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{{Excavation hotspots list|all}}


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This article has a calculator for experience and items needed to reach a certain level here.
Calculators determine experience and costs based on real-time prices from the Grand Exchange Market Watch.
This article has a calculator for artefacts, gold, and experience per hour for each hotspot here.
Calculators determine experience and costs based on real-time prices from the Grand Exchange Market Watch.

This guide is for pay-to-play Archaeology training and aims to help players find the most effective and efficient methods of Archaeology training.

Archaeology is a gathering skill where players can excavate materials, soil, and artefacts using mattocks, then restore the artefacts at an archaeologist's workbench. A blue progress bar will appear above the player's head whilst excavating. Once the progress bar has been filled completely, players will receive a damaged artefact. There is no competition for resources except for certain resource gathering areas called material caches. The Resourceful aura gives a 10% chance at not depleting material caches only.

Excavating remains has a mechanic similar to rockertunities called time sprites, with a time limited boost to experience gain while using a particular hotspot. Unlike rockertunities however, time sprites can spawn on the hotspot you begin gathering on.


Mattocks are the primary tools used in Archaeology. They are similar to pickaxes used for Mining, such that players can use better mattocks as they reach higher Archaeology levels. Higher level mattocks boast greater precision, which affects the rate of progress towards artefacts, and greater focus, which increases the rate at which materials are found.

Standard metal mattocks are cheap and easy to obtain, but they cannot be augmented. Unique mattocks, such as the dragon, crystal and imcando mattocks, act as a tier higher than the metal mattock of the same level. The Mattock of Time and Space, as well as Guildmaster Tony's mattock, are unique in that they do not have a metal mattock around their level. All five of these mattocks can be augmented, and it is highly recommended to do so, as augmented mattocks use very little charge but can provide powerful perks like Honed and Fortune to save money and improve experience rates.

Upgrading mattocks as soon as possible will result in the maximum amount of broken artefacts per hour and generally the most materials as well, increasing experience gained. However, a lower tier augmented mattock with the Honed perk can usually gather more materials per hour than a higher tier mattock without it, depending on the perk rank and the difference in tiers.

Useful equipment

Item Effect Slot Description Requirements
High priority
Archaeologist's hat.png: RS3 Inventory image of Archaeologist's hat Archaeologist's jacket.png: RS3 Inventory image of Archaeologist's jacket
Archaeologist's trousers.png: RS3 Inventory image of Archaeologist's trousers Archaeologist's gloves.png: RS3 Inventory image of Archaeologist's gloves
Archaeologist's boots.png: RS3 Inventory image of Archaeologist's boots
Archaeologist's outfit +1 to 6% XP Head slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Head slot Torso slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Torso slot
Legs slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Legs slot gloves slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of gloves slot
Feet slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Feet slot
Provides a 1% experience boost per worn piece of the set. Wearing the full set provides a 6% experience boost. 70 Archaeology
Qualification - Associate
Master archaeologist's hat.png: RS3 Inventory image of Master archaeologist's hat Master archaeologist's jacket.png: RS3 Inventory image of Master archaeologist's jacket
Master archaeologist's trousers.png: RS3 Inventory image of Master archaeologist's trousers Master archaeologist's gloves.png: RS3 Inventory image of Master archaeologist's gloves
Master archaeologist's boots.png: RS3 Inventory image of Master archaeologist's boots
Master archaeologist's outfit Various Head slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Head slot Torso slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Torso slot
Legs slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Legs slot gloves slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of gloves slot
Feet slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Feet slot
Wearing a full master archaeologist's outfit provides the following benefits:
  • 7% increase to excavation success rate.
  • 7% increase to screening success rate.
  • 7% increase to mattock base precision.
  • Increased speed when restoring artefacts (4.8 seconds taken per artefact, down from 6).
  • Increased speed when screening soil (1.2 seconds taken per soil, down from 1.8).
  • Increased durations by 50% for material manuals, hi-spec monocles, tarpaulin sheets, and archaeologist's tea (30 minutes up from 20 minutes)
  • 3 uses per day of the Fixate spell which guarantees an artefact of the player's choice from an excavation.
  • Unlimited teleports with the hat to archaeological dig sites and collectors.
  • Uses archaeologist's outfit bonus experience if owned.
99 Archaeology
Qualification - Guildmaster
Archaeological soil box.png: RS3 Inventory image of Archaeological soil box Archaeological soil box Stores soil Backpack icon.png: RS3 Inventory image of Inventory Initially holds up to 50 of each type of soil, increased to 500 of each type with upgrades from Archaeology Guild Shop . Archaeology tutorial
Auto-screener v1.080.png: RS3 Inventory image of Auto-screener v1.080 Auto-screener v1.080 Automatically screen gathered soil Backpack icon.png: RS3 Inventory image of Inventory Automatically screens gathered soil when excavating, consuming a small amount of charges in the process. 70 Archaeology
67 Invention
Qualification - Associate
Grace of the elves.png: RS3 Inventory image of Grace of the elves Grace of the elves Store signs of the porter Neck slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Neck slot Stores up to 500 charges of sign of the porter, sending materials straight to the material storage. Occasionally spawns Seren spirits. None
Binding contract (waterfiend).png: RS3 Inventory image of Binding contract (waterfiend) Waterfiend familiar +5% materials and artefacts Summoning.png: RS3 Inventory image of Summoning Grants a 5% chance to duplicate gained resources, including Archaeology materials and artefacts, and store it within itself. The familiar can carry up to 32 items, despite showing only 20. Its special move, Straight Flush can be used to teleport all items stored to the player's material storage or bank. 50 Summoning
Balarak's sash brush.png: RS3 Inventory image of Balarak's sash brush Balarak's sash brush Various Off-hand slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Off-hand slot Balarak's sash brush has an effect called Dragonkin Precision:
  • 5% increase to excavation success rate.
  • 5% increase to mattock base precision.
  • 10% chance of receiving an additional material whilst excavating.
  • 5% chance to gain Chronal Focus when reaching 100% sprite focus.
  • Chronal Focus:
    • Sprite Focus: +1x mattock precision at 100%
    • Gaining sprite focus will instead set sprite focus to 100% and instantly cause the time sprite to change locations
    • Lasts 30 seconds or until activated 5 times
80 Archaeology
Archaeology cape.png: RS3 Inventory image of Archaeology cape Archaeology master cape.png: RS3 Inventory image of Archaeology master cape Archaeology cape and Archaeology master cape Various Back slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Back slot Both capes benefit from the following effect:
  • An additional 1% sprite focus is gained whenever some is gained.

Additionally, the Master cape variant:

  • Provides 5-15% additional progress to the next discovery after discovering an artefact.
99 Archaeology
(120 Archaeology for the Master cape)
Low priority
Resourceful aura 10% chance to not deplete a resource 10% chance to not deplete a resource when excavating. The aura only applies to material caches, as artefact excavation spots do not deplete. None
Pack yak chathead.png: RS3 Inventory image of Beast of Burden Beast of Burden Extra storage space Summoning.png: RS3 Inventory image of Summoning A Beast of Burden such as a pack yak or war tortoise can be used to store materials while excavating, and reduce the number of trips to the deposit boxes. Legendary pets can also be used as beasts of burden and can last up to 120 minutes and don't require summoning energy. Additionally Pack Yak scroll (Winter Storage) can be used to bank damaged artefacts and Tetracompass piece to save up inventory space. 13 to 99 Summoning
Brooch of the Gods.png: RS3 Inventory image of Brooch of the Gods Brooch of the Gods Increase sprite focus multiplier Pocket slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Pocket slot Increases the mattock precision multiplier when reaching 100% sprite focus by 1x. If Invention has been unlocked, it will also regularly spawn divine blessings which give Invention components. None
Ring of Whispers.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ring of Whispers Ring of Whispers +3 invisible Archaeology levels Ring slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ring slot Grants +3 invisible Archaeology levels, improving success chance while excavating. Sliske's Endgame
Pontifex observation ring.png: RS3 Inventory image of Pontifex observation ring Pontifex shadow ring.png: RS3 Inventory image of Pontifex shadow ring Enriched pontifex shadow ring.png: RS3 Inventory image of Enriched pontifex shadow ring Pontifex observation ring Increased time sprite duration Ring slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ring slot Increases the time that the time sprite is active for at a hotspot. Can be upgraded after Extinction to increase this duration even further. Also acts as a tier 1, 2, or 3 luck item, depending on upgrades. Azzanadra's Quest
Cosmic focus.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cosmic focus Cosmic focus Prevent sprite focus from dropping below 10% Backpack icon.png: RS3 Inventory image of Inventory Prevents sprite focus from dropping below 10% while excavating. Desperate Measures
Cosmic accumulator.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cosmic accumulator Cosmic accumulator Prevent sprite focus from dropping below 20%
Extra sprite focus chance
Backpack icon.png: RS3 Inventory image of Inventory Prevents sprite focus from dropping below 20% while excavating, and also provides an additional 1% chance while excavating to provide an extra 1% sprite focus for 1 minute. 90 Archaeology
Desperate Measures
Flow State.png: RS3 Inventory image of Flow State Flow State +20% precision Monolith energy icon.png: RS3 Inventory image of Relic power Provides a 20% increase to base precision when excavating, with a trade-off being that soil is no longer received. 102 Archaeology
Dwarf weed incense sticks.png: RS3 Inventory image of Dwarf weed incense sticks Dwarf weed incense sticks 8% chance to bank dropped or gathered items Firemaking.png: RS3 Inventory image of Firemaking Each potency level of dwarf weed incense sticks provides a 2% chance to bank dropped or gathered items. This includes materials gathered through excavation. The potency level will increase every 10 minutes and will reach its maximum at level 4 (+8% chance). Overloading consumes 6 sticks but instantly provides the maximum potency. 70 Firemaking
Cadantine incense sticks.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cadantine incense sticks Cadantine incense sticks 10% chance to not exhaust material caches Firemaking.png: RS3 Inventory image of Firemaking Each potency level of cadantine incense sticks provides a 2.5% chance to not exhaust material caches. The potency level will increase every 10 minutes and will reach its maximum at level 4 (+10% chance). Overloading consumes 6 sticks but instantly provides the maximum potency. 65 Firemaking
Cobalt skillchompa.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cobalt skillchompaViridian skillchompa.png: RS3 Inventory image of Viridian skillchompa
Azure skillchompa.png: RS3 Inventory image of Azure skillchompaCrimson skillchompa.png: RS3 Inventory image of Crimson skillchompa
Crystal skillchompa.png: RS3 Inventory image of Crystal skillchompa
Skillchompas +10% XP Backpack icon.png: RS3 Inventory image of Inventory
Main hand slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Main hand slot
Grant 10% more base experience for each successful action, or 5% of the experience of a successful action when failing to gather materials. One skillchompa is consumed every action, successful or not. Approximately 2,000 skillchompas are used per hour. Skillchompas have equivalent stats to mattocks, respectively. 31 to 71 Archaeology
Scripture of Elidinis.png: RS3 Inventory image of Scripture of Elidinis Scripture of Elidinis Extra experience granted Pocket slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Pocket slot Periodically spawn a soul that when caught, grants experience on average to that of a small XP lamp. Experience awarded stacks additively with other generic experience boosts, including outfits. At level 99, this equates to roughly 100k experience per hour. None
Archaeology potion.png: RS3 Inventory image of Archaeology potion Archaeology potion +3 Archaeology levels Herblore.png: RS3 Inventory image of Herblore Grants a temporary +3 Archaeology level boost when consumed, granting access to content which the player does not currently have the required level for. None
Lorehound (pet) chathead.png: RS3 Inventory image of Lorehound Lorehound pet Increased chance of finding lore pages Summoning.png: RS3 Inventory image of Summoning Increases your chance of finding lore pages while excavating. None
Spirit attraction potion.png: RS3 Inventory image of Spirit attraction potion Spirit attraction potion Automatically catch Seren spirits and Divine blessings Herblore.png: RS3 Inventory image of Herblore Automatically catches Seren spirits and Divine blessings when using a grace of the elves and/or a Brooch of the Gods None
Powerburst of opportunity.png: RS3 Inventory image of Powerburst of opportunity Powerburst of opportunity Double precision bonus at 100% sprit focus Herblore.png: RS3 Inventory image of Herblore Doubles the precision bonus at 100% sprite focus for 15 seconds. Drinking this triggers the global powerburst cooldown, which prevents drinking another powerburst for two minutes. None
Ancient elven ritual shard.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ancient elven ritual shard Ancient elven ritual shard Periodically restore some Prayer points Backpack icon.png: RS3 Inventory image of Inventory Can be activated to restore 37.5% of the player's maximum Prayer points every five minutes. Helpful if using an augmented mattock with the Imp Souled perk. None
Fighter hat.png: RS3 Inventory image of Penance armour Penance armour Periodically restore some Prayer points Head slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Head slot Torso slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Torso slot
Legs slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Legs slot gloves slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of gloves slot
Feet slot.png: RS3 Inventory image of Feet slot
Automatically restores 30 Prayer points every minute. Helpful if using an augmented mattock with the Imp Souled perk. 40 Defence

Augmented equipment

Players with at least level 22 Invention can discover how to augment certain mattocks. This allows the player to create augmented mattocks by using an augmentor on the dragon mattock, crystal mattock, imcando mattock, Mattock of Time and Space or Guildmaster Tony's mattock. At that level players can discover how to make tool gizmos allowing mattocks to use perks by adding them to the augmented mattock. The following perks may be useful to players training Archaeology.

Ancient invention is an expansion for the Invention skill that is unlocked at level 95 Archaeology while training Archaeology at the Stormguard Citadel dig site, which requires level 70 Archaeology to access. Alternatively it can be unlocked at any Archaeology level by purchasing the blueprints off the Grand Exchange, but it is still recommended to get at least 103 Invention to obtain the best possible perks for your mattock. It is highly recommended that players disassemble duplicate artefacts, especially ones that provide historic components, once the collections requiring them are complete (assuming they are not part of a collection one wishes to repeat or one does not wish to farm chronotes) for the ancient components.

