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IROS 1993: Tokyo, Japan
- Proceedings of 1993 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 1993, Tokyo, Japan, July 26 - 30, 1993. IEEE 1993, ISBN 0-7803-0823-9
- Woorichul Ham, Ju-Jang Lee:
Adaptive nonlinear control of one-link flexible arm. 3-7 - J. S. Yu, R. Hu, Peter C. Müller:
An approach to adaptive decentralized control of flexible joint robots. 8-13 - Tsuneo Yoshikawa, Koh Hosoda, Kensuke Harada, Masashi Ichikawa:
Trajectory control of Cartesian type industrial manipulators with flexible joints. 14-21 - Martin Buss, Hideki Hashimoto:
Information and power flow during skill acquisition for the Intelligent Assisting System-IAS. 25-32 - Nathan Joseph Delson, Harry West:
Robot programming by human demonstration: Subtask compliance controller identification. 33-41 - Shiu Kit Tso, King Pui Liu:
Visual programming for capturing of human manipulation skill. 42-48 - Kazuhiro Kosuge, Yoshio Fujisawa, Toshio Fukuda:
Control of robot directly maneuvered by operator. 49-54 - Sadao Kawamura, Ken Ito:
A new type of master robot for teleoperation using a radial wire drive system. 55-60 - Majid M. Moghaddam, Martin Buehler:
Control of virtual motion systems. 63-67 - Guangjun Liu, Andrew A. Goldenberg:
Robust control of robot manipulators incorporating motor dynamics. 68-75 - Gürsel Alici, Ron W. Daniel:
Experimental comparison of model-based robot position control strategies. 76-83 - Jean-Yves Fourquet:
Optimal control theory and complexity of the time-optimal problem for rigid manipulators. 84-90 - Eloi Zaognini Taha, S. Kawaji:
Robust control of a constrained robot arm. 91-96 - Tsuneo Yoshikawa, Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Atsuo Nagayama:
Object handling by three-fingered hands using slip motion. 99-105 - Daniela Rus:
Coordinated manipulation of polygonal objects. 106-112 - Nak Young Chong, Donghoon Choi, Il Hong Suh:
A generalized motion/force planning strategy for multifingered hands using both rolling and sliding contacts. 113-120 - Alfred A. Rizzi, Daniel E. Koditschek:
Toward the control of attention in a dynamically dexterous robot. 123-130 - Shigeo Hirose:
A new design criterion in robotic mechanism (prevention of negative power consumption). 131-135 - Yasumichi Aiyama, Masayuki Inaba, Hirochika Inoue:
Pivoting: A new method of graspless manipulation of object by robot fingers. 136-143 - Yasuyoshi Yokokohji, Yong Yu, N. Nakasu, Tsuneo Yoshikawa:
Quasi-dynamic manipulation of constrained object by robot fingers in assembly tasks. 144-151 - Matthew T. Mason, Kevin M. Lynch:
Dynamic manipulation. 152-159 - Michael A. Erdmann:
Multiple-point contact with friction: Computing forces and motions in configuration space. 163-170 - Dongmin Kim, Hariharan Krishnan:
Determination of displacement and velocity of an object handled by a three-fingered robot hand. 171-177 - Edward J. Nicolson, Ronald S. Fearing:
Sensing capabilities of linear elastic cylindrical fingers. 178-185 - Kevin M. Lynch:
Estimating the friction parameters of pushed objects. 186-193 - Jeffrey C. Hudgens, Tatsuo Arai:
A new prototype parallel manipulator: Kinematics and sensor calibration. 194-200 - Hideaki Takanobu, Atsuo Takanishi, Daisuke Kato:
Design of a mastication robot mechanism using a human skull model. 203-208 - Michio Okuma, Isao Todo:
Application of systemic mechanisms in living beings to robot systems design. 209-216 - Katsutoshi Kuribayashi, Seiji Shimizu, Takashi Yuzawa, Takao Taniguchi:
A new robot finger force sensor using neural network. 217-222 - Takayuki Yamada, Tetsuro Yabuta:
Application of learning type feedforward feedback neural network controller to dynamic systems. 225-231 - D. S. Hong, Hyung Suck Cho:
Optimization of robotic assembly sequences using neural network. 232-239 - Thomas H. Connolly, Friedrich Pfeiffer:
Neural network hybrid position/force control. 240-244 - Pablo Javier Alsina, Narpat S. Gehlot:
Trajectory control of n-link robot manipulator based on modular neurocontroller. 245-251 - Peter C. Y. Chen, James K. Mills, Kenneth C. Smith:
On the dynamics of a neural network for robot trajectory tracking. 252-258 - Thomas Skordas, Serge de Paoli, E. Degremont, Alain Chéhikian:
Motion detection using a multi-scale image representation strategy. 261-266 - Yoshihiro Yamada, Masahiro Ishikawa:
High speed target tracking using massively parallel processing vision. 267-272 - Nasrollah Moghaddam Charkari, Hideo Mori:
A new approach for real time moving vehicle detection. 273-278 - Karansher Singh, Kikuo Fujimura:
A navigation strategy for cooperative multiple mobile robots. 283-288 - C. Ronald Kube, Hong Zhang, Xiaohuan Wang:
Controlling collective tasks with an ALN. 289-293 - Shinya Kotosaka, Hajime Asama, Hayato Kaetsu, Isao Endo, Katsuhiko Sato, Satoshi Okada, Ryoichi Nakayama:
Fault tolerance of a functionally adaptive and robust manipulator. 294-300 - Won S. Kim, Paul S. Schenker, Antal K. Bejczy, Samad Hayati:
Advanced graphics interfaces for telerobotic servicing and inspection. 303-309 - M. Y. Kaczor, Christian Laugier, Emmanuel Mazer:
Tele-act: A task level teleprogramming system. 310-313 - Georges Giralt, Raja Chatila, Rachid Alami:
Remote intervention, robot autonomy, and teleprogramming: generic concepts and real-world application cases. 314-320 - Yujin Wakita, Shigeoki Hirai:
Hierarchical control of a visual monitoring system for telerobot tasks. 321-326 - Olivier Causse, James L. Crowley:
A man machine interface for a mobile robot. 327-335 - Christine Milesi-Bellier, Christian Laugier, Bernard Faverjon:
A kinematic simulator for motion planning of a mobile robot on a terrain. 339-344 - Stéphane Jimenez, Annie Luciani, Christian Laugier:
Predicting the dynamic behaviour of a planetary vehicle using physical modeling. 345-351 - Mohan M. Trivedi, ChuXin Chen:
Developing telerobotic systems using virtual reality concepts. 352-359 - Thierry Viéville, François Romann, Bernard Hotz, Hervé Mathieu, Michel Buffa
, Luc Robert, P. E. Dos Santos Facao, Olivier D. Faugeras, J. T. Audren:
Autonomous navigation of a mobile robot using inertial and visual cues. 360-367 - Louis L. Whitcomb, Dana R. Yoerger:
A new distributed real-time control system for the JASON underwater robot. 368-374 - Otman A. Basir
, Helen C. Shen:
Aggregating interdependent sensory data in multisensor systems. 377-383 - Kai-Tai Song, Charles C. Chang:
Ultrasonic sensor data fusion for environment recognition. 384-390 - Toshiharu Mukai, Takashi Mori, Masatoshi Ishikawa:
A sensor fusion system using mapping learning method. 391-396 - Cynthia Ferrell:
Many sensors, one robot. 399-406 - Akihiko Takahashi, Masatoshi Ishikawa:
Signal processing architecture with bidimensional network topology for flexible sensor data integration system. 407-413 - Toshio Matsushita, Shigeyuki Sakane, Tapio Heikkilä
, Pentti Vähä:
A concept of rule-based planning and execution system for sensor-guided manipulation. 414-419 - Tomoyuki Hamada, Kohji Kamejima:
Sensory and a priori information integration for object pointing in interactive robot operation. 420-425 - Giulio Sandini, Giovanni Lucarini, Marco Varoli:
Gradient driven self-organizing systems. 429-432 - Qing Huang, Gerardo Beni:
Stationary waves in two-dimensional cyclic swarms. 433-440 - Gregory Dudek, Michael Jenkin, Evangelos E. Milios, David Wilkes:
A taxonomy for swarm robots. 441-447 - Takanori Shibata, Toshio Fukuda:
Coordinative behavior in evolutionary multi-agent-robot system. 448-453 - Yoshio Kawauchi, Makoto Inaba, Toshio Fukuda:
A relation between resource amount and system performance of the cellular robotic system (CEBOT). 454-459 - Paolo Dario, Michele Rucci:
An approach to disassembly problems in robotics. 460-467 - R. Andrew Russell:
Development of a robotic manipulator for micro-assembly operations. 471-474 - S.-H. Suh, Jung-Ja Lee, Yong-Jong Choi, Sung-Kwon Lee:
A prototype integrated robotic painting system: Software and hardware development. 475-482 - Y. Rng:
Operation status identification of industrial robots. 483-487 - Angelo Capizzi, Gaetano Messina, Guido Tricomi:
Robot programming languages standardization in manufacturing environment. 488-492 - J. R. M. Hill, T. W. Smelser, S. P. Signer, G. G. Miller:
Intelligent drilling system for geological sensing. 495-501 - Claudio Braccesi, Monica Carfagni, P. Citti:
A method for simulating the dynamic behavior of underwater robot structures. 502-508 - Shigeru Fujiwara, Ryouzou Kanehara, Tokuji Okada, Tsuyoshi Sanemori:
An articulated multi-vehicle robot for inspection and testing of pipeline interiors. 509-516 - J. Yuh:
Control of underwater robotic vehicles. 517-521 - Katsuhiko Inagaki, Hisato Kobayashi:
A gait transition for quadruped walking machine. 525-531 - Junmin Pan, Junshi Cheng:
Gait synthesis for quadruped robot walking up and down slope. 532-536 - Junmin Cheng, Junshi Pan:
Ditch crossing control for quadruped walking robot. 537-541 - Hans-Jürgen Weidemann, Friedrich Pfeiffer, Jürgen Eltze:
A design concept for legged robots derived from the walking stick insect. 545-552 - Karsten Berns, Bernd Müller, Rüdiger Dillmann:
Dynamic control of a robot leg with self-organizing feature maps. 553-560 - Jin'ichi Yamaguchi, Atsuo Takanishi, Ichiro Kato:
Development of a biped walking robot compensating for three-axis moment by trunk motion. 561-566 - Akira Torige, Motoi Noguchi, Noriaki Ishizawa:
Centipede type multi-legged walking robot. 567-571 - Patti M. Koenig, George A. Bekey:
Generation and control of lateral gaits in a horse-rider simulation. 572-579 - Klaus-Peter Gärtner, Klaus-Peter Holzhausen, Hans-Ludwig Wolf:
Experimental robot system for human engineering research in land operated vehicles. 583-590 - Ray A. Jarvis:
Converting outdoor vehicles into autonomous mobile robots. 591-597 - Aarne Halme, Kari Koskinen:
An approach to automate mobility of working machines in outdoor environment - The PANORAMA project. 598-603 - Toshihiro Tsumura, Hiroshi Okubo, Nobuo Komatsu:
A 3-D position and attitude measurement system using laser scanners and corner cubes. 604-611 - Ren C. Luo, Harsh Potlapalli, David W. Hislop:
Outdoor landmark recognition using fractal based vision and neural networks. 612-618 - Sing Bing Kang, Katsushi Ikeuchi:
A grasp abstraction hierarchy for recognition of grasping tasks from observation. 621-628 - Giulio Sandini, José Santos-Victor, Francesca Curotto, Stefano Garibaldi:
Robotic bees. 629-635 - Nobuaki Takanashi, Howie Choset, Joel W. Burdick:
Simulated and experimental results of dual resolution sensor based planning for hyper-redundant manipulators. 636-643 - Yun-Hui Liu, Hiromu Onda:
Constructing an approximate representation of a configuration space without using an intersection check. 644-651 - Raju S. Mattikalli, Pradeep K. Khosla, Bruno Repetto, David Baraff:
Stability of assemblies. 652-661 - Qin Chen, J. Y. S. Luh:
Generation of optimum schedules in multi-robot workcells with high processing flexibility. 662-669 - Sadao Akishita, Takashi Hisanobu, Sadao Kawamura:
Fast path planning available for moving obstacle avoidance by use of Laplace potential. 673-678 - Kaichun Jiang, Lakmal D. Seneviratne, S. W. E. Earles:
Finding the 3D shortest path with visibility graph and minimum potential energy. 679-684 - Fawzi Nashashibi, Michel Devy:
Combining terrain maps and polyhedral models for robot navigation. 685-691 - Hui Cheng, Heng-Da Cheng:
A novel approach for motion planning. 692-697 - S. K. Tso, P. L. Law, Yangsheng Xu, Heung-Yeung Shum:
Implementing model-based variable-structure controllers for robot manipulators with actuator modelling. 701-707 - Michel Cotsaftis:
Intelligence in control of complex robotic systems. 708-711 - Luca Maria Gambardella, Marc Haex:
Incorporating learning in motion planning techniques. 712-715 - Ève Coste-Manière, Philippe A. Couvignou, Pradeep K. Khosla:
Robotic contour following based on visual servoing. 716-722 - J. Lewis, Raj Gill, Anthony S. White:
Development of an optical system for robot control. 723-726 - Zlatko M. Soitrov, Roumen G. Botev:
A model reference approach to adaptive impedance control of robot manipulators. 727-733 - Pasquale Lucibello:
Exact repetitive control of minimum phase linear systems. 737-739 - H. Yu, Lakmal D. Seneviratne, S. W. E. Earles:
Combined adaptive control of constrained robot manipulators. 740-745 - Tomohide Naniwa, Suguru Arimoto:
Learning control for geometrically constrained robot manipulators. 746-753 - Albert Y. Zomaya
Trends in neuro-adaptive control for robot manipulators. 754-760 - Fumihito Arai, Lili Rong, Toshio Fukuda:
Asymptotic convergence of feedback error learning method and improvement of learning speed. 761-767 - Imre J. Rudas, István Õri, Ákos Tóth:
A repetitive trials based robot control and fault detection system. 768-772 - Dinesh K. Pai, Tony H. S. Ser:
Simultaneous computation of robot kinematics and differential kinematics with automatic differentiation. 775-780 - Mamoru Minami, Hisao Tomikawa, Naofumi Fujiwara, Katsuhiro Kanbara:
Inverse dynamics calculation method of power wheeled mobile manipulators. 781-786 - Fumio Ozaki:
Evaluation of a rigid body model for a SCARA-type robot with harmonic drive transmissions. 787-794 - San-Tai Hwang, Adel H. Eltimsahy:
Simulation studies on near minimum time control of planar flexible manipulators with multiple links. 797-804 - Man Hyung Lee, W. B. Baek, J. N. Lee, Kang Sup Yoon, K. S. Hong:
A stabilizing controller design for flexible joint robot manipulators. 805-809 - Yuchen Zhou:
Tracking control of multiple flexible link robots. 810-817 - Wolfgang Paetsch, Alexandra Weigl:
A simple approach for hand-arm coordination. 818-823 - Thea Iberall, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Denise Beattie, George A. Bekey:
Control philosophy and simulation of a robotic hand as a model for prosthetic hands. 824-831 - Shigeki Sugano, Qiang Huang, Ichiro Kato:
Stability criteria in controlling mobile robotic systems. 832-838 - A. Pujas, Pierre Dauchez, François Pierrot:
Hybrid position/force control: task description and control scheme determination for a real implementation. 841-846 - Carlos L. Lück, Sukhan Lee:
Redundant manipulator self-motion topology under joint limits with an 8-DOF case study. 848-855 - Masahito Yashima, Hiroshi Kimura:
Intelligent fixture for automatic assembly by robot - basic theory of manipulation using RBSF mechanism. 856-863 - Thomas G. Murphy, Damian M. Lyons, Antonius J. Hendriks:
Stable grasping with a multi-fingered robot hand: a behavior-based approach. 867-874 - Hideaki Hashimoto, Hideki Ogawa, Masao Obama, Toshiya Umeda, Kyoichi Tatsuno, Takao Furukawa:
Development of a multi-fingered robot hand with fingertip tactile sensors. 875-882 - Hyouk Ryeol Choi, Wan Kyun Chung, Youngil Youm:
Stiffness analysis of multi-fingered robot hands. 883-888 - S. W. Kim, Euntai Kim, Mignon Park:
A new fuzzy adaptive controller using a robust property of fuzzy controller. 891-897 - S. H. Ji, S. K. Kwon, H. T. Kim, M. Park:
Tracking navigation using fuzzy inference and sonar-based obstacle avoidance. 898-903 - Sung-Woo Kim, Ju-Jang Lee, Masanori Sugisaka:
Inverse kinematics solution based on fuzzy logic for redundant manipulators. 904-910 - Yangsheng Xu, Michael C. Nechyba:
Fuzzy inverse kinematic mapping: rule generation, efficiency, and implementation. 911-918 - Keigo Watanabe, Jun Tang, Masatoshi Nakamura, Shinji Koga, Toshio Fukuda:
Mobile robot control using fuzzy-Gaussian neural networks. 919-925 - Kenji Inoue, Masaharu Takano, Ken Sasaki:
Type selection of robot manipulators using fuzzy reasoning in robot design system. 926-933 - Jeffrey J. Farah, Robert B. Kelley:
Adapting semantic networks and fuzzy logic for the creation of the planning coordinator's primitive structure database. 937-942 - J.-Y. Lai, J.-J. Shieh, Y.-C. Lin:
On the development of a fuzzy model for nonlinear systems. 943-949 - Seok Hyeon Kim, Y.-H. Kim, Kwee-Bo Sim, Hong-Tae Jeon:
On developing an adaptive neural-fuzzy control system. 950-957 - Tsu-Tian Lee, Kuo-Yang Tu:
Fuzzy logic controller design based on variable structure control. 958-964 - John Shunen Shieh:
Relational fuzzy model: A representation for object identification. 965-971 - Helmut Gander, Markus Vincze, Johann P. Prenninger:
An external 6D-sensor for industrial robots. 975-978 - Fabio Tsuzuki, Ken Sasaki:
Ultrasonic echo simulator for mobile robots. 979-985 - Adi Bonen, Kenneth C. Smith, Beno Benhabib:
Development of a robust electro-optical proximity sensor. 986-990 - Makoto Kaneko, Toshiharu Nishihara:
Twin-head type six-axis force sensors. 991-996 - H. A. Zhu, C. L. Teo, Geok-Soon Hong, Aun Neow Poo:
Fine motion control by making actuators sensible. 997-1004 - Yunde Jiar, Kejie Lee, Genchen Shi:
A high resolution and high compliance tactile sensing system for robotic manipulations. 1005-1009 - Ian D. Reid, Kevin J. Bradshaw, Philip F. McLauchlan, Paul M. Sharkey, David William Murray:
From saccades to smooth pursuit: real-time gaze control using motion feedback. 1013-1020 - Don Murray, Anup Basu:
Active tracking. 1021-1028 - Kazumasa Yamazawa, Yasushi Yagi, Masahiko Yachida:
Omnidirectional imaging with hyperboloidal projection. 1029-1034 - Shinji Kotani, Satoshi Yasutomi, X. Kin, Hideo Mori, S. Shigihara, Y. Matsumuro:
Image processing and motion control of a lane mark drawing robot. 1035-1041 - Ulrich Solder, Volker Graefe:
Visual detection of distant objects. 1042-1049 - Won Jee Chung, Wan Kyun Chung, Youngil Youm:
Dynamic control of redundant manipulators using full row-rank minors of Jacobian. 1053-1058 - Gregory S. Chirikjian:
A continuum approach to hyper-redundant manipulator dynamics. 1059-1066 - Gregory S. Chirikjian:
General methods for computing hyper-redundant manipulator inverse kinematics. 1067-1073 - Chisato Numaoka:
Collective alteration of strategic types with delayed global information. 1077-1084 - Jing Wang:
DRS operating primitives based on distributed mutual exclusion. 1085-1090 - Toshio Fukuda, Kousuke Sekiyama, Tsuyoshi Ueyama, Fumihito Arai:
Efficient communication method in the cellular robotic system. 1091-1096 - Sukhan Lee, David Chiu, Kwan Tjia:
Size vs. power-to-weight ratio in integrated actuation. 1097-1104 - Kenji Kurosu, Tadayoshi Furuya, Mitsuru Soeda:
Fuzzy control of group with a leader and their behaviors. 1105-1109 - Tsuyoshi Ueyama, Toshio Fukuda:
Cooperative search using genetic algorithm based on local information - Path planning for structure configuration of cellular robot. 1110-1115 - Toyomi Fujita, Hiroshi Kimura:
The design of software development system for multiple robots. 1119-1125 - Nobuyasu Osato:
An action interpreter of a robot control agent. 1126-1133 - Mouna Hassoun, Christian Laugier:
Towards a real-time architecture to control an autonomous vehicle in multi-vehicle environment. 1134-1140 - Takuya Ohko, Kazuo Hiraki, Yuichiro Anzai:
LEMMING: A learning system for multi-robot environments. 1141-1146 - Sumiaki Ichikawa, Fumio Hara, Hidemi Hosokai:
Cooperative route-searching behavior of multi-robot system using hello-call communication. 1149-1156 - Shigeyuki Sakane, Hiroaki Okoshi, Tomomasa Sato, Masayoshi Kakikura:
Distributed sensing system with 3D model-based agents. 1157-1163 - Koichi Ozaki, Hajime Asama, Yoshiki Ishida, Akihiro Matsumoto, Kazutaka Yokota, Hayato Kaetsu, Isao Endo:
Synchronized motion by multiple mobile robots using communication. 1164-1169 - Andrew H. Fagg, M. Anthony Lewis, James F. Montgomery, George A. Bekey:
The USC autonomous flying vehicle: An experiment in real-time behavior-based control. 1173-1180 - Gregory C. White, Yangsheng Xu:
An active Z gravity compensation system. 1181-1187 - Teruyuki Izumi, Yoshikazu Hitaka:
Control of a flexible link hammer in a gravitational field and its application to a home robot tapping human shoulders. 1188-1193 - Stephen D. Prior, Peter Warner:
Wheelchair-mounted robots for the home environment. 1194-1200 - Tapio Heikkilä
, Pentti Vähä, Jyrki Okkonen:
A skilled and intelligent paper roll manipulator. 1201-1207 - R. W. Harrigan:
Automating the operation of robots in hazardous environments. 1211-1219 - Tadashi Munakata, Shin Murakami, Yasuhiro Matsumoto, Shigeo Nakagaki, Tsutomu Honda, Kiyoshi Shibanuma, Satoshi Kakudate, Kiyoshi Oka, Takuya Terakado, Mitsunori Kondoh:
Manipulator for in-vessel remote maintenance of fusion experimental reactor. 1220-1224 - Hirokazu Sato, Takashi Yoshimi, Yukio Asari, Kyoichi Tatsuno, Kuniji Asano:
Development of model-based remote maintenance robot system. I. Outline of the robot system. 1225-1230 - Hirokazu Sato, Yukio Asari, Takashi Yoshimi, Kyoichi Tatsuno, Kuniji Asano:
Development of a model-based remote maintenance robot system. II. Environment measuring methods. 1231-1236 - Takashi Yoshimi, Yukio Asari, Hirokazu Sato, Kyoichi Tatsuno, Kuniji Asano:
Development of a model-based remote maintenance robot system. III. Task planner. 1237-1244 - Yukio Asari, Hirokazu Sato, Takashi Yoshimi, Kyorich Tatsuno, Kuniji Asano:
Development of model-based remote maintenance robot system. IV. A practical stiffness control method for redundant robot arm. 1245-1251 - Chun-Yi Su, Yury Stepanenko:
Adaptive sliding mode control of robot manipulators with general sliding manifold. 1255-1259 - Asif Sabanoviç, Kenzo Wada, Nadira Sabanovic:
Chattering free sliding modes in robotic manipulators control. 1260-1267 - Arun K. Paul, J. K. Mishra, M. G. Radke:
Sliding mode control of pneumatic actuator for robotic application. 1268-1275 - Thomas Burke, Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte:
Kinematics for modular wheeled mobile robots. 1279-1286 - Xiaoping Yun, Yoshio Yamamoto:
Internal dynamics of a wheeled mobile robot. 1288-1294 - Zhongping Deng, Michael Brady:
Dynamic tracking of a wheeled mobile robot. 1295-1298 - Jean-Paul Laumond, Philippe Souères:
Metric induced by the shortest paths for a car-like mobile robot. 1299-1304 - Philippe Souères, Jean-Yves Fourquet, Jean-Paul Laumond:
Region of accessibility for a car-like robot. 1304-1309 - Kazuhiro Nishikawa, Hideo Mori:
Rotation control and motion estimation of camera for road following. 1313-1318 - Lindsay Kleeman, R. Andrew Russell:
Thermal path following robot vehicle: Sensor design and motion control. 1319-1323 - Jason A. Janét, Ren C. Luo, Caglan M. Aras, Michael G. Kay:
Sonar windows and geometrically represented objects for mobile robot self-referencing. 1324-1331 - Toshihiko Kanbara, Jun Miura, Yoshiaki Shirai:
Selection of efficient landmarks for an autonomous vehicle. 1332-1338 - Xiaotie Deng, Evangelos E. Milios, Andy Mirzaian:
Landmark selection for path execution. 1339-1346 - ChuXin Chen, Mohan M. Trivedi:
Reactive locomotion control of articulated-tracked mobile robots for obstacle negotiation. 1349-1356 - Thierry Siméon, Benoit Dacre-Wright:
A practical motion planner for all-terrain mobile robots. 1357-1363 - Kenichi Arakawa, Eric Krotkov:
Estimating fractal dimension of natural terrain from irregularly spaced data. 1364-1370 - Pierre Bessière, Juan Manuel Ahuactzin, El-Ghazali Talbi, Emmanuel Mazer:
The "Ariadne's clew" algorithm: global planning with local methods. 1373-1380 - Faïz Ben Amar, Philippe Bidaud, Fethi Ben Ouezdou:
On modeling and motion planning of planetary vehicles. 1381-1386 - Kikuo Fujimura:
Motion planning amidst dynamic obstacles in three dimensions. 1387-1392 - Thierry Fraichard:
Dynamic trajectory planning with dynamic constraints: A 'state-time space' approach. 1393-1400 - Shiu Kit Tso, King Pui Liu:
A fast motion planner based on configuration space. 1401-1408 - Suresh B. Marapane, Mohan M. Trivedi, Nils Lassiter:
A novel graphical simulation and animation environment for integrated sensory-motor systems. 1411-1416 - Bernard J. Hendrey, Ray A. Jarvis:
A path planning heuristic for robotic manipulators. 1417-1423 - Hiroshi Noborio, Takashi Yoshioka:
An on-line and deadlock-free path-planning algorithm based on world topology. 1425-1430 - Jörg-Michael Hasemann, Tapio Heikkilä
An embedded monitoring system for intelligent robots. 1431-1438 - Jürgen Kreuziger, M. Hauser:
A new system architecture for applying symbolic learning techniques to robot manipulation tasks. 1441-1448 - Tetsuo Sawaragi, Osamu Katai, Sosuke Iwai:
Decision-theoretic selection of reasoning scheme for an autonomous robot under resource constraints. 1449-1456 - Huosheng Hu, Michael Brady, Penelope Probert:
A decision theoretic approach to real-time obstacle avoidance for a mobile robot. 1457-1464 - Paul Milgram, Shumin Zhai, David Drascic
, Julius Grodski:
Applications of augmented reality for human-robot communication. 1467-1472 - Mamoru Mitsuishi, Kazuo Kobayashi, Takaaki Nagao, Yotaro Hatamura, Tomomasa Sato, Bruce Kramer:
Development of tele-operated micro-handling/machining system based on information transformation. 1473-1478 - Klaus-Peter Gärtner, Klaus-Peter Holzhausen, Walther Krüger, Francis D. Pitrella, Hans-Ludwig Wolf:
Identification of field objects in reduced quality TV pictures transmitted from telerobots to a remote control station. 1479-1486 - Darwin G. Caldwell, Clarence Gosney:
Multi-modal tactile sensing and feedback (tele-taction) for enhanced tele-manipulator control. 1487-1494 - Haruo Noma, Hiroo Iwata:
Presentation of multiple dimensional data by 6 DOF force display. 1495-1500 - Yu-Che Chen, Ian D. Walker:
An analysis of contact forces decomposition for multi-fingered grasping. 1503-1510 - Yasumasa Shoji, Makoto Inaba, Toshio Fukuda:
Stable force control of one degree-of-freedom manipulator in contact tasks. 1511-1515 - Hiroshi Wada, Toshio Fukuda, Kazuhiro Kosuge, Fumihito Arai, Keigo Watanabe:
Damping control with consideration of dynamics of environment. 1516-1521 - Hirokazu Mayeda, Nobuya Ikeda:
Motion/force/impedance control for robot tasks. 1522-1529 - Yalou Huang, Guizhang Lu:
Force analysis and hybrid control scheme for multiple robot manipulators. 1530-1534 - Homayoun Seraji, Richard Colbaugh:
Adaptive force-based impedance control. 1537-1544 - Paul Elosegui:
A study of force control transfer functions identified on a PUMA 560 arm. 1545-1552 - Paul Elosegui:
Variations with configuration of the force control transfer functions of a PUMA 560 arm. 1553-1558 - Gürsel Alici, Ron W. Daniel:
Development and experimental verification of a mathematical model for robot force control design. 1559-1565 - Fumitoshi Matsuno, Satoshi Shibata, Yoshiyuki Sakawa:
Force control of manipulator with considering flexibility. 1566-1571 - Stefano Caselli, Eugenio Faldella, Bruno Fringuelli, Francesco Zanichelli:
A hybrid system for knowledge-based synthesis of robot grasps. 1575-1581 - Sukhan Lee, Chunsik Yi, Fu-Chung Wang:
Force-based reasoning for assembly planning and subassembly stability analysis. 1582-1589 - Hajime Terasaki, Tsutomu Hasegawa:
Intelligent manipulation of sliding operations with parallel two-fingered grippers. 1590-1597 - Allen Back, Daniela Rus:
Towards task-directed coordinated manipulation. 1598-1605 - Kamal K. Gupta, Xinyu Zhu:
The sequential framework for developing motion planners for many degree of freedom manipulators: Experimental results. 1606-1613 - John M. Hollerbach, Lydia Giugovaz, Martin Buehler, Yangming Xu:
Screw axis measurement for kinematic calibration of the Sarcos Dextrous Arm. 1617-1621 - Seo-Wook Park, Jun-Ho Oh:
Inverse kinematics for robot manipulators based on incremental unit computation method. 1622-1626 - Francesca Gandolfo, Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi:
Vector summation of end-point impedance in kinematically redundant manipulators. 1627-1634 - Sukhan Lee, Sungbok Kim:
Efficient inverse kinematics for serial connections of serial and parallel manipulators. 1635-1641 - Nilanjan Sarkar, Xiaoping Yun, Vijay Kumar:
Control of a single robot in a cooperative multi-robot framework. 1645-1652 - Nobuto Matsuhira, Makoto Asakura, Hiroyuki Bamba, Michihiro Uenohara:
Development of an advanced master-slave manipulator using a pantograph master arm and a redundant slave arm. 1653-1658 - Q. Liao, Lakmal D. Seneviratne, S. W. E. Earles:
Forward kinematic analysis for the general 4-6 Stewart platform. 1659-1665 - Kazuhiro Kosuge, Minoru Okuda, Toshio Fukuda, T. Koduka, Tatsuya Mizuno:
Input/output force analysis of Stewart platform type of manipulators. 1666-1673 - Tomomasa Sato, Koichi Koyano, Masayuki Nakao, Yotaro Hatamura:
Novel manipulator for micro object handling as interface between micro and human worlds. 1674-1681 - Toshiyuki Matsuoka, Motomu Asano, Hiroshi Fukushima, Hiromu Okamoto, Masayoshi Uchida, Teruyuki Matsui:
Mechanical analysis for micro mobile machine with piezoelectric element. 1685-1690 - Günter Wöhlke, Sergej Fatikow:
Combination of fuzzy logic and neural networks for the intelligent control of micro robotic systems. 1691-1696 - Katsutoshi Kuribayashi, Seiji Shimizu, T. Nishinohara, Takao Taniguchi, M. Yoshitake, S. Ogawa:
Trial fabrication of micron sized arm using reversible TiNi alloy thin film actuators. 1697-1702 - Toshio Fukuda, Hidenori Ishihara:
Micro optical robotic system with cordless optical power supply. 1703-1708 - Ren C. Luo, Zhenhai Chen:
Modeling and implementation of an innovative micro proximity sensor using micromachining technology. 1709-1716 - H. Morishita, Yotaro Hatamura:
Development of ultra-micromanipulator system under stereo SEM observation. 1717-1721 - Jihong Lee:
An initialization method for multilayer neural networks as function approximators. 1725-1728 - Shigetoshi Shiotani, Toshio Fukuda, Takanori Shibata:
Recognition system by neural network for additional learning. 1729-1735 - Jeffrey J. Farah, Robert B. Kelley:
Identifying relational error recovery/online plans utilizing fuzzy logic techniques and semantic networks. 1736-1741 - Michele Rucci, Paolo Dario:
Selective attention mechanisms in a vision system based on neural networks. 1742-1749 - Katsutoshi Kuribayashi, Seiji Shimizu, K. Okimura, Takao Taniguchi:
A discrimination system using neural network for EMG-controlled prostheses-Integral type of EMG signal processing. 1750-1755 - Toshio Fukuda, Tadashi Kohno, Takanori Shibata:
Learning scheme for recurrent neural network by genetic algorithm. 1756-1761 - Claude Villard, Philippe Gorce, Jean-Guy Fontaine:
Study of the dynamic behavior of RALPHY. 1765-1770 - Qinghua Li, Atsuo Takanishi, Ichiro Kato:
Learning control for a biped walking robot with a trunk. 1771-1777 - Hamid Rad, Pedro Gregorio, Martin Buehler:
Design, modeling and control of a hopping robot. 1778-1785 - Akio Morishima, Shigeo Hirose:
Impedance control of articulated body mobile robot "Koryu". 1786-1790 - Anders Nilsson, Per Holmberg:
Robot-sensor system integration by means of 2-D vision and ultrasonic sensing for localization and recognition of objects. 1793-1799 - F. Dermi, O. Kalafate:
Organizing informations for operative tasks in robot-vision system. 1800-1807 - Fredrick R. Miller, Junji Maeda, Hiroshi Kubo:
Template based method of edge linking using a weighted decision. 1808-1815 - Kenichi Kanatani, Tamotsu Maruyama:
Optimal focal length calibration system. 1816-1821 - Anup Basu, Sergio Licardie:
Modeling fish-eye lenses. 1822-1828 - Paulo Lopes, Eugénio C. Oliveira
Identification of partially occluded objects using object chain code. 1829-1834 - Janusz A. Marszalec:
Modelling and simulation of an angular scan LED array-based range imaging sensor. 1837-1844 - Jae-Hoon Kim, Hyung Suck Cho, S. K. Kim:
Visual measurement of a 3-D plane pose by a cylindrical structured light. 1845-1850 - Atsushi Nobiki, Hiroshi Naruse, Tetsuro Yabuta, Mitsuhiro Tateda:
Accurate multi-viewpoint stereo measurement using nonlinear optimization method. 1851-1856 - Masayuki Inaba, Takeyori Hara, Hirochika Inoue:
A stereo viewer based on a single camera with view-control mechanisms. 1857-1865 - Noriaki Maru, Hiroshi Kase, Shinya Yamada, Atsushi Nishikawa, Fumio Miyazaki:
Manipulator control by using servoing with the stereo vision. 1866-1870 - Koichi Tanaka, Mutsuo Sano, Naoki Mukawa, Hiroshi Kaneko:
3D object representation using spherical harmonic functions. 1873-1880 - Philippe Fillatreau, Michel Devy:
Localization of an autonomous mobile robot from 3D depth images. 1881-1888 - Shin Kameyama, Tadashi Nagata:
Generating an aspect graph by set operations on sets of viewpoints. 1889-1896 - Takeshi Shakunaga:
Formalization and analyses of pose estimation from a single view. 1897-1904 - Nan-Ning Zheng, Xiao-Dong Fu, Hong Liu:
CAD-based 3D robot vision. 1905-1910 - Hiroshi Yokoi, Yukinori Kakazu:
An approach to the autonomous grasping problem by the vibrating potential method. 1913-1918 - Ulrich Borgolte, Helmut Hoyer, Friedhelm Wrosch:
Online collision avoidance for two robots in 3D-space. 1919-1926 - Zhiwei Luo, Koji Ito, Masami Ito:
Multiple robot manipulators' cooperative compliant manipulation on dynamical environments. 1927-1934 - Hisashi Osumi, Tamio Arai, Eiichi Yoshida:
Cooperative control between multiple manipulators with flexibility. 1935-1940 - Tapio Taipale, Shigeoki Hirai:
A behavior-based control system applied over multi-robot system. 1941-1943 - Masafumi Hashimoto, Fuminori Oba, Toru Eguchi:
Dynamic control approach for motion coordination of multiple wheeled mobile robots transporting a single object. 1944-1951 - Hiroshi Noborio, Mitsuyasu Edashige:
A cooperative path-planning for multiple automata by dynamic/static conversion. 1955-1962 - Jun Ota, Tamio Arai, Daisuke Kurabayashi:
Dynamic grouping in multiple mobile robots system. 1963-1970 - Isao Hara, Tadashi Nagata:
Robot assembly planning using contract nets. 1971-1976 - Yann Bouffard-Vercelli, Pierre Dauchez, Xavier Delebarre:
Force-controlled assembly with a two-arm robot: How and where to perform it within the workspace. 1977-1984 - I-Ming Chen, Joel W. Burdick:
Enumerating the nonisomorphic assembly configurations of modular robotic systems. 1985-1992 - Seiji Koide, Hideyuki Andou, Shuntaro Suzuki, Mitsushige Oda:
Semi-autonomous teleoperation control system with layered architecture-An application to space robots. 1995-2001 - Dominique Duhaut:
Using a multi-agent approach to solve the inverse kinematics problem. 2002-2007 - Jean-Yves Tigli, Michel Occello, Marie-Claude Thomas:
A reactive multi-agents system as mobile robot controller. 2008-2014 - Eckhard Freund, Hans-Jürgen Buxbaum
A new approach to multi agent systems control in robot-based flexible manufacturing work cells. 2015-2022 - Arthur G. O. Mutambara, Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte:
