What's The Issue?
What's The Issue?
Date: 2016-02-05
What is this world coming to and how can we ever hope to make a significant difference when up against odds like these?
On the environmental side, we the people face incredible odds, what with the Hidden Carbon subsidy turning a blind eye to the world belching over 35 gigtons of carbon into our breathing air every year. The governments we vote into power turn around and sell us down the river like so many water rats. The chancs of us building a future that uses sustainable energy for our existence is being thwarted every day by the very people we expect to protect us.
Opec and those billionaire oil barons are not going to lie down and let it go, and with the phenomenal amount of profit they are making, we the people are being compromised over and over again.
As if that were not enough, the world has been thrown into turmoil with the migrant crisis in Europe and the inhuman suffering and strife caused by senseless wars raging in the Middle East. Take Turkey for example tossing its toys out of the cot because a Russian fighter, that is trying to rid this planet of the curse of IS, allegedly crossed into their airspace. So what of it? Russia deny it having ever happened and the war mongering NATO now refuses to prove that the incident happened siting "classified information" as their reason. I kid you not but I am convinced that they just dying to start another war within the war they already have going on.
Then as if we were not worth even the least amount of consideration as a species, the people in power collude to allow people like Monsanto and Cargill the Agri giant, and a handful of other food producers to slowly surreptitiously take control of our food security and food production. Further enslaving us the people. They have even colluded to generate a study that detracts from organic food and promotes the genetically modified, hormone enhanced, germ free replica. "Organic food is free of pesticides and genetic manipulation, both of which are proven to cause learning disabilities, decreased IQ, sterility, and a myriad of other health problems including a wide variety of cancers," says the LD (Land Destroyers) website.
Then there is the tax debacle and we see these multi million dollar profit organisations getting away with paying taxes that are so blatantly unfair it can cause your eyes to water, especially when you look at your tax assessment and see the 40 to 50 % tax you have to pay.
All the while we continue to vote these gangsters into power and they continue to sell us out to the big corporations that treat us like so many vermin. How do we allow the snuffing out of beloved species, how do we live with ourselves sending our children to die in these senseless conflicts? How did we lose sight of our Higher Power to such an extent as this?