Best perk combination
(link to perk calculator)
Best rank effect
Honed 6 Provides a 12% higher chance of successfully gathering materials, but not artefacts.
Fortune 3 + Imp Souled 2 Has a 1.5% chance to double and bank excavated items.
Has a 6% chance of banking an item to Archaeology material storage. If an item is banked it will drain 30 prayer points.
Imp Souled 6 Has an 18% chance of banking an item to Archaeology material storage. If an item is banked it will drain 30 prayer points.
Useful for Ironman accounts, as it reduces the amount of signs of the porter needed greatly.

Name Effect Number of ranks
Honed Grants an additional 2% chance per rank of successfully gathering materials, but not artefacts 5 (6 in ancient)
Imp Souled Has a 3% chance per rank of banking an item to Archaeology material storage. If an item is banked it will drain 30 prayer points. 5 (6 in ancient)
Furnace Has a 5% chance per rank of consuming a gathered resource for an extra 100% XP. Artefacts are not consumed. 3 (4 in ancient)
Refined Has a 5% chance per rank of preventing material caches from depleting. 3 (4 in ancient)
Enlightened Provides +3% item XP per rank (for the item it's installed on). 3 (4 in ancient)
Prosper Allows you to find clue scrolls whilst skilling. 1
Ancient invention
Fortune Has a 0.5% chance per rank on gathering skills and 0.1% chance per rank on production skills to double and bank what you have gathered or produced. 3

Rewards shop boosts/upgrades

Rewards in the Archaeology Rewards Shop are purchased with chronotes. The list below is geared specifically toward increasing overall xp/h.

Image Name Description Chronotes Value
Hi-spec monocle Increases base mattock precision by 20%. Makes time to artefacts quicker. Lasts for 20 minutes. Chronotes.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chronotes2,000 640,000
Archaeologist's tea Grants a buff to boost archaeology experience by 50% while excavating remains for 20 minutes. Chronotes.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chronotes2,000 640,000
Soil box upgrade Increases the capacity of your soil box to 100, letting the player excavate longer. Chronotes.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chronotes3,500 1,120,000
Material storage upgrade Increases the capacity of your material storage to 30 different items. Needed at Archaeology 76 Archaeology to hold all items.
You can only restore artefacts with materials either stored inside the material storage box or unnoted in inventory.
Chronotes.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chronotes7,000 2,240,000
Mattock precision upgrade Increases the base precision of your mattock by 2. Chronotes.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chronotes8,000 2,560,000
Archaeologist's outfit Each item alone provides 1% more Archaeology experience when worn. When all of the set is equipped, the total bonus increases to 6%. Chronotes.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chronotes50,000 16,000,000
Soil box upgrade Increases the capacity of your soil box to 250. (optional if using Auto-screener V1.080 or Flow State relic) Chronotes.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chronotes18,000 5,760,000
Material storage upgrade Increases the capacity of your material storage to 35 different items. Needed at Archaeology 76 Archaeology to hold all items.
You can only restore artefacts with materials either stored inside the material storage box or unnoted in inventory.
Chronotes.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chronotes25,000 8,000,000
Mattock precision upgrade Increases the base precision of your mattock by 2. Must have previous upgrade. Chronotes.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chronotes30,000 9,600,000
Auto-screener v1.080 blueprint Unlocks the invention blueprint required to manufacture an auto-screener v1.080. Invention 67 Invention (B) required. Chronotes.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chronotes50,000 16,000,000
Soil box upgrade Increases the capacity of your soil box to 500. (Optional if using Auto-screener V1.080 or Flow State relic) Chronotes.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chronotes48,000 15,360,000
Material storage upgrade Increases the capacity of your material storage to 40 different items. Needed at Archaeology 90 Archaeology to hold all items, if using the Orthen Dig site.
You can only restore artefacts with materials either stored inside the material storage box or unnoted in inventory.
Chronotes.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chronotes60,000 19,200,000
Mattock precision upgrade Increases the base precision of your mattock by 2. Must have previous upgrade. Chronotes.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chronotes75,000 24,000,000
Master archaeologist's outfit When the full set is worn, it has the following effects:
  • 7% increase to excavation success rate
  • 7% increase to screening success rate
  • 7% increase to mattock base precision
  • Increased speed when restoring artefacts
  • Increased speed when screening soil
  • Increased duration of archaeology consumable items
  • Unlimited teleports to archaeological dig sites and collectors

Moreover, the outfit provides up to 6% additional Archaeology experience if the regular Archaeologist's outfit is owned.

Chronotes.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chronotes250,000 80,000,000
Energised meteorite shard Required to create the Mattock of Time and Space. Chronotes.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chronotes250,000 80,000,000
Mattock precision upgrade Increases the base precision of your mattock by 2. Must have previous upgrade. Chronotes.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chronotes150,000 48,000,000


Restoring artefacts at an Archaeologist's workbench is the source for a large amount of Archaeology experience gained in training and, since collecting artefacts beforehand may take significant time, it is worthwhile maximising the experience gained for restoring artefacts. The experience gained from restoration may be boosted with the following effects:

  • Archaeologist's outfit's 6% experience boost
  • Advanced pulse cores grant a 50% experience boost while equipped and explode when depleted, granting a 2% experience boost that lasts for 10 minutes, stacking up to 10%
    • It is worth noting that because of the high base XP yield of mid- and high-level artefacts, most restorations at later levels will consume an entire Pulse Core for each artefact restored, making this difficult to maintain
  • Premier artefact's 10% experience boost, the sign of the porter effect also automatically deposits resources in your material storage.
  • Desert pantheon aura's 10% experience boost
  • Torstol incense sticks' boost of up to 2% with full potency
  • Clan avatar's skilling bonus gives an experience boost of 3-6%
  • Wisdom aura's 2.5% experience boost (with additional experience capped at 100,000 per day)
  • Wise Invention perk's boost of up to 4% (with additional experience capped at 50,000 per day)
  • Rock of Resilience's 4% boost (once every 24 hours)
  • Bonus experience in Archaeology which doubles experience received
  • Pineappletini 10% during Beach Summer Event
  • Nature's Veil effect obtained by capturing a catalyst of alteration that may appear when using a scripture of Bik, boosting experience by 5% for one minute

The effects of the Double XP event do not increase experience gained when restoring artefacts and may even prevent some of the above boosts from being used when active.


While training, it is important to plan out qualifications. Qualifications provide players with a higher rank among the Archaeology Guild, which in turn provides extremely useful benefits such as precision upgrades, auto-screener v1.080 and increased storage capacity for materials, all of which will be beneficial to the player.

The Assistant qualification is obtained upon completion of the Qualification - Assistant achievement which requires the completion of the achievements listed below and talking to Acting Guildmaster Reiniger.

Complete mysteries along the way, send your research team out on field studies. Don't worry about not having materials to restore each artefact you've discovered, you may purchase them from Grand exchange or alternatively go to the highest level excavation you have access to. Avoid material caches unless absolutely necessary.

The Associate qualification is obtained upon completion of the Qualification - Associate achievement which requires the completion of the achievements listed below and talking to Acting Guildmaster Reiniger.

If players opt to get the corresponding artefacts as they level up accordingly, they will not have enough artefacts to be discovered and repaired by the time they hit level 70. If the player wishes to get the Associate qualification immediately upon hitting level 70, then players should spend some time excavating Venator remains for fast artefacts. A slower alternative is to complete Zarosian I collections, which still goes much faster than higher-level artefacts, but will provide a solid income of chronotes and, if delivered to Soran, bonus XP from the pylon battery.

The Professor qualification is obtained upon completion of the Qualification - Professor achievement which requires completion of the below achievements and talking to Acting Guildmaster Reiniger.

The Guildmaster qualification is obtained upon completion of the Qualification - Guildmaster achievement which requires the completion of the achievements listed below and talking to Acting Guildmaster Reiniger.

Location unlocks

Level Name Qualification requirement
5 Kharid-et N/A
20 Infernal Source N/A
42 Everlight N/A
60 Senntisten N/A
70 Stormguard Citadel Qualification - Assistant
73 Daemonheim N/A
76 Warforge Qualification - Assistant
90 Orthen Qualification - Associate




  1. ^ Wearing the archaeologist's outfit or master archaeologist's outfit provides a 6% boost to Archaeology XP. Only collections above level 70 include this boost, as the regular outfit requires level 70 Archaeology to wear.

Methods of training (1-120)

The majority of the player's experience gain will come solely from restoring damaged artefacts, but these take a significant amount of time to excavate. The 'Total Needed' values in the tables below are the number of artefacts needed to complete mysteries, collections and fill your toolbelt.


To begin training Archaeology players should speak to Acting Guildmaster Reiniger, beginning the Archaeology tutorial. Upon completion players will have obtained level 5 Archaeology and should progress to the Kharid-et digsite.

Levelling guide (1-60)

Dig sites unlocked: Kharid-et Dig Site.png: RS3 Inventory image of Kharid-et Dig SiteKharid-et, Infernal Source Dig Site.png: RS3 Inventory image of Infernal Source Dig SiteInfernal Source, Everlight Dig Site.png: RS3 Inventory image of Everlight Dig SiteEverlight

Total experience between these levels is 1,196. Kharid-et, east of Al Kharid, is now accessible. You will need to talk with Dr. Nabanik to view the cutscene. Afterwards, walk down the slope and go to the Venator remains. The piles will have Venator light crossbow (damaged) and Venator dagger (damaged). You should stay at this pile until level 12. At level 10, you can upgrade your bronze mattock to an iron mattock. Mattocks can be purchased at the Archaeology Guild or smithed at an anvil. Always increase your mattock tier when possible, to maximise experience rates.

Venator remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Venator dagger305.12N/AN/A
Venator light crossbow305.12N/AN/A

To make a start on the collection log, you should expect to save two light crossbows and daggers after restoring them and hand them to Soran and Velucia to contribute to their respective collection logs.

This location can also be used later to obtain and/or restore enough artefacts at a rapid rate for the qualifications if necessary, having both a high drop rate of artefacts and requiring few materials to repair.

Total experience between these levels is 5,444. At level 12, you can excavate the dirt pile blocking the doorway that leads into the rest of Kharid-et. Before you can complete the mystery Breaking the Seal, you will need to speak with Dr. Nabanik to receive a Centurion seal. With the seal, click on the excavated door frame to enter Kharid-et Barracks. Head to the first building, on the west side, to the Legionary remains pile.

Legionary remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Legionary gladius430.82Demon DoorN/A
Legionary square shield430.82N/AN/A
Primis Elementis standard430.82N/AN/A

When you are skilling at any of the excavation piles, you will randomly receive pages that are used for the Prison Break mystery. There are a total of four pages. Once you have recovered four pages, speak with Liam, located by the prison door to receive a dial. Place the dial in the broken dial spot and press these buttons in the order of: Shadow, Blood, Smoke, and Ice to finish the Prison Break mystery.

To continue with your collection log, you should expect to save two Primis Elementis standards, Legionary gladius, and Legionary square shields to hand them in to Soran and Velucia. (One gladius can be obtained from the Demon Door research mission.)

When reaching level 17, move to the castra debris located right in front of the sealed door. Within this debris you can expect to excavate Zaros effigy and a Zarosian training dummy.

Castra debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Zaros effigy520.52N/AN/A
Zarosian training dummy520.53Proving GroundsKatarina

Like before, you should look to save two Zaros effigy for Soran and Velucia. However, save three Zarosian training dummies for Soran, Velucia, and Katarina, as giving one to Katarina will unlock her as a researcher for your research team. (One dummy can be obtained from the Proving Grounds research mission.)

When you reach level 20, purchase and equip the Steel Mattock from the shop.

You will unlock the Infernal Source dig site at level 20, but you should stay at Kharid-et until you reach level 24.

Total experience between these levels is 814. At level 24, go to the Infernal Source dig site. Upon using the lift, you will find yourself in the Star Lodge. You will see a furnace missing three crest of Dagon. One restored crest of Dagon and one crest of Dagon (damaged) may be found by opening the Star Lodge storage scattered around the room. They may also be found while excavating in the Lodge art storage hotspots. One goblet can be obtained from the Starry Eyed research mission.

Lodge art storage
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Crest of Dagon646.27N/AEyes in Their Stars (3 needed)
'Disorder' painting646.23N/AN/A

Once you acquire the three required crest of Dagons, it is important that you move to the lodge bar storage hotspot in the south area to find the required material to repair the crest of Dagons or else your progression will be hindered later on.

Lodge bar storage
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Hookah pipe574.43N/AN/A
Opulent wine goblet574.44Starry EyedDorian

You need three Hookah Pipes for the collections, and four Wine Goblets, one for Dorian, to unlock him for your research team.

While excavating in the area, you will come across four Founder's journal pages needed for the Eyes in Their Stars mystery. Three Crests of Dagon are needed to complete the mystery. Once the Crests of Dagon are inserted, the furnace will open up, granting access to the next area.

You need another four Crests of Dagon for collections (making seven all together), and three Disorder paintings.

Total experience between these levels is 4,189. Head back to the Main Fortress in Kharid-et and go to the Administratum debris hotspots in the room to the South of the entrance.

Administratum debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Legatus Maximus figurine664.14N/AN/A
'Solem in Umbra' painting664.13N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 33,498. Return to the Infernal Source and go to the new area unlocked from Eyes in Their Stars. Head down the path to the cultist footlocker spots in the south-east corner. One imp mask can be obtained from the Abandon All Hope research mission.

Cultist footlocker
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Greater demon mask735.93N/AHow Do You Do, Fellow Demon (not consumed)
Imp mask735.93Abandon All HopeN/A
Lesser demon mask735.93N/AN/A

While excavating these spots you will accumulate journal pages for the Embrace the Chaos mystery. You will need four pages to complete the mystery.

