Help Khanya Hospice!
Help Khanya Hospice!
We have three Hospice charity shops where we would put these items up for sale to generate most needed income. This will help us to sustain the work that Khanya Hospice is doing.
We offer Free Palliative Nursing Care to patients with life threatening diseases and support to their families. Our care is free of charge to the patients, but is not free for us to provide.
Hospice would also like to thank one and all who so generously give to our shops - without your donation, it will be rather difficult for us to provide.
We are always looking for Volunteers who can help in our shops, with our office computers and fundraising. Please contact Hospice on Contact 039 973 0277/1783 or e-mail: [email protected]
Donations and Goods can be dropped off at our pick up depot in Ballito. Just call Heleen on 083 656 0864 for direction or call Hospice to collect 083 597 8985.