chandra:
Pose estimation for camera calibration and landmark tracking. 420-426 - Youn-Sik Han, Wesley E. Snyder, Griff L. Bilbro:
Pose determination using tree annealing. 427-432 - Ian D. Walker:
The use of kinematic redundancy in reducing impact and contact effects in manipulation. 434-439 - James K. Mills:
Manipulator transition to and from contact tasks: a discontinuous control approach. 440-446 - Shaheen Ahmad, Chuan N. Lee:
Shape recovery from robot contour-tracking with force feedback. 447-452 - Michael W. Walker, Joseph Dionise:
A world model based approach to manipulator control. 453-460 - Harald Rieseler, Friedrich M. Wahl:
Fast symbolic computation of the inverse kinematics of robots. 462-467 - Hong Zhang, Richard P. Paul:
A parallel inverse kinematics solution for robot manipulators based on multiprocessing and linear extrapolation. 468-474 - Jon Kieffer:
A path following algorithm for manipulator inverse kinematics. 475-480 - Ou Ma, Jorge Angeles:
The concept of dynamic isotropy and its applications to inverse kinematics and trajectory planning. 481-486 - Claude Le Pape:
A combination of centralized and distributed methods for multi-agent planning and scheduling. 488-493 - Craig MacNish, Frank Fallside:
Temporal reasoning: a solution for multiple agent collision avoidance. 494-499 - Charles W. Warren:
Multiple robot path coordination using artificial potential fields. 500-505 - Seungbin B. Moon, Shaheen Ahmad:
Time scaling of cooperative multi-robot trajectories. 506-511 - Masaki Hasegawa, Masayuki Takata, Takashi Temmyo, Hideo Matsuka:
Modelling of exception handling in manufacturing cell control and its application to PLC programming. 514-519 - Antonio Camurri, Paolo Franchi:
An approach to the design and implementation of the hierarchical control system of FMS, combining structured knowledge representation formalisms and high-level Petri nets. 520-525 - MengChu Zhou, Frank DiCesare:
A Petri net design method for automated manufacturing systems with shared resources. 526-531 - Mohsen A. Jafari:
Petri net based shop floor controller and recovery analysis. 532-537 - Patrick Fischer, Ron W. Daniel, K. V. Siva:
Specification and design of input devices for teleoperation. 540-545 - Antal K. Bejczy, Won S. Kim, Steven C. Venema:
The phantom robot: predictive displays for teleoperation with time delay. 546-551 - Daniel W. Repperger, Steven J. Remis, Gary Merrill:
Performance measures of teleoperation using an exoskeleton device. 552-557 - H. Kazerooni:
Stability and performance of robotic systems worn by humans. 558-563 - Robert B. Tilove:
Local obstacle avoidance for mobile robots based on the method of artificial potentials. 566-571 - Johann Borenstein, Yoram Koren:
Real-time obstacle avoidance for fast mobile robots in cluttered environments. 572-577 - Tai-Jee Pan, Ren C. Luo:
Motion planning for mobile robots in a dynamic environment with moving obstacles. 578-583 - Martin David Adams, Huosheng Hu, Penny J. Probert:
Towards a real-time architecture for obstacle avoidance and path planning in mobile robots. 584-589 - Azer Bestavros
, James J. Clark, Nicola J. Ferrier
Management of sensory-motor activity in mobile robots. 592-597 - David B. Stewart, Donald E. Schmitz, Pradeep K. Khosla:
Implementing real-time robotic systems using CHIMERA II. 598-603 - Nasser Houshangi:
Control of a robotic manipulator to grasp a moving target using vision. 604-609 - D. B. Zhang, Luc Van Gool, André Oosterlinck:
Stochastic predictive control of robot tracking systems with dynamic visual feedback. 610-615 - Kevin Cleary, Delbert Tesar:
Incorporating multiple criteria in the operation of redundant manipulators. 618-624 - Gregory S. Chirikjian, Joel W. Burdick:
An obstacle avoidance algorithm for hyper-redundant manipulators. 625-631 - Enrique Barbieri, Qinyou Wang:
An example of optimal set-point relegation for self-motion control in redundant flexible robots. 632-637 - Anthony A. Maciejewski:
Fault tolerant properties of kinematically redundant manipulators. 638-642 - Stefano Chiaverini, Olav Egeland:
A solution to the singularity problem for six-joint manipulators. 644-649 - Clément M. Gosselin:
Dexterity indices for planar and spatial robotic manipulators. 650-655 - René V. Mayorga, B. Ressa, Andrew K. C. Wong:
A dexterity measure for robot manipulators. 656-661 - Toshio Fukuda, Yoshio Kawauchi:
Cellular robotic system (CEBOT) as one of the realization of self-organizing intelligent universal manipulator. 662-667 - Thang N. Nguyen, Harry E. Stephanou:
A topological algorithm for continuous grasp planning. 670-675 - Christian Laugier, Ammar Ijel, Jocelyne Troccaz:
Combining vision based information and partial geometric models in automatic grasping. 676-682 - Joseph L. Jones, Tomás Lozano-Pérez:
Planning two-fingered grasps for pick-and-place operations on polyhedra. 683-688 - Young C. Park, Gregory P. Starr:
Optimal grasping using a multifingered robot hand. 689-694 - Shaw Jen Chang, Frank DiCesare, Geof Goldbogen:
Evaluation of diagnosability of failure knowledge in manufacturing systems. 696-701 - Ernesto López-Mellado, Rachid Alami
A failure recovery scheme for assembly workcells. 702-707 - David A. Simon, Lee E. Weiss, Arthur C. Sanderson:
Self-tuning of robot program primitives. 708-713 - Joseph M. Schimmels, Michael A. Peshkin:
Synthesis and validation of nondiagonal accommodation matrices for error-corrective assembly. 714-719 - Andrew D. Christian, Warren P. Seering:
Initial experiments with a flexible robot. 722-727 - Bing C. Chiou, Mohsen Shahinpoor:
Stability considerations for a two-link force-controlled flexible manipulator. 728-733 - F. Bellezza, Leonardo Lanari
, Giovanni Ulivi:
Exact modeling of the flexible slewing link. 734-739 - Inna Sharf, Gabriele M. T. D'Eleuterio:
Parallel simulation dynamics for elastic multibody chains. 740-746 - S. Xie:
View planning for mobile robots. 748-754 - Hiroshi Ishiguro, Patrick Stelmaszyk, Saburo Tsuji:
Acquiring 3D structure by controlling visual attention of a mobile robot. 755-760 - Kai Storjohann, Thomas Zielke, Hanspeter A. Mallot, Werner von Seelen:
Visual obstacle detection for automatically guided vehicles. 761-766 - Kazunori Onoguchi, Mutsumi Watanabe, Yasukazu Okamoto, Yoshinori Kuno, Haruo Asada:
A visual navigation system using a multi-information local map. 767-774 - Su-shing Chen:
A spherical model for navigation and spatial reasoning. 776-781 - A. J. Vayda, Avinash C. Kak:
Geometric reasoning for pose and size estimation of generic shaped objects. 782-789 - Ari D. Gross, Terrance E. Boult:
An algorithm to recover generalized cylinders from a single intensity view. 790-795 - David Jerome Braunegg:
Stereo feature matching in disparity space. 796-803 - Timo Ropponen, Yoshihiko Nakamura:
Singularity-free parameterization and performance analysis of actuation redundancy. 806-811 - René V. Mayorga, Andrew K. C. Wong:
A singularities prevention approach for redundant robot manipulators. 812-817 - Nazareth Bedrossian:
Classification of singular configurations for redundant manipulators. 818-823 - Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado, Mark K. Long, Homayoun Seraji:
Kinematic analysis of 7 DOF anthropomorphic arms. 824-830 - Marko Vuskovic, Ting Liang, Kasi Anantha:
Decoupled parallel recursive Newton-Euler algorithm for inverse dynamics. 832-838 - Steve H. Murphy, John T. Wen, George N. Saridis:
Recursive calculation of geared robot manipulator dynamics. 839-844 - Guillermo Rodríguez:
Spatial operator approach to flexible manipulator inverse and forward dynamics. 845-850 - Atul G. Kelkar, Thomas E. Alberts:
Computing maximum tracking error due to payload dynamics. 851-855 - Ming Tan:
CSL: a cost-sensitive learning system for sensing and grasping objects. 858-863 - Makoto Kaneko, Kazuo Tanie:
Contact point detection for grasping of an unknown object using self-posture changeability (SPC). 864-869 - Pascal Violero, Isabelle Mazon, Michel Taïx:
Automatic planning of a grasp for a 'pick and place' action. 870-876 - C. S. Vaidyanathan, Hugh C. Wood:
Interpretation of the task status of a gripper from tactile sensor data. 877-882 - Bernhard J. Frommherz, Gerhard Werling:
Generating robot action plans by means of an heuristic search. 884-889 - Randall H. Wilson, Jean-François Rit:
Maintaining geometric dependencies in an assembly planner. 890-895 - Siegfried Bocionek, Peter Buchka, Johann Schweiger:
Generating expert systems for configuration tasks. 896-901 - Ralph Meyfarth:
Demon concepts in an active CIM knowledge base. 902-907 - Miguel Angel Serna, Eduardo Bayo:
Trajectory planning for flexible manipulators. 910-915 - Ben J. Petterson, Rush D. Robinett, Jill C. Werner:
Parameter-scheduled trajectory planning for suppression of coupled horizontal and vertical vibrations in a flexible rod. 916-921 - William E. Singhose, Warren P. Seering, Neil C. Singer:
Shaping inputs to reduce vibration: a vector diagram approach. 922-927 - J. J. Shifman:
A tracking controller for the Euler-Bernoulli beam. 928-933 - Ronald C. Arkin, Warren F. Gardner:
Reactive inclinometer-based mobile robot navigation. 936-941 - Barry Steer, Tim J. Atherton:
Design for navigation. 942-947 - Matthew D. Berkemeier, Ronald S. Fearing:
Determining the axis of a surface of revolution using tactile sensing. 947-949 - Peter Hoppen, Thomas Knieriemen, Ewald von Puttkamer:
Laser-radar based mapping and navigation for an autonomous mobile robot. 948-953 - Bir Bhanu
, Barry A. Roberts, John C. Ming:
Inertial navigation sensor integrated motion analysis for obstacle detection. 954-959 - Edward M. Sladek, Ronald S. Fearing:
The dynamic response of a tactile sensor. 962-967 - Antonio Bicchi:
Intrinsic contact sensing for soft fingers. 968-973 - Kenneth S. Roberts:
Robot active touch exploration: constraints and strategies. 980-985 - Sukhan Lee, Jang-Myung Lee:
Multiple task point control of a redundant manipulator. 988-993 - Senad H. Arnautovic:
Adaptive control of redundant manipulators via pseudovariables. 994-999 - Yan-Ru Hu, Andrew A. Goldenberg:
Dynamic control of multiple coordinated redundant manipulators with torque optimization. 1000-1005 - H. Zghal, Rajiv V. Dubey, James A. Euler:
Efficient gradient projection optimization for manipulators with multiple degrees of redundancy. 1006-1011 - Kathryn W. Lilly, David E. Orin:
Efficient O(N) computation of the operational space inertia matrix. 1014-1019 - Maxime Gautier:
Numerical calculation of the base inertial parameters of robots. 1020-1025 - Fouad Bennis, Wisama Khalil:
Minimum inertial parameters of robots with parallelogram closed-loops. 1026-1031 - Jean-Luc Caenen, Jean-Claude Angué:
Identification of geometric and nongeometric parameters of robots. 1032-1037 - Pramath R. Sinha, Jacob M. Abel:
A contact stress model for multifingered grasps of rough objects. 1040-1045 - D. T. Pham, K. C. Cheung, Song Huat Yeo:
Initial motion of a rectangular object being pushed or pulled. 1046-1050 - Zdravko Balorda:
Reducing uncertainty of objects by robot pushing. 1051-1056 - Makoto Kaneko, Wolfgang Paetsch, Gunther Kegel, Henning Tolle:
Input-dependent stability on joint torque control of robot hand. 1057-1062 - Xiaodong Xia, George A. Bekey:
Integrating robotic assembly planning and scheduling: a two-dimensional view. 1057-1061 - Saïd Laftit, Jean-Marie Proth:
Evaluation of jobshops with random manufacturing times: a Petri net approach. 1064-1069 - Noureddine Zerhouni, Hassane Alla:
Dynamic analysis of manufacturing systems using continuous Petri nets. 1070-1075 - Xiaolan Xie:
An efficient algorithm for performance analysis of transfer lines and its convergence. 1076-1081 - Chih-Ping Lee, N. Harris McClamroch:
Control of a discrete parts production system with random part production times to meet a given schedule. 1082-1087 - Samad Hayati, Thomas S. Lee, Kam S. Tso, Paul G. Backes, John Lloyd:
A testbed for a unified teleoperated-autonomous dual-arm robotic system. 1090-1095 - Paul G. Backes, Kam S. Tso:
UMI: an interactive supervisory and shared control system for telerobotics. 1096-1101 - Evangelos Papadopoulos, Steven Dubowsky:
On the nature of control algorithms for space manipulators. 1102-1108 - John F. Jansen, Joseph N. Herndon:
Design of a telerobotic controller with joint torque sensors. 1109-1115 - Jonathan Connell, Paul Viola:
Cooperative control of a semi-autonomous mobile robot. 1118-1121 - Ahmad Hemami, Mostafa G. Mehrabi, R. M. H. Cheng:
A new control strategy for tracking in mobile robots and AGVs. 1122-1127 - Monnett Hanvey Soldo:
Reactive and preplanned control in a mobile robot. 1128-1132 - Patrick F. Muir, Charles P. Neuman:
Resolved motion rate and resolved acceleration servocontrol of wheeled mobile robots. 1133-1140 - Joachim Heel:
Direct dynamic motion vision. 1142-1147 - Saied Moezzi, Terry E. Weymouth:
A model for fusion of spatial information in dynamic vision. 1148-1153 - Jiang Yu Zheng, Saburo Tsuji:
From anorthoscope perception to dynamic vision. 1154-1160 - James S. Albus, Tsai Hong:
Motion, depth, and image flow. 1161-1170 - Kazuhiro Kosuge, Jun Ishikawa, Katsuhisa Furuta, Masaru Sakai:
Control of single-master multi-slave manipulator system using VIM. 1172-1177 - Tsuneo Yoshikawa, Xin-Zhi Zheng:
Coordinated dynamic hybrid position/force control for multiple robot manipulators handling one constrained object. 1178-1183 - Aed M. Dudar, Adel H. Eltimsahy:
A near-minimum time controller for two coordinating robots grasping an object. 1184-1189 - Steve H. Murphy, John T. Wen, George N. Saridis:
Simulation of cooperating robot manipulators on a mobile platform. 1190-1195 - Louis L. Whitcomb, Daniel E. Koditschek:
Robot control in a message passing environment: theoretical questions and preliminary experiments. 1198-1123 - Rolf Johansson
Quadratic optimization of motion coordination and control. 1204-1209 - Russell L. Andersson:
Systems design for robot control with a scalar supercomputer. 1210-1215 - Ola Dahl, Lars Nielsen:
Stability analysis of an online algorithm for torque limited path following. 1216-1222 - Alan D. Christiansen, Matthew T. Mason, Tom M. Mitchell:
Learning reliable manipulation strategies without initial physical models. 1224-1230 - Tsuneo Hoshikawa, Akio Sudou:
Dynamic hybrid position/force control of robot manipulators: online estimation of unknown constraint. 1231-1236 - Haruhiko Asada:
Teaching and learning of compliance using neural nets: representation and generation of nonlinear compliance. 1237-1244 - Michael W. Walker, Al Dobryden, Joseph Dionise:
Getting to know your robot. 1245-1250 - Kenneth S. Roberts:
Coordinating a robot arm and multi-finger hand using the quaternion representation. 1252-1257 - Robert D. Howe, Nicolas Popp, Prasad Akella, Imin Kao, Mark R. Cutkosky:
Grasping, manipulation, and control with tactile sensing. 1258-1263 - Kenneth Y. Goldberg, Matthew T. Mason:
Bayesian grasping. 1264-1269 - Sharon A. Stansfield:
Knowledge-based robotic grasping. 1270-1275 - Howard B. Olsen:
A flexible robotic work cell for the assembly of airframe components. 1278-1283 - Antonia J. Spyridi, Aristides A. G. Requicha:
Accessibility analysis for the automatic inspection of mechanical parts by coordinate measuring machines. 1284-1289 - Jong-Seok Park, Julius T. Tou:
A solder joint inspection system for automated printed circuit board manufacturing. 1290-1295 - Douglas E. Ruth, Prasanna G. Mulgaonkar:
Robotic lay-up of prepreg composite plies. 1296-1300 - K. R. Goheen, E. R. Jefferys:
The application of alternative modelling techniques to ROV dynamics. 1302-1309 - Vincent Rigaud, L. Marce:
Absolute location of underwater robotic vehicles by acoustic data fusion. 1310-1315 - Toshio Fukuda, Hidemi Hosokai, Isamu Kikuchi:
Distributed type of actuators by shape memory alloy and its application to underwater mobile robotic mechanism. 1316-1321 - Jay K. Hackett, Mubarak Shah:
Multi-sensor fusion: a perspective. 1324-1330 - Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte, B. S. Y. Rao, Huosheng Hu:
Toward a fully decentralized architecture for multi-sensor data fusion. 1331-1336 - Daniel DeMenthon, Larry S. Davis:
Reconstruction of a road by local image matches and global 3D optimization. 1337-1342 - Hariharan Krishnan, N. Harris McClamroch:
A new approach to position and contact force regulation in constrained robot systems. 1344-1349 - Byung-Ju Yi, Whang Cho, Robert A. Freeman:
Open-loop stability of overconstrained parallel robotic systems. 1350-1355 - C. Cai:
Control of a manipulator under multiple contacts between rigid curved surfaces. 1356-1361 - Han-Pang Huang, Marlon Lin:
Variable structure control of constrained dynamic systems. 1362-1367 - Pierre E. Dupont:
Friction modeling in dynamic robot simulation. 1370-1376 - Brian Armstrong-Hélouvry:
Stick-slip arising from Stribeck friction. 1377-1382 - Carlos Canudas de Wit, V. Seront:
Robust adaptive friction compensation. 1383-1388 - Janos Sztipanovits, Gabor Karsai, Samir Padalkar, Csaba Biegl, Nobuji Miyasaka, Koji Okuda:
Intelligent monitoring and diagnostics for plant automation. 1390-1395 - John J. Bausch, Kamal Youcef-Toumi:
Kinematic methods for automated fixture reconfiguration planning. 1396-1401 - John E. McInroy, George N. Saridis:
Reliability analysis in intelligent machines. 1402-1407 - Mahmoud Tarokh:
Decentralized digital adaptive control of robot motion. 1410-1415 - Zuheir S. Tumeh:
Decentralized discrete model referenced adaptive manipulator control. 1416-1421 - Salvatore Nicosia, Antonio Tornambè, Paolo Valigi:
Experimental validation of asymptotic observers for robotic manipulators. 1423-1430 - David Wang, M. Vidyasagar:
Passive control of a single flexible link. 1432-1437 - Wei-Shiu Wang, Chang-Huan Liu:
Implementation of H2 optimal controller for a single link flexible-joint robot. 1438-1443 - B. V. Chapnik, Glenn R. Heppler, J. Dwight Aplevich:
Controlling the impact response of a one-link flexible robotic arm. 1444-1449 - Seung-Bok Choi, Brian S. Thompson, Mukesh V. Gandhi:
Modeling and control of a single-link flexible manipulator featuring a graphite-epoxy composite arm. 1450-1455 - Friedrich Pfeiffer, Hans-Jürgen Weidemann, P. Danowski:
Dynamics of the walking stick insect. 1458-1463 - Alexander F. Vakakis, Joel W. Burdick:
Chaotic motions in the dynamics of a hopping robot. 1464-1469 - Xiaochun Gao, Shin-Min Song:
Stiffness matrix method for foot force distribution of walking vehicles. 1470-1475 - Akihito Sano, Junji Furusho:
Realization of natural dynamic walking using the angular momentum information. 1476-1481 - Leda Villalobos, Sheldon Gruber:
Interpolation characteristics and noise sensitivity of neural network based inspection of machined surfaces. 1484-1489 - W. Xian, Y. Zhang, Z. Tu, Ernest L. Hall:
Automatic visual inspection of the surface appearance defects of bearing roller. 1490-1494 - Gérard G. Medioni, Monti R. Wilson, Andres Huertas:
Automatic registration of color separation films. 1495-1502 - Tsutomu Ito, Daniel DeMenthon, Larry S. Davis:
Fast range scanner using an optic RAM. 1503-1508 - Zheng J. Geng, James D. Lee, Robert L. Carroll, Leonard Stanley Haynes:
Learning control system design based on 2D theory-an application to parallel link manipulator. 1510-1515 - Erling Lunde, Jens G. Balchen:
Practical trajectory learning algorithms for robot manipulators. 1516-1521 - William C. Messner, Roberto Horowitz, Wei-Wen Kao, Michael Boals:
A new adaptive learning rule. 1522-1527 - Suguru Arimoto:
Robustness of learning control for robot manipulators. 1528-1533 - J. R. Dooley, J. Michael McCarthy:
Parameterized descriptions of the joint space obstacles for a 5R closed chain robot. 1536-1541 - Qiaode Jeffrey Ge, J. Michael McCarthy:
An algebraic formulation of configuration-space obstacles for spatial robots. 1542-1547 - Jose M. Bañon:
Implementation and extension of the ladder algorithm. 1548-1553 - John F. Canny, Ming C. Lin:
An opportunistic global path planner. 1554-1559 - T. Omata:
Fingertip positions of a multifingered hand. 1562-1567 - J. Hong, Gerardo Lafferriere, B. Mishra, X. Tan:
Fine manipulation with multifinger hands. 1568-1573 - Young C. Park, Gregory P. Starr:
Grasp synthesis of polygonal objects. 1574-1580 - Nancy S. Pollard, Tomás Lozano-Pérez:
Grasp stability and feasibility for an arm with an articulated hand. 1581-1585 - Luiz S. Homem de Mello, Arthur C. Sanderson:
Evaluation and selection of assembly plans. 1588-1593 - Y. F. Huang, C. S. G. Lee:
An automatic assembly planning system. 1594-1599 - Alain Delchambre:
A pragmatic approach to computer-aided assembly planning. 1600-1605 - Sukhan Lee, Yeong-Gil Shin:
Assembly planning based on subassembly extraction. 1606-1611 - Jian-Shiang Chen, Chia-Hsiang Menq:
Experiments on the payload-adaptation of a flexible one-link manipulation with unknown payload. 1614-1619 - Sabri Cetinkunt, Sijun Wu:
Tip position control of a flexible one arm robot with predictive adaptive output feedback implemented with lattice filter parameter identifier. 1620-1625 - Steve Yurkovich, Anthony Tzes, Iewen Lee, Kenneth L. Hillsley:
Control and system identification of a two-link flexible manipulator. 1626-1631 - J. Yuh, Deborah K. Tissue:
Adaptive control for mechanical manipulators having a joint compliance. 1632-1637 - Tad McGeer:
Passive walking with knees. 1640-1645 - Ching-Long Shih, Y. Z. Li, S. Churng, Tsu-Tian Lee, William A. Gruver:
Trajectory synthesis and physical admissibility for a biped robot during the single-support phase. 1646-1652 - Yuan F. Zheng, Qichao Yin:
Coordinating multilimbed robots for generating large Cartesian force. 1653-1658 - Chao Su, Yuan F. Zheng:
Task decomposition for multilimbed robots to work in the reachable-but-unorientable space. 1659-1664 - Sukhan Lee, Hern S. Hahn:
An optimal sensing strategy of a proximity sensor system for recognition and localization of polyhedral objects. 1666-1671 - Bianca Falcidieno, Franca Giannini:
A system for extracting and representing feature information driven by the application context. 1672-1678 - Peter K. Allen:
Mapping haptic exploratory procedures to multiple shape representations. 1679-1684 - Tetsuro Yabuta, Takayuki Yamada:
Possibility of neural networks controller for robot manipulators. 1686-1691 - Ziauddin Ahmad, Allon Guez:
On the solution to the inverse kinematic problem. 1692-1697 - Steve De Weerth, Lars Nielsen, Carver Mead, Karl Åström:
A neuron-based pulse servo for motion control. 1698-1703 - Mark A. Johnson, Michael B. Leahy Jr.:
Adaptive model-based neural network control. 1704-1709 - Jérôme Barraquand, Jean-Claude Latombe:
A Monte-Carlo algorithm for path planning with many degrees of freedom. 1712-1717 - Bernhard Glavina:
Solving findpath by combination of goal-directed and randomized search. 1718-1723 - Kamal Kant Gupta:
Fast collision avoidance for manipulator arms: a sequential search strategy. 1724-1729 - Wen H. Zhu, Ming C. Leu:
Planning optimal robot trajectories by cell mapping. 1730-1735 - Robert H. Sturges:
Toward a rational workholding methodology. 1738-1743 - Michael Erdmann:
Randomization in robot tasks. 1744-1749 - Yangsheng Xu, Richard P. Paul:
A robot compliant wrist system for automated assembly. 1750-1755 - Bruce Randall Donald, Dinesh K. Pai:
On the motion of compliantly-connected rigid bodies in contact. II. A system for analyzing designs for assembly. 1756-1762 - Yoshihiko Nakamura, Ranjan Mukherjee:
Nonholonomic path planning of space robots via bi-directional approach. 1764-1769 - Z. Vafa:
Space manipulator motions with no satellite attitude disturbances. 1770-1775 - N. Sreenath:
Nonlinear control of multibody systems in shape space. 1776-1781 - Jane Robinson, Alan A. Desrochers:
Performance analysis of a robotic testbed control architecture. 1782-1787 - Jahng-Hyon Park, Haruhiko Asada:
Design and control of minimum-phase flexible arms with torque transmission mechanisms. 1790-1795 - Ho Gil Lee, Sadao Kawamura, Fumio Miyazaki, Suguru Arimoto:
External sensory feedback control for end-effector of flexible multi-link manipulators. 1796-1802 - Kuldip S. Rattan, Vicente Feliu, H. Benjamin Brown Jr.:
Tip position control of flexible arms using a control law partitioning scheme. 1803-1808 - King Yuan, Lih-Chang Lin:
Motor-based control of manipulators with flexible joints and links. 1809-1814 - Zexiang Li, Raymond C. Montgomery:
Dynamics and optimal control of a legged robot in flight phase. 1816-1821 - Kai Liu, Frank L. Lewis:
Decentralized continuous robust controller for mobile robots. 1822-1827 - Ulrich Raschke, Johann Borenstein:
A comparison of grid-type map-building techniques by index of performance. 1828-1832 - Anup Basu, John Aloimonos:
Approximate constrained motion planning. 1833-1838 - Chien-Huei Chen, Prasanna G. Mulgaonkar:
Feature-utility measures for automatic vision programming. 1840-1845 - Hormoz Shariat:
A model-based method for object recognition. 1846-1851 - Xiao You Zhou, W. A. Davis:
Heuristic relaxation approaches for 3-D object recognition. 1852-1857 - Farshid Arman, Jake K. Aggarwal:
Object recognition in dense range images using a CAD system as a model base. 1858-1863 - D. Curtis Deno, Richard M. Murray, Kristofer S. J. Pister, S. Shankar Sastry:
Control primitives for robot systems. 1866-1871 - James K. Mills:
Hybrid actuator for robot manipulators: design, control and performance. 1872-1878 - Hiekeun Ko, Clark C. Davis, Edwin K. Iversen, Stephen C. Jacobsen:
High stiffness and low slew drag in an antagonistic control system. 1879-1884 - Chi-haur Wu, Kuu-Young Young, James C. Houk:
A neuromuscular-like model for robotic compliance control. 1885-1890 - Nitin Nayak, Asok Ray:
An integrated system for intelligent seam tracking in robotic welding. Conceptual and analytical development. 1892-1897 - Nitin Nayak, Asok Ray:
An integrated system for intelligent seam tracking in robotic welding. II. Design and implementation. 1898-1903 - Jun Ishikawa, Kazuhiro Kosuge, Katsuhisa Furuta:
Intelligent control of assembling robot using vision sensor. 1904-1909 - John S. Bay, Hooshang Hemami:
Dynamics of a learning controller for surface tracking robots on unknown surfaces. 1910-1915 - David Zhu, Jean-Claude Latombe:
Constraint reformulation in a hierarchical path planner. 1918-1923 - Robert S. Alexander, Neil C. Rowe:
Path planning by optimal-path-map construction for homogeneous-cost two-dimensional regions. 1924-1929 - A. Sankaranarayanan, M. Vidyasagar:
A new path planning algorithm for moving a point object amidst unknown obstacles in a plane. 1930-1936 - Elon Rimon, Daniel E. Koditschek:
Exact robot navigation in geometrically complicated but topologically simple spaces. 1937-1942 - Debra J. Hoitomt, Peter B. Luh, Krishna R. Pattipati:
A Lagrangian relaxation approach to job shop scheduling problems. 1944-1949 - Hendrik Van Brussel, F. Cottrez, Paul Valckenaers:
SESFAC: a scheduling expert system for flexible assembly cells. 1950-1955 - Paul Freedman, Rachid Alami
Repetitive sequencing: from workcell tasks to workcell cycles. 1962-1967 - C. Cosner, George Anwar, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
Plug in repetitive control for industrial robotic manipulators. 1970-1975 - Martin Bühler, Daniel E. Koditschek:
From stable to chaotic juggling: theory, simulation, and experiments. 1976-1981 - Michael B. Leahy Jr., David E. Bossert, Paul V. Whalen:
Robust model-based control: an experimental case study. 1982-1987 - Ming-Yih Lee, T. Holt, Albert J. Sturn Jr., Fredric N. Bailey:
Robot contouring performance study for nonconstrained process applications. 1988-1995 - Gilbert Verghese, Karey Lynch Gale, Charles R. Dyer:
Real-time motion tracking of three-dimensional objects. 1998-2003 - Suresh Venkatesan, Colin Archibald:
Realtime tracking in five degrees of freedom using two writs-mounted laser range finders. 2004-2010 - Yutaka Watanabe, Shin'ichi Yuta:
Position estimation of mobile robots with internal and external sensors using uncertainty evolution technique. 2011-2016 - Guo-Qing Wei, Zhenya He, Song De Ma:
Fusing the matching and motion estimation of rigid point patterns. 2017-2022 - Lang Hong, Dragana Brzakovic:
Distributed algorithm for multisensor integration applied to 3D scene reconstruction. 2024-2031 - Woo Suk Yang, Ren C. Luo:
View-point independent 3D curved object recognition using range data. 2032-2037 - H. M. Cung, Paul Cohen, Pierre Boulanger:
Multiscale edge detection and classification in range images. 2038-2044 - Umesh R. Dhond, Jake K. Aggarwal:
Binocular versus trinocular stereo. 2045-2050 - Tzyh Jong Tarn, Antal K. Bejczy, S. Ganguly, Zuofeng Li:
Nonlinear feedback method of robot control: a preliminary experimental study. 2052-2057 - David E. Bossert, Gary B. Lamont, Michael B. Leahy Jr., Isaac M. Horowitz:
Model-based control with quantitative feedback theory. 2058-2063 - John E. McInroy, George N. Saridis, Tom Bryan:
Momentum limiting velocity controls for robotic manipulators. 2064-2069 - Tien C. Hsia, L. S. Gao:
Robot manipulator control using decentralized linear time-invariant time-delayed joint controllers. 2070-2075 - Craig R. Carnigan:
Adaptive tracking for complex systems using reduced-order models. 2078-2083 - Akhouri S. C. Sinha, S. Kayalar, H. O. Yurtseven:
Nonlinear adaptive control of robot manipulators. 2084-2088 - J. Coyle-Byrne, Richard D. Klafter:
Real-time zone-adaptive control of SCARA-type robot arm. 2089-2094 - Kevin L. Moore, Mohammed Dahleh, S. P. Bhattacharyya:
Adaptive gain adjustment for a learning control method for robotics. 2095-2099 - Christopher I. Connolly, J. Brian Burns, Richard S. Weiss:
Path planning using Laplace's equation. 2102-2106 - Ben J. H. Verwer:
A multiresolution work space, multiresolution configuration space approach to solve the path planning problem. 2107-2112 - Amir Pirzadeh, Wesley Snyder:
A unified solution to coverage and search in explored and unexplored terrains using indirect control. 2113-2119 - Hichem Kallel, Hooshang Hemami, Sheldon Simon:
Postural stability of constrained three dimensional robotic systems. 2120-2125 - Jarir K. Chaar, Edward S. Davidson:
Cyclic job shop scheduling using reservation tables. 2128-2135 - Joseph M. Miller, George C. Stockman:
On the number of linear extensions in a precedence graph. 2136-2141 - Damian M. Lyons:
A process-based approach to task plan representation. 2142-2147 - Pei-Sen Liu, Li-Chen Fu:
An efficient method of solving problems of classification and selection using minimum spanning tree in a flexible manufacturing system. 2148-2153 - Koji Ikuta:
Micro/miniature shape memory alloy actuator. 2156-2161 - Mark Elling Rosheim:
Design of an omnidirectional arm. 2162-2167 - David L. Wells, Edwin K. Iversen, Clark C. Davis, Stephen C. Jacobsen:
An investigation of hydraulic actuator performance trade-offs using a generic model. 2168-2173 - M. Liu, Christopher D. Cook:
Robust adaptive control for industrial robots-a decentralized system method. 2174-2179 - Kaneyuki Kurokawa:
Quality and innovation. 2180-2184

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