  • Once you have collected all four pages, follow the path all the way down to the chalk circle.
  • Grab the chalk from the box of chalk and a set of 3 candles from the boxes on the edges of the room.
  • You will need to draw the circle, place the candles, light the candles, and chant the incantation, starting at the west candle and moving clockwise: Ordo Animam Capit, Ceterum Aperuerit Ianuam, and Et Daemonium Renascitur.
  • Upon finishing the final chant, a portal will open. You must enter the portal to complete Embrace the Chaos.
    • If you walk further forward, you will be greeted by a gargoyle who will prompt the start of the Contract Claws mystery.

At level 36, move to the sacrificial altar pile in the north-west of the Dungeon of Disorder. You will stay here until level 42.

One Ritual Dagger can be obtained from The Dark Underbelly research mission.

Sacrificial altar
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Order of Dis robes861.52N/AN/A
Ritual dagger861.53The Dark UnderbellyI Made Dis (not consumed)

Total experience between these levels is 15,983. At level 42, Vanescula Drakan will send you an invitation to aid her at the Everlight dig site. After the cutscene, head to the prodromoi remains. While excavating the pile, you will come across Queen's journal pages needed for the Queen of the Icyene mystery. You will need a total of four pages to complete the mystery. Additionally, while excavating the Prodromoi remains, you will randomly find Icyene remains. Take the remains, along with a restored 'Frying pan', to the graveyard south of Vanescula Drakan and bury them to finish the Fallen Angels mystery. Return back to excavating the Prodromoi remains until level 45.

Prodromoi remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
'Frying pan'1,073.33N/AFallen Angels
Hallowed lantern1,073.34Lions and Unicorns and Centaurs, Oh My!Statue of Hebe
'The Epic of Hebe'

You will need four hallowed lanterns; two for the collectors, one for the Statue of Hebe now, and another at 105 archaeology for 'The Epic of Hebe' (not to be confused with the mystery of the same name) to make a Hallowed lantern (lit), though this one will not be consumed on use with the statue. You need three frying pans; two for the collectors, and one for Fallen Angels - but you can use the one you get from Statue of Hebe.

One lantern can be obtained from the Lions and Unicorns and Centaurs, Oh My! research mission.

Total experience between these levels is 13,615. Head back to the Dungeon of Disorder section of the Infernal Source and excavate the dis dungeon debris pile.

Dis dungeon debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Branding iron1,283.32N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 7,887. If the Prison Break mystery has not been completed, players will need to find the four Custodian's log pages acquired by excavating legionary remains, castra debris, administratum debris, praesidio remains, or carcerem debris. Head back to Kharid-et and head through the fort entrance to the south, select the prison as your destination, and excavate the praesidio remains. Players should add a restored Legatus pendant to the toolbelt. This will allow passage through the red Legatus barrier, which blocks the carcerem debris. Additionally, using an ancient timepiece on the device on the wall will complete the mystery Time Served.

Praesidio remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Ancient timepiece1,423.35N/ATime Served
Legatus pendant1,423.34Cell, a DoorLegatus barrier and The Vault of Shadows (tool belt)

Total experience between these levels is 28,931. Return to Everlight and head to the monoceros remains.

Monoceros remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Ceremonial unicorn ornament1,493.34N/AEduardo
Ceremonial unicorn saddle1,493.32N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 40,426. At level 56, move to the ceramics studio debris.

Ceramics studio debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Folded-arm figurine (female)2,053.32N/AN/A
Folded-arm figurine (male)2,053.32N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 70,488. At level 58, head back to Kharid-et. Go into the prison and pass the red Legatus barrier. From the Carcerem debris pile, restore a Pontifex signet ring and add it to your tool belt. An additional ring is used to create a Pontifex observation ring after the completion of Azzanadra's Quest. Additionally, the 'Incite Fear' spell scroll is needed for The Vault of Shadows mystery.

Carcerem debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
'Incite Fear' spell scroll2,193.35N/AThe Vault of Shadows
Pontifex signet ring2,193.35LockdownPontifex barrier and The Vault of Shadows (tool belt)
Pontifex observation ring
One ring can be obtained from the lockdown research mission.

Levelling guide (60-70)

Dig sites unlocked: Senntisten Dig Site.png: RS3 Inventory image of Senntisten Dig SiteSenntisten

Total experience between these levels is 25,856. At level 60, you are able to access the micro dig site of Senntisten. This dig site spans across the ancient city of Senntisten and has 6 excavation spots. The first spot is the Ministry remains. While excavating the Ministry remains, you will have a chance to find a journal page for the Secrets of the Inquisition mystery. You will have to backtrack to this site later in the Secrets of the Inquisition mystery to obtain another journal page, only after having obtained pages 1–7. Additionally, while excavating this spot, keep an extra Funerary urn of shadow for part of the Secrets of the Inquisition mystery.

Ministry remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Apex cap2,333.32N/AN/A
Curse tablet2,333.32N/AN/A
Funerary urn of shadow2,333.33The Hidden ChamberSecrets of the Inquisition

Total experience between these levels is 28,546. At level 61, return to Everlight. You will stay at the stadio debris excavation pile until level 62. While excavating, you will have a chance to find Athlete's journal pages. You need to turn in five pages to complete the Fall and Rise mystery.

Stadio debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Dominion discus2,566.72N/AN/A
Dominion javelin2,566.72N/AN/A
Dominion pelte shield2,566.72N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 31,516. At level 62, head back to the Cathedral, in Senntisten, and excavate the Cathedral debris. While excavating, you will have a chance to find journal pages. You need to collect two pages for the Night Theatre mystery and one page for the Secrets of the Inquisition mystery. Lastly, keep an extra Funerary urn of smoke for the Secrets of the Inquisition mystery.

Cathedral debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Funerary urn of smoke2,8003Crossing that BridgeSecrets of the Inquisition
Hand of the Ancients2,8002N/AN/A
Infula robes2,8002N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 38,416. At level 63, move to the Marketplace debris. There are two journal pages to collect- initially. You will have to backtrack to this site at 66 to get the last journal page, after completing the research Complete the Pattern, Solve the Puzzle. The journal pages count progress towards the mysteries Empty Children and Night Theatre. Again, at this site, keep an extra Funerary urn of ice. It will be needed for the Secrets of the Inquisition mystery.

Marketplace debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Decorative amphora3,033.32N/AN/A
Funerary urn of ice3,033.33Prime Real EstateSecrets of the Inquisition
Loarnab rod3,033.32N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 42,413. At level 64, move to the Inquisitor remains. There are three journal pages to collect. One page is for the mystery Night Theatre and the other two pages are for the mystery Secrets of the Inquisition.

Inquisitor remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Inquisitor's ceremonial armour3,266.72N/AN/A
Inquisitor's ceremonial mask3,266.72N/AN/A
Inquisitor's seal3,266.72N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 46,826. At level 65, return to the Infernal Source and begin excavating at the infernal art location in the Vestibule of Futility.

Infernal art
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
'Lust' metal sculpture3,5003N/AN/A
'The Lake of Fire' painting3,5003N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 51,699. At level 66, return to Senntisten and begin excavating the Gladiator remains. Just enter the Colosseum by 'Enter (non Combat)’. While excavating, keep an extra Funerary urn of blood. Once you have your first Funerary urn of blood, you should be able to start the Secrets of the Inquisition mystery. It is recommended to complete up until the research mission so you can continue once you are 67 without waiting. Additionally, you will have a chance to collect a journal page at this location. You can collect one page for the mystery Empty Children.

Gladiator remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Funerary urn of blood3,773.33Are You Not Entertained?Secrets of the Inquisition
Gladiator helmet3,773.32N/AN/A
Gladiator sword3,773.32N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 57,079. At level 67, begin excavating the Citizen remains. You will need to partially complete the mystery Secrets of the Inquisition to gain access to this excavation spot. You will receive two journal pages for the mystery Secrets of the Inquisition and one page for the mystery Night Theatre. Additionally, at this level you will be able to complete all the mysteries for the Senntisten micro dig site. It is advised to do so at this point.

Citizen remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Funerary urn of miasma3,966.72N/AN/A
Model chariot3,966.72N/AN/A
'The Serpent's Fall' carving3,966.72N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 63,019. At level 68, you can go to the centre of the Vestibule of Futility area back at the Infernal Source (through a couple of red Dagon portals) and study the trapped demon to find the research Who Dis? Completing it rewards a chaos star (damaged). You should restore it and add it to your toolbelt. This will prevent the portals in this area from misfiring. Excavate the shakroth remains. If Contract Claws is complete, you can finish Dagon Bye at this point to finish all the Infernal Source mysteries. Importantly, this frees up Movario for you to add to your research team for enhanced speed and significantly increased materials. One Chaos Star can be obtained from the Who Dis? research mission. One Spiked Dog Collar can be obtained from the Deeper and Down research mission.

Shakroth remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Chaos star4,2004Who Dis?Dagon Bye (tool belt)
Abyssal Gatestone
Spiked dog collar4,2002Deeper and DownWho's a Bad Boy? (not consumed)
You need four chaos stars (Who Dis? rewards one) and two collars (Deeper and Down rewards one), providing you complete Who's a Bad Boy? before turning in the collars to collectors (otherwise you will need three collars). This is because Who's a Bad Boy? requires but does not consume a collar. This does not work on the Hellhounds found in the God Wars Dungeon.

Total experience between these levels is 69,576. At level 69, return to Everlight and head to the Dominion Games podium. You will be able to get a Dominion torch at this dig site which is used for the Statue of Padosan and needs to be placed within the door frame, under the Acropolis, to start Hallowed Be.... You will get five Athlete's journal page for the complete Fall and Rise mystery.

Dominion Games podium
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Bronze Dominion medal4,433.33N/AN/A
Dominion torch4,433.35Stadio Ga GaStatue of Padosan
Hallowed Be...
Silver Dominion medal4,433.33N/AN/A
One Dominion torch can be obtained from the Stadio Ga Ga research mission.

Levelling guide (70-90)

Dig sites unlocked: Stormguard Citadel Dig Site.png: RS3 Inventory image of Stormguard Citadel Dig SiteStormguard Citadel, Warforge Dig Site.png: RS3 Inventory image of Warforge Dig SiteWarforge, Daemonheim Dig Site.png: RS3 Inventory image of Daemonheim Dig SiteDaemonheim

Total experience between these levels is 161,630. At level 70, you will receive an invitation from Gee'ka to help discover the mysteries at the Stormguard Citadel. Head to the Temple of Ikov and study either the northern or southern archways to unlock the "Ikovian Tragedy" research. Send off the research team then return to the Temple of Ikov and start excavating the Ikovian memorial piles. Once the research team returns with an Ikovian gerege (damaged) (or you excavate one in the piles), restore it at the table next to you. You will want to add it to your toolbelt, ascend into the citadel, and continue excavating the Ikovian memorial piles. At this point it's recommended to stop excavating outside, as the Boots of Flight are only found in the Ikovian memorial piles inside the citadel. While excavating the piles, you will randomly receive an Exile's vow page. Speak to Gee'ka once you obtain it to finish the mystery Atonement. Additionally, while excavating the piles inside the citadel you will randomly get the Boots of Flight. With the boots, traverse the two agility gaps to complete the mystery Leap of Faith.

Ikovian memorial
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Ikovian gerege4,666.74Ikovian TragedyAccess to Stormguard Citadel (tool belt)
Toy glider4,666.72N/AN/A
Toy war golem4,666.72N/AN/A
One Gerege can be obtained from the Ikovian Tragedy research mission.

Total experience between these levels is 84,812. At level 72, return to Everlight and head to the Oikos studio debris piles. While excavating you will be able to obtain a Kantharos cup. You may also obtain a psiloi buckler. These are needed for The Everlight mystery. However, you will be unable to finish the mystery until level 105, so just leave these items in your bank until then. Additionally, while excavating the piles, you may randomly receive journal pages for The Dour of Bable mystery. You will need to turn four of them in to Vanescula Drakan to complete the mystery.

Oikos studio debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Decorative vase5,133.32N/AN/A
Kantharos cup5,133.33Home, Sweet HomeThe Everlight
Patera bowl5,133.32N/AN/A
One Kantharos cup can be obtained from the Home Sweet Home research mission.

Total experience between these levels is 197,021. At level 73, you will receive an invitation from Skaldrun to help discover the mysteries at the Daemonheim Dig Site. Head to the Castle hall rubble piles. While excavating, you will randomly obtain Balarak's ring and Tokshak's ring. Handing these in to Skaldrun will unlock the A New Home mystery.

Castle hall rubble
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Castle gatestone5,366.72N/AN/A
Engraved ring of kinship5,366.72N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 240,165‬. At level 74, return to Kharid-et and excavate the Kharid-et chapel debris. While excavating, you may randomly receive journal pages for The Cult of Orcus. You will need to find three pages and turn them in to Dr Nabanik to complete the mystery.

Kharid-et chapel debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Ceremonial mace5,6003N/AN/A
'Consensus ad Idem' painting5,6003N/AN/A
Pontifex Maximus figurine5,6003N/ACity of Senntisten (obtained/consumed during quest)

A player using the Wingsuit at Stormguard Citadel

Total experience between these levels is 139,138.

At level 76, the focus will begin to be split between multiple sites for a while. At level 76, you will receive an invitation from Zanik to explore the Warforge dig site. For the time being, you will put Zanik on hold and return to the Stormguard Citadel. Once you are at the Stormguard Citadel, first recover and repair the wingsuit v1, which can be picked up from the building near the keshik ger piles (make sure you have the Boots of Flight). Unlike other items, the wingsuit is not obtained from excavations. Similarly, locate and install the wingsuit v2 and wingsuit v3 upgrades, and fly through the electric barriers to complete the Wing Out mystery. A map of all the locations will be at the end of the document. After finishing the achievement, head to the Keshik ger pile. While excavating, you may randomly receive journal pages for The Spy Who Loved Metal mystery. Collect three pages and speak to Gee'ka.