A formally verified modular decentralized robot control system. 2023-2030 - Subir Kumar Saha:
Modeling and simulation of space robots. 2033-2040 - Sunil Kumar Agrawal, Glenn Desmier:
Kinematic models of assembly primitives for free-floating robots. 2041-2048 - Katsuhiko Yamada
Arm path planning for a space robot. 2049-2055 - Homayoun Seraji:
Motion control of mobile manipulators. 2056-2063 - Kazuya Yoshida, Naoki Sashida:
Modeling of impact dynamics and impulse minimization for space robots. 2064-2069 - Xavier Cyril, Gilbert J. Jaar, Arun K. Misra:
The effect of payload impact on the dynamics of a space robot. 2070-2075 - Ranjan Mukherjee:
Reorientation of a structure in space using a three link manipulator. 2079-2086 - Evangelos G. Papadopoulos:
Large payload manipulation by space robots. 2087-2094 - Yoshihiko Nakamura, Ryuji Iwamoto:
Stabilization of the shape of space multibody structure with free joints. 2095-2101 - Daniel Alazard, Jean-Pierre Chrétien:
Flexible joint control: Robustness analysis of the collocated and non-collocated feedbacks. 2102-2107 - Dragomir N. Nenchev:
A controller for a redundant free-flying space robot with spacecraft attitude/manipulator motion coordination. 2108-2114 - Alexander Douglas, Yangsheng Xu:
Real-time shared control system for space telerobotics. 2117-2122 - Bernhard Brunner, Gerd Hirzinger, Klaus Landzettel, Johann Heindl:
Multisensory shared autonomy and tele-sensor-programming-Key issues in the space robot technology experiment ROTEX. 2123-2139 - Manfred D. M. Sever, Gabriele M. T. D'Eleuterio:
A servocompensator approach to the control of flexible space robotic manipulators with application to teleoperation. 2140-2147 - Yoshisada Murotsu, Kei Senda, Akira Mitsuya, Kiyoshi Fujii:
Experimental studies for control of manipulators mounted on a free-flying space robot. 2148-2154 - Hironori A. Fujii, Hideharu Yoneoka, Kenji Uchiyama:
Experiments on cooperative motion of a space robot. 2155-2162 - Michael Jenkin, Evangelos E. Milios, Piotr Jasiobedzki, N. Bains, K. Tran:
Global navigation for ARK. 2165-2171 - Stephen Borthwick, Michael Stevens, Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte:
Position estimation and tracking using optical range data. 2172-2177 - Suk-Hwan Suh, Jae-Kwan Kang, Woo-Suk Jee, Moo-Young Jung, Kwang-Soo Kim:
Estimating ALV position in mountainous area. 2178-2185 - Hisayoshi Sugiyama:
A method for an autonomous mobile robot to recognize its position in the global coordinate system when building a map. 2186-2191 - Wolfgang D. Rencken:
Concurrent localisation and map building for mobile robots using ultrasonic sensors. 2192-2197 - Keiji Nagatani, Shin'ichi Yuta:
Path and sensing point planning for mobile robot navigation to minimize the risk of collision. 2198-2203 - Eugenio Guglielmelli, Vincenzo Genovese, Paolo Dario, G. Morana:
Avoiding obstacles by using a proximity US/IR sensitive skin. 2207-2214 - Ashraf Elnagar, Anup Basu:
Smooth and acceleration minimizing trajectories for mobile robots. 2215-2221 - W. S. Ko, Lakmal D. Seneviratne, S. W. E. Earles:
Space representation and map building-A triangulation model to path planning with obstacle avoidance. 2222-2227 - Gaetano Chemello, Claudio Sossai, Gaetano Trainito:
A homogeneous formalism for reasoning and learning in mobile robotics. 2228-2233 - Takashi Tsubouchi, Akisada Hirose, Suguru Arimoto:
A navigation scheme with learning for a mobile robot among multiple moving obstacles. 2234-2240 - Billur Barshan, Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte:
An inertial navigation system for a mobile robot. 2243-2248 - Ralf Gutsche, Claudio Laloni, Friedrich M. Wahl:
Fine motion planning in self overlapping driving channels and multiple mobile vehicle coordination. 2249-2256 - Michiyo Nakamura, Shin'ichi Yuta:
Trajectory control of trailer type mobile robots. 2257-2263 - Naoki Matsumoto, A. Toyoda, S. Ito:
Mobile robot guidance control with nonlinear observer based state estimation. 2264-2271 - N. Clavel, F. Sevila, René Zapata:
Non-holonomic local navigation using control on the centrifugal force. 2272-2278 - Brenan J. McCarragher:
Task-level adaptation using a discrete event controller for robotic assembly. 2281-2285 - Takahide Kanehara, Tatsuya Suzuki, Akio Inaba, Shigeru Okuma:
On algebraic and graph structural properties of assembly Petri net - Searching by linear programming. 2286-2293 - Katsushi Ikeuchi, Masato Kawade, Takashi Suehiro:
Toward assembly plan from observation - Task recognition with planar, curved and mechanical contacts. 2294-2301 - Héctor H. González-Baños, José Luis Gordillo:
An algorithm for planning time-optimal trajectories for given minimum distance paths. 2302-2309 - Jin-Oh Kim, Pradeep K. Khosla:
A formulation for task based design of robot manipulators. 2310-2317

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