Keshik ger
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Avian song-egg player6,066.73N/AN/A
Keshik drum6,066.73N/AN/A
Morin khuur6,066.73N/AN/A

After finishing The Spy Who Loved Metal, Wing Out, and the collection for the keshik ger pile, head to the Warforge. It is recommended to start with Stormguard Citadel and then move on to Warforge due to imcando metal pieces (used to forge the Imcando mattock) and resources. Though the rate of obtaining the imcando metal pieces has increased, it is still best to dedicate most of this levelling block to obtaining the pieces. Additionally, Warforge material resources are more expensive than those from other areas. By excavating the piles for longer, you will gain more of the resources passively while uncovering artefacts.

Once you are at Warforge, talk to Zanik to begin a cutscene. After the cutscene, head to the gladiatorial goblin remains. While excavating, you may randomly receive journal pages for The First Commander mystery. Collect five journal pages and turn them in to Zanik to complete the mystery.

Gladiatorial goblin remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Ekeleshuun blinder mask6,066.73N/AN/A
Narogoshuun 'Hob-da-Gob' ball6,066.72N/AN/A
Rekeshuun war tether6,066.72N/AN/A

This is an alternative method to train from 76 to 87.

  • Once the player has reached level 76, they can work toward completing the Green Gobbo Goodies I collection. At this level they can excavate Gladiatorial Goblin Remains. Turning in this collection rewards the player with a guaranteed tetracompass piece and additional chronotes. Opening tetracompasses are a great secondary method of obtaining experience as they can give multiple complete tomes. Completing the Green Gobbo Goodies I collection requires Archaeology83 Archaeology.
  • The cost for one complete tome, including the grand exchange price of the chronotes received from completing the set 4 times for 1 tetracompass and the price of materials required for artefact restoration would be −1,185,142.67. However, tetracompasses award the player with additional materials, so this often results in a net profit.
  • This method is only recommended for players with high levels in other skills, and/or completion of high requirement quests, such as Plague's End. The reason is because the location tetracompasses can point towards can be occasionally locked behind areas requiring the completion of certain quests, or achieving certain skill levels, which can seriously hinder progression in the Archaeology skill.

Total experience between these levels is 153,619. At level 77, you unlock a new excavation hotspot at Daemonheim. Head to the tunnelling equipment repository and excavate the pile. During excavating the pile, you'll randomly find Halak's ring, another piece of the A New Home mystery.

Tunnelling equipment repository
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Excavator portal mine6,3002N/AN/A
Exploratory totem6,3002N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 563,618. At level 78, you can move to the botanical reserve piles on the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US] of the castle. During excavating the pile, you'll randomly find Yorga's pipe, the fourth piece for the A New Home mystery.

Botanical reserve
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Plant seed satchel6,533.32N/AN/A
Snuff box6,533.32Rest at the New FrontierN/A
Storage totem6,533.32N/AN/A
If you haven't gotten all pieces for the Imcando mattock yet, it is advised to return back to the Warforge once you've completed the collection artefacts and found Yorga's pipe.

Total experience between these levels is 480,296‬. When using an Imcando mattock (see here for how to obtain the mattock) with all precision upgrades and wearing the full archaeologist's outfit, experience rates average around 75k xp per hour at the spots below between these levels. At level 81, you will unlock an excavation hotspot at four different dig sites. Stay at Warforge to start on the crucible stands debris excavation piles. Once that collection is finished, hop around from dig site to dig site until all the collections are finished. If you finish all the collections before level 83, return to Warforge if you haven't gotten all four Imcando metal pieces yet. Once you collect an extra aviansie dreamcoat artefact, hand it over to Armadyl on top of Armadyl's Tower in exchange for a ring of Solomon, which unlocks the Death Ward relic power. Once you have received and handed in the Armadylean artefacts you will receive the King Oberon's moonshroom spores which unlocks the Pharm Ecology relic power that prevents mushroom and herb patches from becoming diseased. While excavating at the Pontifex remains you may randomly receive journal pages for The Cult of Orcus. You will need to find three pages and turn them in to Dr Nabanik to complete the mystery. Be sure to complete excavating the journal pages for The Spy Who Loved Metal mystery at the Tailory debris.

Crucible stands debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Ogre Kyzaj axe7,388.92N/AN/A
Ork cleaver sword7,388.92N/AN/A
Animal trophies
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Larupia trophy7,388.92N/AN/A
Lion trophy7,388.92N/AN/A
She-wolf trophy7,388.92N/AN/A
Pontifex remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Pontifex censer7,388.93N/AN/A
Pontifex crozier7,388.93N/AN/A
Pontifex mitre7,388.93N/AN/A
Tailory debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Aviansie dreamcoat7,388.93Deer-ly DepartedRing of Solomon
Ceremonial plume7,388.93N/AN/A
Peacocking parasol7,388.92N/AN/A
One Aviansie dreamcoat can be obtained from the Deer-ly Departed research mission.

Total experience between these levels is 278,259. At level 83, return to Warforge and begin excavating the barricade at the bottom of the crucible. Ridding the barricade will finish the Out of the Crucible mystery. While in the Tunnels area, you can begin the Into the Forge mystery. When complete, it will allow you to unlock the ability to make an Imcando mattock. After completing the two mysteries, head to the goblin dorm debris and excavate the pile. One Thorobshuun battle standard can be obtained from the Melting Point research mission.

Goblin dorm debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Thorobshuun battle standard8,166.73Melting PointRed hand cave painting
Yurkolgokh stink grenade8,166.72N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 307,221. At level 84, return to Everlight and excavate the Oikos fishing hut remnants. One Dominarian device can be obtained from the Like Clockwork research mission. Additionally, while excavating the piles, you may randomly receive journal pages for The Dour of Bable mystery.

Oikos fishing hut remnants
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Dominarian device8,555.63Like ClockworkAndvaranaut
Fishing trident8,555.63N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 339,198. At level 85, return to the Stormguard Citadel and excavate the weapons research debris piles. While excavating the piles you may come across journal pages for the A Study in Aether mystery. Once you have recovered all five journal pages, speak with Gee'ka to turn in the mystery. You can finish this mystery at any point as every excavation site beyond this one awards these pages; however, it is recommended that you finish it before going beyond the level 91 spot, as you can fully complete the Stormguard mysteries by 95, giving you a new researcher to add to your team. With level 70 Divination, it may be convenient to activate the portal nearby with 20 unnoted quintessence bought off the Grand Exchange.

Weapons research debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Hawkeye lens multi-vision scope8,944.42N/AN/A
Talon-3 razor wing8,944.42N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 374,502. At level 86, return to Kharid-et and begin excavating the Orcus altar. One Necromantic focus can be obtained from Requiescat in Pace which is unlocked for research by studying the Orcus stained glass window in the chapel. Be sure to keep an extra 'Exsanguinate' spell scroll as it is needed for The Vault of Shadows mystery. While excavating, you may randomly receive journal pages for The Cult of Orcus. You will need to find three pages and turn them in to Dr Nabanik to complete the mystery.

Orcus altar
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
'Exsanguinate' spell scroll9,333.35N/AThe Vault of Shadows
Necromantic focus9,333.35Requiescat in Pace
Tomes of the Warlock

Total experience between these levels is 787,984. At level 87, return to Daemonheim and begin excavating the Communal space piles in the eastern room of the 1st floor[UK]2nd floor[US] of the castle. Restore a 'Friendship bracelet' and add it to your toolbelt. During excavating the pile, you'll randomly find a Tarnished plaque, the fifth and final piece for the A New Home mystery. You can upgrade your cosmic focus to a Cosmic accumulator by boosting your levels with an archaeology potion or alternatively wait until level 90 to upgrade without any boosts.

Communal space
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
'Friendship bracelet'9,722.23N/AAccess to the Daemonheim - Depths excavation site (tool belt)
Homely totem9,722.22N/AN/A
Spent summoning charm9,722.22N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 504,037‬. While using either an imcando mattock or elder rune mattock, and having purchased all available mattock upgrades while wearing the full archaeologist's outfit, experience rates average around 100k xp per hour at the spots below between these levels. The most efficient spot would be the Big High War God shrine as it is the closest to a materials cart. At level 89, head to the Infernal Source first and excavate the dis overspill piles until you finish your collections.

Dis overspill
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
'Pandemonium' tapestry10,5003N/AN/A
'Torment' metal sculpture10,5002N/AN/A

After finishing the collections, head to the Warforge dig site and excavate the Big High War God shrine piles. While excavating the piles, you may come across a journal page for the Forge War! mystery. Speak with Zanik once you have recovered the one journal page to finish the mystery.

Big High War God shrine
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
High priest crozier10,5003N/AN/A
High priest mitre10,5004N/AN/A
High priest orb10,5003N/AN/A

This is an alternative method to train from 89 to 99.

  • Assistant Qualification is required to access this dig site
  • Once a player has reached level 89, they can work toward completing the Green Gobbo Goodies II collection. At this level they can excavate Big High War God shrine. Turning in this collection rewards the player with a guaranteed tetracompass piece and additional chronotes. Opening tetracompasses are a great secondary method of obtaining experience as they can give multiple complete tomes. Completing the Green Gobbo Goodies II collection requires Archaeology97 Archaeology.
  • The value of one complete tome, including the grand exchange price of the chronotes received from completing the set 4 times for 1 tetracompass and the price of materials required for artefact restoration would be −313,172. However, tetracompasses award the player with additional materials, so this cost goes down according to the player's luck.
  • This method gives a small net profit.
  • This method is only recommended for advanced players with high levels in other skills, and/or completion of high requirement quests, such as Plague's End. The reason is because the location tetracompasses can point towards can be occasionally locked behind areas requiring the completion of certain quests, or achieving certain skill levels, which can seriously hinder progression in the Archaeology skill.

Levelling guide (90-99)

Dig sites unlocked: Orthen Dig Site.png: RS3 Inventory image of Orthen Dig SiteOrthen

Total experience between these levels is 556,499‬. At level 90, head to the Orthen Dig Site, which is located on Anachronia. First speak with Mr. Mordaut to watch the cutscene and then walk towards the Crypt of Varanus. Whilst there, activate the Orthen teleportation device before entering the site. Upon entering the site, study the funeral pyre in the middle of the room to unlock the Breath of Fire research mission. Excavate the Varanusaur remains until you finish your collections. While here, you will receive pages for the mystery Crypt o' Zoology, as well as fragments used to create the Archaeology potion recipe. Additionally, you should finish gathering the artefacts from Orthen - Nodon hibernatorium excavation site to upgrade your Cosmic Focus, if you have not already done so.

Varanusaur remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Pasaha10,888.93N/AArtificer's measure
Ritual bell10,888.92N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 614,422. Using either an imcando mattock or elder rune mattock, and having purchased all available mattock upgrades while wearing the full archaeologist's outfit, experience rates average around 117k xp per hour at the spots below between these levels. Ensure you have restored the portal north-east of the gravitron research debris (requires 20 quintessence and 70 Divination) to quick teleport to the area. At level 91, return to the Stormguard Citadel and excavate the gravitron research debris. It is strongly recommended to finish getting the pages for A Study in Aether so you can finish the Stormguard mysteries by level 95.

Gravitron research debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Prototype gravimeter11,277.82N/AN/A
Songbird recorder11,277.83N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 678,376. Using either an imcando mattock or elder rune mattock, and having purchased all available mattock upgrades while wearing the full archaeologist's outfit, experience rates average around 116k xp per hour at the spots below between these levels. At level 92, return to Everlight and begin excavating the Acropolis debris. While excavating the piles, you may come across journal pages for The Epic of Hebe mystery, not to be confused with the item of the same name. Collect all five and speak with Vanescula Drakan to finish the mystery. Additionally, this pile has the last artefact to finish the No Secrets Left to Steal achievement, the rod of Asclepius. Giving this artefact to the statue of Tromple will award the player with an item that can be used to receive 50,000 archaeology experience. One Rod of Asclepius can be obtained from the Ground of the Polis research mission.

Acropolis debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Rod of Asclepius11,666.74Ground of the PolisStatue of Tromple

At level 93, return to Kharid-et and excavate the armarium debris. Total experience between these levels is 748,985. Using either an imcando mattock or elder rune mattock, and having purchased all available mattock upgrades while wearing the full archaeologist's outfit, experience rates average between 120-130k xp per hour at the spots below between these levels. This doesn't include the extra experience you can gain from handing in the pylon batteries gathered.

Armarium debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Zarosian ewer12,5002N/AN/A
Zarosian stein12,5002N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 826,944. Using either an imcando mattock or elder rune mattock, and having purchased all available mattock upgrades while wearing the full archaeologist's outfit, experience rates average around 125k xp per hour at the spots below between these levels. At level 94, return to Warforge and excavate the Yu'biusk animal pen piles.

Yu'biusk animal pen
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Beastkeeper helm13,333.33N/AN/A
Idithuun horn ring13,333.32N/AN/A
'Nosorog!' sculpture13,333.32N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 913,019. Using either an imcando mattock or elder rune mattock, and having purchased all available mattock upgrades while wearing the full archaeologist's outfit, experience rates average around 143k to 150k xp per hour at the spots below between these levels. At level 95, return to Stormguard Citadel and head to the Keshik tower debris (Dayguard Tower). Once you have found a Stormguard gerege (damaged), you can restore it to add to your toolbelt and interact with the Gravitational core (after having made a wingsuit v3). The Howl's Floating Workshop mystery can then be completed, giving you access to Ancient Invention. NOTE: This digsite is very remote. Without porters or magic notepaper, it will take a considerable amount of time to level up here. If you're not using porters, collect what you need to finish collections and the Howl's Floating Workshop mystery and then return to the Yu'biusk animal pen at the Warforge. Porters are integral to maintain the average xp rates stated above. One Stormguard gerege can be obtained from the Night and Day research mission.

Keshik tower debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Dayguard shield14,166.72N/AN/A
Stormguard gerege14,166.73Night and DayHowl's Floating Workshop (tool belt)

Total experience between these levels is 1,008,052. At level 96, return to Orthen Dig Site and head to the Crypt of Varanus, and begin excavating the Dragonkin reliquary. While here, you will receive pages for the mystery Crypt o' Zoology, if not already done so at the Varanusaur remains, as well as fragments used to create the Archaeology potion recipe.

Dragonkin reliquary
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses

Total experience between these levels is 1,112,977. Using either an imcando mattock or elder rune mattock, and having purchased all available mattock upgrades while wearing the full archaeologist's outfit, experience rates average around 152k xp per hour at the spots below between these levels. At level 97, return to Warforge and begin excavating the goblin trainee remains. At this point you can unlock the Goblin Warpaints relic by combining the red hand cave painting (Acquired by placing a restored Thorobshuun battle standard in the north tunnel of the Warforge) with a green skull cave painting (Which you can acquire by taking a restored Garagorshuun anchor to the south tunnel in the Warforge). If you already received either painting but destroyed it, you can receive another by talking to Zanik. One Ourg Megahitter can be obtained from the Dwarven Forge research mission. One Garagorshuun Anchor can be obtained from the Northside research mission.

Goblin trainee remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Garagorshuun anchor15,833.33NorthsideGreen skull cave painting
Ourg megahitter15,833.33Dwarven ForgeAsgarnia Smith
Ourg tower/goblin cower shield15,833.32N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 1,228,825‬. Using either an imcando mattock or elder rune mattock, and having purchased all available mattock upgrades while wearing the full archaeologist's outfit, experience rates average around 172k xp per hour at the spots below between these levels. The most efficient spot would be the Destroyed Golem as it is the closest to a materials cart. At level 98, return to either the Stormguard Citadel (destroyed golem) or the Infernal Source (byzroth remains). Upon completing one of the collections, switch to the other one. It is recommended to do the Infernal Source first, so you spend more time at Stormguard to collect more blueprint pages. At Infernal Source, collect two extra hellfire katars (one from Hell Mouths) so that they can be turned in to Dagon the Gatekeeper for The Rings of Razulei relic item. Also, remember to keep an extra golem heart and golem instruction as it is needed to make golem framework at an invention workbench. One Golem instruction can be obtained from The Aetherium Giant research mission.

Destroyed golem
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Golem heart16,666.73N/AGolem framework
Golem instruction16,666.75The Aetherium GiantGolem framework
Elissa Giovanni

One Hellfire Katar can be obtained from the Hell Mouths research mission.

Byzroth remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Hellfire haladie16,666.72N/AN/A
Hellfire katar16,666.74Hell MouthsThe Rings of Razulei (2 needed)
Hellfire zaghnal16,666.72N/AN/A

Levelling guide (99-110)

Total experience between these levels is 1,356,729. At level 99, return to Orthen Dig Site, head to the Crypt of Varanus and excavate the Dragonkin coffin. While here, you should finish gathering pages for the mystery Crypt o' Zoology, if not already done so. While here you also have a chance to collect fragments of the Summoning renewal recipe. Also, if you're following time sprites, be sure to get your Archaeology cape, as it gives a small boost to discovery speed thanks to the 1% bonus on sprite focus per focus obtained.

Dragonkin coffin
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Death mask17,5003Breath of FireEvil Bob's Catspaw
Dragonkin calendar17,5002N/AN/A
Dragonkin staff17,5002N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 1,497,949‬. Using a mattock of time and space, having purchased all available mattock upgrades and wearing the full master archaeologist's outfit, experience rates average around 183k xp per hour at the spots below between these levels. The most efficient spots would be the Culinarum debris as they are the closest to a materials cart and you can obtain multiple Pylon battery which grant you more experience. At level 100, send out the special research Power Behind the Throne. Upon its completion, head to Warforge and interact with the throne. You will discover that you need a 'Forged in War' sculpture. While you are excavating the Kyzaj champions boudoir pile, recover and restore a Dorgeshuun spear (damaged) and a 'Forged in War' sculpture (damaged) as both items are needed to finish the You Have Chosen... mystery. Use the sculpture on the throne, click the Hidden Button that appears to the side of the throne, give the spear to Zanik, and watch the cutscene to finish the mystery. The wall can then be passed through. One Dorgeshuun Spear can be obtained from the Too Many Bones research mission. One 'Forged in War' sculpture can be obtained from the Power Behind the Throne research mission.

Kyzaj champion's boudoir
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Dorgeshuun spear18,666.73Too Many BonesStick It to Da Boss Man (not consumed)
You Have Chosen...
'Forged in War' sculpture18,666.73Power Behind the ThroneYou Have Chosen...

After completing You Have Chosen... and the collections, feel free to go to either Kharid-et or Everlight. At Kharid-et be sure to keep an extra 'Smoke Cloud' spell scroll as it is needed for The Vault of Shadows mystery.

One spell scroll can be obtained from Where There's Smoke research mission.

Culinarum debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
'Smoke Cloud' spell scroll18,666.75Where There's Smoke...The Vault of Shadows
Vigorem vial18,666.72N/AN/A
Icyene weapon rack
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Kopis dagger18,666.72N/AN/A
Xiphos short sword18,666.72N/AN/A

This is an alternative method to train from 100+.

  • Once the player has reached level 100 they can complete the Saradominist III collection. Turning in this collection rewards the player with a guaranteed tetracompass piece and additional chronotes. Opening tetracompasses are a great secondary method of obtaining experience as they can give multiple complete tomes.
  • The value of one complete tome, including the grand exchange price of the chronotes received from completing the set 4 times for 1 tetracompass and the price of materials required for artefact restoration would be -2,863,084. However, tetracompasses award the player with additional materials, so this cost goes down according to the player's luck.
  • This is regarded as an expensive method of training through these levels, but grants additional experience for the same work done.

Total experience between these levels is 1,653,867‬. At level 101 return to the Orthen Dig Site and head to the Observation outpost. First, it is recommended to complete Incomplete Portal Network I, which allows activating the Orthen teleportation device at this excavation site. This additionally requires 20 ancient vis. Both of the excavation hotspot types within the outpost have a chance to drop the four journals required for the Death Watch mystery. Lastly this is the highest site that provides fragments for the Summoning renewal recipe.

Autopsy table
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Dragon scalpel19,833.33NecropsyArtificer's measure
Protective goggles19,833.33N/AArtificer's measure

Total experience between these levels is 1,826,016. At level 102 stay at the Observation outpost and switch to excavating the Experiment workbench. Soma is an archaeology relic which can be obtained by following the instructions of Skeka's tablet within the observation outpost's ruins, next to the experiment workbench. The Orthen furnace core is a skilling off-hand which requires level 99 Smithing and level 102 Archaeology to create. It provides benefits to the Firemaking and Smithing skills while equipped. This site also has a chance to drop fragments for the Holy aggroverload recipe.

Experiment workbench
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Dragon burner21,0006N/AOrthen furnace core (4 needed)
Orthenglass flask21,0004N/ASoma
Artificer's measure

The Dragonkin II collection only requires four artefacts and awards 75 Rex skeleton fragments per completion, when turning the collection in to Sharrigan. Assuming that the fragments are turned in in sets of 100+ this equals an additional 42,921XP per completion or about 10,000 experience per artefact. This puts the effective XP per artefact at about 31K which is comparable with artefacts of level 110. As such repeating this collection is an effective XP strategy up to level 110 or so. As a bonus it is done in an area that has a material cart and therefore saves on porters.

Total experience between these levels is 2,016,081. By now, it is highly recommended that the player begins to stock up on signs of the porter, as the vast majority of excavation sites past these levels are either extremely remote or do not have a materials cart near them. While some will have slower access to a cart, usually requiring a teleport or leaving the excavation area, this will severely hamper XP rates if one needs to constantly run to a cart to deposit. At level 103, return to Stormguard and excavate the keshik weapon rack.

Keshik weapon rack
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Blackfire lance22,166.72N/AN/A
Nightguard shield22,166.72N/AN/A

Investigate the imposing door in the north-eastern corner of the Daemonheim - Castle excavation site to enable the special research On the Threshold of the Mind. Unlocking the research requires 95 Dungeoneering. Once researched, enter the imposing door to arrive at the Daemonheim - Depths excavation site (requires a 'Friendship bracelet' on the toolbet) and excavate the Projection space piles in the southwest of the room. You will find a Polished stone and 'Charm plate' while excavating, which can be turned into Skaldrun to partially complete the A New Form mystery. You will also have a small chance to find pieces of the Balarak's sash brush. You should also go up the southeastern stairs to collect and read the aged journal to allow collecting pieces of the Skeka's hypnowand on Anachronia.

Projection space
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Golden projection 'needle'22,166.72N/AN/A
Projection attuner22,166.72N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 2,225,933. At level 104, return to either the Infernal Source or Warforge and excavate either the hellfire forge or Warforge scrap pile. One might consider training at the Infernal Source over the Warforge, as the two artefacts from Warforge require materials only obtainable from other digsites. Experience rates average around 210k xp/hour when training at the Hellfire forge with all listed bonuses. It is also worth noting that if using a teleport to the Infernal Source and selecting 'The Harrowing' option when entering the site, one can travel very quickly to and from places such as the Bank. The same holds true for Warforge; teleporting to Thalmund's forge puts you right next to the Warforge scrap pile excavation, saving on porters at the cost of time.

Hellfire forge
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
'Possession' metal sculpture23,333.32N/AN/A
Tsutsaroth piercing23,333.32N/AN/A
Warforge scrap pile
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Huzamogaarb chaos crown23,333.33N/AN/A
Saragorgak star crown23,333.33N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 2,457,626. At level 105, return to Everlight and begin excavating the stockpiled art pile. While excavating, you will commonly find one to ten mosaic pieces. Use 300 mosaic pieces and the restored Hallowed Be the Everlight painting on the elevator to finish the Hallowed Be... mystery. This does not consume the painting. Going up the elevator, use the four bucklers, found while excavating piles/caches on each island, on the statues to start a light puzzle. Complete the puzzle, use the elevator to go up again, and use a kantharos cup on the light to complete The Everlight mystery. Also if not already completed, use a Hallowed lantern from level 42 on the light to make a Hallowed lantern (lit) for 'The Epic of Hebe' (not to be confused with the mystery of the same name). One 'Hallowed Be the Everlight' painting can be obtained from the Battle of Optimatoi research mission.

Stockpiled art
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
'Hallowed Be the Everlight' painting24,5003Battle of OptimatoiHallowed Be... (not consumed)
'The Lord of Light' painting24,5003N/AN/A
'The Pride of Padosan' painting24,5003N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 2,713,437. At level 106 return to the Orthen Dig Site and teleport to the Observation outpost. Enter the site, interact with the Dragonkin Pylon and complete the puzzle by changing the symbols on the Pylon as follows: 3-1-5, 4-1-4, 1-6-7. This results in obtaining a Strange device. Interact with the device and then walk to the Moksha ritual site. At the site, interact with the Dragonkin statue and enter the following chat options: Sha, Cra, Lith, Kab. Then, as before change the symbols as follows: 5-1-6, 4-1-8, 5-1-4. Now you can enter the site and activate the Orthen teleportation device after completing first Incomplete Portal Network II and having 20 unnoted Orthenglass in your inventory. Use of Signs of the Porter is useful at this location. Otherwise, banking can be done by using the Portal Network to teleport to Base Camp and back to the Moksha Ritual Site. While excavating in the area, you will come across four pages (Ethical Concerns, Higher Stakes, Moksha, and Raksha) needed for the Free Your Mind mystery. The restored Singing bowl is used with a rope and small fishing net to catch a tranquil yellow salamander for the mystery Fragmented Memories, see level 108.

Aughra remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Meditation pipe25,666.72N/AN/A
Personal totem25,666.72N/AN/A
Singing bowl25,666.72N/AFragmented Memories (not consumed)

Total experience between these levels is 2,995,874‬. At level 107, return to Kharid-et and excavate the ancient magick munitions piles. Kharid-et pillars must be active or all 8 anchors must be powered to enter through the Praetorium war table. There are two items that will complete the two mysteries at Kharid-et: Animate Dead spell scroll for The Vault of Shadows and portable phylactery for The Forgotten Prisoner. Additionally, there are a total of eleven journal pages to be acquired to finish the Decimation and Shadow Fall mysteries. One spell scroll can be obtained from the Shadow Play research mission.

Ancient magick munitions
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Ancient magic tablet27,0003N/AN/A
'Animate Dead' spell scroll27,0005Shadow PlayThe Vault of Shadows
Portable phylactery27,0004N/AThe Forgotten Prisoner

Return to Daemonheim and pass through the imposing door to arrive at the Depths excavation site. Excavate the Security booth piles in the northeast of the room. A chunk of primal alloy can be found while excavating, which can be handed to Skaldrun to partially complete the A New Form mystery.

Security booth
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Comfort gatestone27,0002N/AN/A
Halak's cube27,0002N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 3,307,711‬. At level 108, return to the Orthen Dig Site and head to the Moksha ritual site. Using a restored Lingam stone, Master control and Singing bowl, obtained from the Moksha device excavation spot, the Fragmented Memories mystery can now be completed. This unlocks the next excavation site: Xolo city.

Moksha device
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Lingam stone28,333.33N/AAccess to Xolo City
Master control28,333.33Mind Your HeadFragmented Memories

Total experience between these levels is 3,652,007. At level 109, return to Everlight and excavate the Bibliotheke debris. If you've managed to obtain a Doru spear (damaged) and a Kontos lance (damaged) from Ancient caskets and obtain a Gathering boost from pulse cores, this is technically the earliest level you can complete the Saradominist IV collection (for Sir Atcha). Doing so awards the Inspire Effort relic, which will boost all archaeology XP by 2%, eight levels early.

Bibliotheke debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
'The Enlightened Soul' scroll29,666.73N/AN/A
'The Eudoxian Elements' tablet29,666.73N/AN/A

Levelling guide (110-120)

Total experience between these levels is 4,032,140. At level 110, return to the Warforge and begin excavating the Warforge weapon rack. While excavating you will have a chance to find journal pages. There are five journal pages to be turned in to Zanik to complete the final mystery, Heart of the Forge.

Warforge weapon rack
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Drogokishuun hook sword31,0002N/AN/A
Hobgoblin mansticker31,0002N/AN/A

After completing the mystery and collection at Warforge, head to the Dagon Overlook at the Infernal Source Dig Site to excavate the Chthonian trophies hotspots. It is highly recommended to return to the Warforge weapon rack after completing these collections, as the Chaos Elemental trophies require hellfire metal that cannot be obtained from these hotspots. Each restoration of a Chaos Elemental trophy would cost 336,600 in hellfire metal alone assuming it is not gathered from a material cache or another hotspot.

Chthonian trophies
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Chaos Elemental trophy31,0002N/AN/A
Virius trophy31,0002N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 4,451,840. At level 111, return to Stormguard and begin excavating the flight research debris.

Flight research debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Flat cap32,333.33N/AN/A
Night owl flight goggles32,333.32N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 4,915,228. At level 112, stay at Stormguard and switch to the Aetherium forge piles. If desired, you can now complete the Mysterious City mystery using Pulse Core boosts for +150 Monolith energy, which may be useful for harnessing multiple energy-intensive Relics. To do so, its recommended to wait at Fort Forinthry on World 84 for other players to activate a Pulse Core boost. It is important to exit to the lobby every ~45 seconds (Can be pushed to 55+ seconds with berseker curse. A timer is recommended) to keep your boost from draining below 120. Now, teleport to Orthen Dig Site and use the Orthen teleportation device to Xolo city if unlocked. Head inside using a restored Lingam stone and excavate the Saurthen debris for a 'Raksha' idol (damaged) and Gold dish (damaged), continuing to Lobby every 45 seconds. Fixate is recommended to ensure you get both unique artefacts. If you have Hi-spec monocles, this is a great time to use them. With enough patience, you will be able to restore the artefacts and use them to complete the Mysterious City mystery, permanently increasing your Monolith energy by 150. It should be noted that a similar method to this may be used for boosting to all desired Relics past this point, notably Conservation of Energy to substantially increase Magic and Necromancy combat efficiency.

Aetherium forge
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Prototype godbow33,666.72N/AN/A
Prototype godstaff33,666.72N/AN/A
Prototype godsword33,666.73Back to the Drawing BoardThat's Not How it Works (damaged, not consumed)
The Subtle Blade

Total experience between these levels is 5,426,849. At level 113 return to the Orthen Dig Site and walk to the Xolo city excavation site after having completed Fragmented Memories. It is recommended to complete Incomplete Portal Network III and bring along 20 Quintessence to unlock the Orthen teleportation device at this site which is located west of the bottom of the staircase leading north from Laniakea. With a restored Lingam stone interact with the door to the east of the staircase to enter the site. You will need 4 pages for the mystery I Am Become Death.

Xolo mine
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Xolo hard hat35,0002N/AN/A
Xolo pickaxe35,0002N/AN/A

After this, research Thought Process and return to Daemonheim and pass through the imposing door to arrive at the Depths excavation site. Excavate the Traveller's station in the northwest of the room. A mangled trinket and cracked totem can be found while excavating, which can be handed to Skaldrun to finish off the A New Form mystery. Continue to excavate here to find the strange token which can be used to complete A New Age.

Traveller's station
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Portable portal generator35,0002N/AN/A
Warped trinket35,0002N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 5,991,725. At this point it is recommended to boost to level 117 with the Archaeology potion (this will take many doses) and complete the Saradominist IV collection (for Sir Atcha). Doing so awards the Inspire Effort relic, which will boost all archaeology XP by 2%. At level 114, return to Kharid-et and begin excavating the Praetorian remains. You can collect Praetorian's log pages and Commander's log pages here if not already done so.

Praetorian remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Praetorian hood36,666.73N/AN/A
Praetorian robes36,666.72N/AN/A
Praetorian staff36,666.73N/AInquisitor staff

This is an alternative method to train from 114 to 120.

  • Once you have reached level 114 and 115, players may begin working toward completing the Zarosian IV and Red Rum Relics III collections. It is recommended to excavate the Praetorian remains and Bandos sanctum debris and stack artefacts in bank until you have reached level 118. This is to maximise the number of artefacts that you have without having to go back at a later stage.
  • Once you have reached level 118, you can move on to excavate the war table debris at Kharid-et. Excavate enough artefacts so that you have an even amount of level 114 and level 118 artefacts and restore them. These 6 artefacts make up the Zarosian IV collection log with Soran and Velucia. Soran will give you 100 pylon batteries for every completed log you hand in. These pylon batteries can be handed into one of the two pylons within the Kharid-et digsite for experience.
  • Note that the Zarosian IV log requires an excessive amount of ancient vis and tyrian purple, with all of the praetorian remains spots requiring the former and war table debris requiring the latter. These two make up the bulk of the log's cost, most of which should be remedied from their respective sites, but part of it will have to be bought or gathered.
  • You should be at least level 119 by now. At this point, you can finish the Red Rum Relics III collection with the makeshift pie oven. Continue excavating until you have an even number of 'Da Boss Man' sculpture artefacts with those received at the level 115 Bandos sanctum debris and restore the artefacts. These 4 artefacts make up the Red Rum Relics III collection log with General Bentnoze and award the player with a tetracompass piece each time the log is handed in. Players have a chance of receiving up to 2 complete tomes with each ancient chest that they open, which will grant either 80,261 or 160,522 experience depending on the amount of tomes obtained from the chest. You should be level 120 once all your artefacts have been restored.
  • If you are aiming for 200m experience, it is recommended to go back and focus on the Red Rum Relics III collection log whilst the Pylon is not active and on the Zarosian IV log for Soran whilst the Pylon buffs are active. This is because Red Rum Relics III requires less materials compared to Zarosian IV. Any Horogothgar cooking pots obtained should be restored, disassembled and turned into timeworn/vintage packs to recoup some of the costs from Zarosian IV.
  • Apart from the excavation experience, a Zarosian IV log grants the player 291,600 experience, while a Red Rum Relics III log grants the player 159,999.9 experience.
  • At level 116, 117 and 118, take a moment to excavate the Tsutsaroth remains, optimatoi remains and Howl's workshop debris so that you can complete the Zamorakian IV, Saradominist IV and Armadylean III collection logs and receive Ariadne's Diadem, Petasos and Howl's Thinking Cap. These can be offered to the Monolith to unlock the Inspire Love, Inspire Effort and Inspire Genius relics, which will allow you to gain 2% more xp when training support skills, gathering skills including Archaeology, and artisan skills respectively. Make sure you harness the Inspire Effort relic whilst training archaeology.

Total experience between these levels is 6,615,397. At this point it is recommended to boost to level 117 with the Cup of soil tea (several will be required), or if you have the focus high enough, an emmissary banner boost will work, and complete the Saradominist IV collection (for Sir Atcha). Doing so awards the Inspire Effort relic, which will boost all archaeology XP by 2%. Otherwise, return to the Warforge (Crucible) and begin excavating the Bandos sanctum debris piles. Due to the low cost of materials and the competitive xp rates, it may be useful to remain here until level 119 and stack up relics to use for the Red Rum Relics III collection. After completing the collection once, it will always award a Tetracompass piece on subsequent completions. This will give a large sum of XP from Complete tomes and miscellaneous damaged artefacts obtained from Ancient caskets, making level 119 a breeze, and give plenty of archaeology-boosting items if the player chooses to level past 120.

Bandos's sanctum debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Kal-i-kra chieftain crown38,333.33N/AN/A
Kal-i-kra mace38,333.32N/AN/A
Kal-i-kra warhorn38,333.32N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 7,303,988. Use your archaeology cape boost to get to level 117 to finish up your Saradominist IV collection (Sir Atcha) for Inspire Effort relic. Return to the Infernal Source (Dagon Overlook) and begin excavating the Tsutsaroth remains.

Tsutsaroth remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Tsutsaroth helm40,0003N/AN/A
Tsutsaroth pauldron40,0002N/AN/A
Tsutsaroth urumi40,0002N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 8,064,254. If you didn't finish the Saradominist IV collection, now is the time. Restore one of each artefact and activate the relic Inspire Effort before restoring more artefacts. Return to Everlight (Underwater cave) and begin excavating the optimatoi remains. If desired, you are now at the level where you can boost to 120 Archaeology to complete the Mysterious City mystery to maximise your monolith energy. With all possible Archaeology bonuses excluding temporary bonuses (e.g. Materials manual), you will need about 17 doses of Archaeology potion.

Optimatoi remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Doru spear41,666.72N/AN/A
Kontos lance41,666.72N/AN/A

Total experience between these levels is 8,903,655. At level 118, you can go to either Kharid-et (Praetorium) and excavate the war table debris, or to the Stormguard Citadel to excavate the Howl's workshop debris. It is highly recommended that you complete the workshop debris collection then remain at the war table debris for the remainder of the level, as every artefact at Howl's workshop requires a material that cannot be obtained at the site (goldrune, white oak, and Orthenglass) and thus will be significantly more expensive in the long run. Remaining at the war table for longer also grants you the extremely rare chance of obtaining an Inquisitor staff piece, although the war table does provide the highest chance of obtaining one (1/50,000 for any piece on a successful excavation, or 1/45,000 with the Kharid-et pylons active). One Chuluu Stone can be obtained from the Howling Man research mission. You can collect Praetorian's log pages and Commander's log pages here if not already done so.

War table debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Ancient globe43,333.32N/AN/A
Battle plans43,333.32N/AN/A
'Prima Legio' painting43,333.33N/AN/A
Howl's workshop debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Chuluu stone43,333.34Howling ManExperimental Aether Reactor
Quintessence counter43,333.32N/AN/A
Spherical astrolabe43,333.32N/AN/A

This is an alternative method to train from 119 to 120.

  • Once the player has reached level 119, they can complete the Green Gobbo Goodies III collection. Turning in this collection rewards the player with a guaranteed tetracompass piece and additional chronotes. Opening tetracompasses are a great secondary method of obtaining experience as they can give multiple complete tomes. Completing the Green Gobbo Goodies III collection requires Archaeology119 Archaeology.
  • The value of one complete tome, including the grand exchange price of the chronotes received from completing the set 4 times for 1 tetracompass and the price of materials required for artefact restoration would be −105,822.67. However, tetracompasses award the player with additional materials, so this cost goes down according to the player's luck.
  • This is regarded as an expensive method of training through these levels, but grants additional experience for the same work done.

Total experience between these levels is 9,830,430. Travel to the Xolo city excavation site and excavate the Xolo remains. You will need 4 pages for the I Am Become Death Mystery.

Xolo remains
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Xolo shield45,0002N/AN/A
Xolo spear45,0002N/AN/A

Now excavate at the Makeshift pie oven (Thalmund's Forge) until you have completed the collections. As this collection is cheaper in the long run, it is recommended to focus this site until 120.

One 'Da Boss Man' sculpture can be obtained from the Big High War Chest research mission.

Makeshift pie oven
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
'Da Boss Man' sculpture45,0004Big High War ChestN/A
Horogothgar cooking pot45,0002N/AN/A

After reaching level 120 you can continue skilling at the Xolo city excavation site by excavating Saurthen debris. This is the highest excavation site available. A restored Gold dish and 'Raksha' idol are required for completing the Mysterious City mystery, which increases the power of the Mysterious monolith by 150. One 'Raksha' idol can be obtained from the Xolo Dorado research mission. For players wishing to power level to 200m, completing the Dragonkin IV collection gives 150 Rex skeleton fragments and 6980 Chronotes, giving 116,010 extra experience per completion. Counting in the 253,333 exp from restoring the artefacts needed, this comes out to 369,343 experience per completion. You will need 4 pages for the I Am Become Death mystery.

Saurthen debris
ArtefactXPTotal neededFrom researchCollectionsOther uses
Gold dish46,666.73N/AMysterious City
'Raksha' idol46,666.73Xolo DoradoMysterious City

All levels

Kharid-et Pylon

When the pylons at Kharid-et reach 100% charge, for the next 30 minutes they will provide a 10% experience increase, 5% precision bonus, and the ability to, extremely rarely, obtain inquisitor staff parts while excavating anywhere in the fortress.

Rex skeleton

When the Orthen skeleton reaches 100% charge, for the next 65 minutes it will provide a 25% increase in experience and a 10% increased drop rate for materials.

Research team unlocks

Researcher Location Requirement Speed modifier Cost modifier Additional perk
Intern (requires assistant qualification)
Jimmy N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A
Scarlet N/A N/A +1% +1% N/A
Katarina North Varrock Dig Site +1% 0% N/A
Dorian East Varrock Dig Site +1% 0% N/A
Eduardo West Varrock Dig Site +1% 0% N/A
Assistant (requires associate qualification)
Alpheus Anachronia base camp Showing a fully completed totem +2% +3% N/A
Eliza Anachronia base camp Showing a fully completed totem +2% +3% N/A
Associate (requires professor qualification)
Drew Archaeology Campus N/A +4% +6% N/A
Helen Archaeology Campus N/A +4% +6% N/A
Easty Archaeology Campus N/A +4% +6% N/A
Professor (requires guildmaster qualification)
Simon Templeton Agility Pyramid N/A +6% +9% N/A
Anna Jones North-east of Varrock, sitting on a bench What Lies Below +6% +9% N/A
Asgarnia Smith Near the rug merchant in the Bedabin Camp +6% +9% Resourceful: Increases the amount of materials found
Elissa Giovanni East Varrock Dig Site +6% +9% Knowledgeable: Increases the chance of discovering artefacts
Dr Nabanik Kharid-et Dig Site Complete Mysteries - Kharid-et +8% +12% Third Age Expert: Guarantees the discovery of an artefact in 2 hours or longer field studies.
Vanescula Everlight Dig Site Complete Mysteries - Everlight +12% +12% Taskmistress: Significantly increases the research speed
Movario Infernal Source Dig Site Complete Mysteries - Infernal Source +8% +12% Extra Resourceful: Greatly increases the amount of materials found
Gee'ka Stormguard Citadel Dig Site Complete Mysteries - Stormguard Citadel +6% +12% Meticulous: 10% increase to Archaeology XP
Zanik Warforge Dig Site Complete Mysteries - Warforge +8% +0% Zealous: Happily works free of charge
Mr Mordaut Orthen Dig Site (Anachronia base camp) Complete Mysteries - Orthen +8% +12% Treasure Holder: Gives a chance to obtain a tetracompass piece (research time in hours/24)

Money-making while training

Completing collections

The Museum - Saradominist II collection displayed in the interface used to hand-in artefacts to Velucia.

Players may obtain chronotes by handing in restored artefacts to collectors. All collectors offer chronotes for each artefact handed in, as well as a set bonus. Velucia offers a slightly larger set bonus for completed collections. Collections can be completed an infinite number of times and always reward the same amount of chronotes. Completing each collection exactly once awards the player with a total of 554,464 chronotes, which is about half the amount required to buy all items in the Archaeology Guild Shop. The following table lists the collections, the level required to complete them, as well as cost calculations:

  1. ^ Includes XP from 20 pylon batteries at level 25.
  2. ^ Includes XP from 50 pylon batteries at level 81.
  3. ^ Includes XP from 100 pylon batteries at level 107.
  4. ^ Includes XP from 100 pylon batteries at level 118.

Torn blueprint fragments (Howl's workshop)

Players can use torn blueprint fragments to create tradeable blueprints for Ancient Invention on the drafting bench in the Howl's workshop which may be sold on the Grand Exchange.


This is an auto-generated list (update now), and shows the first 100 items alphabetically. For all items, click here.

Harvesting caches

Caches are an effective way to make money, since they are geared specifically for harvesting materials. The experience given won't match that of excavation hotspots, because no artefacts can be found at caches. Caches in non-dig site areas do not yield any soil.

As many caches are located far from deposit boxes, players can use a Beast of Burden such as a war tortoise or pack yak to carry more items and reduce the number of bank trips. Players can also bring signs of the porter or the grace of the elves necklace to automatically transport materials to the material storage container.

LevelMaterialAmountHotspotSiteDig siteFactionSite requirementsMembers
5 ArchaeologyZarosian insignia.png: RS3 Inventory image of Zarosian insigniaZarosian insignia4Material cache (Zarosian insignia)Empty Throne Room east excavation siteN/AZarosianNone
5 ArchaeologyZarosian insignia.png: RS3 Inventory image of Zarosian insigniaZarosian insignia2Material cache (Zarosian insignia)Kharid-et - Barracks excavation siteKharid-et Dig SiteZarosian
5 ArchaeologyThird Age iron.png: RS3 Inventory image of Third Age ironThird Age iron3Material cache (Third Age iron)Archaeology Guild excavation siteN/AAgnosticNone
12 ArchaeologyImperial steel.png: RS3 Inventory image of Imperial steelImperial steel4Material cache (imperial steel)Empty Throne Room north excavation siteN/AZarosianNone
12 ArchaeologyImperial steel.png: RS3 Inventory image of Imperial steelImperial steel2Material cache (imperial steel)Kharid-et - Barracks excavation siteKharid-et Dig SiteZarosian
12 ArchaeologySamite silk.png: RS3 Inventory image of Samite silkSamite silk4Material cache (samite silk)Al Kharid east excavation siteN/AAgnosticNone
12 ArchaeologySamite silk.png: RS3 Inventory image of Samite silkSamite silk4Material cache (samite silk)Kharid-et - Exterior excavation siteKharid-et Dig SiteAgnosticNone
17 ArchaeologyWhite oak.png: RS3 Inventory image of White oakWhite oak3Material cache (white oak)Ice mountain excavation siteN/AAgnosticNone
20 ArchaeologyOrthenglass.png: RS3 Inventory image of OrthenglassOrthenglass4Material cache (orthenglass)Anachronia north excavation siteN/AAgnosticNone
20 ArchaeologyGoldrune.png: RS3 Inventory image of GoldruneGoldrune4Material cache (goldrune)Camdozaal cavern excavation siteN/AAgnostic
24 ArchaeologyVellum.png: RS3 Inventory image of VellumVellum3Material cache (vellum)First Tower excavation siteN/AAgnostic
24 ArchaeologyCadmium red.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cadmium redCadmium red2Material cache (cadmium red)Infernal Source - Star Lodge cellar excavation siteInfernal Source Dig SiteZamorakian
  • 20 Archaeology
24 ArchaeologyCadmium red.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cadmium redCadmium red3Material cache (cadmium red)First Tower excavation siteN/AZamorakian
24 ArchaeologyCadmium red.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cadmium redCadmium red2Material cache (cadmium red)Infernal Source - Dagon Overlook south-west excavation siteInfernal Source Dig SiteZamorakian
25 ArchaeologyAncient vis.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ancient visAncient vis2Material cache (ancient vis)Kharid-et - Culinarum excavation siteKharid-et Dig SiteZarosian
25 ArchaeologyTyrian purple.png: RS3 Inventory image of Tyrian purpleTyrian purple4Material cache (Tyrian purple)Empty Throne Room south excavation siteN/AZarosianNone
25 ArchaeologyTyrian purple.png: RS3 Inventory image of Tyrian purpleTyrian purple2Material cache (Tyrian purple)Kharid-et - Barracks excavation siteKharid-et Dig SiteZarosian
25 ArchaeologyAncient vis.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ancient visAncient vis4Material cache (ancient vis)Slayer Tower excavation siteN/AZarosianNone
29 ArchaeologyLeather scraps.png: RS3 Inventory image of Leather scrapsLeather scraps3Material cache (leather scraps)Morytania north excavation siteN/AAgnosticNone
29 ArchaeologyDemonhide.png: RS3 Inventory image of DemonhideDemonhide4Material cache (demonhide)God Wars Dungeon - Zamorak's Fortress east excavation siteN/AZamorakian
29 ArchaeologyChaotic brimstone.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaotic brimstoneChaotic brimstone2Material cache (chaotic brimstone)Infernal Source - Vestibule of Futility south excavation siteInfernal Source Dig SiteZamorakian
29 ArchaeologyDemonhide.png: RS3 Inventory image of DemonhideDemonhide3Material cache (demonhide)Infernal Source - The Harrowing north-east excavation siteInfernal Source Dig SiteZamorakian
29 ArchaeologyChaotic brimstone.png: RS3 Inventory image of Chaotic brimstoneChaotic brimstone3Material cache (chaotic brimstone)Daemonheim south-west excavation siteDaemonheim Dig SiteZamorakianNone
36 ArchaeologyEye of Dagon.png: RS3 Inventory image of Eye of DagonEye of Dagon2Material cache (Eye of Dagon)Infernal Source - Dungeon of Disorder excavation siteInfernal Source Dig SiteZamorakian
36 ArchaeologyHellfire metal.png: RS3 Inventory image of Hellfire metalHellfire metal2Material cache (hellfire metal)Infernal Source - Dungeon of Disorder excavation siteInfernal Source Dig SiteZamorakian
36 ArchaeologyHellfire metal.png: RS3 Inventory image of Hellfire metalHellfire metal5Material cache (hellfire metal)God Wars Dungeon - Zamorak's Fortress north excavation siteN/AZamorakian
36 ArchaeologyHellfire metal.png: RS3 Inventory image of Hellfire metalHellfire metal2Material cache (hellfire metal)Infernal Source - Vestibule of Futility north-east excavation siteInfernal Source Dig SiteZamorakian
36 ArchaeologyHellfire metal.png: RS3 Inventory image of Hellfire metalHellfire metal1Material cache (hellfire metal)Infernal Source - Dagon Overlook north excavation siteInfernal Source Dig SiteZamorakian
36 ArchaeologyEye of Dagon.png: RS3 Inventory image of Eye of DagonEye of Dagon3Material cache (Eye of Dagon)Daemonheim south-west excavation siteDaemonheim Dig SiteZamorakianNone
42 ArchaeologyKeramos.png: RS3 Inventory image of KeramosKeramos3Material cache (keramos)Everlight - Mass grave excavation siteEverlight Dig SiteSaradominist
  • 42 Archaeology
42 ArchaeologyKeramos.png: RS3 Inventory image of KeramosKeramos3Material cache (keramos)God Wars Dungeon - Saradominist south-east excavation siteN/ASaradominist
42 ArchaeologyWhite marble.png: RS3 Inventory image of White marbleWhite marble3Material cache (white marble)First Tower excavation siteN/ASaradominist
42 ArchaeologyWhite marble.png: RS3 Inventory image of White marbleWhite marble2Material cache (white marble)Everlight - Acropolis excavation siteEverlight Dig SiteSaradominist
  • 42 Archaeology
42 ArchaeologyKeramos.png: RS3 Inventory image of KeramosKeramos2Material cache (keramos)Everlight - Oikoi excavation siteEverlight Dig SiteSaradominist
  • 42 Archaeology
42 ArchaeologyWhite marble.png: RS3 Inventory image of White marbleWhite marble2Material cache (white marble)Everlight - Dominion Games stadium excavation siteEverlight Dig SiteSaradominist
  • 42 Archaeology
48 ArchaeologyCobalt blue.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cobalt blueCobalt blue3Material cache (cobalt blue)God Wars Dungeon - Saradominist south-east excavation siteN/ASaradominist
48 ArchaeologyCobalt blue.png: RS3 Inventory image of Cobalt blueCobalt blue2Material cache (cobalt blue)Everlight - Amphitheatre excavation siteEverlight Dig SiteSaradominist
  • 42 Archaeology
51 ArchaeologyStar of Saradomin.png: RS3 Inventory image of Star of SaradominStar of Saradomin3Material cache (Star of Saradomin)Barrows mounds excavation siteN/ASaradoministNone
51 ArchaeologyEverlight silvthril.png: RS3 Inventory image of Everlight silvthrilEverlight silvthril2Material cache (Everlight silvthril)Everlight - Dominion Games stadium excavation siteEverlight Dig SiteSaradominist
  • 42 Archaeology
51 ArchaeologyEverlight silvthril.png: RS3 Inventory image of Everlight silvthrilEverlight silvthril3Material cache (Everlight silvthril)Barrows mounds excavation siteN/ASaradoministNone
51 ArchaeologyStar of Saradomin.png: RS3 Inventory image of Star of SaradominStar of Saradomin2Material cache (Star of Saradomin)Everlight - Acropolis excavation siteEverlight Dig SiteSaradominist
  • 42 Archaeology
58 ArchaeologyBlood of Orcus.png: RS3 Inventory image of Blood of OrcusBlood of Orcus3Material cache (Blood of Orcus)Slayer Tower excavation siteN/AZarosianNone
58 ArchaeologyBlood of Orcus.png: RS3 Inventory image of Blood of OrcusBlood of Orcus2Material cache (Blood of Orcus)Kharid-et - Chapel excavation siteKharid-et Dig SiteZarosian
60 ArchaeologySoapstone.png: RS3 Inventory image of SoapstoneSoapstone4Material cache (soapstone)Waiko excavation siteN/AAgnostic
70 ArchaeologyStormguard steel.png: RS3 Inventory image of Stormguard steelStormguard steel3Material cache (Stormguard steel)Stormguard Citadel - Research & Development south-west excavation siteStormguard Citadel Dig SiteArmadylean
70 ArchaeologyWings of War.png: RS3 Inventory image of Wings of WarWings of War2Material cache (Wings of War)Stormguard Citadel - Dayguard tower excavation siteStormguard Citadel Dig SiteArmadylean
70 ArchaeologyWings of War.png: RS3 Inventory image of Wings of WarWings of War4Material cache (Wings of War)God Wars Dungeon - Armadylean south-west excavation siteN/AArmadylean
70 ArchaeologyStormguard steel.png: RS3 Inventory image of Stormguard steelStormguard steel4Material cache (Stormguard steel)God Wars Dungeon - Armadylean south-west excavation siteN/AArmadylean
70 ArchaeologyWings of War.png: RS3 Inventory image of Wings of WarWings of War2Material cache (Wings of War)Stormguard Citadel - Nightguard tower excavation siteStormguard Citadel Dig SiteArmadylean
73 ArchaeologyOrgone.png: RS3 Inventory image of OrgoneOrgone3Material cache (orgone)Anachronia west excavation siteN/ADragonkinNone
73 ArchaeologyDragon metal.png: RS3 Inventory image of Dragon metalDragon metal3Material cache (dragon metal)Ancient cavern excavation siteN/ADragonkin
73 ArchaeologyOrgone.png: RS3 Inventory image of OrgoneOrgone2Material cache (orgone)Orthen - Xolo city excavation siteOrthen Dig SiteDragonkin
73 ArchaeologyDragon metal.png: RS3 Inventory image of Dragon metalDragon metal1Material cache (dragon metal)Orthen - Xolo city excavation siteOrthen Dig SiteDragonkin
73 ArchaeologyOrgone.png: RS3 Inventory image of OrgoneOrgone2Material cache (orgone)Orthen - Moksha ritual site excavation siteOrthen Dig SiteDragonkin
76 ArchaeologyArmadylean yellow.png: RS3 Inventory image of Armadylean yellowArmadylean yellow3Material cache (Armadylean yellow)Stormguard Citadel - Relay station excavation siteStormguard Citadel Dig SiteArmadylean
76 ArchaeologyArmadylean yellow.png: RS3 Inventory image of Armadylean yellowArmadylean yellow2Material cache (Armadylean yellow)Stormguard Citadel - Keshik memorial excavation siteStormguard Citadel Dig SiteArmadylean
76 ArchaeologyMalachite green.png: RS3 Inventory image of Malachite greenMalachite green2Material cache (malachite green)Warforge - Crucible arena excavation siteWarforge Dig SiteBandosian
  • 76 Archaeology
76 ArchaeologyVulcanised rubber.png: RS3 Inventory image of Vulcanised rubberVulcanised rubber3Material cache (vulcanised rubber)Feldip shores excavation siteN/ABandosianNone
76 ArchaeologyArmadylean yellow.png: RS3 Inventory image of Armadylean yellowArmadylean yellow3Material cache (Armadylean yellow)Empyrean Citadel excavation siteN/AArmadylean
76 ArchaeologyWarforged bronze.png: RS3 Inventory image of Warforged bronzeWarforged bronze2Material cache (warforged bronze)Warforge - Crucible arena excavation siteWarforge Dig SiteBandosian
  • 76 Archaeology
76 ArchaeologyWarforged bronze.png: RS3 Inventory image of Warforged bronzeWarforged bronze4Material cache (warforged bronze)God Wars Dungeon - Bandos's Stronghold excavation siteN/ABandosian
76 ArchaeologyMalachite green.png: RS3 Inventory image of Malachite greenMalachite green3Material cache (malachite green)God Wars Dungeon - Bandos's Stronghold excavation siteN/ABandosian
76 ArchaeologyAnimal furs.png: RS3 Inventory image of Animal fursAnimal furs4Material cache (animal furs)Feldip excavation siteN/AAgnosticNone
76 ArchaeologyWarforged bronze.png: RS3 Inventory image of Warforged bronzeWarforged bronze3Material cache (warforged bronze)God Wars Dungeon - Bandosian north excavation siteN/ABandosian
76 ArchaeologyMark of the Kyzaj.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mark of the KyzajMark of the Kyzaj3Material cache (Mark of the Kyzaj)God Wars Dungeon - Bandosian west excavation siteN/ABandosian
76 ArchaeologyWarforged bronze.png: RS3 Inventory image of Warforged bronzeWarforged bronze2Material cache (warforged bronze)Warforge - North goblin tunnelsWarforge Dig SiteBandosian
76 ArchaeologyMark of the Kyzaj.png: RS3 Inventory image of Mark of the KyzajMark of the Kyzaj2Material cache (Mark of the Kyzaj)Warforge - North goblin tunnelsWarforge Dig SiteBandosian
76 ArchaeologyVulcanised rubber.png: RS3 Inventory image of Vulcanised rubberVulcanised rubber4Material cache (vulcanised rubber)Warforge - South goblin tunnels excavation siteWarforge Dig SiteBandosian
77 ArchaeologyCompass rose.png: RS3 Inventory image of Compass roseCompass rose2Material cache (compass rose)Orthen - Crypt of Varanus excavation siteOrthen Dig SiteDragonkin
  • 90 Archaeology
77 ArchaeologyCompass rose.png: RS3 Inventory image of Compass roseCompass rose4Material cache (compass rose)Ancient cavern excavation siteN/ADragonkin
77 ArchaeologyMalachite green.png: RS3 Inventory image of Malachite greenMalachite green2Material cache (malachite green)Warforge - North goblin tunnelsWarforge Dig SiteBandosian
78 ArchaeologyFelt.png: RS3 Inventory image of FeltFelt4Material cache (felt)Anachronia west excavation siteN/ADragonkinNone
78 ArchaeologyFelt.png: RS3 Inventory image of FeltFelt2Material cache (felt)Orthen - Crypt of Varanus excavation siteOrthen Dig SiteDragonkin
  • 90 Archaeology
78 ArchaeologyCarbon black.png: RS3 Inventory image of Carbon blackCarbon black3Material cache (carbon black)Mount Firewake excavation siteN/ADragonkin
78 ArchaeologyCarbon black.png: RS3 Inventory image of Carbon blackCarbon black2Material cache (carbon black)Orthen - Moksha ritual site excavation siteOrthen Dig SiteDragonkin
81 ArchaeologyFossilised bone.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fossilised boneFossilised bone3Material cache (fossilised bone)Ancient cavern excavation siteN/AAgnostic
81 ArchaeologyFossilised bone.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fossilised boneFossilised bone3Material cache (fossilised bone)Odd Old Man - excavation siteN/AAgnosticNone
83 ArchaeologyYu'biusk clay.png: RS3 Inventory image of Yu'biusk clayYu'biusk clay2Material cache (Yu'biusk clay)Warforge - Animal pens excavation siteWarforge Dig SiteBandosian
83 ArchaeologyYu'biusk clay.png: RS3 Inventory image of Yu'biusk clayYu'biusk clay4Material cache (Yu'biusk clay)Feldip shores excavation siteN/ABandosianNone
85 ArchaeologyAetherium alloy.png: RS3 Inventory image of Aetherium alloyAetherium alloy2Material cache (aetherium alloy)Stormguard Citadel - Research & Development north-west excavation siteStormguard Citadel Dig SiteArmadylean
85 ArchaeologyAetherium alloy.png: RS3 Inventory image of Aetherium alloyAetherium alloy2Material cache (aetherium alloy)Stormguard Citadel - Research & Development north-east excavation siteStormguard Citadel Dig SiteArmadylean
85 ArchaeologyAetherium alloy.png: RS3 Inventory image of Aetherium alloyAetherium alloy3Material cache (aetherium alloy)Empyrean Citadel excavation siteN/AArmadylean
90 ArchaeologyDragon metal.png: RS3 Inventory image of Dragon metalDragon metal2Material cache (dragon metal)Orthen - Observation outpost excavation siteOrthen Dig SiteDragonkin
  • 90 Archaeology
90 ArchaeologyFelt.png: RS3 Inventory image of FeltFelt2Material cache (felt)Orthen - Observation outpost excavation siteOrthen Dig SiteDragonkin
  • 90 Archaeology
91 ArchaeologyQuintessence.png: RS3 Inventory image of QuintessenceQuintessence3Material cache (quintessence)Empyrean Citadel excavation siteN/AArmadylean
91 ArchaeologyQuintessence.png: RS3 Inventory image of QuintessenceQuintessence2Material cache (quintessence)Stormguard Citadel - Research & Development north-east excavation siteStormguard Citadel Dig SiteArmadylean
91 ArchaeologyQuintessence.png: RS3 Inventory image of QuintessenceQuintessence3Material cache (quintessence)Stormguard Citadel - Howl's workshop excavation siteStormguard Citadel Dig SiteArmadylean

Screening soil

Players can buy various types of soil on the Grand Exchange, and then screen them at the screening station in the Archaeology Campus for experience and materials. Rarely, damaged artefacts may be found while sifting soil. Some soil will not yield any rewards, although most of them generally do, though this is typically limited to more common materials.

There are six different types of soil not counting the Senntisten soil used during the tutorial. The minimum level is the level required to be able to screen that soil. The maximum level is the highest level of the material which can be obtained with that soil. With higher levels, players will get more valuable materials and experience with the same type of soil. The soil box can be used to screen more soil at one time, maximum capacity is 500 each with all soil box upgrade.

Soil type Minimum level Maximum level GE price GE price for 500
Senntisten soil.png: RS3 Inventory image of Senntisten soilSenntisten soil 1 1 N/A N/A
Ancient gravel.png: RS3 Inventory image of Ancient gravelAncient gravel 5 58 1,442 721,000
Fiery brimstone.png: RS3 Inventory image of Fiery brimstoneFiery brimstone 20 36 3,060 1,530,000
Saltwater mud.png: RS3 Inventory image of Saltwater mudSaltwater mud 42 51 2,541 1,270,500
Aerated sediment.png: RS3 Inventory image of Aerated sedimentAerated sediment 70 91 2,547 1,273,500
Earthen clay.png: RS3 Inventory image of Earthen clayEarthen clay 76 83 2,271 1,135,500
Volcanic ash.png: RS3 Inventory image of Volcanic ashVolcanic ash 90 120 1,615 807,500

Using screening station

A fast method to screen soil is as follows:

  1. Only equip the archaeological soil box, keeping the rest of the backpack empty
  2. Visit the bank chest at the Archaeology Campus
  3. Select "Fill" option on the soil box to fill it with all the soil types from your bank; maximum capacity is 500 each with soil box upgrade
  4. Walk to the screening station and screen your soil until your backpack is full of materials
  5. Deposit all materials to material storage container after setting the default option to "Deposit-All"
  6. Repeat from step 2

Using Sift Soil

Required items
Optional items

With a full soil box and required items, players can cast Sift Soil near any material storage container and deposit all materials. If using grace of the elves, dwarf weed incense sticks, sign of the porter benefit from premier artefact, players can expect roughly 5,680 materials per hour.

Money making guides

The following money making guides are available for Archaeology training:

MethodHourly profitSkillsOther requirements
Excavating Material cache (Cadmium red)2,025,400 24 Archaeology None
Excavating Stormguard steel3,749,172 76 Archaeology (higher recommended) None
Excavating Third Age iron1,224,440 Archaeology (higher recommended) None
Excavating Tsutsaroth remains4,970,100
  • 116 Archaeology
  • 50 Summoning optional
Excavating Venator remains1,743,448 Archaeology (higher recommended) None
Excavating Xolo remains4,967,050
  • 119 Archaeology
  • 50 Summoning optional
Excavating blood of Orcus3,691,664
  • 58 Archaeology
  • 50 Summoning optional
Excavating cobalt blue material cache3,052,250 48 Archaeology None

Alternative methods of gaining experience


The special research interface.

Once the player becomes an assistant, the player can send research missions from the Exam Centre at the cost of chronotes. The cost and experience scales upwards with the player's Archaeology level, the dig site the team is sent to, and the team members sent.

Intern, assistant, associate, and professor researchers require the player to obtain one rank higher (e.g. to recruit professor researchers, the player needs to be a guildmaster). Some of these researchers will require an item, while some require both an item and a specific quest completed in order to join.

Consultants can only be recruited when the player has solved all mysteries from their respective dig site; full completion is not required. They are incredibly useful to bring along, depending on the duration of the expedition; however, they generally have a high cost modifier to make up for their abilities.

Each researcher has a speed and cost modifier, which decreases the time it takes to finish an expedition, and the amount of chronotes needed to start it respectively. Higher researchers will have more speed, but cost more to be sent.

There are two types of research available: normal and special research.

Normal research can be done in intervals of 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 hour runs, with the cost increasing accordingly based on the time for the expedition. At the end of the expedition, the team will return with resources, both agnostic and unique. Occasionally they will also bring in artefacts based on the player's Archaeology level. Normal research for the dig sites are available once the player accesses that dig site for the first time.

Special research is limited and are found by studying special features in each dig site. These are faster to complete than a normal expedition, but only yield one artefact that is typically linked to solving a mystery. Special research cannot be boosted.

When sending out long expeditions, send the best researchers you have available - Movario and Asgarnia Smith are particularly useful and should be prioritised for the research team due to their Resourceful ability that causes the expedition to yield more resources when they return.

Dr Nabanik is useful if sending out 2+ hour expeditions as he will always bring back an artefact. Mr Mordaut is also useful for 24 hour expeditions as this basically guarantees a tetracompass piece.

Once unlocked, Zanik should take priority for any expedition duration, as she comes with an 8% speed modifier and has no cost modifier, as she works free of charge.

Always try to send out your team, schedule your time properly preferably every 2 hours if you have Dr Nabanik unlocked, in order to maximise experience gains. It is also advisable to send out expeditions to the dig site you are currently training at as the materials gathered can provide a surplus for your restorations.

Complete tomes

While excavating at a digsite or material caches, players may occasionally find complete tomes. These can be brought to Guildmaster Tony's desk to copy the text for Archaeology experience, which scales with the player's level. Having tier 3 or tier 4 luck will increase the rate of finding these tomes.

Complete tomes are also a reward from ancient caskets, which always contain 1-2 tomes. While tomes cannot be banked, those obtained from ancient caskets can technically be "banked" as long as the player keeps the casket, the tetracompass or its parts stored in the bank.

If players are particularly interested in mass collecting tomes for experience, complete a collector's log that awards a tetracompass piece - one that is easy to make, and if possible, accordingly to the player's Archaeology level. Note that in order to make a tetracompass, the player needs 30 each of the dig site colours.

Books/quests for Archaeology experience

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Certain areas in digsites, such as bookshelves and chests, when searched, grant rewards, including Archaeology Experience. These are all 1-time rewards, and will not grant further rewards after being searched.

Location Item of interest Items required Rewards
Main Fortress Shadow anchors 80 (10 per anchor) Pylon battery See here Archaeology experience
Infernal Source
Star Lodge cellar Chests N/A Crest of Dagon

Crest of Dagon (damaged)
500 Archaeology experience

Dungeon of Disorder Bookshelves N/A 1,500 Archaeology experience
The Source Portals N/A 1,200 Archaeology experience
Oikoi (households) Statue of Hebe 10 × White marble

Hallowed lantern

785 Archaeology experience

'Frying pan' (damaged) 24 × Keramos
20 × Third Age iron

Amphitheatre Statue of Mesomedes 10 × White marble

Everlight harp

1,149 Archaeology experience

Hand of glory (Everlight)

Dominion Games podium Statue of Padosan 10 × White marble

Dominion torch

Gold Dominion medal
Oikos (fishing huts) Statue of Tromple 10 × White marble

Rod of Asclepius

50,000 Archaeology experience
Stormguard Citadel
Stormguard Citadel Dig Site

(first island set)

Wingsuit v1 10 × White marble

40 × Samite silk
20 × Leather scraps
9 × Stormguard steel
1 × Armadylean yellow
Wingsuit v1 (damaged)

10,000 Archaeology experience


The tetracompass is a mechanic similar to the crystal triskelion in that the pieces are obtained randomly while excavating or obtained from completing certain collections. A completed powered tetracompass then becomes similar to a Treasure Trail compass clue leading to an ancient casket. The rewards offer many resources along with complete tomes. For information on training as well as profit making, see Tetracompass value. While you can obtain the pieces randomly (increasing with tier 2 or higher luck), some collections offer tetracompass pieces when completed.

The best tetracompass collections are that from the goblin generals Bentnoze and Wartface, as their collections are relatively high-levelled, providing a good amount of experience while the player stockpiles artefacts for mass-handing. Red Rum Relics III is by far the easiest tetracompass collection (simply requiring artefacts from 2 spots), but requires 119 Archaeology in order to be completed.

Quests for Archaeology experience


Players can complete various Mysteries as they level up in order to gain additional Archaeology experience.